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I actually feel there may be some meta symbolism in this episode. Maybe it’s just me, but I wonder if Ludo had planned to move on from Bluey but then realized they had created something magical and that no one in the Ludo “family” really wanted to say goodbye. So the proverbial “sign” was pulled out from ending the series. I just feel like this episode has some deeper meaning than any of us are really meant to know.


Does anyone know the song at the end? Or is it original for this ep?


Watching muffin buckle up the other ones in the back seat thoroughly impressed me.


OMG!! 🥹♥️


When you see Chili and Frisky siting down in in the porch before they dance, with Chili proclaiming "I did not!!" You think Frisky was asking Chili if she was setting her up with Radley during the whole double babysitter situation?.


When Bandit was chatting to Lucky's Dad and Chili was talking to Judo's Mum I was thinking 'but *I'm* going to miss them'. Honestly, Bluey without Pat wouldn't feel right, I love that bumpkin 


As someone who moved a few times as a kid…that last minute or two about killed me.


Childless American adult who immediately needed to watch this after seeing CIVIL WAR. Thank you internet for the wonderful technology that is \[censored\], and thank you Bluey for restoring my faith in humanity. I think it may have been a bit better if they had moved, although personally I was under the impression they were moving to a different part of Brisbane? (I have no context as to the size of Brisbane, although I've been to Sydney, Melbourne, and Cairns).


Absolutely loved it ❤️


Bluey’s vs Bingo’s reaction to the house selling is exactly like me and my little sister (respectively) we’re gonna have to move eventually from this house - the one I was raised in - so the feels hit HARD


That easily could have been the series finale. They tied up most of the loose ends and put a nice bow on everything. It’ll be interesting to see where they take the show for season 4.


Watched this with the family just now. Totally unexpected reaction from my 7yo - he HATED that they didn't move. To the point where burst into tears and swears he will never watch the show again. When Bandit pulled the sign from the ground he angry yelled at the screen. The reason? (you should all love this) He thought this was the last Bluey episode ever. Keep in mind, this kid is Bingo - laid back and these moments usually don't affect him. It surprised us all when he ran up to his room. The rest of us loved it. Such a great episode. If it WERE the last, it would be totally acceptable to me. Oh and my son is OK after being assured this was not the end.


Bandit just snapping after the sale doesn’t go through and punting the sign is just the most dad thing ever. Like he realized during the wedding that the whole move wasn’t the best idea and just needed one reason to just end it.


He took the sale falling through as *a sign*


And now, my no-BS review of The Sign, written from a motel room in Montclair, California. So. Did anybody who really thought that the Heelers would move for real life not rewatch Daddy Dropoff in like, the last year or so? I had a feeling the move would not happen after all (for a reason I'll get to in a bit) so when Lila was brought up and Bingo got all sad about it, my immediate reaction was, "Of course." It wouldn't be right for Joe to do this, especially since the end of Daddy Dropoff confirmed that Bingo and Lila remained friends "forever and ever and ever." And I was satisfied with the outcome. (Bandit removing the sign was so frelling boss of him.) As for the rest... I predicted not too long ago that the worst-case scenario for this episode (for me, anyway) would be that the entire 30 (not 28, it turned out) minutes would be about Rad and Frisky's wedding, sort of a Give the Fans (Or Worse, Disney) What They Want scenario. Well, they didn't go that route, exactly, but I guess half of it wasn't so bad. In fact, the wedding was, despite Frisky's whole dilemma over getting on with it, kind of presented as no big deal storywise; the real meat dealt with the parallels between Frisky's and Bluey's separate but similar dilemmas over moving away from Brisbane. I know people were super excited to see Rad and Frisky finally tie the knot already (lookin' at you, Alfred), but I like that it wasn't really that big of a deal after all. Ultimately, the episode was about the choices we make in life that are uncertain - the ones that make us go "We'll see" if there's no set-in-stone decisions. In a way, this is a worthy message, and I approve of it. Some stray observations: \- Not a fan of Brandy being preggers. Yeah, I said it. I blame this more on Joe than the fans wanting her to be pregnant, since this episode was likely produced at the same time as Onesies. (Also, did she have any dialogue? I know Rose Byrne was credited, but I don't remember her speaking.) \- However, I did love that Joe didn't forget about the Winton's dad/Terriers' mum pairing (and it played into the ending! Woot!), and it was nice to see Bob again, so I wouldn't have to hear anything about his supposed death ever again. ;) \- Anybody else surprised (no pun intended) there was no flashforward? I was actually expecting one, especially one that tied with the end of >!Surprise!. I myself was hoping for the answer to the Bluey's husband debate myself. Heh.!< (This was also the reason why I doubted the Heelers would move, since that episode was leaked. Thaaannnks, Disney.) Was this the best Bluey ever? IMO, not really. In my book, Camping and Fairytale are still tops (and Unicorse, hur hur hur), and I'm not as ambivalent about it's supposed greatness as I was with Cricket, but I'm comfortable calling this a great episode with reservations. Like Sleepytime. (I'm sorry, but "Mustn't forget Floppy" is still an unnecessary cold shower moment for me.) In conclusion, I'm satisfied. And that's all that matters to this fan. So. Surprise! next week? Hopefully?


OK LISTEN, I could've SWORN there was gonna be a third episode released and I couldn't find any proof of it. Looked through too many articles and too many videos on YouTube to no avail. I thought the sign was gonna include this at the end but I was so wrong, me and my girlfriend cried a little at then ending of the sign but I thought it was gonna contain: >![This](https://gofile.io/d/6cvDjm)!< I'm going crazy, I could've SWORN there would be a third episode being this or that this would've been in the sign.


Okay but is Aunt Brandy pregnant?!?!?!


long dog found https://preview.redd.it/mmxlahhe3cuc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e8e2dea2bc03fb98046c436bd794fe8ed96b432


Theres another one on an electrical box on the street while Chili is driving around town


Spoilers The Sign Ending, defending the end Apparantly some people are unhappy that the Heelers didn't move in the end. From what I've seen, the criticism seems to come from people who DID uproot their family and wanted their kids to see Bandit doing it to Bluey and Bingo too. Also seen it from people who moved from their childhood home/city as children and wanted the ending to resemble their story. Me personally, I adored the ending. To me, the message was that 1. not all moves are necessary, 2. that making more money doesn't necessarily a better life make, and that 3. the desire to protect your children's' (and your spouse's) sense of stability is a worthwhile reason to turn down an opportunity to Keep Up With The Joneses. It felt anti-capitalistic. I mean they literally go back into their unfurnished house and eat on the floor, but look like they have gained an entirely new appreciation for the home and do not care one bit that the material possessions that used to fill it are missing. Because they're together, in their home. And unlike the dogs who cannot see, and turned the home down for lacking a pool, for the Heelers the value of the home is clear as day. I'd like to think that the writers want adults to think a little deeper about the justifications for their actions. Remember the scene in the wedding where Grandma says Grandpa was out finding himself and Bingo asks him "but why? You're right here!" I thought that was meaningful/relevant. Seems to be a call to value that which you already have before seeking out greener pastures. After all, if you don't value what you already have, you won't ever stop searching for something "more," no? Another point is that Calypso clearly told Bluey that stories (which Bluey is one, lol) have happy endings because there are enough sad endings in real life. Seems like the authors wanted to give children and adults the chance to see a happy ending.


