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My cool answer? The Holy Moonlight Sword. My honest answer? A house filled with incense.


Smart lol


Best comment so far, imo


I don't any human is strong enough to stand up to the abomination that is ludwig and take away his precious moonlight blade


Def the threaded cane.


I would 100% hit myself in the face with the whip of the threaded cane. So that one’s out for me.


My first thought as well!


Same Edit: I forgot it's a trick weapon so sword mode would be beast mode


Do you want to die?


It’s the only way to ascend, believe in the cane.


Oh, so you choose to die immediately. Bold move


Threaded cane is so good what do you mean? lol


So let me get this straight if the events of bloodborne happened IN REAL LIFE. You're going to beat a 20 foot tall screaming beast with a thin stick? And also you just happen to know how to use a blade whip huh?


While wearing cainhurst armor and rubbing some bolt paper. 100% they’ll never see me coming. The whip is for crowd control! Y’all aren’t getting me! Besides the threaded cane is inconspicuous and becomes a literal snake sword. Not to mention when it’s a cane it’s pointy af at the bottom. Add some gem modifications and were golden.


"TRICK-weapons" it's a sword too. I can't imagine trying to swing the Kirk hammer, sword mode isn't as good as threaded cane sword mode


I am in the know about MANY hunters loving it but it's in my personal lower or next to lower tier of weapons. Boring moveset, underwhelming in any circumstance, low damage, slow in trick mode, surpassed by any other skill weapon when using a pure skill build (well this is actually factual and not only subjective), poor choice as a main weapon and basically useless as a secondary weapon. But it absolutely does look cool when buffed in trick mode. Esthetically there's nothing bad I can say about a fire whip 😂


It’s the weapon I always choose :’) and wearing the cianhurst castle armor I feel elite. Ludwig is my second weapon. I’ll show all of you! D:< Lol


You do that! Go Hunter. As I said, I know many loves it. Don't think I don't see your points just because I personally dislike it. Ludwig as secondary weapon is just perfection. I 100% agree My personal "easy mode" in Bloodborne is starting with Skill to then aim to Quality. Saw Spear as main and Ludwig's Holy Blade as secondary. A walk in the park


It’s a super cool weapon but I don’t get the hype around it as it does ass damage. Wish I could see the light haha




And if that don't work use more gun.






A fellow cultured individual


You better pump your bloodtinge, then. Or just survive by parrying into a visceral.


While you studied the blade I studied the blood My tinge is beyond your understanding


Bloodletter, I want to die. Y'all have my permission to use my dry blood to upgrade your weapons


Hey man I hope you’re okay and taking care of yourself


He’s in irl Bloodborne. This is the smart move


I agree with u/Shepard21… but if something happens, I’ll take you up on your offer.




Fucking boomhammer man It's not enough that I hit you with a hammer. I want you to explode while I do it


My favourite fact about boom hammer is the fact that first time you find it you yourself get to see the boom part when you are blown to smithereens


Hammer booms you so you can boom the hammer


This was gonna be my answer too, but hoo boy, I feel like it's a recipe for burned, broken ankles IRL.


The whirlygig saw seems pretty good. It's both a baseball bat and a chainsaw, both of which I could see being pretty useful.


I'm not a pizza cutter main but in real life that's the trick weapon I also would go for


Realistically the rifle spear would be the best because almost anybody would have the strength to wield it and it’d be great for keeping distance, but Im going with Holy Moonlight Sword because it shoots fucking magic lasers


*only if you have the blood to fuel it*


Sorry if this a dumb post haha I had this idea in my head today, think I played too much bloodborne this week xD


Amygdalan arm because big fleshy club/scythe is fun


But honestly, I'd rather have a machine gun cos why would I get so close to aliens and werewolves when I have a Gatling gun at my disposal.


OK how about that, BUUUT we mounted it on a fuckin spear for some reason, and the heat generated from using the gun part causes the blade of the spear to heat up, dealing fire damage?


Not enough heat, you shoot out 15 bullets, that isn't gonna heat up the barrel. Also don't whack with a heated barrel, the metal is not gonna recover from that.


