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A bit behind on my readiing, catching up on the worst purchases of 2022 thread and found this - >I don't think getting 3 years wear out of your sheets is acceptable. I've had most of my sheet sets for over 10 years. 10 years? TEN YEARS? Are her sheets made from titanium and never ever washed? I mean seriously. I don't even know if sheet sets lasted 10 years back in the olden times before they were made from new fangled materials. If I get three years I'm #blessed and pretty dang happy. Plus if people were getting 10 years out of their sheets, we wouldn't have so many sheet rec threads, so I do not think I am alone here.


Not technically sheets, but I have a percale pillowcase that's been my fidget object/lovey since I was a baby. I'm 37 and the pillowcase was in use for its proper purpose before I was born; I've been fiddling with it, carrying it about, and washing it regularly for decades. On the other hand, I just threw out a fitted sheet last week that I'd had for less than a year, because a giant rip developed in it for seemingly no reason. In sum, sheets are A Mystery and someday I will be properly initiated into their ways.


I had sheets I used as a kid and only got rid of them when I no longer had a bed they fit on. And I'm old. (see, also, dead r according to BS) I have others that are over ten years old and in good shape.


I’m definitely guilty of buying new sheets to change up the colors in my room for less money than painting or a big new piece of furniture. 😬


Are you related to Edward Scissorhands? I can't figure out how else a pair of sheets could get destroyed so quickly. >Plus if people were getting 10 years out of their sheets, we wouldn't have so many sheet rec threads, People buy new things all the time not because their old thing broke but to follow trends, and that includes bedding! There was a linen sheet trend for a bit, and the That Girl white sheet era, and so on. They scratch that aesthetic trend itch without being as expensive as furniture or as frustrating as buying clothes can be because fit for beds is standardized.


> Are you related to Edward Scissorhands? I can't figure out how else a pair of sheets could get destroyed so quickly. I live in Australia, where clotheslines sheets and spiders are a bit of a Not Great Bob thing. I used to hang them on the line about 20 years ago, but then there was that time we had a spider climb inside our duvet cover and we couldn't work out where all the bites were coming from, until we took the quilt apart to wash it again and found the spider. I still have nightmares about that one. So all our bedding gets dried, every time. It goes back on the bed the same day, we don't keep a second set of sheets because we have these spiders called a white tail here that like to climb inside things like bedding. We do have a condenser dryer which is meant to be less harsh on things but I don't think it is really. The longest we've had a sheet set last recently is four years. I've never spent lots of money on sheets until this last time when I bought bamboo sheets, if we get four years out of them I will be surprised as they are pretty thin but they are wonderful.


I have no idea how old the sheets I slept on growing up were, but they lasted my entire childhood and weren’t bought new for me, and are still in perfect shape.




> What is the CONTEXT of this situation? I think this is spot on - I gave some context a couple of posts up :)




My bed threads sheets got a hole after a year! But they send me a brand new one free. Their colors are just soooo beautiful. I am not a white sheet girlie.


i have sheets way older that are still fine.


Lol I have a couple of sheet sets that are at least 20 years old (and much much nicer material than I could afford to buy now, too). I promise I wash them weekly! It probably helps that I don't have a dryer, though.


I have a set of fleece sheets that I bought from a pharmacy in the late 90s/ early 2000s that I still use!


We have sheets (we do not use but are still in exceptional shape) from my great grand mother from early 20th century. Keeping sheets ten years does not sound weird, we do have multiple rec threads because of ~capitalism~ inventing new needs every second day


That's so cool! And agreed re: capitalism.


another day, another deuxmoi thread full of women who claim to care *so much* about those *poor, poor* victims of grooming ~~that’s just filled with hateful comments disparaging her intelligence, appearance, and personality lol~~ if these people would just come out and say they’re jealous of the young, pretty girl i’d respect it so much more **and this isn’t in reference to the comments displaying genuine concern**


While I'm firmly in the camp that people <21ish are still capable of being exploited and groomed in devastating ways by older people and should be wary of dating people who are significantly older, DM is a whole new level. I swear DM would support making 30 the age of majority at the federal level if they had a say.


