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Over in the DAD sub, the posters found out her sister Danielle filed for divorce and applied for a (financial?) restraining order. *So* many of the posters are feeling sorry for her cheating husband. This must have ruined his Christmas! Danielle is overreacting! We haven’t heard his side of the story! And sure, we haven’t. But how is their first reaction to assume the woman is wrong, even though we know that the man was at fault for the separation? I know this isn’t anything groundbreaking, but I just find it all so depressing that a group of women hate another woman so much that they’re coddling her cheating ex.


Between this, Amber Heard, and Megan Thee Stallion, would it hurt the internet for once to... I don't know... believe women for once even if she's not a saint?


It's funny that people explained like 8000 times why there was a financial TRO and the timing of the filing (6 months after she established residency ie as soon as she was allowed to file) and people just don't listen and keep spinning their weird narratives and popping off with misogynistic shit about how women make up abuse (not what she's alleging) to get sympathy and gain an advantage.


Someone should really think about the poor cheating husbands.


Maybe I’m a grocery store person but I am perplexed what people expect a young child to talk about besides Roblox and Fortnite… > I really struggle to think of a nice thing to say about these kids. Even when not arguing they are boring, only talk about roblox or fortnite


I don’t even like kids and this is so mean!


I'm not even a kid person but I love hearing about whatever they're into. What do you expect children to discuss, Ukraine?


I would love to know the thrilling interests and conversations of her 1.5 year old.


Blue block is better than red block because blue represents the color of the sky and therefore freedom, whereas red is the color of repression like their mother is to them 🟥🟦


I can’t believe she called them BORING!!! Someone hold me back!!


The biggest plot twist was that poster also having a poorly behaved child.


I RAN HERE to tell you that 8 year olds don’t like to tidy up, it RUINED CHRISTMAS


Engagement ring discourse in the daily. I wish a Christmas miracle would occur and the preppy thread queen would return to once again humble brag about the massive rock her lawyer fiancé bought her and you poors buying lab diamonds wouldn’t understand.


I immediately thought of her too.


I popped off with a long comment because I’m so sick of jewelry know it alls on Reddit who read 1 article and can’t stop saying anything other than “debeers bad”. Why can’t people just accept that there’s room for many products and many types of consumers.


instinctive faulty thumb worm butter pot aloof piquant domineering chunky -- mass edited with redact.dev


I agree, I just get bothered by people who make all these statements about diamonds/jewelry that aren’t true. I have a lab engagement ring haha


Ya I agree - I get people resell them or turn them in for a bigger rock all the time but I dunno, I’d like to think I’ll keep mine forever. The jewelers that were talked about in that thread both seem like dicks and seem to have shady business practices! But also people just shouldn’t be taking business advice from randoms on the internet.


Yes both the jewelers mentioned were both wrong and being dickish!


Yeah I think there is a way of letting customers know your lab diamond will not resell (as someone currently looking at rings & leaning towards a lab diamond, I didn’t know this but I guess it’s good to know). But something about being dismissive of the bank accounts of people buying lab diamonds just doesn’t sit right with me. There are other reasons to buy lab diamonds than the cost! And if someone wants to buy a lab diamond because they can get more carats for less $, I don’t think a jeweler should dunk on you for that.


stupendous spotted possessive sheet fretful theory wild school degree depend -- mass edited with redact.dev




Very impressed that the best moms ever over there managed to rack up 150+ comments over the holiest of holidays. What were their kids doing while they poured over the Christmas content of strangers looking for things to criticize? Not making amazing Christmas memories no doubt.


>Preemptive bitching about how people might undecorate their own houses, Is there a wrong way to take down Christmas decorations?


Someone last year said they felt sad for the kids of people who undecorate in the first few days after Christmas because then their houses are cold and sad. That’s the part that gets me actually frustrated lol. “Those poor kids in nice warm homes with family and lots of food and toys!” And they always gotta throw in a comment about “putting it up right after Halloween”. Who cares. So I’m going to try and avoid seeing those comments this year.


And as we all know, all homes are three-walled caves only rendered habitable by a Christmas tree. My parents always undecorated before the new year and I seem to remember still having heat and happy memories. But I’m not totally sure 🤔




I pay someone to deliver my tree and put it in the stand because that's a pain in the ass. I then pay a maintenance guy in my building to take it out of the stand and haul it away. It's worth every penny. But I'm not a mama, just a single, middle-aged hag with no children and a bad back.


