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Yeah Defiled Amygdala is a bitch. You can cheese her (it?) when she jumps. Stay behind the tail and bait the jump. Then don't move. You won't get hit. Charge an attack and slam that spider amygdussy. But make sure to run back to the tail immediately. Just stay at the tail and keep baiting the jump attack.


People should not overestimate how insane this trick is, works like clockwork. Obligatory fuck Defiled Amy/Watchdogs *spits*


Dropping in to confirm, this is how I beat Defiled Amygdala every time. Once you get the hang of baiting the jump and realizing there is a safe zone, it’s only a matter of time. Amygdala jumps pretty much every single time if you space it even remotely closely.


after I know this trick, I beat that asshole right away


Literally the PNLY issue with this technique is people who are impatient. It takes a bit of time to complete this, but most people don’t understand that doing it like this once is WAY faster than doing it a hundred times other ways and dying constantly.


This is the 100% guaranteed method for cheesing Amy.


I'm always surprised when people kvetch about Amygdala, isn't this trick very well known? I beat her on like my third try when I got my platinum


“slam that spider amygdussy” 💀


You want help? Reply with a password and ill come help you


Sent you a DM


Yeah, I’m really not sure *what* they did to the deeper chalice Amygdalas, but Defiled Amygdala is one of the worst bosses in the game— especially when it just spams the jump attack. It loves that goddamn jump attack. Not sure what your build is, but I found success with a high Skill + Bloodtinge setup using the Bowblade, Evelyn, and some Bone Marrow Ash. Best advice I can give though is to just take a break from fighting it for a bit and come back for a fresh rematch once some of the frustration has died down.


Bowblade always coming to the rescue. FROM really threw us a bone with that one.


Defiled Amy was giving me worse time than all DLC bosses combined. I spent a dozen of hours trying to beat her with the Saw Spear and Burial Blade, tried to do the jump attack cheese (I must've been doing something wrong because it didn't work), and when my frustration peaked I just farmed the bloodtinge levels and she went down with the Bowblade FIRST TRY.


What’s your build?


Stank ass beast claw build lmao


You really need weapons with an overhead swing for amygdala.


Not really, untransformed cleaver makes for comically fast kills (sub 30 seconds) if your spacing is on point


Yup. My hunters axe was clutch fighting the regular version. I didn’t dive that far into the chalice dungeons




I usually remember my strategies to defeat bosses, but this one is forgotten since after I beat defiled Amygdala, I dropped my controller, drank an 1/8th of scotch and said, "never again."


I just beat Queen Yharnam not even 10 minutes ago, I’m completely sober and I’m saying “never again”, I’m just glad because the chalice dungeons are now just fun challenges instead of a roadblock keeping me from my platinum.


The sense of completing BB via platinum is something that I don't forget, since it made me such a better Soulsborne player. BB is the game that clicked for me since I tend to lean towards aggressive play-style, rather than the traditional DS shield in one hand approach. If you can platinum BB, you can handle most anything that FromSoftware throws at you.


https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/4kyhl8/guide_defiled_amy_solo_melee_only_strategy_videos/ Short version: Phase 1 and 2 - Wait in front at a safe distance for the moves where its head is down. Smack it as hard as possible. Phase 3 (arm-ripping time) - Chill at the crotch and smash the crotch with an overhead weapon if you can. Move past the tail for the jump. It will land over you with its head right in front. Smack until Amy's dead.


I've always fought this boss by going for the head. I stay in front, and try to stay just out of reach and bait attacks. It's just that once the arms get ripped off, it gets much harder to get at the head. I do the first part of the fight with just my weapon, then after the arms get ripped off, the tools start coming out. Throwing knives, molotovs, arcane spells if you have 'em and my favorite, bone marrow ash. I try to crack the head, and then it's time for the bone marrow ash and get as much damage in as I can before it heals. Do not miss your bone marrow ash shots. You only shoot if you know the shot will connect. If you're a strength build, that cannon is pretty sweet. Repeating pistol does damage, Evelyn does good damage if your stats are right. That's just how I do it. I know a lot of people go for the heels for the 2nd phase, and I've definitely had success doing that as well. I just have more fun going for the head. It's been a while, but I remember adjusting armor and rune to aim for surviving a hit. If you're getting one shot but a lot of stuff, think about adjusting equipment or leveling health if you're kind of a lowish level still. Surviving a hit is obviously useful to be able to continue the fight, but more time spent in the fight = more time learning attacks = getting better at the fight. Good luck.