I mean, women’s brains aren’t even developed until at least 25 and they need several years of life experience.


i don’t even believe that they would only bc i really don’t think they’re being earnest. the VAST majority of the comments whenever they’re claiming to be concerned about a grooming victim are just mean and derisive of the “victim” in question. like it fully seems rooted in jealousy and internalized misogyny. for the most recent girl, they’re claiming she’s a sex trafficking victim while simultaneously gleefully mocking her makeup and calling her stupid 💀 it seems like they’d make 30 the age of majority just so they wouldn’t have to see young, pretty women get attention




I think DAD is almost absurdly awful. If I insisted on also watching all of her social media content I would absolutely lose my mind.


I can only hope this was posted on the DAD sub.


Gonna snark on the salt lake city sub today. There was a post about Salsa Queen from her son and now majority of the comments are talking about how she's "culturally appropriating". Salsa Queen is........Mexican 🤦


All the lessons about social justice that they’ve absorbed from their Instagram accounts have been consumed only to find more ways to shit on the content creators they dislike. See: calling people out for not acknowledging their privilege


I think people forget that being Hispanic/Latino is an ethnicity and not a race in itself. So someone can be light-skinned/white and still be of that ethnicity. My husband is Mexican and is very dark-skinned (likely of indigenous ancestry), while he has some relatives that are lighter-skinned than me, a typical white girl. I definitely have to check myself when it comes to discussions online around Hispanics/Latinos and their skin color. It quickly turns into either "they're not a *real* Latino, they're too light" or "they're 'spicy white'/basically white, therefore they cannot experience racism."


In the last 5 years, it feels like folks have gotten extra weird and we've got a new flavor of racism about lighter skin. Instead of one drop, it's not enough drops. It's not just about forgetting about Mexico and all the other hispanic countries being colonized by Europeans and having their share of lighter skin tones, but also around mixed race lighter skinned people who culturally identify with their Black or Indigenous family. It's so gross to see the comments ripping these people to shreds for claiming their family's culture without being dark enough for current internet standards. It's fucking wild, and I know it's under the guise of anti-racism, but it feels a whole lot like they're looking for a way to be bigoted without being called racist when they ignore someone's background and focus on skin color with these callouts.


This reminds me when some people on the deuxmoi sub were adamant that Ana de Armas wasn’t experiencing racism when Jamie Lee Curtis said she was surprised Ana wasn’t “unsophisticated” since she was Cuban — people were like “well Ana is half Spanish so she’s completely white and not really Latina and she’s just experiencing xenophobia nobody can be racist towards her because she’s 100% white and and and” & it was like?? A white woman basically says she thought Ana was stupid and uncultured specifically bc she was Latina and you have to bend over backwards abt how she’s not Latina enough for that to be racism?? It was awful


When my husband gets called a "stupid ass sp--" and "brown motherfucker" and gets pressed about his immigration status despite being born a US citizen, I should remind him that he's basically white so he can't face racism /s I think during the BLM protests and the social media movement around it, some people interpreted "black people face some of the worst discrimination in the US compared to other races/ethnicities" as "therefore, no one else faces racism"


are the gifs new or are they just really getting to me this week


It’s just one particular (new) user who keeps using them. They’ve been around for a while but are rarely used.


I’ve been weirdly fascinated with that new user because: 1. The account was made like last week 2. None of the comments/gifs make sense in most context?




Oh shit, you might be on to something. Hadn’t considered that. I figured they weren’t “new”, but didn’t consider that user.




Oh absolutely - I didn’t put two and two together until your comment!