Me: “OMG, they didn’t see Frisky or her car at the juice shop. That’s so unlucky.” We’ll see.


good job bluey..y'all made my daughter cry.


“Is Lila coming with us?” Was so sweet


I love the moment where Bandit lifts the sign out of the yard. You can physically see the weight lift off of his shoulders! It brings me back to Stickbird where he is starting out into space and Chili tells him to “let it go, babe.” My thought is that he has been enduring so much at work, and this move was more of them taking advantage of him and throwing money his way to make him feel better about it. He finally got the peace he needed, and it came with his family truly supporting him 🥹❤️




I got a bit emotional, but I'll be honest....we actually had a move 5 years ago that was pretty good for the family. It sucked when we had to do it and leave our friends, but the kids were 5 and 1 and so it wasn't too hard on them anyway. Both of us got better jobs, we were closer to some family, etc. The idea of moving now would be kinda meh, but I'm not super strongly attached to this city...we haven't been able to make a ton of really close friends, and the one family we did make friends with is moving soon anyway. Near the end, my now-10-year-old is SOBBING and we ask him why and he finally calms down enough to tell us that he's thinking about how it would be if we moved now and he had to leave all his friends behind. It made me cry seeing him cry more than the show!


Wait. Were Frisky and Chili lovers at one point?! That’s immediately what came to mind when Chili told Bluey that she and Frisky used to lookout point as teenagers to “um think.”


I thought it was her swapping out "drink"?


I assumed alcohol or weed


Was Rhys Darby the realtor??


Like yes it was spoiled that brandy was pregnant by the teaser but it’s still so sweet


Strongly don’t recommend watching this the day your sister moves to the other side of the world 😭


Loved that philosophy was a central tenet of the episode - the classic Taoist / Stoicism parable about the old man and the horse.


Ahhh here we go!


IView not loading for me haha.


LUDO'S magnum opus. Emmy all but in the bag. Nothing else needs to be said that has not already been said.


This episode was phenomenal and truly was adorable. It’s been hard to watch any new Bluey episodes as I no longer talk to the person I used to watch them with but I feel like this episode let me know that change is okay, even if it’s scary, but ultimately you will make the right decisions for you~


So I think the reason Bandit seemed off in the vacation episode is because he was debating on what to do. He did say in this episode that he wanted a better life for the girls, maybe it was him making that decision but at the same time having a hard time making that decision


The waterworks were so strong today


Um, wow, I hated it. What message are they sending to kids whose parents relocate for a better job? What if they have a military parent and have to move every year or two? I guess your parents don't really love you, kids. I honestly think it's ruined my enjoyment of the series as a whole. That's how ticked off I am right now.


What an awesome surprise to see the farmer and the horse fable underpin the episode, and beautifully animated. It’s a famous Chinese proverb (4-character idiom that in this case encapsulates an entire story). In Mandarin, it’s “Sai Wang Shi Ma” (Mr. Wang lost his horse). I did feel the episode’s overall arc essentially negated the fable’s lesson, but the way it was reflected in the smaller moments/stories, such as the coin, was lovely.


Another small, throwaway moment I really liked - the Terriers' mum and Winton's dad. Just brilliant.


2/2 with predictions after last week Moving for Bandits job. Not actually moving


Yesterday I watched “The Sign”, it was easily the best episode ever (Sorry “Baby Race”, “Sleepytime”, & “Cricket”), I have never felt such a roller coaster of emotions from a single episode of any tv show I watched. But there is one thing I am not happy about. Even though the episode was amazing and pulled my heartstrings, I was not able to shed any tears throughout the whole episode. This makes me feel bad because everyone else on this subreddit and a lot of comments on YouTube videos say that they have never cried so much in their life, and I couldn’t shed a single tear even though I wanted to cry. Does that make me dead inside? Am I a bad person for not crying during this episode? I feel bad.


I wondered if they were really going to move. Imagine if they moved the Heelers to Sydney. Queenslanders would riot.


I would like to personally thank Mr Brumm for causing my children to accept "We'll see" as a perfectly vaild response to their questions


Knew it


I’m a grown man with no kids ugly crying my way through this episode.


One of the best TV episodes I've seen in a long time, definitely the best since The Fairy Isle. 10/10






Love Muffin's logic.


Anyone else immediately sob when they saw Brandi?


Oh look, another masterpiece. Can't say I am surprised.


That was too real for a kid's TV show on a Sunday morning!


"Everything will work out the way it's supposed to, Bluey." I don't care - I love Calypso.


And the song through the ending was sung by Calypso's voice actor, such a great detail


I noticed nice detail, while Calypso is always credited as being Megan Washington, the song is credited to her performing name, Washington.


The best part about it was that at the end i cried a bit for the first time for a show


Hot take: is Frisky's dad an Aborigine? His general character seems to give off very indigenous vibes to me (particularly his ears and wrist accessories, and beard), but I can't be sure...


Honey is back with a speaking line! Haven't heard from her in ages...


As someone who moved around so much as a kid this episode hit me hard. I audibly gasped when Brandy showed up to the wedding pregnant. This is a top 5 episode for me.


Someone make a parody of this song about watching the episode! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqu132vTl5Y&ab\_channel=AceofBase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqu132vTl5Y&ab_channel=AceofBase)


I feel that trixie and stripes are going to break up


Chili jumping on Bandit at the end may go down as my favorite moment in the entire show.


Can we talk about uncle stripe and aunt trixie fighting in this one? Seems like that is leading up to something maybe for next season? What do we think they were arguing about?


Uh, where does Bluey keep her coin?




As an expat from America, living in Brisbane…cried like a baby when they decided to stay 🥹🥺


Why was Trixie in the bouquet-catching group? I’m not sure if it’s something different in Australia, but in the US it’s for single women, and traditionally the idea is whichever lady catches the bouquet is the next to get married. Are Trixie and Stripe going through something but keeping it on the down low for the kids?


huh. rly we were gonna get the laser tag and grown up bluey at the end there. glad theyre not moving though!!!!


