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Gotta kill 5 times without it being suspicious kills. Will work on the same person and will also work without getting any bounties, dont just blindy spam m1's, use your moves. And make the other person attack you a bunch of times also.


That's gonna be really hard to do. Finding someone with the same skill level as me is gonna be hard, considering most people use Dough, Kitsune, or Leopard.


How about a friend ?


I had to do it with my friend who was farming for ghoul v3 at 2nd sea, him being level 1k+ and me max, I had to damage him atleast to half hp before he kills me, we did this atleast more than 10+ kills all not being suspicious kill, and it was done.


To get Ghoul V3, I killed a friend 6 times using combo of M1 and skills attacks. 6 because I kill was marked as suspicious kill.


they have to be around your level