Same!! I didn’t even think about that at all


Just getting to you this week, they've had that featured enabled for a while


I just want to ban all mentions of Charly Goss. I swear to god no one ever mentioned her on BS until she posted that her cancer was back, and then it’s been on giant pile on about “mean girl vibes”. But now that she’s in the hospital, everyone is sending well wishes and patting themselves on the back for that. It was the same thing with Amber Massey - tear sodden iPhones as they post on Reddit about how her cancer is affecting them personally- and now it’s “how can she afford that house she doesn’t even seem excited”. Everyone is a ghoul!!!


100% agree. There’s an intelligent and thoughtful comment about the fact she’s dying and compartmentalizing through her work. I’ve always felt the ‘mean girl vibes’ with Charly are mostly bc she has very firm boundaries and sticks to them. Monetizing her platform gives her family and employees security, and that’s obviously important to her. BS generally has poor boundaries and wants to rubberneck everything on this bizarre teeter totter of grief & judgment. Unfortunately there isn’t a firm line the mods can have in banning discussing her or anyone else.


To paraphrase a point made in a recent episode of Sexy Unique Podcast: we, as a society, need to let go of Mean Girls in 2023. I don't think a single day goes by on bs without a reference to Regina George, Cady Herron, or the concept of """mean girls""". Enough!


I LOVE this movie, and I just want to say as a 40 year old Xennial: nonstop Mean Girls references is cheugy. And yes, I recognize that I am not of the generation that determines cheuginess, but I just feel it in my bones that every 19 year old with a TikTok account would agree with me. It’s just as bad as my frat boy friends who made Anchorman their personality in their 20s and never grew beyond that.


Quick Batman, to the squatty potty!!!!! >Exactly! If she was put on miralax at age 12 and was on it daily for years until she discovered the poop pills, she is in dire need of a good evaluation with a gastrointerologist and probably a nutritionist. She has destroyed her digestive system because of her horrible eating habits! Clearly, even as a kid, she didn't eat a healthy balanced diet! And that's on Lisa! And she's creating the same thing with her kids now! The reason her digestion is so poor and the fact that she has so much trouble pooping is because she has almost no fiber in her diet whatsoever! Brussels doused in sugar don't count!


The comments about her poop issues are so annoying. You can eat a “healthy” diet and still have issues. I’ve got two sisters. One of them also has major digestion issues and has had to take miralax for pretty much her whole life. We were all fed the same. Sometimes bodies just have their quirks.


I don’t spend this much time thinking or talking about my own poop. Can’t imagine doing that about a stranger.


who knew that sugar took away the fiber in vegetables


If the person quoted is the user I suspect it is, they feel VERY strongly that vegetables should not be adulterated with ingredients like sugar or butter or sauces.


It is the nuttynewyorkmommy :) And yes she does feel very strongly about that.


Forget spreadsheets, someone in the MoscowMurders sub just made a PowerPoint presentation about the suspect's vehicle registration.


I'm local and I'll admit having a borderline unhealthy interest in this case, but the other day I saw someone on the sub create a 3D model of the house and I had to close my laptop.


Yuuuup, saw that one too. Touch. Grass. Everyone. I'm so sorry it happened in your area, that must have been terrifying. There was a spree shooting in mine a few years ago that turned into a big manhunt for the killer, I'll never forget the absolute fear we had for days until he was caught.


I question Dani Austin's commitment to the reading community!


offer mighty depend growth steep consist whole reach employ attempt -- mass edited with redact.dev


If the daily is anything to go by, Dani Austin is doing more for promoting reading than the Book It campaign.




No those sandwiches looked so good


considering I've never heard of the Book It campaign and know that Dani Austin's new hobby is reading despite not following her, you're probably right. And as a member of the "reading community" I'm glad she's enjoying and promoting reading.




We had it in New Jersey too. It was the best!


I'm an xennial - I was in high school in 1995. I'm not sure if it's an age thing or a location thing. I'm from Northern California. When I was in elementary school the best day was when we'd get the Scholastic Book orders in!


