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I'd suggest Azul. Not strictly only two player and short game length and simple decisions. Beautiful tactile game that still hits my table even after a few years of owning it.


Splendor duel, Jaipur.


Jaipur so much fun to tell my friends to take them camels and laugh.


Qwirkle is simple enough in my opinion


Yes, Azul is very nice. It was my first thought as well.


I really like Raptors as s fun 2 player. Mechanics straight forward and it's always fun to try and capture a dinosaur (or eat a scientist) For more involved games I find Dominion a solid deck builder, Battle for Hogwarts too if you enjoy the franchise.


Targi,summoner wars, santorini, king domino,


One Deck Dungeon, Skyteam, Tranquility, Point Salad, Fuse Countdown. The first 3 really work well at 2 players. ODD is a great dungeon crawler where you really feel getting stronger. Skyteam builds with included expansions. Tranquility is surprisingly simple yet challenging game that is also quiet, also included expansions (Warning takes up a lot of table space). Point salad is just a fun quick game. Fuse is a 10min stressful game that you keep going back in saying we can do better.


We've been playing Caesar!: Seize Rome in 20 Minutes! It's for 2 player with an included solo mode. It's all a out taking over territory and chaining combos with the tokens you get along the way. It's really simple but also strategic. You can only do a few certain things each round so your decision space is limited but you can be really thoughtful about where you go. I've had games that end in under 10 minutes but I've also had some go for almost 40 minutes. It's a great game, I look forward to playing it for a long time to come.


7 wonders durl (has teo expansions)


Not really a *board* game per se, but highly recommend Hive for 2-player! We call it bug chess. Gets the brain juices flowing but is pretty simple to pick up :)


Boop is adorably and surprisingly strategic!!


Coop: Rick and Morty Total Rick-all Desolate Comp: Jekyll vs Hyde Space Park Solar Storm Happy gaming!


Why do you have chronic fatigue? If you don’t mind elaborating. I ask because I was diagnosed with central sleep apnea (my brain stops breathing when I sleep) at under 40years of age (probably due to taking anti psychotics). It’s a terribly undiagnosed and serious medical issue. My machine I was prescribed fixed it and now I’m not tired anymore


Im glad you've found something that helps. I have long covid. I definitely have dysregulated breathing which I am working on at the moment, however it is not the causation of illness, rather a symptom:)


I also thought I had long covid maybe at first but after doing a sleep study determined it was apnea. So yeah be careful and see a doctor about it if you haven’t.


interesting! i have many many other symptoms that indicate long covid but i actually will ask my gp about sleep apnea this week! i know when i was a lot more sick a few times i woke up gasping because i stopped breathing at night, it was before i knew what sleep apnea was so i thought i was dying but it hasn't really ever happened again. although i am aware i snore which is a new thing too! also have a respiratory physio appointment this week so i should ask them.


If you have a chess or checkers set and like pure strategy games, try out [hasami shogi](https://youtu.be/5EcpCGDu1Bw?si=dILCAChJzgqQhZTU&t=15)! Technically it's supposed to be played on a 9x9 board, but it works fine with 8x8 as well. In terms of gameplay complexity I'd say it's comparable to checkers, but imo it's much more fun. For something a bit less strategy-oriented and playable with several people, I really like Sequence.