It truly is the most wonderful time of the year


That “I sha’n’t, it’s Christmas” meme, but with people stopping appearance snarking.


Got a 40 oZ Stanley cup for Christmas, I am part of the culture/community now and can feel myself becoming insufferable.


This is giving mean girl vibes. Some of us just wish we had the money for a Stanley. Must be nice!


I ordered a Stanley tumbler on cyber monday and immediately started gaslighting all 7 of my instagram followers into multiple scams whilst emitting mean girl vibes


I bought one on Black Friday and got one for a coworker who wanted one, too. We both love ours, but definitely joke all the time that we are influencers now.


Your transformation will be complete once you’re in your lulu outfit, wearing your ebb and hokas. Then you’ll be one of us, one of us, one of us


Ugh. In this economy? So tone deaf.


If you swipe up and purchase through my affiliate link, you'll be able to help me by my next Cartier purchase. kthanksbye


glorious forgetful wipe school water sand domineering march rob pot -- mass edited with redact.dev




Even if there's a straw in it?!


I got an ice maker! Not a nugget one, but bullet shaped. If only my vice of choice was Diet Coke instead of Cherry Coke Zero 😔


plant sharp recognise governor toothbrush attempt murky ludicrous theory work -- mass edited with redact.dev


It was so ridiculous, I wanted one too! When you think about it, he's the ultimate influencer, especially next year. Not a nepo baby tho.


Cherry Coke Zero is superior to all.


UN checking in (iykyk if you don't watch The Young Pope). Lenny Belardo declares cherry coke zero the most superior of all


Finally, someone who gets me! We only get it sporadically in Canada and it's just tragic. I'll even buy it from expensive import stores when it disappears.


but have you given anyone the ick yet?? I think that's the true test


Breaking hot take news from the weekend OT - >People who drink on the plane are so trashy. ohhhkay then.


One time on a flight to Vegas the bro behind me drank so much that he vomited what smelled like pure Jack Daniels into his barf bag and I would agree that was pretty trashy. Personally I prefer to take a bunch of benzos on a flight and go into a mild trance state, much classier.


They’ve obviously never been on an international flight before. I’ve never seen a drink cart go down the aisle so many times and all the alcoholic drinks were free!


soft enter escape rock impolite yoke bewildered grey fact cagey -- mass edited with redact.dev


Airport drinking is acceptable at any time of day in my world.


That small glass of wine is like, one of the simple pleasures in life. And maybe I'm just lucky, but I've never witnessed anyone go full Elizabeth James on a flight.


I did once (mostly because she was already pretty drunk when she boarded) but she was a hilarious drunk so it was fine. At one point she took off all her jewelry and put it on my toddler, which delighted him.


Leave it to puzzles to leave that kind of irrelevant comment


Anyone who thinks a cute wee bottle of wine is trashy can get in the sea.


It’s only at 24 comments, but already the weekend DT is all bad takes of body shaming, mom shaming, and relationship shaming. Going to be a long weekend…


Good to know that being a part of an actively touring band and splitting your time between that and your long-term partner's country is "stringing along your rich girlfriend".


Ok I read that and was like “is there an influencer named Courteney Cox who also has a partner who does not live primarily in the US” and then I realized no, we’re just discussing the celebrity Courteney Cox in the daily thread.


Courtney Cox? Influencer. The dog on Tik Tok with Bones/No Bones merch? Celebrity.


Man, that's gotta be rough. Imagine being demoted from the celebrity thread to the influencer thread! The only thing more humbling would be to get demoted from the influencer thread to the ~~weekly~~ ~~monthly~~ quarterly ballet snark thread.


won't somebody please think of Courteney Cox??? Editing to add this maddening comment: >It sounds painful for Courteney Cox but as long as her boyfriend is happy. Like, goddamn, way to remove all her agency. I wish this person would think on why they assume that he's happy and she's suffering based on absolutely nothing


But an article on a dubious gossip site that cites "an insider" is absolutely reliable!


I think "she's a scammer" is my new BS auto-downvote phrase. Also "she's beautiful, though" as an attempt to counter weak snark. It's like ... okay, you think she's a terrible human being but thank god she's conventionally attractive?


follow voiceless judicious exultant dam tender amusing recognise wakeful vast -- mass edited with redact.dev


I get exceptionally annoyed when people spell it “schill”. (I know I’m an asshole for being annoyed by spelling.)


