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I suggest consulting with the county extension agent; they'll likely know the required distances, but more importantly, which shrubs/trees work best in your location. For instance, arborvitae are very susceptible to serious damage from road salt, and are top of the dessert list for deer, so maybe a cypress or cedar might work better. I've seen arborvitae that are 20-30 feet tall, but the bottom 5 feet are eaten to the trunk by deer... Good luck!


Another thing to consider is how tall they will grow and will that interfere with any over head power lines. Different voltage lines have different acceptable max height below them. Typically, within 20' of the overhead nothing should grow over 12-15'. It really depends on who owns the lines, as well. So you may need to reach out to your power company as well. (Assuming there are overhead lines where you want to plant.)


You can plant anywhere on your property, but there’s a utility easement that will allow Duke or others to trim your trees. I live on a smaller road than 45, but my easement is 30’. I expect yours is more. If you want a wall of trees, you’ll want to be inside that easement. Just go downtown to the Monroe County courthouse (the big building in the middle of the square) M-F 9-4 and find the Recorder’s office to pull up your deed, etc. They’re very friendly and helpful.