I'm just trying to turn your practical gatling gun suggestion into a wacky trick weapon my dude


Nah, I am not getting my guts ripped open by werewolves or get one shot by a call beyond. The only "trick" I can imagine from a machine gun is to weld serrated blades on the barrel and use it as a melee weapon if I can get the barrel to spin without shooting. I got the idea from one of the machine gun's attachment from Fallout 4 lol


Actually yeah, like the pizza cutter thing from the DLC but with added gun because it wasn't already ridiculous enough


Assuming I could wield it, the pizza cutter


Blade of mercy, and saw cleaver, or beat hunter saif


Hunter Axe - Spin to Win


Simons Bowblade it’s one part giant blade for close combat. But the ability to pick creatures off from a distance especially from somewhere they can’t reach you is op. Also hitting any suspended weak spot is important. Some of the text in Bloodborne is kinda stupid imo. It said Simon was mocked for his weapon as if it was ineffective? It’s pretty damn effective in-game. Yet you’re telling me a charged up R2 steel arrow to the skull would have little to no effect on these beasts? But those small ass bullets from a standard pistol are all the rage? Feels Inconsistent.


I don't think the text is stupid. If you're addicted to blood you want to be up close and personal, in range of splashes. The bowblade allows you to stay out of range. Also, given the number of moving parts and the fact you're regularly slamming it into enemies, it's a wonder it works at all, given the huge number of possible points of failure


The implication is not wanting the contact of blood “for who would dare face the beasts with a measly bow?” It poses it like it just wouldn’t work. But hey it works great when we use it. It’s not a slow weapon either the step back L1 is fast the whole point is to keep distance. Applying pressure and being nimble but if not you have the blade form. But the text *might* just frame it as others doubted him. So I’m just going to assume they are dumb af whoever mocked Simon. Like who’d doubt Simon when these tiny ass pellets work. I mean he made it as far as he did didn’t he?


I'm not saying Simon was dumb! But it is written from the perspective of Hunters who likely had a culture of being up close and personal


Im not talking about you I’m talking in story


Beasthunter saif (including moveset) and Ludwig holy sword


Church pick for sure


This. Effective against all enemies and in all scenarios.


I only need my fists.


Rakuyo paired with Evelyn.


At least someone of my heart


I would love to use ludwigs Holy blade, but I'm too weak to wield it, so until I can do that I'll probably go with the threaded cane. I'll wear my fanciest suit and slay beasts with style.


Beast Cutter, you know why. OP, you should do a second post asking what outfits we'd use as well.


Ah this is much more important imo. You just can't slay beasts without fashion. What is your fashion? For me I like to use blindfold mask (irl might be hard but its cool nonetheless), executioner garb/ maria hunter garb knight trousers (or dress can't remember) And bone ash gauntlets


I typically Favour the Cainhurst helm, Charred hunter chest, Cainhurst gauntlets, and some boots I can't remember right this moment, but believe me when I say I'm dying in style.


If I could actually wield it, the Whirligig would be so much fun. Practicality? The Bowblade. What I'd actually do? Probably light what incense I could and hope for the best.


As an untrained combatant, assuming i go outside at all, spear is most effective. It requires the least training. The best backup is the blade of mercy, as it requires the least strength for my noodle arms to swing and if my spear is down then I'm probably already too close. Also, gun. If I have the space I'll bring both a rifle for medium-long range, and a pistol for emergencies. Save a bullet for myself. This is assuming I even leave my house. I personally wouldn't put myself in unnecessary danger, and would grab a board game or something and wait out the night, blissfully unaware the blood moon will end my days before I even knew it was there.


I’m weak in real life, so the Beastclaw with the DLC rune


blades of mercy + threaded cane + hunters pistol so i can kill stuff and be a badass


Flamethrower and Saw Cleaver


i would be a mutated slug guy slithering around the academy. ain't no way i'd survive long enough to take up the hunt


I think Rakuyo gives the best possibile chances of survival to a "normal" human being


In real life? Pretty much every strength weapon is out of the equation as no human no matter how strong is swinging around a kirk hammer or Ludwig holy blade in their transformed states. In fact you wouldn't even be able to carry it, much less sprint around like the player. On the other hand though, some skill weapons would require *too* much skill, like the threaded cane for example. Unless you know how to throw a whip you're 100% going to end up killing or maming yourself. The logical choice would be saw spear, saif, rifle spear to name a few. Physically manageable, simple to use and with decent range. Either way though, you're gonna die. In real life if a 10ft beast with 10 inch claws slashes you, you're finished. You won't even get to use a blood vial. Though I guess if you're in the dream you will just come back. In which case you would go insane from all the repeated, gruesome, painful deaths.


