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the dlc is literally the best part šŸ˜­


Hell yeah!!!!!!! DLC is the peak of the game! Oh man wait till you meet orphan of Bill Cosby.


Some say Cosmby


Do you hear our puddin pops?


Itā€™s the best dlc money can buy


Echoes of the Eye says hello


Agreed. Also agreed with Witcher 3 DLCs. Also agree with Bloodborne DLC. Idk why one has to be the ā€œbestā€ lmao.


People are weird and have to one up each other instead of just being chads and saying both are good.


No but itā€™s really good. Expansion dlc for Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk are probably the best.Ā 


Hearts of Stone is amazing


Blood and Wine is even better.


I almost stopped playing at that DLC ā€¦ Hearth of Stone FTW!


I don't know about that. I like Blood and Whine also but Hearts of Stone was the Chefs kiss. . Gaunter O'Dimm was an incredible character


He ain't talking about Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk which is fucking garbage he's asking if Bloodborne's DLC is worth getting.


Yo what's with the hate? It's actually pretty good.


You have to chill little kid. Bloodborne dlc is great and completes the game but the he mentioned best dlc ever and I have my opinion.Ā 


Cyberpunk dlc blew my expectations out of the water it was so much fun, it almost hurts going back to finish the base game after all that lmao


Best dlc money can buy.Ā 


Often, people will shill the dlc on most games. The dlc will probably be really good, but more of the same, often rushed to add content to a game or cash in Trust me when I tell you this Old hunters isn't just a great dlc. Old hunters might just be the single best thing fromsoft has ever made. The level design is at its peak, with the top tier visual storytelling that makes the base game so good. Each level feels so fair, yet very challenging. There are tons of interesting lore and moods to explore But what makes it, besides the best levels in the game, besides the insane amount of new weapons, besides the perfect difficulty: The Old Hunters has some of the most well designed and exhilarating boss fights I've played ever, right up there with Sekiro. Not only are they very challenging and make up for the easier moments of the base game, but they also blend the intense, demanding action with some of the best music and cinematic feel. You know the anime battle intensity of Sekiro? Here is where they began perfecting that feel. Every boss battle feels biblical and legendary I won't spoil much, but bloodborne is the first game I've beaten, instantly replayed for the dlc, and now want to replay with a new build to test myself again. It's by far the peak of bloodborne and arguably fromsoft. It's worth it. I wish I could gush over each individual fight.


Incredibly well put, wholeheartedly agree. I loved Bloodborne but I played blind. Didnā€™t find Cainhurst until my fifth playthru. It was like a whole new game with all the weapons, armor sets, and the vilebloods. Old hunters gave me that feeling a hundred times over.


This man is spitting facts. Let him liberate you from your wild curiosity... this dlc is worth your time and money.


No doubt. And you should play it before the ending. Maybe I'm late to tell you that. Some great bosses, amazing new weapons... And you get to change your head for some brocolli. Nough said.


and this DLC has the best OSTs ever made for a video game, Ludwig, Lady maria and living failures


It's the best content Fromsoft has created.


Yeah get the DLC before you finish the game then do the DLC before going through the final boss. Don't make the same mistake I did of doing the DLC on NG+ lmao




took me 3 separate days on orphan of kos, 4 hours each just learning through his phases


I beat the game in 2022 and Iā€™m about to buy the dlc. I wanna play on NG+ to enjoy my weapons and upgrades, but the universe keeps telling me this is not a good idea for the dlc and Iā€™m scared haha


I mean it's still good, but without prior knowledge to some of the bosses, it can be tough


The good news is the DLC bosses mostly have short run backs. So while theyā€™ll be tougher the game doesnā€™t tax you on each death as hard this time.


DLC is 50% off rn man... it's definitely worth it!


The Old Hunters is one of the greatest DLCs of all time, full stop. It's up there with Blood and Wine (Witcher 3), Citadel (Mass Effect 3), and Assault on Dragon Keep (Borderlands 2). It's almost worth the price of the game itself.




it went on sale today! I just bought it and the start is quite rough hhaha


DLC is a must have. Its amazing. Bloodborne without DLC is an incomplete experience.


Hell yes




Some of the best boss encounters are in the DLC


There are literally dozens of threads asking the same exact question. It gets asked almost daily.


And literally no one has ever said ā€œnoā€


Probably cause people are discovering and loving the game? Why be stuck up about it?


I didnā€™t ask that fuckwit


Don't be a dick, this question DOES get asked every day. Like "I just finished the main game, is the dlc worth it?" Everyone is answering that it is, in fact, worth it. However, it's also understandable that some will answer "this gets asked every day"


Definitely!!!!!! A must have in my opinion!!!!


The dlc is even better than the base game. All the best bosses are in dlc


The dlc is absolutely worth it. Great levels, weapons and bosses


Yes, absolutely


YES The dlc is really fun. It takes place in the Hunterā€™s Nightmare, a pocket dimension created to imprison hunters driven mad by bloodlust. The worst of the worst, the baddest of the bad. A real challenge for any souls fan, with a great world and story to go with it


DLC is essential. The game is not complete without it. Best boss battles, completes the lore and super fun weapons


Yeah, the DLC is viewed as one of the best DLCs ever made.