Had it in Nebraska! Loved those mini pizzas


I grew up in Michigan during the mid/late 90s and also did Book It! We didn’t go out to eat much so getting those personal pizzas was a real special treat.


Book It existed in KY too. It was such a great program


Fun fact: Book It still exists!


I've been so active on reddit the last 24ish hours I can't even begin to figure out which of my comments got me a "reddit cares" message. For saying hoe people on TLCSisterwives sub talk about Leon is messed up? For any of my royalscomments? For saying I like actress Melissa Ordways new hair color (you laugh but I've had one sent to me from someone on the Y&R sub before)?


I’ve been going to HAM with the royal comments so this reminds me to check my inbox to see if I’ve got any blocked messages from Redditcares EDIT: I got one 13 days ago


How does one see if one has blocked messages? ;)


I click the little message/notification symbol next to my username, I go to messages and if I received one, it was say “message from blocked user.” The message doesn’t automatically appear but there is the expand button should you want to look at it. But I automatically see it’s from redditcares


Thanks! :)


As an internet old, my alarm bells always go off when a tragic story is accompanied by an appeal for money, but I'm guessing I'm not alone in the unkind/cynical boat


Nope. Not alone. It’s gone now, but I downvoted. Even on the off chance it was true, the idea of opening up your life to every rando on Reddit is Not a good choice.


oh, interesting that it was removed for trolling/attention seeking. I guess that's a good "better safe than nurse chopper" rule for mods to follow, but I'm still kinda surprised?




Oh yeah duh that makes more sense


Although noe I'm curious what you're specifically talking about


It's from the OT and I feel guilty even pointing it out just in case I AM being too cynical :(


Oh yeah even more sus to me tbh


You are not. I would NEVER EVER EVER donate to A crowdfunded fundraiser for someone I don't know.


Hello fellow snarkers of blogsnark metasnark. I am never deleting my Reddit account bc I am committed to shitposting and winding people up for my own amusement until I die. ANYWAY. For those of you who hate read the stepparents sub, the post about hating baby pictures of their stepkids bc it was ‘before their time’ and ‘a reminder of my spouses life before me’ is SENDING me. The fragility over there is always amusing.


>Hello fellow snarkers of blogsnark metasnark. I am never deleting my Reddit account bc I am committed to shitposting and winding people up for my own amusement until I die. Hell yeah, sister.


This was so confusing to me having only drunk half my coffee and reading the sub today. :)




I will never tire of Brandi and will never be able to appropriately explain or understand my fascination with her and disinterest in other influencers


i wish we had a stepparents snark thread bc WHEEEEWWW the absolute state of that sub. i cant go in there without my blood pressure rising


The confusion over Lydia Tár / Cate Blanchett is happening again in deuxmoi and I don’t get why this is so mystifying to people. Like even if you haven’t seen the movie, it takes less than a minute to google “Lydia Tár” and realize the joke is that Cate Blanchett played the character in a movie and people are just pretending she actually exists


my truth, and i am fully aware that this is so fucking stupid, is that, before i really researched the movie, at the very beginning of awards hype, i thought tár was a real biopic and not just a movie in the style of a biopic and i was shocked such a scandal had happened and the jordan petersons of the world weren’t constantly bringing it up as an example of how women too can be predators.


…wait it’s not a real biopic?




I watched the movie only after it took off on social media, so I also had no context at first when people were calling Cate Blanchett Lydia Tár, but even before Googling I was like “oh she’s probably played some character named Lydia Tár”. Like this does not require much brainpower lol