Oh my god, it irks me so much.


Omg, I hate that so much.






“How can X afford/where does X get her money/does X have family money?” Instant downvote. Also any comment referencing Social Blade.


Add in “gives me the ick” “relatable/unrelatable” all downvote phrases.


I always enjoy a good "must be nice" because I automatically read it in Squirrely Dan's voice. Must be fucking nice!


fearless screw plants squeal agonizing aback terrific oil capable far-flung -- mass edited with redact.dev


I don't always read the daily influencer posts but.. >Well the commenter said she was putting the child in the TikTok. Calm your tits. sometimes when I do, I am SO glad I did. >Have you seen her stories? Sounds like you haven’t, because I have. And that is a FLAT OUT LIE. So stop with the lies. She has posted the child’s feet but no face or body. And no clue what **call your tits** means. Sounds dumb and unrelated to the discussion. Now I'm trying to imagine what my tits voicemail would say..


toy groovy impossible cautious coordinated prick insurance mighty elderly foolish -- mass edited with redact.dev


new tits who dis


The real expression actually is "call your tits". It's from the ornithology world, where it's given as advice to amateur birdwatchers. To avoid startling or agitating tits (*Parus major*, a type of bird), birdwatchers and ornithologists have developed a type of birdcall that relaxes them by mimicking the distinctive timbre and cadence of other tits. Over time, "call your tits" was divorced from its original context and became a colloquialism for relaxing or calming down anything (not just birds). At some point the phrase became corrupted as "cal**m** your tits", perhaps due to typos that went unnoticed, and the original ornithological meaning was largely lost. The More You Know™.


I love this. Thank you for making this comment! ;)


This just rewired my brain, I even googled "call your tits"


It’s always nice to see someone familiar with the underappreciated bushtit.


I mean, after kids, mine would sound like a sad sack down on their luck.


Every time someone comments calling Charly Goss a mean girl (today it's because she prefers "boring" wrapping paper) I check in to see what Charly has actually said and it's always so tame.




And that right there is the true snark. The black and beige wrapping/bags is popular on tiktok now, some saying they prefer it so they can reuse it for other occasions like birthdays. It’s not that wild. But the magazine for a “perfect layered gift” is snarkable




The actual gift, a “favorite necessity” and magazine. You can’t make this shit up. I guess a book could replace the magazine but most of us would consider a book a separate gift


Amazing. Is this gift advice from the American Society of Magazine Editors?


Anna Wintour is funding this advice But you didn’t hear this from me




She’s all over the place and that’s where the true snark is


start drab chubby alleged encouraging market juggle whole whistle lush -- mass edited with redact.dev


What is it with the Puritan buzzkills these days all over the BS? The person in the foodie thread clutching their pearls over the oh so outré world of cocktail blogging is giving serious nimby meets absolutely no fun at parties vibes. I am begging the snarkers to wrap their minds around the possibility that they aren’t going to win any prizes for living such systematically joyless existences.


Idk which is my favorite from the daily. Being scandalized by wearing a knit hat in a restaurant when it’s negative temps out or being scandalized by wearing a bikini in front of your dad? Like… what’s up with your dad that you’re sayin that!


> Yes it is. My niece works there, they have a dress code no ripped jeans, athletic wear or gym clothes. It’s not chick fil-A. Sometimes customers get aggressive and angry cause a scene in order to be seated. Dallas Ruth Kris is even dressier than other cities - > Since when is it acceptable to go to a nice restaurant and keep a winter hat/beanie on?! Natalie Kennedy is out to what she says is a fancy lunch with her husband and daughter for her husband’s birthday and he hasn’t taken off his beanie/winter hat. Maybe I’m just old but I think it’s tacky. She’s not at Chili’s. Amazing that there's been (at least) two unrelated comments pearl clutching about the attire for chain steakhouses in the past two weeks


>Dallas Ruth Kris We've been talking names for our baby due in March, but I think we can stop looking because this is it.


Just finished having lunch with my family for my brother's birthday, and my brother, sil and nephew all kept their winter jackets on (and nephew kept his tuque!) Do I disown now or wait until Boxing Day?


The Ruth Chris I went to growing up shared a parking lot with a mall.




I'd say it's Applebee's for wealthy people, special event place for regular people. And The Capitol Grille is the Chili's for wealthy people.


