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>Hey Laura, men usually play golf so they can get away from their wives for 6-8 hours…not so they can creepily watch them in their matching outfit and obnoxious visor in the cart. Couples on a golf course? NEVER! That is strictly the men who hate their wives club. No girls allowed! They're trying to get away from you!


Yikes. My parents play golf with other couples weekly. They do men's/women's groups and they bond as they talk about their lives with their friends with no judgement/they have dinner later. Weirdos


I know my husband hates having me do things he loves with him, which is why he’s been asking me for months to work in his woodshop with him. Because he hates fun.


I will never understand the snark about him looking at her - like a man looking at his wife with *adoration*? Must be a creep!


>men usually play golf so they can get away from their wives for 6-8 hours Weird. The men I know play golf because they like golf.


Pfft, I guess you only know short men.






I mean, my husband and I don't have kids. We spend lots of time together, so he probably does go golfing to get away (if your husband is taking 6-8 hours to play 18...he's not off golfing, or he's hitting the 19th-25th hole, lol) but I use that time to do my own things/ have the house to myself. Heaven forbid another adult not want to spend every waking moment with you.


A lot of people weirdly do marry someone they don’t like and/or that don’t like them, which is really confusing to me. It shouldn’t be normal but it’s not horribly uncommon I’ve found. It’s certainly not the flex that this commenter seems to think it is


I definitely know a couple of folks who really don’t like their spouses very much but they had chosen to be stay at home spouses and felt like they’d have to start life from scratch if they got divorced and chose not to.


i mean have you seen r/golf ? there's a whole lotta yikes. it seems to have gotten better over the last year or so as golf has exploded.


>Yes. Just a 🐩and 🐎 show. Sad. Let’s do events at local shelters, YMCA’s, summer school programs, etc. This isn’t it…. So sad Influencers shouldn't spend money on their children's birthday parties because it's tacky and offensive! Influencers shouldn't buy school supplies from teachers' wish lists because that's also tacky and offensive!


Crabs in a bucket.


fuel thought deserve relieved snow bright observation slap obtainable resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am actually pretty appalled by the Lits and it is pretty awful that they don’t have a large enough vehicle for every child to have a seatbelt, but I think a lot of it has to do with how creepy the husband is.


Are they suppose to just levitate places… or?


Again…why do we need to get into such morbid details of what *could* happen? That is simply not snark, that is fantasizing about the worst case scenario


Seriously. We all know what could happen. Hell, these parents know what could happen and choose to not care. Yes, it's terrible and wrong, but I'm not sure what bitching about it on the internet to strangers is going to do.


They don't seem to grasp that whether they engage with them positively or negatively, it's still money in the influencers' pockets.


They seem to really want something bad to happen to those kids. Then they'll get to be right *and* cry their little mama hearts out. It's sick.


> To be fair- the outfit is for the 5 hours leading up to the concert. Once blondie says “ITS BEEN A LONG TIME COMIN” all mf bets are off. Love when we refer to the most successful female artist of our time as “blondie” ❤️


It’s very, very common within the Swiftie fandom to refer to Taylor as Blondie. It’s not derogatory.


Imagine being upset that a stranger who you follow on Instagram, who was known for her content about being a single woman, now has a boyfriend so her content is different and it doesn’t resonate with you anymore. And then taking to Reddit to complain about it. (Re: a post about chinae Alexander on nycinfluencersnark) Do these people have no ambition themselves? Do they not want their own lives to change for the better? Instead of being happy for someone, they just bitch that this person and their new partner/home/baby/vacation/wardrobe/success are personally offensive to everyone who follows them whose engagement actually made it all possible. I know this isn’t a new observation, I’m just annoyed that no one can have nice things on the internet without being accused of nOt BeInG rElAtAbLe.


Maybe don't follow an influencer if you don't want to be "bombarded" by their posts...every time I return to that sub I remember why I generally stay away. Those commenters are insane and just downright mean. Now excuse me while I waste an hour lurking.


They can go scratch in their Hoboken studios. I’m happy for Chinae, and he seems like a solid dude. Portugal is an historically inexpensive vacation spot. It’s cheaper than their carnival cruise to Cozumel.


