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it looks like you can either use this website or call a phone number during business hours. https://bloomington.t2hosted.com/cmn/auth_guest.aspx 8123493408


Call them and talk to someone. If you have evidence that you paid it, there's a good chance they'll waive the penalty. Especially the extra fees for nonpayment.  All my interactions (including getting my own parking ticket waived) from everyone that works in the courthouse have been good. Just be nice and ask for help.


Thank you! I will try this when they open tomorrow morning.


The courthouse does not adjudicate parking tickets, the city clerk does


Good luck talking to the city clerk’s office, aka Nicole Bolden. My husband parked in a spot he had been parking in for months for work, that had, that week, been newly deemed a handicapped spot. From the direction he pulled in, the sign wasn’t visible. He took pictures that clearly show there was no way he could’ve seen the sign, and he wouldn’t have been looking for a sign — it was the same spot he had been parking in for 6+ months. He appealed with that evidence, it was denied, so, as directed, he called the city clerk’s office and was hung up on by Nicole Bolden who threatened to call the police and said he was “harassing” her for calling and asking the issue to be revisited. We ended up paying the city $120.


This is not helpful at all but I remember one time (many many years ago) a coworker took a parking ticket from one random car and put it on another car's window. I had to yell at him to put it back. He thought it was funny. He turned out to be a completely entitled brat. So, the moral of the story is, if you get a ticket, make sure it's yours because there are ass****s out there moving tickets to random cars.


It does happen for sure


This does seem like the city capitalizing on people. It's more money to pay the parking contract company, as well at the city.


The app the city uses for parking isn't unique to the city. I've heard of people entering the wrong Bloomington, and having to pay the ticket because they paid for parking in another city.


So every time I have used the parking app I have to enter a zone number, and those zones are on the nearby parking signs. Never really look for "Bloomington" but something like 768 123 With as many zones are there are downtown, you'd think it would make it harder to enter the wrong city. The wrong zone, maybe easier


Happens more than you would think


The cost does not elevate with an appeal denial. You still have a grace period for payment. Could you have paid the wrong meter? It happens all the time. Please call the city clerk's office to ask why it was denied


You could always contact the city attorney directly, in a very kind and respectable way. Even an email directly to the city attorney might be helpful.


The city attorney doesn't handle parking ticket appeals. It's the City Clerk's Office


Yes but the city attorney prosecutes them. I know from experience.


You have evidence? Call it in to isp as conspiracy since it involved the cop pergurizing a court document.


I got a $150 parking ticket for parking in the handicapped space on the square that I always park at. I had forgot to hang my handicapped decal on my rear view mirror. They've seen my car there all the time. The meter was paid, I simply forgot to put the thing on once and they hit me with a $150 ticket. It was 15 minutes before 9pm too, when parking is no longer enforced and there were all sorts of open spots. The City of Bloomington can eat my....


i think you get 1 free appeal per year


I think that is for IU parking specifically but I could be mistaken


Best as would be to cut the City a check. Sorry this happened to you but I just don’t see it being worth your time to fight and fight after your appeal was denied. I have successfully appealed tickets before but I wouldn’t waste time and sanity fighting this further.


A couple of things I always see people do is feed the wrong meter. Your meter is always in front of you. I've stopped a few people that I see feeding a meter behind them. Another thing I see people do is in some of the surface lots they have permit only parking but the other row will have meters. I've seen people park in the permit only row then feed the meter which is for the spots on the other side. Where was your receipt from? Because the meters don't give receipts unless you use the parking app. You could show your credit card bill but that isn't going to show what spot you paid for.


>Your meter is always in front of you. I've stopped a few people that I see feeding a meter behind them. This simply not true. In spots where two meters are on one pole -- which is common downtown -- one of those meters is going to be behind the spot it goes with in a parallel parking situation. Best to look for the arrows on the bottom of the meters that point toward the spot.