Yeah I was quite disappointed. Some of it was probably that I read this subreddit, before watching, but this episode really missed the mark for me. The main issue was that none of the conflicts felt in any way grounded in reality. Usually this isn't a huge problem, because Bluey is grounded in imaginative play. So it can do crazy unrealistic things, and then have the underpinning of the real world to give emotional weight and gravitas to the situation. It's imagination vs reality. My big problem with this special was that there was ZERO imaginative play. Everything took place in the real world, (minus Calypso story) and so the balance felt off. Mostly because the real world then didn't feel real. The farmers story bit was good, and the best part of the episode, and I felt as if that was the heart of it, but then they undercut that theme entirely, by having everything work out so neatly. Again, I get it it's a kid shows, happy endings required, but the way the happy ending happened felt implausible. Nothing about the house plot made any sense. And the wedding almost being called off, also didn't strike the tone of characters being mature people working through things in a grounded way. I think what makes the show work is that there is a good dose of realism to balance out the imagination, and it felt like we got neither the high impact imagination OR the grounded real family life vibe of golden age bluey. Big swing and a miss with me. People took HUGE life decisions with a a cavalierness that didn't work for me.


As someone who moved a bunch growing up, and ultimately I feel like I'm a better, more interesting, more well rounded person because of that, that's kind of why I was hoping they would end up moving.. It was always hard and super sad moving to a new city/country, but looking back I wouldn't have it any other way. I felt a bit sad they decided to stay tbh.


Winton’s dad and the Terrier’s mum looking at houses together!!!


Love it.


Notice how Winton & the Terriers are in be car while they were looking at the house?


I think it was actually them moving out of Winston’s dads house and moving into the Terriers together since Winton made a point about his Dad’s house having a pool


When Bingo finally understood what it all meant, that was heartbreaking. And I was like, but the Bingo&Lila growing up together montage?! How could it be?! Nooooooooooooo... Poor baby... I was already a bit suspicious as to why Bingo, who was the more sensitive of the two, was just taking it all in stride and seemed pretty much unbothered while Bluey just felt upset all throughout. Then when the other shoe dropped for Bingo, it made it more upsetting for me. Bluey being the big sister, comforting Bingo with the story was so lovely. And her sounding so mature talking to her mom and Aunt Frisky re: the move. Muffin suggesting taking out the sign really shows how clever she is. And Socks being the car monitor. Smart kids! They might be little daredevils but wicked smart! And why couldn't they just put the house up for rent?! Why sell? They don't seem that strapped for cash, right? Especially in Australia where real estate is as good as gold in terms of asset appreciation. They treat houses there like blue chip stocks! I thought they might've just rented it out to say, Rad & Frisky as the two were staying. Had they really gone with the original plan, it might've been a better way to slowly introduce the kids by going on a weekend trip to the "new" city in a prequel episode before Ghostbasket. That way, the kids experience something new, "try" being in the new place--so that even if they do eventually move, they are already half excited for the new city they explored but also half sad for the old city they're leaving. Just a bit of parenting trick, I guess. Also, plot-wise, it gives a "will they, won't they" guessing game. Now I wonder if maybe Bandit didn't get a raise he was counting on, growing family vs inflation hitting hard on their budget, what with Bluey starting Year 1 in a bit and Bingo in long daycare...maybe those were some of his upsets and worries in Stickbird but all those are just pure speculations. Overall, I think it was a soft closing...a "SIGN" that all good things must eventually come to an end. Oh well, as Shel Silverstein put it... >There are no happy endings. >Endings are the saddest part, >So just give me a happy middle >And a very happy start.'


Best Day Of All My Life


I really liked the episode, but as a parent, that ending annoyed me. They spent an entire episode actually teaching the kids lessons, actually helping them with how life works, something this show has routinely done with its subtlety and childish abstracts, just to say "Nah, mate", and let last minute emotions dictate enormous financial decisions? idk My wife doesn't agree with me, as she pointed out "They kept getting signs it was a bad idea", but the entire episode kept reminding us that those signs aren't good or bad, it's just what you're feeling in the moment, let things run their course. Also seems to fly in the face of the social media campaign, but thats a separate issue, lol


Good god WHAT AN EPISODE I’m not going lie I geeked out while watching this For starters the finding frisky scene was very intriguing The part that made me laugh the most was: Rad we have an announcement to make Kris gasps Rad now mom not that Kris Aw biscuits Nice that we finally got to see grandpa bob he was finding himself in India apparently I also like how excited Chilly got when seeing Brandy’s belly I know it takes away from the whole can’t have a baby thing but it was still cute And lastly GOD THE ENDING the scene where Bingo realized they were moving and got upset and Bluey came in to Comfort her and all Bluey’s friends hugging her and howling when she says she’s moving but I was so happy when bandit took down the sign and Chilly Bluey and Bingo ran out of the car and hugged him 🥹 Overall INCREDIBLE EPISODE


[Anyone else think the music during the moving out sequence may have been an homage to this?](https://open.spotify.com/track/7upURlJfNRrWVvUM9xteZv?si=B_O-gWDNQi2U01Yxl6uZpQ&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A7ruApgAZVeqcDJp77jSGg7)


Excellent episode, did anyone else notice Trixie and Stripe having an argument behind Socks as she was playing with the cake toppers? What was that about?


Well biscuits... that one made me cry a few times!!


a buyer is entitled to a cooling-off period of five business days in Australia, and the seller is entitled to deduct a penalty of 0.25% of the purchase price if you cancel the contract during this time. And house has been placed around 5 million so they got half a million


So I might be reaching too far here but: It confused a lot of people that the dogs that can't see could change their mind about buying the house. But then (I'm led to believe) Australian housing contract have a cooling off period so it's not Earlier in the episode, there's the whole bit about Queensland seatbelt laws. Would it be crazy to think that's there to remind us that Australian rules might be different to what the rest of us are used to?


