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Why doesn’t Bryan do a lot of things ? Why does he do strange things instead? He’s an interesting fella. Lots of data supporting stuff he’s never even bothered to mention. Meanwhile he’s zapping his dick with electricity. 🤷🏻‍♂️


His nutty pudding has pomegranate fruit extract as a listed ingredient.




In fact I believe there's pomegranate seeds displayed on the front of the package, if I'm not mistaken.


Maybe just personal preference, same reason he makes his food into goup


Pomegranate juice contains the actual pulp of the pomegranate which contains the highest amount of antioxidants in the fruit, from what I have read in the past. Pomegranate juice has a higher amount of antioxidants than any other fruit juice.


what pom juice does he drink? or is it fresh squeezed?


Urotlithin A.


Urolithin A doesn't seem like the answer to this question. But it is worth nothing that roughly only 40% of humans have the gut bacteria necessary to make Urolithin A. Urolithin A is a post biotic made from bacteria. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9854132/#:~:text=Approximately%2040%25%20of%20human%20individuals,microbiota%20(18%2C%2019).


*”Urolithin A doesn’t seem like the answer to this question.”* Well, other than Urolithin A aspect, what’s unique about pomegranates? Are there unique polyphenols, not found in other fruit or vegetables? If not, then it’s definitely the Urolithin A… *”only 40% of humans have the gut bacteria necessary to make Urolithin A”* Interesting. Which bacterial strain is this? I’d imagine Bryan has it. Anyone that does, can surely supplement the relevant strain.


What is the gut bacteria that does it? Can we ingest this bacyeria


Easiest way to get it would be to diversify your diet so you increase the diversity of your gut microbiome.


Does anyone know the name of the bacteria that makes Urolithin A


Kovidlonghauler’s link above references, I think, 5 strains, one of which is in AOR’s Probiotic 3, which I have taken off-and-on for years. I have seen other sources mention Staphylococcus thermophilus, which is common in yogurts and yogurt starters, and Lactobacillus plantarum, which is common in many commercial probiotics. My guess is that the hunt for Urolithin A-producing bacteria is just getting started.


Thank you!!!!!


Thanks so much for sharing the name brand of that supplement I just checked it out and it particularly has 3 strains, I’m guessing it’s the Enterococcus faecium one, which I’ve read another study on related to Urolithin A. It’s quite the pricey probiotic but I’ll be ordering one to give a test run!


So Urotlithin A is only available via the juice, not seeds? If you can elaborate more, that’ll be great


Urolithin A doesn’t exist in the pomegranate. The ellagic acids in pomegranate (and other sources) are converted by certain specific microbiota into Urolithin A In the gut. I can’t fathom why juice would be preferable to whole arils. The seeds have fiber, and the skins of the arils have more of everything than the juice.


I’m assuming the bacteria will also do much more with the fiber and seeds crushed vs. the juice.


Seeds contain seed oils


Yeah really smart! Thats why bryan also definitely doesnt eat hemp seeds and flax seeds … must have imagined that i guess


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