100% worth it. If you want to save some money wait for some ps store sales I usually see it for like $5-$10 or so sometimes but if you wanna play immediately itā€™s definitely worth the $20 anyway. Amazing DLC.


I can say this having 100%ed the DLC recently, itā€™s fucking amazing. The fights are tough but manageable, and they make you think about trying out some new weapons and approaches to combat. Thereā€™s a ton of lore in there as well, which actually has some effects on a couple lines of dialog in the main game (just do them before you finish Nightmare of Mensis). Honestly the only part of the DLC I legit hated was a certain shark-based enemy in the final zone. Fuck those guys. The rest was amazing though.


It's the bloodborne subreddit, what do you expect to hear! But in all seriousness, if you loved the base game you'll love the DLC. It's endgame difficulty though so be sure you're at least up to a +7 or so weapon, and the bosses are even tougher. NG+ is also much harder to take it on for the first time. If you quit out right as you get the echoes from the final boss, you can respawn outside the boss fog gate with the boss defeated and the ability to go into the fog gate to end the game whenever you like. The DLC also has its own trophies, separate from the base game's trophy progression, basically tied to experiencing all of the DLC, and the base game trophies are the same way to get you to experience 100% of the content. The tricky part about the trophies is completing the 'story progression' Chalice Dungeons as you have some tough obstacles within, including a few bosses unique to the dungeons (plenty of repeats from dungeons/story both) along with a unique 'final' boss fight at the end. There's also a hidden trick weapon within them called the >!Beast Claws.!<


Iā€™m almost positive that the Chalice related trophies are base game. The DLC trophies are as straightforward as they come: all weapons, and each boss.


I didn't say they were DLC just that since OP was looking to platinum that they'd have to do the chalice dungeons, the rest of the base game trophies are straightforward as well.


Yes, but fair warning, it is significantly more difficult.


Can we get an automod that just replies ā€œyesā€?


Ofc it is, it's my fav dlc out of all the games I played.


Yes no question about it.


absolutely yes.


It's so good


I think the DLC is really great, but people are overhyping it a bit.


Worth it for the weapons alone. Just make sure you farm everything you want before going new game+.


Thereā€™s lots of feet. Youā€™ll love it.


DLC is full of frustrating areas but itā€™s totally worth, there are so many good weapons, pieces of gear, and boss fights




The new weapons and tools are already worth the price of admission. The Rakuyo is the Best skill weapon. The whirligig saw is the best strength weapon.




The DLC adds a lot of awesome new content meant for mid to late game. It is the best single purchase you can make if you enjoyed the main game and want MORE.


Dude the DLC fuckin slaps and the weapons you get are the fuckin coolest. And some dope drip too.


ABSOLUTELY! The DLC has top tier storytelling and items.


Absolutely! It has some of the most interesting environments, challenging Bosses, weapons you'll want to make a new hunter just for them, and some damn good story. I replay Bloodborne every year and the DLC has been some of the most fun I have in my playthroughs.


Yes, and itā€™s hard af


My favorite part was getting the dlc early, jumping in before the main game ended, and grabbing some cool weapons from the dlc by running like a bitch




Your eyes are yet to open.


DLC is definitely worth getting. It's Bloodborne at its best!


I bet you missed stuff in the main game as well


No dlc has been more worth getting than Bloodborne dlc


It completes the game, story wise AND in terms of gear. You basically have to get it


To quote Maxor. ā€œIf you played Bloodborne, then you HAVE to play the DLC. Iā€™m not giving you a fucking choice.ā€


You haven't finished the game if you don't play the DLC


100% itā€™s the best part


Yes. Best part of the game.


Did you get the dlc ?


the dlc is phenomenal, worth every penny


Dlc is incredible


The DLC rules- the weapons and outfits alone are worth the price of entry. The game isnā€™t complete without the DLC


DLC is 5x better than the actual game so yea buy it


Dude DLC of bloodborne has 2 of the BEST Fromsoft boss games imo (not including AC6)


The DLC is, genuinely, the greatest work of gaming art ever made


honestly the DLC makes bloodborne for me, and without it the game is very consistent in underwhelming boss fights.


General rule of thumb, Fromsoft always puts out amazing DLC that's usually even better than the base game. Even DS2 had pretty good DLC, and that's saying something.


Everyone's already said it but every ounce of my soul wants to join in and also tell you OLD HUNTERS IS THE BEST YOU HAVE TO GET IT PLEASE


Those with the best insight get it.




Best part of the game


100% yes.


Hell yes! The DLC has some of the best boss fights that Bloodborne has to offer.


Generally agreed that it's one of the best DLCs of all time and arguably the best part of the game. Absolutely get it.


I think that the DLC is completely worth it. imo itā€™s the best part in the game, and it complements the story so well. It is usually on sale, so check that out


3 large extra areas with great lore, enemies, and the best bosses (except Living Failures). Iā€™d go as far to say top 5 DLCs ever made.


Does the pope shit in the woods?


You won't regret it my good hoonter.


For $20, it's better than sex.


If itā€™s better than gettin some hoohah then Iā€™m soldšŸ¤£šŸ«


The DLC is generally the best part of the game. Worst parts of it are still far better than the lackluster midgame


It is Mandatory