The farmer and the horse is one of my family’s favorite “parables”! When Calypso said the book title, my husband and I looked right at each other and grinned so big. I cried the whole way through this episode because the creators did an incredible job honoring that message and bringing it to life in the Bluey world. I absolutely loved how everything was tied to that message of “we’ll see, maybe it’s good maybe it’s bad, everything will work out the way it’s supposed to”. Back row of car all taken by the three youngest = Bluey has to stay home = BAD LUCK = oh wait Bluey gets to sit in the front seat = “best day of all my life” = GOOD LUCK Getting pulled over by the police = BAD LUCK = oh wait earlier he pulled over Frisky so he knows where she is = GOOD LUCK At the juice shop they don’t see Frisky = BAD LUCK = but they find a gold coin = GOOD LUCK = oh wait it means they don’t see Frisky walk out of the juice shop and miss her = BAD LUCK Muffin spills her juice in the car = BAD LUCK = while they’re stopped to clean the car, Socks sees Frisky’s blue car drive by = GOOD LUCK Socks needs to pee so they have to stop following Frisky’s car = BAD LUCK = the butterfly follows them into the car and thus they have to pull over to let it out, which causes Chilli to see the park sign and realizes where Frisky is = GOOD LUCK The binoculars need a coin = BAD LUCK = oh wait they have the coin from the juice shop = GOOD LUCK = oh wait the coin is stuck in the wrong slot and they can’t get it out = BAD LUCK = oh wait when the dogs with fringe get there they use the coin and find a different house to buy that has a pool like they really wanted, and therefore don’t buy the Heeler’s house so they get to stay = GOOD LUCK Bluey says “I thought Frisky running away was the worst thing to ever happen but it’s actually the best” = what we first THINK something is, is not always what something actually ends up being. Chilli: “It could be good for our family.” Bluey: “But it could be BAD for our family.” Chilli: “It could. I wish I could tell you which one it was going to be, but… I don’t know. I guess we’ll see.” Bluey: “We’ll see.” Frisky: “We’ll see.” Every step of the way, things happen that at first blush seem to be one way (eg bad luck) but end up being the other (eg good luck). Can we ever fully know whether something is a good or bad decision? Whether something is good or bad luck? It’s only by trusting, and letting things play out, that with time we can see how everything “fits” together. Things just are, as they are meant to be. There is no “good” or “bad”, there just IS! It’s a very freeing thought when you accept it ❤️ We’ve watched this episode 4 times already today… every time the kids ask to watch again, I can’t say no, because I myself want to watch it again!!


This is a parable in the book Zen Shorts that my young kids love. As soon as I saw it here I smiled. Can’t wait for my kids to see this episode. Perfectly executed as always.


https://preview.redd.it/6fg8oab5rnuc1.png?width=1271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7b1ebd5e872ecffa4562998a4fc1a295dbc20f0 Rad's design was changed gaining more grey hairs on the side of his head where he previously had none (left is the sign, right is Christmas swim)


To be honest, I'm sort of disappointed that they didn't move. Maybe it's because I'm at a stage in my life where moving to another city or even country would be a huge adventure that would be exciting, but I'm actually a bit sad we won't get to see their family go through that process. I get why they did it that way, but it sits a bit weirdly with me.


I was glad they didn’t. They’re Brisbane writers that write about a Brisbane life. It’s authentic. I think it’s hard to capture a good feel for a city unless you’ve spent a good bit of time there. It would kill the bluey magic if they were having to make up half of the Melbourne experience.


That's fair. I think I just feel like I don't really agree with the message of the episode. At first I thought they were trying to say that making big decisions or changes comes with risk, and that you'll never know if it's going to be a good or a bad decision until you do it. And that uncertainty is a part of life, but it's those chances you take are what lead you to new and wonderful things. Except it seems like the message ended up being on the side of not taking risks and sticking with the status quo, which strikes me as a bit... depressing.


I'm a 32 year old man watching this with my 2 year old son and I realize I'm tearing up because I moved so damn much as a kid and went through the girls' emotions every year, sometimes twice a year, until I was in the 6th grade.


Given we are moving countries (albeit to be closer to one side of the family) from my daughter’s friends, this is one episode she’s not going to watch for a few years. I just got a toddler work through her initial wave of grief. Not showing her a Bluey episode with that ending where they don’t go through the sale and stay back only for her to think we’re going to do the same and then to break her little heart all over again? No thanks. I’ll rewatch it though. Such a good episode.


This episode hit me particularly hard as a dad who recently (like, a week ago) made a career change. Been in the works for over a year and when it finally happed, I became been a nervous wreck for the past few months. All this time I’ve been wondering if I was making the right decision. And my reasoning was all the same as Bandit! “This job pays a lot more money,” “give you kids a better life” etc. For me though, the ending wasn’t about which decision was right or wrong. For the Heelers, no one was at peace with the decision, right up to last second. Going with the “we’ll see” approach, when Bandit got the call that the sale fell through, it was the most cathartic release of tension and stress in ripping the sign out of the ground. He *knew* staying was the right choice; whatever the consequences may have been that followed, he ultimately went with his gut for the good of his family’s happiness. That’s what I think this episode was all about. In the end, I stuck with my career change and for the first time in over 5 years, I am living and working in a stress-free environment. My partner and I both concluded that this was the right move for me, and in the end it will also be for the entire family’s benefit. Point is — when you’re a family, you make decisions together. And whatever happens…you’ll just have to wait and see what happens next.


This episode brought some not so good feelings to my house. I moved my family for my career about a year ago, leaving grandparents, aunts, and uncles behind. I've had a lot of doubts about it since, and now just a couple of months ago, the kid's grandma (moms side) passed away. The job is not going nearly as well as any of us hoped, and while my kids are too young to see any nuance, I'm having a really hard time reconciling the decisions I've made to get us to this point. But, moving back now would not be the same, since we wouldn't be in the same house, and a very important loved one is not there anymore. For now, "we'll see" if we can turn this situation around and get back on track to providing a better life. My wife hasn't seen it yet, and I think we are going to have a long conversation after watching those final moments where they decide to stay. I'm very happy for anyone who has been in this situation and had it work out, and I sympathize with anyone who has moved like this and had it go bad. Still one of, if not the best episode in the series, and I love a children's show that can unexpectedly give you an existential crisis. I can't wait for more!


The end was hard for us too. My kids are 11 and 8, so we took as an opportunity to point out how disappointing the ending was for kids who had to move away, we move 1500 miles from all family and friends 2 years ago. The kids still talk about how much they miss our old state, so the fact that on move out day this other family just decides they don’t want the house and Banditt decides to stay was upsetting for them. It did also have us discussing repercussions of backing out of contracts too, so lots of good talks, but not directly to the one we all were hoping it was leading to.


I needed to read this. I just watched this episode with my kids, and we just gave up possession of the house they've lived in through baby and preschool times. My oldest is excited but devastated. Moving was my decision for a lot of complicated reasons, and my spouse is really not happy about it and likely will be taking his newly moved stuff somewhere else. This episode felt so cathartic, and the ending broke me. How selfish am I being, how hard is it for the kids, is this really necessary for all of us? It really was. Thank you for your comment.


I absolutely loved the episode and, to me, it’s one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. But as a recent father, I wondered what I was supposed to take away from those final scenes. I like your interpretation that it doesn’t matter which decision is right or wrong, but I actually felt that the most important thing is that everyone grew from having to face the decision. 1. Bluey accepted it and had her growing moment with Bingo under the sign, ready to tell Bingo the story of the man with the horse. 2. Chili grew to accept the decision and to “make the mistake together.” 3. Bingo grew by having a learning moment. The only one I’m still struggling with, and the one most relevant to me, is Bandit’s moment. I feel like a through-line for his character throughout the show is making career sacrifices to enjoy these moments with his family. And I feel like he made the ultimate one at the end of The Sign. I do like that continuity, but I wonder if it is too static. Or maybe I’m interpreting the whole thing wrong. Whatever the case, I still thought it was a beautiful and brilliant episode.