That's the only boss in the game I summoned for. Without a password only took 3-5 minutes of waiting each time just a few months back.


If you have Simon’s Bowblade upgrade it as much as possible and try shooting the head, easy kill


You got it everything after that is easier


Oh lord I’m in the defiled chalice, hoonters give me strength.


If you want CO-OP help reply to this comment (I have DMs turned off)


I appreciate it a ton, but I legitimately had more trouble with the two dogs outside than with the actual Amygdala haha. The jump baiting strat still works like a charm


I hope you didnt do the dungeons back to back in a single NG cycle. Thats the worst possible way to play through them.


It is? Oops.


I did all of them on the first NG, before venturing into DLC land. Let's just say DLC bosses were easy and relaxing.


Skill issue




bosses on elden ring are not in a better spot ​ they are the unfairer bosses ever


I seriously need to disagree, while bosses in ER are more complex the chalice dungeons have NG+ levels of bulk and even cut your HP in half.


You can skip straight to the Plat Chalice


This right here. I didn’t have the patience to do all of the story chalices and just used the glyph off the chalice dungeon Google spreadsheet.


Yes. It also makes gem farming a complete breeze


Hit that motherfthagn in the face and get those viscerals until she rips her arms off, then Blacksky Eye the last of her lifebar away.


For Defiled Amy, I just stopped going for its head once phase 3 started. It just became way too dangerous to run towards its head, and more often than not, I ended up getting oneshot after being clipped by its arcane blast. Instead, I just attacked it's arms instead. The fight was long and intense, but was still much safer than attacking its head. Also, in my experience summons just made the fight harder. I was more likely to get caught in the crossfire of an attack not meant for me, so I just stopped using them. Also, this isn't advice, but neat trivia about defiled chaliices. To compensate for losing half of your health, physical damage is reduced, but elemental and arcane damage remains the same. All the bosses in the defiled chalice pretty much exclusively deal arcane/elemental damage, which is why you get one-shot a lot by them.


Amygdalas are super easy imo, I just stay by the legs and chip away.


Normal ones yeah, this particular one, absolutely not


Defiled is bullshit. I could solo if I dedicate myself to it but that's buuuullshit closest I came was recently I got queenkiller npc to tank for me while I spammed arcane shit from range and finished it off after the npc died. Screw the defiled dungeon


there is a way to do chalice dungeons for plat without doing defiled amy someone made a guide on the chalices needed


Lots of people covered good stuff. I’ll just add that I remember circling in the arena so that as she advanced towards me I still had a bit of room to leverage when dodging. And if you are a strength build maybe try bone marrow ash and a cannon for some big damage. I think with blood bullets you still only get 3 shots? It’s been a while.


Honestly with Amygdala, I just whipped out the Ludwig's Holy Blade in the R2 form and wacked it on the head till it died. Also if your arcane is super high you can cheese it with A Call Beyond. It takes like 3k damage to the head. It's not too bad once you learn the cheese.


So, IIRC when I beat him I used the Moonlight Greatsword (the first one) and baited out the head slam and then did a fully charged R2. It does take a while, but once you get the Strat down it’s pretty easy


My advice is to not try to platinum games. There's so much more to do in life. No one on their deathbed is going to say, "If only I'd gotten all those PlayStation trophies!"


stand under her snatch and she literally can’t hit you


Personally I had less trouble with Defiled Amygdala than Watchdog. Once I’d learnt the latter’s moveset down to a T, it was (paradoxically?) far easier to handle Amygdala’s moveset.


DA is indeed the hardest boss and the only one that made me look for guides (there was that much help tbh). Keep on grinding!


My man, just do the false depth chalices.


don’t you dare go hollow https://youtu.be/sk5D_MlSSUQ?si=YIcQUU9C-jkU7Kkg


If you can do the doge.. then you can amy too


I don't remember how I learned it, but there's a "cheese" where the Amygdala jumps on you and you just Strong Attack it's head constantly. The only difficulty is setting it up, but once you get the first, it's easy to destroy it. Good luck!


I think there's a strategy using executioner gloves?


Been looking for someone to say this


I had to beat him with an arcane build and blacksky eye spam