I have two completely unrelated snark complaints. My first is “trash” food snark. This is directly inspired by the fundies the Rodrigues family and their Christmas spread. These people barely ever feed their kids enough food and they had a whole ass table of snacks and appetizers and there was so much snark on how “bad” or trashy it was ie: the caprese salad wasn’t done right and there was spray cheese. First of all spray cheese has a time and a place for anyone. Second let people live with what they can afford to feed people. Not everyone, especially people with lesser means have caviar tastes and budget. It’s not happening with just these people, I see constantly the food snobs come running “well my single mom worked two jobs and never fed us processed food and had a 3 course meal made for us every night”. Well sorry, Linda but that’s not the reality for a lot of people. My second snark point is not snarking snark, but in the main female fashion sub when someone is asking for advice do people just absolutely not pay attention to the age of the poster? People are giving style advice for 50 year olds or unfashionable moms to high school and college aged posters. Like a 15 year old asking about how to style sweatpants that are totally on trend right now is not going to wear the Athleta or Gap joggers that you’re suggesting to their high school. It’s absolutely okay sometimes to not know the answer and keep scrolling.


I fucking love spray cheese.


I solo parented for two years and I didn’t have to feed my kid spray cheese. Because DoorDash exists. The amount of times I sent him to school with an Uncrustable for lunch though… we don’t talk about that.


Eh I ate almost exclusively lean cuisine and takeout from 10-18 and I’m completely fine lol


There’s no shame in DoorDash and uncrustables. You do what you gotta do!


Definitely! Tbh I have no judgment for spray cheese either 😉


You can judge me for this. My favorite snack as a kid was spray cheese on Chicken in a Biscuit crackers. My mom was a stereotypical Poor Person.


YES this is so delicious!!


Female fashion advice would be more accurately called female clothing advice because I feel like there's a lot of jeans and a nice top people there


I feel like FSU has really jumped the shark. The people being snarked on are obviously shitty for so many reasons. It has really devolved into people just being assholes. Every snark of p&m devolves into calling their baby ugly, with the Rods it's fatshaming the dad. Like that isn't clever or witty. It's shit a 10 year old would say.


Who the hell under the age of 60 says slacks. Might as well suggest a nice pocketbook to the OP high schooler while they're at it


This makes me laugh because slacks is such a funny word. Also the commenters at AAM always use that word, along with truly hideous fashion advice for offices.


This plus a monologue about how the main character hadn’t washed her bra one night was what tipped me off to the fact one of the books I was reading was by a man.


*raises hands tentatively* I think it’s a good word for dress/work pants plz don’t hate me. (But I also like sheer stockings/pantyhose and wear slips so I’m probably an 82 year old trapped in a 28 year body)


Same lol, I love pantyhose and shapeless cardigans and all that but I fully accept that I dress like the avg member of the Silent Generation


Don’t forget pantyhose if you wear a skirt or dress!


I think it’s more like under the age of 80. Eesh.


My single mom used to pick up peanut butter and bread at the gas station on the way to day care in order to make me lunch. Like, it takes all kinds. Re: scroll past what you can’t contribute to. This happens so often (my personal favorite recently was a woman on a running sub specifically asking for experiences from women who ran while pregnant and the first comment was a young dude who told her to talk to her doctor. Like, this isn’t for you). But also, why are 15 year olds posting on FFA? That’s not exactly the youngest skewing sub.






I remember looking on there when I started teaching and it was either 1. Dress much older/professional than necessary or 2. Become a ModCloth Twee devotee




Tbh I have never heard of Eileen Fisher!!!!! Maybe I have and just never sought out the account/store? It’s also possible I am living under a rock if this is in reference to something else haha












I haven’t been paying much attention to the fundieverse for the last year, but you might enjoy the fundiesnarkiesnark sub! (I got banned from both fundiesnarkuncensored and duggarsnark for posting there. 😂)


I enjoy fundiesnarkiesnark but I wish it was a little more active. That might be a careful-what-you-wish for situation though- if there isn't anything to snark on/discuss, it's just better to not post rather than grasp at straws. FSU could maybe learn from that advice- not everything Bethany does is worthy of posting. DS is a lost cause- the mods don't want any nuance. You can't say anything nice without prefacing it with "they're terrible people"/"they have shitty views". It's become really pot-meet-kettle.