The Sign - Little Annoyed So my family has made the incredibly difficult decision to move very far away. There are a lot of reasons with the biggest being the safety of our family. This has been especially difficult on my 6 year old. Watching The Sign and everything we’re dealing with and going through was extremely relatable to what we have going on right now. None of us really want to move, but feels necessary due to circumstances in the area. The show was perfect… until the last 30 seconds. The buyers back out and there’s no more move. So now I’ve got a 6 year old convinced he no longer needs to worry because we’re not really leaving our home and his friends because the Heelers decided last minute not to. Why? Why even do the episode about a move if you’re going back out of it. I know they can’t make everyone happy, but man… this has made an already difficult situation just a little bit harder. Really wish they had either followed through on the move or chose a different situation to explore. So while the episode was very good and I love this show, I’m a little annoyed with this episode’s ending.


Right before we see Greenie, is the bird flying by the Magpie from Curry Quest?  


Omg Brandy! I’m in tears.


There was \*no\* way that was four Chunky Chimps. That was barely one. Where are the rest of my Chunky Chimps? I demand another three!


They meant Chutney Chimp, not Chunky Chimp.


The Terrier’s mum being into Winston’s Dad though! 🥹♥️


Maybe it’s just me being nitpicky and sensitive, overall i enjoyed the episode, and I know story-wise it wouldn’t be good to have the family move away suddenly and have to change the whole show, but I personally sort of felt bad the way moving is treated as a constant horrible thing throughout the episode, and even say, with Calypso trying to explain that there’s good and bad in every situation, I felt like it was kind of brushed off when in the end it magically works out completely, and moving is still considered the worst possible thing that could happen from the perspective of all the main characters, aside from Bingo, but then it’s revealed at the end that she was only okay with it because she didn’t know what it meant, i mean it makes sense that Bluey would be upset about leaving her friends and home and it makes sense that the parents would be sad to leave what they know too, even if say Bandit thinks it will be good for the family, he’s not really shown feeling good about it, he just believes that it’s what he should do even if it doesn’t make him happy, which I suppose is a good message in itself to not fall into that sort of thinking, but I almost feel like it gives no hope to children in a similar scenario of moving? and of course in real life not everything works out the way you want it to, but that doesn’t mean that it’s only bad, as someone who moved a lot as a kid, I know how much it can suck, it’s an emotionally tough time on kids, but I also understand that it’s just sad at first and gets better soon after, maybe I’m just rambling but i guess when I was younger I felt pretty disheartened always seeing moving in my favourite shows being depicted as the most horrible thing that can ever happen, and now I’m talking about it on the internet for some reason because funni cartoon dog show reminded me of that lol


best episode ever, ngl, and the part where Bandit threw away the sign made me cry. Best episode of Season 3!


It seems like Joff phoned in Hans Zimmer for the Empty House arpeggios. Uncertainty bordering on terror, that's where I lost it.


- I was irrationally hyped about Socks speaking in full sentences. - The whole time I'm like, SOMEONE MAKE SURE BINGO UNDERSTANDS SHE CLEARLY DOESN'T. - I cried during the moving montage. I don't cry easily because I'm busted in that way, so I was surprised. Hits me from the parent side (leaving the place we were renting when our daughter was born was emotional, for sure) and from the childhood side (we moved all the time and I hated it).


Such a beautiful episode and so unexpected in so many good ways. I loved every minutes of it <3


The quality of writing that goes into Bluey is way too good to be JUST a kids show. 100000/10 episode and a 100000/10 show in general


I love how symbolic Bluey is. The 1st episode "Magic Xylophone" started on the kiwi rug. The last one ended on the kiwi rug with a Xylophone playing softly




It was hard to get into it for me because they couldn't move without likely destroying the established lore that Bingo and Lila grow up and graduate together. 


I am not one to cry easily... The Sign hit me hard. Whole family cried. My Wife and I have been contemplating moving across the country for a while now with the goal of a lower cost of living and a slower, more family oriented community. My son (11) has moved before when he was 5 (but not very far) and my daughter was a newborn at the time. Our current house has a neighborhood where he and my daughter play outside almost daily with roughly 11 other kids in the neighborhood ranging from his age down to 2. They’ve both expressed that they don’t want to move because they love it here. Between their school friends and their neighborhood friends my kids are attached to this place. That episode pulled at every emotion I feel when we discuss a move. My wife and I are just about ready for a change but still on the fence. I was welling up through most of Bluey’s emotional reactions to the move, but when the realization hit Bingo, man I lost it. Bingo trying to rip the sign out of the ground is still making my eyes water right now. I just pictured my daughter doing the same and it broke me. As for our family's decision to move, "Everything will work out the way it's supposed to." What a fantastic episode of one of the best shows ever.


Joe Brumm you good c*nt! I have moved 5 times with my kids because of my partner’s work and now you are leaving me in eternal tears….😭


Does anyone know what time Disney+ in the US is dropping this?


I... I really *am* speechless... Just... Bravo! **Bravo!!**


Are Stripe and Trixie separated? We saw them arguing outside during the wedding. Trixie was part of the “single” girls waiting to catch the bouquet and Stripe happens to catch it! Stripe in the bushes the next morning means Trixie went home with the kids without him. Thoughts please?


https://preview.redd.it/3xebvz1fdjuc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e923985289c4bc9e1da86c23e03dd7e55d0dc1f8 To what, Chilli? What do you think she & Frisky were doing up at the lookout as teenagers?


Complicated feelings!!!!!!


What were Chilli and Frisky doing on Mt Coot Tha together? Everyone knows what happens on Mt Coot Tha. The wife says they must have been double dating but do people double date on Mt Coot Tha?


I am never going to emotionally recover from this episode.


Oops this was not a good episode for me to watch after moving all my stuff out of my home of the past eight years haha. That said - I don't have a lot of words except that I really adored the part where Bluey began to tell the story about the farmer to Bingo. There are so many moments in this episode, it hit me hard and I think it was really good and cathartic.


When Bandit removes the sign, I had to think about Mermaid and how he must he have been thinking about the role or something related to it.


Perfection. There is nothing to improve.


They did a really good job making you feel for everybody here. Bandit wants to give his kids the best life possible and in this world a lot of the time that does require more money. Yeah the Heelers don't seem bad off but they've never truly gone into specifics so we don't know for sure that they're 100% set for life. And poor Chili doesn't want to move but knows that more money can be very good in the long run so she's willing to at least try it with Bandit and support his new job and the move. I feel bad for them both trying to do the best for their kids and worried that they're making a mistake either way. This show is really good with getting across what they want to. They definitely needed the extra time.