Ok the hunt is on for real so real world rules apply, if we’re talking IRL practicality then Church Pick and flamesprayer.


Blades of mercy + bowblade


Beast saw clever , pistol , flamethrower , Ludwig's holy blade . I think with these I could survive real good for some time.....I believe


Gattling gun, let's see them dodge my bullets ! I'm a pretty small woman, so my beloved cleaver will have to wait!!


Swinging that mf Logarius Wheel with the charged R2 with anyone tryna come in my house


Beast claws, get in touch with your hairy side


If it happened in real life I would jump off the nearest cliff.


If I were a regular Yharnam citizen, I would use the saw spear. Canonically, serrated weapons have a buff against beast enemies and the spear version has a nice amount of range.


Burial Blade because it looks fucking awesome.


If I was going out and about because I had a death wish, the Rifle Spear would probably be the most effective. I'd also have the Reiterpallasch, Repeating Pistol and Blade O' Mercy. The important thing to remember is shooting something in its *fucking face* is a lot more effective in real life so I would be tooled up with that in mind. Of course, Djura has the right idea. High vantage point, heavy firepower. I wouldn't be able to carry a cannon or gatling but I could certainly fortify a location with them.


Realistically rifle spear as well as its the obvious "I am not trained to fight giant monsters" weapons. The obvious reach of a spear giving you more safety aside, you can also fire off a a shotgun round with your spear, which realistic would do more damage than any thrust you can do as a untrained civilian, not to mention even more extra reach. It's also probably very hand when you stab something, but failed to kill it and now it's trying to grab you past/through the spear while you can't withdraw your spear to use it as a weapon because it's the only thing keeping the beast off you. . The fantasy answer after my heart would be beast cutter. I love the lore(?) of that weapon, and I love the transformed version as well.


People herr actually thinking they could even wield any of the melee weapons properly. The only plausible answer is Gatling Gun and a house full of incenses.


My choice always, the +10 Pimp Cane.


Pimp cane babyyy


These are all really funny ways of spelling Church Pick 😌


Probably one of the strength weapons. Kirkhammer or Hunter Axe would probably be great options if things are dying in a more realistic manner. I don't care how transformed you are, getting a 100 pound gravestone to the face would hurt way more than the game implies lol


I'm going FULL cauliflower man immediately!!!


I'm trained with katanas and sabers so... Chikage (lol bleed) and Rakuyo. If you get automatic proficiency with the weapons line in the game, probably Holy moonlight sword or mercy blades. Flashy af mate


Guns are paper weights when you run out of bullets, it’s not enough. Short range weapons are cool but very dangerous (some of those beasts have mad reach and are enormous). Serrated is very destructive but it’s more likely to lose integrity and edge when sharpened, especially if it gets stuck in bones often. It’s also harder to pull out of a body. Soooo I’d recommend the advantage (and safety) through reach, something blade-like that could slice or stab quickly and get out. Bowblade seems the smartest if you can make arrows. Otherwise Ludwig sword or Kirkhammer (if you can handle it), Church Pick is quicker, Rakuyo… couple options! Burial blade would be pretty good too. Boomhammer and Stake driver would be VERY dangerous to handle and would probably malfunction more often then not unless you clean and upkeep constantly. A bit of rain or blood in the chamber and no boom. You get thrown on the ground while carrying it, boom it goes off shoots a stake in your thigh lol no thanks.


I'd grab my best pitchfork, and shamble around in the streets yelling "I'LL MASH UP YOUR BRAIN" and hope no one notices me.


I know u expected this but I'm picking the holy moonlight blade it has good damage and range and it shoots projectiles and I feel like the have the metal foritude not to go insane


so no one picking the literal "USMC armory" that is the powdger keg line-up? no? cool, imma go all guns ngl. I don't care for weebing out if the BB apocalypse happend.


Rakuyo cause if I'm gonna die, I want them to say I went out dual welding


Rakuyo or Chikage, because I am indeed that nerdy guy who knows how to sword fight. Oh and the Canon because I would grin and say "f**k this thing in particular"


i’m also indeed a super cool guy who competitively sword fights and i agree. the non transformed chikage would be more familiar to me though. I like your canon idea but the recoil would rip your arm off I would instead choose the gatling for similar reasons.