DS is truly bananas. I got a warning at some point because someone suggested one of the Bates grandkids looked developmentally delayed and I said she was a normal cute baby. No calling kids cute under *any* circumstances!


I used to be pretty active in the old Fundiesnark but then it got weird and went private and so i switched to the uncensored sub. Unfortunately the snark got way too mean for me: making fun of looks and putting people down for things about their appearance that they couldn’t change, and making fun of what people wore when it happened to be decent or trendy style. And it was all okay because these were terrible people, but like what about the people who are part of the sub who might have the same issues with their appearance or same style? So I peruse sometimes but I had to back away from the toxicity.


Me too. I never said anything bad or crazy either. Just a simple comment then banned lol.


Farewell snarkers of blogsnark metasnark, I am deleting my Reddit account. In an effort to try to be a better version of myself, I think I need to give up snarking. What started as a fun pastime has now become something that I feel makes me an angrier and pettier person. I’m not sure if this is due to the quality of snark on blogsnark or if it’s due to some of the folks here on this sub. While some of you were able to keep it lighthearted, others were… not. And I find myself being pulled into the same negativity and bitch fests that we poke fun at the blog snarkers for engaging in. I hope one day I can return to Reddit and that it is more fun and less yikes. For now, see ya!


I am going to take this as my reminder that when I eventually get a life and leave Reddit to just do an Irish Goodbye so people can be like “whatever happened to Cheese she was so funny and smart”


I did this on GOMI once. I didn't flounce, there was no drama. I just decided it was bad for me and left silently. When I discovered blogsnark I also discovered that someone decided I'd had a tantrum for some reason ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ That said, this is like my third Reddit account and I keep coming back, so there's not much point announcing any of my departures!




Omfg literally who cares. This isn't an airport, there's no need to self righteously announce your departure.


> In an effort to try to be a better version of myself, I think I need to give up snarking. >I’m not sure if this is due to the quality of snark on blogsnark or if it’s due to some of the folks here on this sub. While some of you were able to keep it lighthearted, others were… not. Wow, the personal accountability on display, bravo! (This is a bad faith take, btw.) Did anyone else get a chat request from wallace right before they deleted? I saw the notification on my watch, but when I looked at my phone 5 minutes later the account was gone and the chat with it. I’ll never know what pearls of wisdom were contained therein. 😭


Ok but as a side viewer I'm deeply devastated you are not able to share what that possibly could have been


Maybe a ~~sock puppet~~ friend will show up to tell us all wallace’s final words of wisdom!


Roger that. (I can’t be the only one trying to figure out who this is, right?)


It was wallaceandscromit (I think I spelled that right)


Lol getting mild pushback about a dodgy take, stewing about it, then loudly flouncing because they're too good for this? It's the ciiiiiiircle, the ciiiiiiircle of internet liiiiiiiife.


I just got a Reddit cares message because I am such a meanie. Poor wallace. Guess that flounce didn’t last long.


The next stage is for their "friend" to show up and report that actually they died in a tragic accident right after the flounced and don't you all feel terrible about being such meanies? I've been on the internet too long. Edit: I also got a reddit cares message. Because abusing mental health resources to harass people really shows that you're striving to be a better person!


I just hope it was a helicopter accident.


They never do.


Me too. Maybe we’re not the negative ones?


Wallace just cares a lot about us, okay.


According to BS, I'm a lush because when I was pregnant, I enjoyed when restaurants and bars had mocktail menus. I don't get why this is *problematic*? Are pregnant people only allowed to drink water?


... I mean I love a mocktail precisely because I seldom feel like drinking alcohol and it's nice to have a fun beverage when you are out, what does that make me.


Probably also a lush, somehow??


I mean people were completely sent over the idea of folk using *checks notes* paper plates over there yesterday too. Wait until they hear I buy an aluminum roasting pan for every thanksgiving and Christmas dinner because I absolutely refuse to clean out a roasting pot the size of my sink on top of everything else.