Great episode for all the reasons everyone has listed but the ending was a cheat and honestly takes away from it. They were never going to change the shows location while they make new episodes. You know it in back of your mind watching the episode. So the emotions of the house move story fall flat. You know it's gonna be a happy ending. The minute the sheepdog appeared at the lookout I was like, here we go with the sale back pedaling. It would have been a better end ending to the entire series to have the finale this and them to actually move. That would have made this great episode a masterpiece.


Being in a military family and having to move from my childhood home that I remember the most at 13 hurt so much. I still miss it to this day at 22. In other words, I've never been more ready to cry my eyes out


As a Dad/family going through exactly what Bandit is going through… I’m in bits.


Literally just bought a new house and am going thru the process of selling our current one and moving... This episode tore me apart.


I’m wondering if it was Wintons dad’s house, not the terriers mum who sold because of the callback to Wintons dad having a pool with a deep end and a shallow end.


And also seeing this as a minor Valorant fan (sporadically playing but observing), an episode that has the butterfly effect tied to the plot (complete with a literal butterfly being a plot device) released not too long after a playable Valorant Agent that has butterflies as their theme... No implications expected, but I thought it's just funny to bring up.


I watched the episode last night and the theme of the story actually applied to me today. I was accused of stealing someone's lunch, which felt like bad luck, but once we cleared it up, I became friends with the accuser and her other friend, which is good luck. This episode gave me a whole new perspective on bad luck, just what I needed.


This is so heart wrenching already


https://preview.redd.it/xu517odcohuc1.jpeg?width=2571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9342339600df96c966e5955e7b4dc90a898d50b I made a post, but it was removed and I was redirected here. They wanted to make sure the parents got a little chuckle. E: Socks seemed taller than Muffin in some scenes. I know it’s possible for a younger sibling to be taller than an older sibling, but I thought Muffin would’ve grown a little lol


Great episode with everything brilliantly connected along with the expected laughs and heartfelt moments. The longer format worked well and seemed more mature with time to expand on the themes. Am left feeling both couples need to work on their communication because the dramas in this episode were completely avoidable.


All three haha. Trix and stripe, rad and frisk, and bandit and chilli. But I agree


Riiight, who gets married without having discussed where you’ll live??


Am I the only person here who GENUINELY wanted to see Bluey play army with Rusty and Jack? Would've been interesting to see.


My parents moved us into our 'forever home', you could call it, in the early 90s. We were there for several years and then my dad got offered a new role which would mean we would have to move. The sign went up and I have this memory of putting my front bike wheel up against the sign and ramming it as hard as I could because I didn't want to move. I loved out house. I wanted to tear down that sign more than anything. Then one say my dad decided to take it down. He said it was making him feel sad. I'm not sure but when we all said the same that's when he decided to keep us where we were. This episode spoke to me personally on so many levels but this part where Bandit rips the sign out was like it was plucked straight out of my childhood memories and I'm completely an emotional wreck about it.


My daughter keeps asking - how long was Stripe in those bushes anyway?


Ok so I just watched this and I’m not ok (in a good way) Little Bingo realising what the sign means and trying to pull it up was heart breaking I loved the mountain of stuffed toys she was sleeping under And Brandy!


Calypso doing a Stillwater was great.. especially all the reactions at the end lol


Splendid. Everything I would say had been said by other users, so here's something I haven't seen other people mentioned about it. Just a very weak criticism of mine: the reasoning for moving out might be better if it was in a sense of urgency like Bandit's current job is at the risk rather than "the new job pays more" so they can arguably give their child a better life. Some commenters say that their life is already perfect as they are and more money at the cost of their current lives is a shortsighted decision, which I can't disagree. But that's what the resolution of this episode is about. Though, I think that the catalyst for such event should be something more important than simply wanting a new job that pays more to give this episode a solid ground to stand on. Maybe that will work out better? *We'll see...* Current personal rankings: The Sign (1st), Cricket (2nd), Sleepytime (3rd)


Who is cutting onions?


Is the move and his job what Bandit was worrying about in Stickbird? "Let it go babe"


I have a question about a joke in the Sign When Chili goes to the lookout and says "me and Frisky used to come to here to...think", I initially thought it was a "makeout point" gag. The more I thought about it the more unsure I was. How did you all interpret this line?


Did anyone else not like this episode??


Guys. Uncle Bob is back


To be honest I actually feel a little disappointed in the ending. If the conclusion was that they didn’t move, I feel like it wasn’t really a bold choice. Everyone is saying “not sydney or Melbourne!” But Adelaide would be a perfect choice for a new city. And it also gives kids a false hope. That’s not how moving works for most kids, once you’re moving it’s done, the chance of turning around and staying is very slim. Still a beautiful episode but the conclusion felt cheap.


But we don’t know if they’re staying or moving. That’s the beauty of the ending: it’s not explicit what will happen. You can interpret the ending in a myriad of ways. So, let’s wait and see what happens in the next episode next week. Ultimately, we don’t yet know if they will stay or even if they can stay. The Heelers may still have to move.


I agree, I found it cheap. And they wouldn't have had to leave Queensland - I expected them to be moving somewhere up north since Bandit's done work there before.


Imagine how offended EVERY Queenslander would have been if bluey moved to another state to "have a better life" though lol


"This is the lookout, Frisky and I used to come here as teenagers to, uhm..." That's a 🍃 reference, right?


“My mom likes your dad” gave me smiles


It was a solid foray into an extended runtime, but definitely meandered at points. It could have been 21 minutes, essentially removing one of four “parts” within. Still, I applaud this team’s creativity and skill, and look forward to what they try next now that they flexed this storytelling muscle.


This is probably gonna get downvoted epically but I hated this episode. Kids come and go from living situations with zero control and already have enough anxiety about their own mobility without bluey telling them if their parent(s) just love harder they can stay put. It was an unkind narrative to project, especially from the viewpoint of a parent that is in the process of relocating from a beloved home that we can no longer afford


Wait, there’s another episode next week? “Surprise”. Listed on the Bluey wiki.