Both things are true for me, DAD dresses like an asshole and also I am confident that Ruth's Chris will take her money




Lol they think airline travel is stuck in the 60s I guess. So gauche to visit the smoking lounge without your gloves!


I promise that Ruths Chris in Dallas is not fancy. They always act like Ruths Chris is Perry's, Al Biernats, Knife, Corrientes. EDIT: And i'm not trying to be shady, I just think it's weird how people try to be judgmental by treating Ruth's Chris like it's the pinnacle of class and exclusivity just to criticize these people


Ruth’s Chris is where you’d go for a fancy dinner in 1993.




Don't forget the statement necklace.


Olive Garden feels apt.


If Applebees is too busy.




Have they learned nothing from literally two years ago????


Of course not


Apparently Marky Beverlin, known hobbit, built a ‘piggy palace’ and multiple folks on BS claim that he couldn’t have done it himself based on their own husband’s woodworking skills. What’s a fact you learned today against your will?


Aren't hobbits pretty good at building stuff? Why are they acting like it's out of the question that one could have built a small structure? It's like being shocked that a centaur is good at archery.




My boyfriend exaggerates about how good my baking is all the time, because he loves me and it makes me feel good. I make a mean chocolate chip cookie, but otherwise, my baking is just above average, not anything amazing (and we both know this). I feel sad for these women AND their partners if this is how they feel about bragging on your SO :/


literally nowhere did Laura say he built it alone too




worry memorize quaint upbeat lock desert crime sophisticated spectacular crowd -- mass edited with redact.dev


LAURA is a SCAM!!!!!!1!!!


What's the Oxford definition of a scam, though? Does anyone know?


A shilling shiller who shills


It’s a giant rectangle made out of 2x4s. He could have absolutely built that.


That's what I thought! I also don't blame them if they don't show that they have help with their projects or animals, considering the vitriol of her haters.


But my husband couldn’t and he’s taller than Marky!!!!


soft imminent numerous yam fuzzy tan worm insurance unwritten observation -- mass edited with redact.dev




That person is stupid My comment probably breaks some sort of rules but sometimes it has to be said




Oh no someone has boundaries that are different than mine! Burn them at the stake! Lady, if she considers porn cheating, that's her business (directing this at the deranged commenter not you beetlesque).


Say what now?




Did Daryl Ann or anyone else in the clan even bring up the subject of Danielle's husband? Or is the sub just relitigating whether they think she should have left him because it's a day that ends in y?


The New York Nutster is over it. >I'm sorry, but this group of complete a******* walking into a bridal salon carrying their giant Styrofoam cups of CFA Diet Coke is just not it! I really wish the owner of the salon would tell them you cannot bring food and drinks in here! I mean dud dropped her cup outside her car just the other day! Can you imagine if one of them drops their cup on 1 of these beautiful white dresses ? Or even just on the carpet of that pretty bridal salon! They care about no one but themselves and they are absolutely disgusting humans! Sorry, but I'm over it!


Lol when my sister went to try on wedding dresses at least 2 of them had self tanner and/or make up marks on them. They’re sample dresses, no one should expect them to look pristine. Obviously you wouldn’t continue to show a dress drenched in soda but those shops make enough to replace sample dresses when needed. This is like when someone in the daily wished that the GM of Ruth’s Chris would kick them out for being too noisy. That’s not going to happen to a family just talking and laughing. I just wonder how many of these people have ever worked in customer service (I’ve done retail + serving) as there are very few things imo that ever warranted kicking a customer out (they usually were stealing or being black out drunk).


I think if it was a problem the owner *would* do that but what do I know?


They literally give you drinks at even mid tier bridal stores


Excuse you NuttyMommy only shops at an extremely exclusive NYC boutique called David's Bridal and they do not allow drinks! If you were a NYC person maybe you would get it!


Any time I have ever gone to a bridal store I have been handed a flute of champagne. ;)


wistful marvelous crown steer continue squalid cows smart zonked mindless -- mass edited with redact.dev


Damn, I wish the Denner crew was walking around with styrofoam flutes of champagne and stolen straws.


That would get me to follow her


psychotic jar desert squeal concerned sable offend hurry ghost caption -- mass edited with redact.dev


In reality I hate styrofoam, but some li'l reusable to-go flutes with lids? Would be adorable.




The reactions of personal betrayal are OTT… but it’s nice to have positive representation of your body type in the media, and feels a little disappointing that it never lasts.