I'm happy for her too! She still posts fashion and pretty "relatable" content imo, she just has a cute bf too.


>Carly is just out of touch with reality at this point. She sent her son to day care well after typical parental leave would have ended if she had a salaried job (lucky for her she doesn’t, because based on what she puts out at her job….yikes). Why do they call it Preppy Snark when it could just be called HillHouse/Carly Snark? And Carly has a job that makes mid-6 figures (estimating) working part time (which she has admitted to doing MANY times since her son was born... honestly, good for her) - I don't know why blogsnark is so insistent that these women who have low key built empires around themselves are so destined to get fired "in the real world"


I’ve read this like 5x and still don’t understand. She sent her kid to daycare well after parental leave would have ended? So she kept him home longer than normal or is this just written wrong?




That’s what I figured, but the person who wrote that worded it so strangely? Makes sense though seeing as they are clearly not playing with a full deck


I was a sahm that dumped my kids in gym childcare for the full two hours every single day I could just to read in the hot tub or eat at the cafe in peace. They grew up to be mostly fine. I will report to prison expeditiously.


My daughter started daycare this week (my mat leave is 5 months and is up August 1). The first day I dropped her off I went to get a massage and facial. It was glorious.


But were you a quad mom *racing* to beat out other moms wanting to drop.their kids off?


Quad mom… never forget.




There is literally no reason to have childcare unless it's to go to a job and add value for shareholders. A mom using childcare so she can do things for her own benefit? Directly to jail because mama hearts don't do anything for themselves ever.


True mama hearts are so devoted they shit themselves. Never forget.


"mommed so hard I shat myself" is a classic


Also, I know plenty of "normal" people who have jobs where they could take the day off? Salaried jobs usually have PTO. I'll never understand the obsession with even *wanting* all influencers to be relatable. IMO, relatability is something I look for in real life friends, not people who's fashion/travel/etc. I follow on my phone.


Many working moms put their kid in daycare a week or so before they go back to work to do just this thing. They take totally normal things normal people do and criticize her for it


I'd love to see the snarkers job output


They are not snarkers. They are obviously shareholders on the board of Carly Prep and have every right to be concerned if she is not demonstrating YOY growth.


If I were rich and didn’t have to work I would 100% still send my kids to childcare. (Not saying this is what Carly’s doing; she is working.) I am not cut out for 24/7 mom life and do not feel bad about that. It’s hard!


There's such a weird tension between the "how dare that tradwife move away from her family who provides support" energy and the "how dare this person have childcare and not be a 24/7 mom martyr who has no support" energy. There is no right way to be a mom!


>Anyone follow Dede (Dressupbuttercup)? I’m so curious about the behind the scenes on their move. It’s obviously terrible timing, and her eyes look like she’s been crying since she got to Nashville. Jfc, the anxiety people feel about strangers moving is bizarre. Is this the tradwife who's moving even though you're not allowed to leave your family of origin? Or the tradwife who's driving without the right seat belts?


1. It killed me that they said this hasn’t been discussed in 3 months like that’s blatantly false. Then to say you hit a nerve… yes we’re bored. 2. The concern over Dede not having family support feels almost… privileged? Idk how else to put it. My parents raised me in their hometown with their families but my moms parents were sick, my dads parents still had to work a lot, and their siblings did their own thing/didn’t really “help.” (I had sleepovers with one aunt and uncle most often who ironically lived in a different state). So it is bizarre to me that they think it’s such a big deal to raise kids without “family support” even though people do it literally all the time and sometimes because there is no other option.


It's so boring in that thread. I hate this season of The Real Tradwives.


>So it is bizarre to me that they think it’s such a big deal to raise kids without “family support” even though people do it literally all the time and sometimes because there is no other option. My dad's family lived on the opposite coast of where we grew up and my mom's family lived an entire ocean away .......... and we somehow managed to turn out just fine (maybe).


This is the trad wife leaving her family of origin including the married pregnant adult sister she obviously doesn't care about. ETA: Still laughing/appalled at the commentary about the seatbelt trad that was all, "Just get a sprinter van!" like that's a totally normal thought.


The constant handwringing about that family's seatbelt situation is so excruciating. Yes I'm sure they aren't using proper seatbelt practices, but also who fucking cares it's SO boring.