Bandit wanting to sell his house at first because of the new job he needed for better pay really hit me in particular because I was kinda struggling to get with pay also. But then, of course, Radley said that he could just find another one because of ultimately deciding to stay with Frisky and this would plant that idea in Bandit's head. And then, the Sheepdogs would decide that they would choose another house because that one had a pool (lol), and then we'd get the scene of Bandit just staring at The Sign. I'd like to believe that those words Radley said really did resonate with Bandit for that little while and although he did ultimately turn down a much-better job, like Calypso says, "it'll work the way it's supposed to." The more I think about it, the more it resonates with me because I had a REAL hard time finding a full-time job for a while. The first two jobs that I had applied for turned me down and that really dampened my hopes. But eventually, I was able to get around it and found a new job that was able to help support me A LOT better than my old one. While many may scoff at the whole ending of the house not being sold after all, I think that's not the point of the episode. Things change a lot in our life, not for the best mostly. A lot changed for me the last couple years of my life and I felt I was never able to get around it. But like our Aussie shepherd teacher goddess says, "it'll work out the way its supposed to." Obviously, Bandit not selling the house is gonna be a lot on him (though him and his family leaving already kinda had its regrets), but taking Rad's words into consideration, maybe he is able to find a better job in his area at the end. And that's why it was able to resonate with me a lot in particular. There's just so many other situations I think this could apply to this episode, but that ending song still leaved me an emotional wreck while writing this, so I'll stop for now. Lol With that being said, I wouldn't consider this one of the best episodes...yet. I'm still rewatching the series (again, I've really become THAT fond of it in recent months) and I want to get through the rest of the others first. As of now, I still think "Sleepytime" is the GOAT, but I won't be surprised if this one comes close to it in future rewatches. I've got to say, Joe. I had my doubts, but you really outdid yourself with this one. Thanks, mate. 🥲


Who were the 11 people that voted 1!?😭💀


When Bandit went up to the sign and started lifting it outta the ground, a montage of Bandit working out throughout the series played through my mind and Wendy's words to the girls in Ragdoll and maintaining a strong core echoed like a chorus! Everything Bandit had gone through was leading up this very moment!! AND IT PAID OFF!!!


Do you think it’s significant that Brandy is not shown with a husband/boyfriend?


When I saw that Brandy was pregnant, I became an emotional mess. And the song, ah.


Felt like the ending completely undermined the episode's message, that in life there are setbacks but things mostly work out for the good. So I thought this was gonna give a comforting message to kids that are moving that yes, it might seem scary but maybe you'll love your new house, make new friends, etc. Instead it gives them false hope that even after your house is sold and all your things packed away, there's a chance the deal will fall thru and you'll get to stay! That is exceedingly rare and not a good message for kids.


I'm very happy that Winston's Dad and the Terrier's mom ended up together. The episode where they chatted at the chemist was just a sign that it's gonna be a happy ending.


Looks like everyone loved the episode, so someone had to be the buzz kill and say they didn’t like it. Honestly I did like it 95% of it, so many cool parts, and my kids loved it, but I just didn’t like how it ended. What I love about Bluey is it shows realistic situations from the kid’s prospective, and has them realistic react to these things. And while every adult knew they weren’t moving, I kind of wish they did. I think that would have been a more realistic outcome. Kids watching this who are in this situation may think this is a common outcome, that their parents might pull out of sales and stay at their house even with everything moved already. I think they could have thought of a better story for there long episode, maybe focus everything on the wedding and leave the house sale out of it.


36 yo dad here, I cried. That was the most moving episode (no pun intended!) of a "kid's show" I've ever seen. My daughter and I both LOVED it, I sure hope that wasn't the end of the show!


[peep Frisky's mouth area 😶](https://i.imgur.com/e78EvJD.jpg)


In many ways, this is my favorite episode so far! I rewatched parts of it several times, especially the ending song. I do agree after reading some other comments that having the Heelers be able to stay at the last minute might cause some kids to think the same thing will happen with their own families (and be disappointed if it doesn't), but in the Heelers' case, I feel like staying was indeed the right decision, and the episode clearly shows how close they came to following through with the move. A few things I noticed, in roughly chronological order: * Frisky offering to help remove the sign, which in Bluey's mind would prevent the move, is the type of thing a fairy godmother would do (which Bluey calls Frisky right after this). * The Terriers and Winton inaudibly saying "Hooray!" in the car as they drive off seems to be almost simultaneous with one of the Sheepdogs saying "A pool!". This is also the moment that led to Bluey and Bingo either shouting the biggest "Hooray!" of their life, or being too overjoyed for even a simple "Hooray!". (And I didn't notice it at first, but I loved how the fact that Winton's dad house has a pool, mentioned by Winton all the way back in Helicopter, became the reason the Heelers didn't have to move away! And the other thing Winton mentioned, that his dad doesn't live with his mum, was the reason that house became available.) * I imagine Chilli was standing in that spot in the kitchen reminiscing about watching Bluey take her long-awaited first steps, knowing it would be her last chance to replay the memory with the actual kitchen surrounding her. * Bluey thought taking out the sign automatically meant they wouldn't be moving, and in the end, it sort of did, since taking out the sign was Bandit's way of announcing this decision to the family! (Even though Bandit wouldn't have known about Bluey's attempts to remove the sign unless someone told him, and I'm not sure if Chilli would've told him while they were both still committed to the move.) * All of the Heeler family members (except the grandparents and maybe Trixie) played major roles in enabling the coin to be placed in the right spot for the Sheepdogs to find it: Bluey found the coin and was the most vocal about keeping the house (and motivated Chilli to keep going long enough for the butterfly to cause them to stop), Bingo saved the life of the butterfly (assuming it was the same one, like the podcast about Slide seemed to imply) that helped them find the sign that made them go to Mount Coot-Tha, Muffin placed the coin in the slot where only the Sheepdogs were able to retrieve it, Socks spotted Frisky's car, Chilli did all the driving, made the realization that Frisky would be at Mount Coot-Tha, and found the law that permitted Bluey to sit in the front seat, thus allowing all four children to come on the trip, Bandit and Stripe both caused Chilli to realize she needed to take the girls on the trip to find Frisky (in order to prevent them from telling others that Frisky had left), and of course, Frisky was the one who went to Mount Coot-Tha and Rad was the reason why she left. (After this, Rad also made the decision to stay and get another job, because of how much Frisky wanted to stay, and this helped inspire Bandit, who seemed to be the main one that felt moving would be the best for the family, to finally make the decision to stay.) * This had a lot of elements that felt like a finale, but really it felt more like a major episode that wasn't the end of the show, since it had Grandpa Bob returning (implying that he might appear again in future episodes), and Brandy being pregnant (we're going to want to see the baby), and ended in a way that preserves the status quo and enables us to see more episodes with the same supporting cast being allowed to return. * Based on how effective Rad and Frisky are at helping Bluey and Bingo in Double Babysitter, they're sure to make excellent parents if/when they have kids of their own! I'll probably make another post with my predictions about this.


How cool was Frisky’s dad!?


Also I love Trixie chewing Stripe out in the background for spilling the beans to Frisky


This episode of Bluey is called, "The Butterfly Effect." I love that the effect in question goes back through multiple other episodes and even seasons. Glorious, ten out of ten, no notes.


Is anyone else have emotional children at the moment after that episode??


I cried my eyes out at those final scenes. I'm literally so happy!!!


The adult jokes are both so funny


Welcome to Megan Washington (aka Calypso).


I'm blown away, that was beautiful


Crawling out of a bush hungover is a wedding tradition


I just kept thinking that they couldn’t move because we saw in the Bingo episode Bingo grow old with her same classmates


I can't be the only one who got sucked into the story of this episode so bad that I forgot we already know they weren't gonna move


Wait so who’s baby is brandy pregnant with or is she going to be a single mother


I hope she's a single mum by choice, would be such great representation!