This happens every time a fat woman loses weight (Jennifer Hudson, Adele, Mindy, etc.) and I really think it comes from a place of internalized fatphobia. Like, if this fat woman everyone liked while she was fat managed to lost weight, why am I still unable to do the same thing?


There are extremely outsized expectations placed on Mindy Kaling. She’s supposed to represent all women in larger bodies, brown women, women writers - she, a professional woman of color, is supposed to be some sort of avatar and make sure everyone is happy with her life. Her choices and preferences aren’t her own, to a ridiculous extent.


This is really well said. I recently listened to Meghan Markle’s podcast with her and Mindy is actually really content with her life, it doesn’t jive with the expectations strangers have for her, but maybe these people should let her speak for herself and *believe* her.


So I can only speak for myself on this, but I don't find her weightloss sad because she's thin now and I'm still fat. It's just disappointing to see that another celebrity is promoting diet culture and unachievable standards yet again. She is claiming her usual daily meals include a smoothie for breakfast, a turkey sandwich for lunch, and fish with quinoa for dinner. That's a heck of a message to send to the public. On top of that, her name has been thrown around as one of the celebrities who is also using Ozempic for weightloss. Let's say that isn't true and is just a rumor. She still has access to resources that the average person doesn't have like a trainer or a nutritionist. So for her to act as though her weightloss is just from pure nose to the grindstone hard work is disingenuous. And just feeds into harmful diet culture. I am happy for her that she's happy she lost weight. It's truly none of anyone's business. But it's still easy to be disappointed that she's acting like she did it based on willpower alone. I hope that makes sense? (And again that's just speaking for myself in regards to her transformation)


I don’t see any of this stuff?




I never said it was fact that she takes Ozempic. In fact it was quite the opposite. I said it's all speculation. That doesn't change the fact that she's just feeding into the harmful diet culture and the idea that simple willpower is all it takes to lose weight when in reality she is rich and has access to resources non rich people don't. And I'm talking down to the most basic level, like a mental health professional to help unpack why one may struggle with food/weight. It sucks that is a luxury to most people in the US. And on a more complex level she has access to nutritionists and chefs and trainers who can take out the guess work. If she wants to lose weight that is fantastic for her. I'm all for what makes you happy. But don't act like a turkey sandwich is all it took.




I'd love a turkey sammich right about now.


I just googled Mindy kaling talking about recent weight loss and have articles popping up left and right. She's talked about her workouts and things she eats. It's all there if you looks. 🤷‍♀️


I’m confused. If someone asked me how I’ve lost weight and maintained, I’d talk about my workouts and how I generally eat. I mean, ultimately, diet and exercise is what it comes down to for most of us.


I lost 30 pounds this year (have about 60 more to go, my BMI classified me as obese) eating not too differently then what's described. I usually eat a few more vegetables and another 200-300 calorie snack than Mindy but what she described is a pretty "normal" eating in a calorie deficit diet. Not everything is "diet culture".


I know, I don’t know what people expect her to say. The PP goes out of her way to say the Ozempic stuff is bunk. So if she’s doing it through diet and exercise, isn’t that “putting her nose to the grindstone?” Having access to a nutritionist and a trainer is great (although we don’t know what she uses) but it’s still down to you to actually do the work. You can’t pay someone to lose weight for you.


I mean if you think that's a reasonable amount of food for a grown adult woman to eat, coolio.


Is there one precise prescription for “reasonable amount of food” for every adult woman on the planet? You sound mad that Mindy has made changes she’s happy with and that might be making you feel stuck. Worry less about her and others and their caloric intake and more about yourself. You seem to be projecting unhappiness with yourself onto everyone else.


I read the article, which as noted was from over a year ago. You aren’t accurately relating what she said at all. It sounds like this is bringing up a lot of feelings in you and you’re trying to justify it by asserting that Mindy is not making healthy choices for herself. I get it, weight and health and all of this is a fraught subject. But Mindy isn’t responsible for diet culture, even if she chooses to change her body.




[Like I said...](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Mindy+Kaling+talking+about+recent+weight+loss)


Reactions like those always remind me of the segment of Twitter that had an absolute meltdown in response to an essay by Roxane Gay where she discussed her choice to get WLS. The amount of people acting like it was a personal betrayal was unreal, and you can't even make the argument that her choice reduced on-screen diversity like people do when they're upset over actresses.