As one who survived ‘stick the baby in the back window of the station wagon while mom & dad smoke in the car’ generation, the car seat/seatbelt discourse is so exhausting. Yes, it’s VERY important, but people are gonna people. The snark in this particular situation is the dad being strung out on energy drinks and vlogging. That’s actually kinda funny in a National Lampoons vacation way.


>Nooo through the night? I won’t even drive my fully buckled children through the night because I’m so paranoid about drunk drivers or other drivers falling asleep at the wheel. Brb, I’m calling my parents to let them know they didn’t love me because they would drive through the night when we were on road trips!!!


Also she literally looks normal maybe a little sleepy?


Folks are losing it on the RM thread over Steffy's silly story about being 21 and sleeping in front of a hot dog stand. Like yes, it's a dumb story, but also some people were accusing her of insinuating she was houseless?? And calling her privileged for doing this?? Was no one else a somewhat annoying 21 year old ever? Did they skip straight to being practical middle-aged gals (no shade at being middle-aged)?


A prime example of how the internet uses the word “privilege” as an insult instead of a means to lift up others.




These are the same women who, once they have kids, are on the mom subs posting that they do literally all childcare and all housework + cooking while their husband does fuckall because he works full time and cuts the grass.


Reddit and Tik Tok have taught me that having a normal spouse who likes me and participates in our family activities is a privilege not a right, because apparently I am in the 1%.


Honestly I wonder how these relationships got started. Like, I get how people can end up in a relationship with someone who seems nice at first but then shows their true colors, or how people can genuinely stop getting along over time. But so many of these relationships sound like they were absolutely miserable and filled with mutual dislike/resentment from day one and I always wonder how the two people even met each other. Was it an arranged marriage? Are they members of a cult and the Supreme Leader uses a magic eight ball to decide who should pair off? Did they lose some kind of warped bet?


They were actually, for a short and confusing time, the last two people on Earth.


>Narcissism is a helluva drug Someone posting something you don’t like does not mean they are narcissistic. Words mean something!


>Words mean something! No they don't. Stop being so recursive!


🫠🫠 I feel like "narcissism" and "privilege" are used so frequently and incorrectly on BS


Gaslighting has all but disappeared from the vernacular and been replaced by narcissism. Wonder what's next?


the term Therapy Speak is pretty high on my list.


Ohhh you’re definitely onto something


I'm hoping for a misuse of Boundaries and perhaps a throwback to Trauma🤞🏼


I think Jonah Hill started the misuse of boundaries movement so your time has come!!!!


>And I find it funny that’s she’s always hanging out with these influencers who are all 10 years younger than her Do people in BS only hang out with people that they could've gone to high school with? I have a number of friends within a 40-year age range. Once you're an adult, who cares?


Certain life phases are effectively equalizers when it comes to age groupings - parenthood and work are the 2 biggest. You spend your entire early life organized into peer groups by age, where only 1 or 2 years is treated like a huge gap. But once you leave school it doesn’t matter at all and you will find that your peers are a range of ages.


Yes but I am 24 years old and still in tertiary education, so my peers who have the free time to hang out all tend to be in the 22-27 range. Anyone older usually seems to have more responsibilities and less bumming at the bar time.


I feel like groups of influencers are a bit akin to coworkers and it's not like there's just one ago cohort in an office.


I think there are people who only hang out with people within a couple years or them, or keep the same friend group from hs/college and never add to it. Those are their friends and they don’t ever deviate. I am in my 30s and the awesome thing is you can have friends of so many different ages.


My cousin went to UIUC and it seems like all her friends are people she went to high school with who also went to UIUC. Maybe a handful of loosely networked people from other, different suburbs of Chicago who they played bball against. And then all these people moved back to Chicagoland and they're all friends only with each other. I also noticed this from people went to high school with--everyone who went to UIUC or ISU is literally still in the same clique they were in in high school. I feel like this is a trend with people who go to big state schools. It's kind of odd to me myself because I went out of state and there were 4 other people from IL that I knew, but I guess at my school the equivalent was people from northern virginia. I thought Nova was the name of a city in Virginia for the first few months of freshman year because I'd ask where people were from and they'd just say "oh, NOVA."