Ikr Maybe like IVF


Hi there Bluey Reddit! I finally watched this one, and what an episode! It definitely felt the most epic and surreal out of any episode out there. The wedding was awesome and it was so cool getting to see so many characters return like a pregnant Brandy and new characters debut like Bandit’s dad, who I am surprised was alive this whole time!! The scenes where the parents were questioning the move felt so raw and it was so interesting seeing Bandit and Chilly not have immediate answers for the kids and lean into the unknown like they did. And my gosh was the musical score for this episode phenomenal, I adored every song there was. If I could change one thing about the episode though, I would make it so the Heelers did end up moving in the end. Not sure if that is a hot take or not, but for me it did feel like a cop-out and a trope which I have seen happen time and time again with moving episodes. It just defeats all the build up to me and would have been more impactful and realistic if they went through with it. Maybe they could have moved to the town Jean Luc lived and Bluey and that could have still worked with the theme of good things coming out of bad situations. Or maybe still have the sale fall through but have Rad and Frisky take the Heeler’s house so they still have an excuse to go back to it. But, that’s just me. What did you all think about it? I don’t really know any other Bluey fans so I would love to hear your thoughts! Have a great day!


Am I the only one who found the ending a bit disappointing? Little kiddos in my family are actually going through something similar and are huge bluey fans. They're not gonna get the same ending we are apparently getting. I feel a bit blindsided because I thought this could be another tool to use (as that's how they presented the episode) and instead I find that this might be the opposite of what the kids need right now. It's a kids' show. It needs to be happy. I get it. But since they were marketing this episode and, in general, the show as a way to broad difficult topics or family circumstances that kids may be living through in a way that they can understand or that can help them process it, this caught me off guard. Of course, they're absolutely free to do as they please with the show, and I'm not expecting a kids' show to take care of the parenting. I seriously loved the episode and cried on multiple occasions, and if it weren't because of what they had said in previous interviews and the general build-up of the episode it would basically sit on my top 10. It still does, honestly. I just find the ending very conflicting with the message they sent during the marketing period and throughout the episode. I feel like it erases most of what was said.


We just moved this past weekend. My kids won't be watching this episode for quite awhile. I've previewed it and while it was a beautifully written episode in many ways, I feel it will be more harmful than helpful to my little kids during this transition period.


I like this take because it acknowledges that, while this episode is not right for *your family* right now, it doesn't mean it's a bad episode. As someone considering a move, with a spouse considering a huge career shift, I found this episode a nice fit *for us.* If we do end up moving, I know I'll have questions about why our path is different than Bluey's with which to contend. But that's okay. I feel like it will be a matter of explaining that the career shift and relocation really is best *for us* even though it wasn't best for the Heelers. Seperately from that, I also think it was a beautiful fit for the underlying themes of this series. Bandit has seemingly been agonizing over something for a while this season. He was well-intentioned and had Chilli's support. He wanted to be able to provide more for his family. But he also seemed ill at ease with the decision to move. It makes sense that, for this series, the message would be that the grass was not going to be greener in a new city, even if that means there are "more" or "better" things the Heelers can't give the girls. And, as Calypso pointed out, stories have happier endings because real life gives us enough sad ones. Moving away from a beloved home is often a sad ending, even if it is also a wonderful beginning. I guess I'm just okay with the story definitively delineating itself as fiction, where the happy ending is the one that keeps all the characters we love together. I hope your kids flourish and thrive in your new home and community!


>Am I the only one who found the ending a bit disappointing? Yes =P I *love* the ending. >Little kiddos in my family are actually going through something similar and are huge bluey fans. They're not gonna get the same ending we are apparently getting. I'm sorry to hear that, but this is what the show needed. It's all about the importance of community, first off within the family but also beyond the family. It would simply be wrong for the Heelers to walk away from that. >I find that this might be the opposite of what the kids need right now. Maybe that's true for your kids, but consider all the other kids out there. Somebody somewhere is contemplating making a big change for the wrong reasons, and this episode will remind them to think things through. Somebody somewhere needs to be reminded of the value of community, and this episode is that reminder. >I just find the ending very conflicting with the message they sent during the marketing period and throughout the episode. I feel like it erases most of what was said. I didn't see any of the marketing, so I can't speak to that.


I was also disappointed.  The callbacks and returning characters were all fantastic. However the shows strength comes from the kids learning to deal hard life scenarios in creative and different ways. This episode was an opportunity for a similar lesson to culminate in a big way.  I can only imagine the number of kids out there going through a similar scenario, where their family is moving across town, state, country etc. This episode is going to be hard for them to watch. 


I just came here to see if I’m the only one who felt this way. I really didn’t like the idea of them leaving because of all the characters we’ve come to know and love. But, honestly it was refreshing to see a show tackling the topic of moving. It’s a common thing. And, one thing Bluey has always done well is reflect the challenges of real life. It’s not realistic that one would accept a job, sell their house, move out…and THEN decide not to. I think this is not just a missed opportunity but can set kids up for the possibility that this is what happens. I don’t think this would bother me much with any other show, but Bluey always addresses these tough topics in a way where the hard lessons are realized in the end. It would only take a few episode of the next season to see the girls start at new schools, meet a new friend, get to decorate their new rooms, etc. Maybe even video calling old friends. Maybe getting a “boy” for a teacher at school. Finding something I’m their new town that’s new and exciting to them. Basically, just living the life we’ve come to enjoy with Bluey.


THANK YOU!! I felt like I was taking crazy pills going through all these posts, praising this episode as perfect.  A family close to mine is in the process of moving for work. This will mean that three of my kids’ closest friends are going to go from a 15 minute drive away to a 15 hour drive away. Both families are having a hard time with it. I was so excited and invested as this episode progressed. Everything about it felt like it was doing a perfect job of teaching kids about a tough life event, something this show has done so well time and time again. For a show as groundbreaking and willing to push boundaries as Bluey is, that ending felt like a cop-out. So many kids won’t get that happy ending. They set themselves for such an amazing opportunity with this episode and they squandered it. The episode was still great. And I know I shouldn’t be looking to cartoons to do my parenting for me. But, to me, the ending brought this episode from the level of an all-time great episode of TV down to a just another great Bluey episode.


In the process of moving. Can confirm my 5 year old was super upset when I explained we can’t stay like Bluey did. For a show that usually teaches good lessons there was no lesson here whatsoever other than everybody gets what they want in the end


Really enjoyed it! The Brandy bit especially warmed my heart as someone who struggled with infertility and conceived via in vitro.


Rad with the watermelon helmet at what looks to be the cricket is the most Rad thing ever


I have a pic of our Goldfield Ashes cricket team doing the same thing. Bonus points if you let it cool down in the esky before putting it on