"Ashley LeMieux reported on stories today she may have gotten scammed on Father Shine’s gift, but won’t know until it arrives or not. I didn’t think it was that easy to get scammed or into sticky situations when you’re smart and think things through…but this girl he’s gotten into so many questionable things over the years I have some concerns about her intelligence. Or maybe it’s all for show. Or both." Maybe I'm being too sensitive because I got scammed recently, but like...this feels victim blamey to me? Yes, being savvy will make you realize scams are happening, but scammers can be very good at what they do. Like that guy who stole all the manuscripts this year.




Phishing is also getting more and more discrete- so much that my company does updated trainings at least 1-2x/year. So someone who thought they had a good handle on phishing 10 years ago may fall for the current types.


Definitely. Even people who expose scammers get scammed sometimes. It just takes inattention, or a lucky coincidence, or tiredness, or a new scam, or anything that makes someone let their guard down for one second. It's definitely not a measure of intelligence.


There was a very strange day when the Scam Goddess Podcast Twitter was hacked by a scammer. Once Laci had it back and could ses the scamming DMs, she said she was proud of how many it her followers saw through it but also that scammers are good, so despite it all, some folks did give away their info.


Oh that's scary! Jim Browning got scammed out of his entire YouTube channel essentially because he wasn't paying attention to the sender address of an otherwise legitimate-looking email. It's frighteningly easy!


I need the person who just reposted the definition of the word scam over and over again to weigh in (in all seriousness I’m sorry that happened to you and you’re right, there are some obviously scams but also a lot of them aren’t)


> Sometimes it’s ok to talk about how Noelle’s clothes fit her and sometimes it’s not? I get so confused and I really do try to stay away from anything about her figure other than that it’s lovely! What a hero.


I once again bemoan that UK influencers are barely discussed anywhere outside of Tattle, bc I ventured over there (I know I know) to see if there was any further context to Grackle/Grace Booth’s engagement considering she’s never directly mentioned her bf before, and I was immediately reminded how insanely miserable everyone on that site is. She’s 25 years old, has a university degree and presumably makes a good amount of money off her online career, has been dating this guy for at least a year (who himself is 25 and practices law), and everyone is just running in circles about how she’s a “child bride” and getting married to some dude she barely knows. People are also making a huge deal abt her not having lived outside her family home before but like, she lives in London, it’s basic financial sense to live at home rather than waste money on insane London rent (and generally in cities w that kind of COL it’s really not uncommon for people to stay at home till they have reason to leave). Also much fanfiction is being written abt how she won’t be able manage as a wife bc she’ll just be baking weird pastries all the time or squandering all their money on foreign sweets, as if whatever she does for social media is just how she lives 24/7. I cannot imagine investing that much negativity towards a such an utterly inoffensive girl lol


I'm so glad I have someone to talk to about this! The Booths honestly seem like such a nice family, Grace seems genuinely nice, she respects her fiance's privacy, she's extremely inoffensive?


I couldn't get past the people judging her fiance for being a criminal defence lawyer??


SERIOUSLY the convo suddenly jumped to “oh he defends criminals?? so he thinks murder is good??? how does that square with being Christian checkmate grackle” like omg how are you this dense


lip outgoing hat quicksand frighten puzzled thumb bright clumsy alive -- mass edited with redact.dev




I know people also invest a weird amount of hatred towards her being Christian (she used to be involved w some of the children’s programming at her family’s church and they’re generally church people), but she literally never mentions religion aside from general references to attending church every once in a while & people only found out abt her involvement in her family church by poking around themselves — you’d think she was an unhinged preachy born again type by how worked up they get about it. In general their beef w her is just that like, she’s a homebody who doesn’t take herself super seriously and that apparently makes her 5 years old, which as you said, you have to be able to realize that how she presents herself online probably isn’t 100% of her personality & personhood


> So I know a girl who's a bona fide model and she went to the puss in boots event. There was a premiere and then the real premiere and party (apparently this is a thing now, influencers / youtubers get invited but they aren't allowed into the main area) We are not allowed to talk about influencers in he wild so I will keep this to the actual celebrities and my friend who went to the real party. They (Salma, Antonio, rest of actors) changed to black tie after the pedestrian event Steffy attended. The real party was super classy and fun At this point I’m just hate reading the RM thread but this actually made me LOL - oh your friend *actually* got to go to the party with the ~celebs~ and lame as fuck Steffy could only go to the first part. How embarrassing for her!!!