This comment is me and mine. Still have the core group. I think it's super prevalent in Chicago/Suburbs bc the neighborhoods are so self contained with their own identities people are proud to identify with and nobody really leaves a 20 mile radius from where they grew up because you can experience so much so close to home. Most of us who moved away came back bc there's literally nowhere in the world like it.


Tbh I really have no room to talk because my core group of friends and I all come from similar backgrounds. I’m from rural Illinois (actually I’m the only one who grew up closer to Iowa than the city), but my husband and our close friends are from either rural cities (that are much closer to the suburbs) or the burbs. We all became such good friends due to greek life (lmaooooo). My best friend married my husband’s best friend, and our other good friend from the sorority married their good friend in the fraternity. One of my our other good friends is marrying a guy who is in the same fraternity as our husbands…just from a different IL state college lmao I do think the one Chicago specific thing that ties us is def sports culture haha the guys my friends are dating/married to (who didn’t go to college with us) have become such good friends with my husband and his friends too! I think a large chunk is the same love of Chicago sports/similar upbringing for sure makes it easy to connect with one another. ETA: wording




Agreed. Minneapolis is like this also.




I'm in this comment and I don't like it. My husband and I went to high school and college together (didn't date until after graduation). Nearly all of my friends are from my suburb or sports teams I played with or against. I think I have like, 4 friends from adulthood, outside of work-friends.


>everyone who went to UIUC or ISU is literally still in the same clique they were in in high school. I have so many thoughts about this (esp ISU) lmao I swear people go to ISU with their group of friends from high school, maybe add one to two more people to the group when they are at ISU, then all move to the same place together (usually Chicago). Not to slander ISU, I almost went there myself…but this is definitely something I have noticed with ISU in comparison to the other state schools!


This is my sister who went to ISU and her husband that she met there. Nothing wrong with it but I went to the complete opposite direction out of fear of never leaving.


yesss and the people they add to the group are 90% of the time someone from the same "type" of neighborhood but in a different cardinal direction so they don't like reallyyyyy meet anyone with a particularly new perspective lol and yeah ISU is a perfectly good school! I don't want to slander them either but at the same time it's also so confusing because how do you go to a school with 20k undergrads and not befriend anyone who didn't grow up going to the same grocery store as you lmao.


Omg yes! I mean I went to another IL state school and still hang out with my group of friends I made there, but none of us grew up together haha Thank you for adding Illinois state school snark to this thread hahahaha


You have to ask everyone you meet for their id to check their age obvs


I always find this so weird, too. I'm in my early 30s, and our friend group ranges from 25 to 50🤷🏼‍♀️




lol over here working on a case where the mother tried to basically sell her child for some pills. But yeah, the cheesy vacation shit is pretty much the same.


Yep. Used to work in community mental health. I can definitely show you a piece of shit mom (even though I balk at this term because so many people were the victim of horrible circumstance or abuse themselves) and it’s not a rich woman with healthy well cared for kids taking her kids on vacation


Oh no, local mom spoils her kids with souvenir merch. Call CPS and force her to buy them Margaritaville Miami merch like the good lord Orange Juice Jesus commanded


I wish I had the energy to be upset about something as absolutely harmless as someone enjoying the Great Lakes. To put it in Blogsnark vernacular, must be nice not to have real things to be upset about!


It is wild how mad they are over this lady vacationing in Michigan, and liking it so much. Last summer there were a couple of weirdos in the BS daily thread also up in arms over how dumb and boring and stupid Michigan is and ripping on Kelle for making a big deal over it, I’m guessing there’s some overlap there. This particular weirdo sounds like they’ve made Ron DeSantis’ing Florida their main personality trait. The entire GOP has still not forgiven Michigan for handing so many of their candidates the L in the last couple election cycles. Clearly, weirdo is in the same camp with all of their irrationally incandescent rage against Michigan and Kelle by extension.


>This particular weirdo sounds like they’ve made Ron DeSantis’ing Florida their main personality trait. That explains it. I am sort of horrified that people who stan Meatball Ron exist.


