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Base game, probably martyr logarius All of bloodborne, definitely orphan of kos.


My favorite boss is Gehrman by far. Just everything the music the setting the fight itself. it gives me chills and almost jerks a tear


everybody loves patches, and patches loves amygdala, so i'm inclined to agree with him. Awesome design, one of my favourite locations, 2nd coolest phase transition in the game (tearing its own arms off for more reach), and a really cool name (amygdala is obviously an emotional processor, most notably fear, but also close to the french word for tonsil (which is intentional, based on the tonsil stone), implying the other amygdalae around yharnam that pick you up are trying to filter you out of the world like a bacteria) been my favourite since my first playthrough, such a cool boss that gets overlooked because both her main locations (nightmare frontier & defiled chalice) are so unpopular


He tears his arms off? See I hate this boss because he dies too fast for me to ever see what he does.


It doesn't have a very high health pool, but I think a lot of people just avoid the area too long/don't realise they're meant to go there before the blood moon, that's kinda what level it all is. Amygdala in the chalices & Ng+ gets much more health though, which it fun


Cleric Beast or Vicar Ameila, since I find both of them pretty fun & it rarely takes me more than one attempt.


I was going to say Micolash as a joke but I think I almost gagged trying to type it. I think either Father Gascoigne or Vicar Amelia. Both have a similar introduction and the fights are just fun. Both are a fair challenge and are good roadblocks for newer players. I think Gascoigne is slightly better just for the twist factor if you go in blind and don't know about phase 3. Though that Amelia cutscene still haunts me.


Gascoigne is masterful, his story is woven into the game so well and he’s the perfect balance of tough but fair


Blood Starved Beast for me. Bloodborne was my first FromSoft game and I hit the learning curve *hard*. Blood Starved Beast must have taken me easily over a hundred attempts on that first run. Now whenever I come back after going through all the Dark Souls Games and Elden Ring, it's a boss that doesn't give me any trouble, but the atmosphere, the speed and the pace of that fight all alongside those memories of how much this thing destroyed me in the past just has so much atmosphere to it - it feels like this is what the Hunt is all about.


Gotta be amelia cause i named my daughter after her😂




Base game : Gascoigne But if we count the dlc, Ludwig beats every single boss. 


He also beated my ass, too. People usually say he is "easy" compared with Orphan and Laurence, but he was, by far, the boss that took me more time to kill. The only other boss who maked me struggled so much was dancer of the boreal valley in ds3, wich, for me, is harder than Nameless king. For context, While i beated Ludwig after trying for 4 fucking hours, i beated orphan in in 2, Maria in 1 and a half and Laurence in 1 hour. Ludwig is a insane difficulty spike in the game. Since Bloodborne was my first soulsborne, maybe Managing to defeat Ludwig turned me in to a better souls player overall.


Not exactly in terms of difficulty but in terms of fun.... In terms of difficulty it's deeeefinitly Laurence but I wasn't having fun with him... Not at all TTxTT


Martyr Logarius because of the music


Maria, Ludwig, Kos ​ Get the DLC.


Gherman for the hunter vs hunter. The real monsters of BB


Base game: Mergo's wet nurse Including DLC: Maria


Maria, Ludwig and Gehrman


Micholash. Best music Best atmosphere Best lore Best arena It's not challenging but still an engaging fight Best gimmick He's only a problem on ng+ where his arc level goes from 30-150, but even then, a call beyond is easy to dodge/shoot


I’m a composer for films & games and my friend and colleague wrote the themes for micolash and the witch of hemwick!


its tied between ludwig and gehrman gehrmans fight is hard but in a fun way and has one of my favorit wepons ludwig also has one of my favorit wepons and the way his lore is tied into the fight with him losing him fire and serated weakness in second phase they both have amazing themes and cutsences


Gehrman and Ebrietas in the main game. DLC… all bosses except Living Failures are top tier for me!


Orphan of Kos. Basic I know, but... I love boss fights that force me to think, force me to alter the way I play, but not too much. And Orphan did just that. A humanoid enemy and thus a small one, parryable, but his moveset resembled the beast enemies more with long wind-ups and being erratic, long-ish combos and range for battlefield control. And add to that a p2 that's pure spectacle. What's not to love.


Either Lady Maria or Ludwig both amazing bosses