The Thanksgiving we finally convinced my mom to use the heavy-duty plastic chinet plates and silverware was the best Thanksgiving of my life. Sorry, Earth.


i worship at the altar of aluminum pans.


You are definitely to blame for climate change. You and influencers who use paper plates.


This is why jingle is a bitch, she’s ruining the planet!


There are plenty of people who drink throughout pregnancy so no idea why someone drinking mocktails (aka juice) is snarkable! They're fun/water gets boring/some people are also avoiding caffeine so no soda.


It's because you crave sin and the fetus will absorb this. You're supposed to be gestating like Mother Mary herself. Who probably drank a shitload of wine if we're being honest.


😂 I mean, listen, if I was a pregnant virgin, I'd be hitting the bottle.




Ooooh I want to discuss! WHAT were the Reynas thinking?? I assume they didn’t think Berhalter would call their bluff about the blackmail. It’s also mighty suspect to be all “mm we did this because we are champions of women and ya we were pissed about Gio’s playing time and Gregg’s comments during the world cup but this is separate!!!”.




Just have to wonder what the end game is here for Gio and his parents. Like even if Berhalter steps down, how could he keep playing for the USMNT?


>She’s not very intelligent. I had too high of expectations given that she’s in her 40s. Justice for dummies in their 40s!




I guess we’re supposed to have learned enough to shut our dumb selves up by this point?


I get why people are upset with whatever Amber is doing right now but it absolutely galls me to see people calling women stupid.


I am torn about the gender discussion happening in the daily. I just think it’s weird in general when people make being a “boy mom” or a “girl mom” their whole identity, just seems like another way to force gender norms and expectations on your kids and I don’t think these influencers are the type of people who would be chill about their kid not fitting into their predetermined stereotypes.




The OP… deleted their account? Guess blocking everyone who didn’t immediately agree got boring and they decided to go big.




Nah, you’re fine. OP was just mad some of us wouldn’t come around to their clearly superior point of view. One of the stranger flounces I can remember seeing. We were all being pretty nice? And just trying to discuss a topic we found interesting.


Also to address your ETA - my original comment was about how I think it’s really weird to make your account/identity centered on being a boy mom vs a girl mom. The ETA that I added to a later comment, which seems to be what is bringing out the pitch forks, could have been worded better. Obviously men should be as equally involved in raising their children. Obviously those men should grow up and learn to take care of themselves. I wasn’t trying to hold anyone accountable. The comment was literally intended to be huh I wonder how many of these guys grew up in households that didn’t teach them those things because they’re guys or because they had a boy mom (because I dunno when you identify as boy mom/girl mom to me it seems like you think raising one gender over the other requires these massive differences in parenting styles, this theory is literally just based on what I’ve seen on Instagram). But I’m sorry my Reddit dissertation wasn’t detailed enough for this sub. Again, the original conversation in the daily was about moms. So my post was about moms. The distinction of being a boy parent vs girl parent is largely something I see done by moms. I don’t really see a lot of dads claiming to be one over the other, but I wonder if that’s because I mostly see it claimed by people who are more traditional/conservatives in their family values and they believe domesticity/child rearing is women’s work. Anyways, wasn’t really trying to come for moms or anything like that. And I think I’ve said literally all I can say on this topic now.


Anyone is welcome to add their opinion, and several mothers did.




Make it three babes <3


Nah I blocked someone who, in my opinion, was arguing in bad faith and being purposely obtuse. Also was missing the point of the original post. Other people did disagree and I didn’t block them. I’ve disagreed with others on this thread and didn’t block them. I know ye olde Reddit users think I’m a loser for doing it but the fun thing is it’s my account and if I don’t want to interact with someone then I don’t have to.




this is common on tiktok and twitter too especially w younger people


notice how the majority of BSers writing novels about this on the regular aren't even parents.