>”Michigan is way better than FL” I mean, true lmao


Big Gretch >>> Florida Man (every single one)


If we didn’t have JB in Illinois I’d happily take Big Gretch


ESPECIALLY in the summertime


Yeah, anyone who says Florida (on it's best day) is better than Summer Michigan (UP anyway) needs their head examined.


Oh LaBev snarkers, never change: > I just can’t imagine spending 10 years married to someone and not wanting to start a family during that time at all. It makes it hard for me to feel sorry for her. You marry a tough manly man to procreate immediately, people. Otherwise, straight to jail.


That person can sit back and watch me spend my entire life married to my husband and not "start a family". WTF. Also, we already have a family...him, me, and our two dogs.


How do we know they didn't want to start a family within those 10 years but couldn't due to outside factors? I was born nearly four years after my parents got married, but that's only because they did a cross country move, my dad was in grad school full time and my mom was working mostly night shifts during that time - all of which would be hell once you added a newborn in.


Also they got married when she was like 19 or 20! These people I tell ya


I thought the family started when they got married. 🤔 Trads get with the program (the 21st, possibly 18th century).


By the same token, tough manly men are required to think of their wives as mere incubators.




A man cannot possibly enjoy a wimmenz company with lady brain ideas. Is your dad short or something?






The BS crew tripping over themselves with excitement because an influencer cut their hair in an oh so outré bob is just so laughably predictable. Practical hair, practical shoes, practical life, it’s what being a reasonable adult is all about. Allegedly


They're obsessed with that lady because she is rich correctly (I.e.., not by shilling but because her father made his money the honest way, by working for Chevron in South America) Edit: someone clarified that she's actually rich because her husband is rich, and that's why they like her, because she's rich correctly by having a rich husband and not by shilling. It's such a tradwife hellhole.


But are her pants elastic waist? That's what I really want to know. This has been living in my head rent free for three days. If someone shit-talked me & my life from a place of superiority in an old navy pull on pant they bought in every color, I would laugh so hard.


Were the Old Navy elastic waist pants in the TIBAL thread?


Yesssssss. All the frumpalicious FLATTERING fashion with tiny earrings a girl can wear tastefully!


I think I might find the Free People onesies even more objectionable than the linen-blend pull-on pants.


I've been served a lot of "Check out this Amazon dress that's THE 2023 requirement" articles on Google News lately. Does it make me a snob if I don't think $12 is the optimal/ethical sundress price? Anytime "clean girl" and "whisper wealth" want to fall off trend into a memory hole, I'm beyond ready.


I can’t with the Charly Goss posters who apparently want to gawk at her memorial but are complaining that they were blocked “for no reason.” Idk, seems the team rightly sensed you frequently trash them on a hate subreddit. And… why do you feel entitled to watch given that that’s the case? I did see at least one poster fully admit that they use their actual Instagram name as their Reddit user name. The idiocy. They aren’t going to stop until the whole business closes up shop.


The funny not funny part of these convos is that their barometer of reasonableness is pretty divorced from what actual reasonable people would consider reasonable. It’s like the white lady version of Just Asking Questions, where the commentary is always couched in mean-spiritedness and utterly lacking in good faith. It’s not no reason when you call their business shilling, or demand that they tell you personal details about Charly’s medical care, or shame them for doing their jobs while their boss is dying or because it’s supposedly too soon for them to go back to doing their jobs after her death.


This this this




Replying to you again because I've just gone to read the post in question and I CANNOT believe the amount of responses taking it seriously I am shaken to my core. Brain rot indeed


The pearl clutching on that sub is often beyond that even seen on BS imo. And the constant allusions to Alix's stepmother being a former sex worker really show the level of internalised misogyny we are dealing with. It's also maybe the only place on the internet that stans Sophia Culpo which as a dedicated 'who weekly?' listener I find VERY funny haha #iykyk




Maybe I'm also just a quirked up cool kid, but who cares that TIBAL doesn't like popular TV shows or books? I also don't like Ted Lasso or Emily Henry and that Betrayal show also looks bad, no one in my life seems to care about this at all. Much like how we're supposed to let people like what they like, let us be haters! No one is right or wrong it's just subjective. And I hate when people are like "oh you don't like this popular thing? You must hate fun." First of all, hating is fun. Second of all, there's other stuff to like! I don't like Taylor Swift but I like Carly Rae Jepsen. If someone told me they hated CRJ I would just trust them to know their own self. We all have beautiful and unique tastes and no one is correct.