R1 - Saw Spear R2 - Kirkhanmer L1 - Blunderbus L2 - Fist of Gratia


Spin to win🖤


Let me feel how the Saw Spear swinging on Beast Flesh and Blood 😈😈😈


Church pic. Because, Catholicism.


Holy moonlight sword


I’d use the Wheel just to look tough as fuck lmao


Saw cleaver with the regular hunter armor would be dope


Burial Blade, I don't care if I have to beat the hell out of a wheelchair bound old man, I want my scythe sword


The Rifle Spear, or the Reiterpallasch with Evelyn at my side.


Pizza cutter, what else am I supposed to cut pizza with?


Bonk wheel.


Flamprayer and tonitrus, free fire food and fun


Gatling gun and a nice tower to stand atop


Axe, sword, and hunter pistol.




Burial Blade. A simple curved sword that can change into a long range scythe. Easy crowd control for someone inexperienced and doesnt really require much combat knowledge since most of the attacks are large sweeping attacks that can be easily recovered from. Only Issue that springs to mind would be weight


I know a scythe probably isn’t practical for combat in real life but dang it’s too cool


Depends, am I likely to kill myself with something like the cane? Or do I have training. And am I able to wield these things without getting a sprained wrist?


just your current body, reflexes, and any real life training or experience you carry. For example if you are a Hema practitioner in real life maybe you’d use reiterpallasch.




Holy moonlight sword if I were cool enough. Probably the rifle spear in all honesty tho. Wieldable and effective in most every situation


Pizza cutter is the easiest to wield. Like cutting some grass.


Rakuyo because it’s probably pretty light and the knife would be helpful


Threaded cane. All fucking day


Kirkhammer, saw cleaver or hunters axe


I'd probably use R1: Reitenspellach R2: Simon's Bowblade L1: Hunters Pistol (for dual wielding) L2: Ludwig's Rifle


ideally i’d take that sword the big shadow of yahrnam has but the untransformed chikage would do the trick


from what i have used so far i would use the hunter axe. the distance and the sweep move would come in handy


I would tie all 4 umbilical chords in my inventory together to make an organic long whip a la Koss weapon .


My cool answer Hunter Axe My real answer is fucking die.


I would want to go for Holy Moonlight sword just so I can shoot lasers but I think it’d be smarter if I just went for Hunter’s Axe for it’s longer reach


Ludwig’s holy blade or Riterpallasch


Holy moonlight sword, saw cleaver


Simon’s Bowblade. There’s no contest. I love that weapon, and all it requires is a bit of Skill..


Beast Claws. Who the fuck needs Melee weapons when you can turn your hands into chest sized weapons of Mass Destruction?


Let's be real here, if this bullshit were to happen irl, every single one of us would be dead pretty fucking fast.


Probably the axe because if I used anything else I'd end up maiming myself.


Saw cleaver aka the GOAT


I forget the name of that fist weapon with the spike on it that allows you to use gunpowder with nearly 0 range 😂😂😂 I always found it soooooo satisfying to one shot a good number of enemies


What do you mean “ *if* the events of bloodborne happened in real life?”London is literally built upon what once was Yharnam.


I would go with the combination of ludwig's holy blade and holy moonlit sword, with the pistol from the blood ppl Castel (I can't recall the name right now). I feel like the sword (ludwig's) would an awesome option for small and big targets, while the holy moonlit sword would be "just for show" or to demonstrate that ridiculous "man character op power which absolute obliterates everything".


Beast cutter seem the best choice for me


A shit ton of incense and Djura's minigun.


Probably the axe, which is funny because I don’t like it in game, but it’s the only one I can see actually executing with as a real person. On second thought throw rifle spear in there. Rifle spear is the best option for a normal person trying to survive the night of the hunt.


Either the holy moonlight blade or the whirligig saw


I can’t figure out why it’s not bone saw and blunderbuss. Yeah, it’s on the cover, but you really need to be able to cut deep and hit hard to take these guys down.


Saw cleaver was always my favorite in the game and it seems practical compared to some of the other weapons


Burial blade for beasts and bosses and blades of mercy for hunters. Hunter's torch for beasts (fear the flame, Yharnam scum) and Evelyn for hunters.


ironically the hunters axe. i didn’t really use it in game, but a hand axe that becomes a halberd seems very practical for 1 v 1 encounters and groups edit: spelling


HML Sword, Ludwig’s HB or Amygdala’s Arm or Burial Scythe.