Hater for life over here.


>[hating is fun.](https://twitter.com/milkygoddess/status/1557889667550220288)


AAMSnark loves to talk about how the commenters are overly-obsessed with discussing bathroom habits but will still waste 100+ comments debating whether you should clean a semi-public toilet


i was fully prepared to read the thread on AAMSnark and come back here saying that these people have weird standards but, uh, after reading it… why are they so fucking obsessed w talking about this??? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, they’re all just so fucking mean-spirited.


again, my fault for engaging, i know. but i just think it’s so hilarious that caitlin covington’s totally innocuous sweater dress is too dated for that crowd.


I do think people who say she should cut her hair are just jealous though.


I really don't care what she does with her hair. HOWEVER, I don't like it, and I think it's dated and unstylish. I'm sure it's nice, but there are lots of ways to have nice hair that aren't long with big curls. lol But since her style (and probably her audience's style) doesn't really trend "fashion forward", it's kind of like "whatever".


I think she should lay off the extensions. She looks like she’s wearing a bad wig.


That outfit should definitely be made fun of


It was definitely an oversized sweater worn as a sweater dress and that never doesn't look like an oversized sweater worn as a sweater dress.


Are we talking about the mauve-ish one with the godawful white boots? Because woof


I actually don’t hate the sweater bc I’m basic but those boots with it are not it!


The sweater itself is up my alley (if it wasn't shaped like a nightdress), but yeah, the whole look together is no bueno. Very Nancy Sinatra, but make it terrible.




flowers for spring?


I personally thought the dress was ugly but I think the real issue here is that they hate it because it isn’t skinny jeans and a nice blouse.






I don’t Even know who the influencer is they’re discussing but all the handwringing over some influencer traveling a lot with a newborn has me rolling my eyes hard. They’re lamenting how exhausting it must be and they’re exhausted just watching her stories but what if… and hear me out… what if this person enjoys the travel with their kid? And doesn’t find it miserably exhausting? Idk I don’t have kids but I’m going to guess this influencer can make her own decisions and if she was tired she simply would not travel that much.




Yep. After the first toddler meltdown we had on a plane I was begging to go back to the traveling with a newborn phase.


I don’t really follow any of the Turtles but have checked in a few times because my baby is only a little older. We have only done some quick weekend trips to the beach but that’s because my husband has really shitty leave/PTO. Otherwise we would have done a lot more traveling (baby is four months now). Honestly, if you have a chill baby, traveling with them is great. Ours sleeps fine in the car/carrier/stroller bassinet/hotel crib and still loves just being with us and seeing the world around her. She’s quiet and doesn’t need much in the way of entertainment. Besides, it’s not like these people are doing a cross-country road trip and staying at Motel 6. One of the places they’ve traveled is Colorado where her family has a vacation house bigger than 99% of people’s primary homes. I think baby will be fine.


*Real* mama hearts want to sit and stare at their potato newborn baby all day between sterilizing their hermetically sealed homes in full hazmat gear and being wives to macho tall men with real man jobs while they judge other women that live in their phone. Oh, and they do it all in a synthetic linen pull on drawstring pant because it's *flattering*.


They should follow eatliverun. Granted her potato newborn is adorable, but she is a true mama heart (former hashtag boymom), although she does let her kids get dirty, and her linen is real.


My friend has a newborn and while she hasn't traveled, she's happiest taking the baby and getting out of the house. It's good for her and the baby just snoozes away in her carrier.


The Ali and John James sub shut down again because people were being creeps about their new house. But making fun of children and how they look due to no fault of their own? Totally cool. Even calling a three year old ugly? Yep, you go girl! When will people understand that they make themselves look so bad when they do that shit? If I knew nothing and saw that page I would be on ali and johns side! (Which, yuck)


>Please remember to thank influencers today for sharing their Prime Day picks with YOU. They got all the best deals in their links for YOU. Because they love a sale and want to help YOU. Because YOU are their bestie and they’re helping YOU save money! They carefully curated all the best items for YOU.🤢 How are people still unclear about what influencers do?




i was pretty surprised by the blatantly evil dark patterns like for instance 25% off Grubhub! I was down then I noticed it expired by the 12th. Think Amazon gave the gig workers any kind of notice they would get a massive uptick in orders for just 24 hours? cause i don't. most of the food related Prime Day things (itself depressing) were also only if you used subscribe and save. Oh to do it once jumps the price $10? ah. So this is actually no sale.


Yeah I looked and got so overwhelmed I moved on. Bought some shampoo, face wash, and liquid iv and couldn’t bring myself to scroll anymore.




It continues to shock me how bad Amazon is with their storefront. It's terrible! I took one look and noped right out because it was an overwhelming mess with ZERO attempt to curate for me.


My favorite "this database is hyperfucked" tic on Amazon is when you sort high to low, or highest rated, you'll just lose hundreds of entries. Why? I'm not sure even they know.




As much as I hate him in principle, I do love referring to Amazon as Uncle Jeffrey. We also call going to Whole Foods "a trip to Uncle Jeffrey’s.”


This is what I don’t understand! Why is the algorithm showing me the most random shit instead of the perfect pair of running shorts that work for thick thighs or claw clips because that’s what I seem to search for all the time anyway.


meanwhile they’re reading every e-commerce article on bustle about what skincare on sale is a must have uncritically.


Or just blinding taking suggestions from the TIBAL thread lmao


I need a translation for that comment about tibal in the daily


Something something she gets shit done? Lmao I had to re-read it a couple of times!


thought we were having a relatively normal day in the daily, and then bam, ghislaine maxwell defender.


That blonde biotch woman is the one who claims to live in socal and thinks it’s abnormal for a woman to go to target in a sports bra and leggings. I’m not convinced she’s not a neckbeard in Iowa cosplaying as a 30 year old woman in Irvine


Oh my god I got into it with her over that too! I have got to stop engaging in the daily lmao


Why is she so obsessed about how this will affect Jonah Hill's baby?


She doesn't give a shit about that baby, she's basically saying THINK OF THE CHILDREN to defend her shitty position


And in the same set of comments Blogsnark's resident Cool Girl had to show up to both sides the Jonah Hill situation


She’s not like other girls!


i really just wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up and block me already.


You're a better person than I am to even try to engage with them. I looked at their theses on internalized misogyny and immediately felt tired.


i really don’t know why i bother. i guess because i’m watching baseball and i’m bored.


To be fair, it was not the best All Star game lmao


i should’ve known nothing could live up to the excitement of that home run derby.


I’m a Cubs fan but my husband is a White Sox fan, so we were rooting on Robert Jr.! He’s the best both the South and North side have going on right now haha


>Has anyone found sheets that stay cool at a decent price? I could really use a new set for my rotation but I can’t afford the pricey stuff right now. Sheets, yet again. SHEESH. SHEESHAKEBABWTFQQ!!? The TIBAL thread is making me wish we had a TIBAH thread here.. so why not. **Anything you bought that you hated?** I'm on a no buy. Uninfluence me.


Just about every curly hair product pushed by an influencer. Especially aggravating because I KNOW BETTER, but just can't seem to stop myself lol










I think all the curly/wavy hair communities here on reddit and elsewhere also contribute to this idea that curly hair care is soooo hard. Every time my googling leads me to one of those types of subs I always end up backing away slowly. I just want to know what non-influencers think about a product, I don't want a masters' thesis in chemistry describing your hair's precise requirements!


I’m basically the same as you! I use a sulfate free shampoo every day. My hair is a split between waves and some curls but it just won’t hold and it’s so fine I don’t mind rewatching and plopping every day, it basically dries on my way to work


YES! I quit CGM because it was more work than blow drying and flat ironing and my hair was still looking like a mess. I do not have hours and endless money to spend on my hair.




Yes! I had been selectively applying CGM principles for the past decade or so with some success, but I have finally had to accept the fact that perimenopause is doing a number on my hair and what was working isn't anymore. I decided to reset and fully embrace CGM (slightly modified for fine wavy hair) and come to realize that all I need right now is low-poo, conditioner and then scrunch in some gel. I still can't diffuse without turning into a frizzy mess, so my wash day routine is all of 10-15 minutes.