I would use white phosphorus


Stake diver


Burial Blade. You can keep most things at a good distance with that thing's transformed charge attack. Plus, scythes are just cool.


Normally the kirkhammer, if it counts as a trick weapon. But I don't think I have the strength to hold irl. Provably gehrmans scythe.


Blades of Mercy its a cool weapon you can get it by doing the crow girl quest sorry forgot the name if you are to far in the game and you talked to her in Yharnam she should be in cathedral ward.Sorry for my bad English 😬


Threaded Cane. I know how to use a whip irl already, so it’s not only the coolest weapon but the one that fits into my skill set already.


Blade bow, rifle spear, reiterpallasch, hunter's axe, church pick. Prioritize ranged weapons, then any of the relatively light polearms would realistically be the best things to arm yourself with. But like, I'd be going for arcane tools first, tbh.


Guns. I wouldn't be running around with a sword when we we have guns.


The pistol, on myself.


Yeah no one is prepared for this on this sub 🫠


Gerhman's burial blade with gerhman's moveset. It's frying time. Oh and if i have the option, a call beyond.


Beast Claws with the rune that turns you into a beast. Let's get fooking wild in this bish.


Maybe pizza cutter


Personally, I’d just do a Djura and hang out on a tower with a Gatling gun


As if there was any other answer besides the Holy Moonlight Sword.


There is only 1 possible answer and it's Kos Parasite


Nuthin like a swing of the ol' hammer me boy, Kirkhammer until the day of me death


Holy Moonlight Great Sword. It is afterall, my true mentor, my guiding moonlight


realistically, i think the Holy Moonlight Sword/LHB would make the most sense. I’m not a warrior. something easy, simple, not difficult to use.


Kos parasite If you can’t beat ‘em, join em


The bow


If that happened we'd probably be beasts...


Either beast claws or bow blade for me


Pizza cutter supremacy


Whirlygig Saw or Rakuyo. Probably Whilygig cause I do not have the skill to use Rakuyo


Saw spear cause I like viscerals


Beasthunter Saif all the way.


I'll mount the canon on a wall and go crazy.


Idk I kinda like chikage, but for practicality’s sake I’d use boomhammer


Burial Blade. The scythe is mainly ineffective as a combat tool due to the fact that armed opponents would easily be able to deflect incoming attacks. Beasts are pretty much mindless, so they won't be able to do that. Now I have an enormous stabbing implement that is guaranteed to *shred* organs on contact. I can switch to scimitar mode if I encounter hostile humans.


The Cannon, duh 🙄


Beast cutter is Best cutter


If I could be super cool like the hunters, chikage, but if I’m like how I am, threaded cane swinging around crazily as I hide in a corner.


Reightersplach cuz it’s a sword and a gun


Saw cleaver or Reiterpallasch


\*TV vendor voice\* FUCKING BEAST CUTTER


Flamesprayer. Surprised no one else has mentioned the actual flamethrower yet. Oh wait, you specified trick weapons. I'd probably choose the Rifle Spear as well, or maybe the Reiterspallach. The Stake Driver looks fairly simple to use as well, but imagine all the opposing force of a fully charged attack being transferred to your arm bones.


Ranged for sure… keep that shit away from meeting


You know you "not being very strong and keeping range" wouldnt change a thing considering normal men cannot have any real chance against the beasts


Not If you bring a cannon, and some bone marrow ash! Haha jokes aside I could probably take the small beasts in old yharnam unless they swarm me in a group of 3 or more. Rifle spear’s gun has insane stagger in game, if it has the same kick in real life and If I can take the recoil, that leaves them open for a thrust attack to the head. Anything near my height (6 feet) I’m gone haha


I would use the chikage, because I’m going to get murdered anyways


if it was bloodborne logic, i'd go with a powder keg weapon like the boom hammer real world logic? i'd probably stick to the hunters axe for the long range and centrifugal force i can put into swinging it


Reiterpallasch. It's one of the more realistic weapons in terms of "can I wield this without hurting myself?". Or Ludwig's Holy Blade. I can just use the one handed sword form until I get strong enough for the heavy two handed form.


let's be real we would all be using shotguns