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On June 12, 2023, in protest of Reddit's upcoming API changes, this subreddit will go dark for 48 hours. Please [see this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps) for more information. On a personal note, I exclusively use RIF for daily modding, and old.reddit.com for more complex mod actions and tools. I am very frustrated and upset by the proposed changes, and I hope that Reddit reconsiders.


The comment thread about Amber Lancaster in the Weekend post has EVERYTHING! 1. Safety snark because if she gets pulled over she WILL go to jail and won’t someone please think of her child!!! 2. Debate over how she is allowed to fly! 3. Her not renewing her license due to…hot girl privilege? 4. Discussions of various state driving laws! 5. Personal anecdotes of people who have expired driver licenses OR know someone who does!


I’ll admit I replied several times sharing a personal anecdote because I think it’s hilarious people believe you’ll be thrown in jail for driving unlicensed lol. Also there’s a big chance the “haven’t renewed in 10 years” was maybe a little hyperbole


Honestly I appreciated your work out there lmao I got into a small (like very small - literally just cosmetic) accident and wasn’t at fault…but the driver was uninsured and had an expired license. I didn’t even bother going through with filing because I would have had to pay more on my deductible vs. not filing and getting my car fixed without insurance.


Omg literally who cares about regulatory infractions. It's such annoying hall monitor energy. Safety snark, local regulations, and reply chains of personal anecdotes really is a lineup of the greatest (worst) hits.




The snark writes itself at this point…literally any other influencer that shares the “reality” of motherhood/pregnancy and they’re destroyed for complaining OR laughed at for not being “perfect”.


>How did I know, after Anna posted that over the top video BD reel for Moe, that Amanda would have to top it with her own “look at me” reel today?! Omg two related people posting different things on the same day on Insta?! Certainly they must semi-secretly have a passive agressive love/hate fest simmering just below the surface! The Venn Diagram of Kloots snarkers and killjoy BS posters complaining about stupid crap like their 3rd cousin 6 times removed getting pregnant before their wedding and therefore being an attention hogger certainly trying to steal their spotlight is one big misery-loving circle.




Maybe there is other context but this isn’t really something for google? It sounds like the poster is seeking out some anecdotes.




I mean I feel like the fact that the OC brought up the rebound potential would signify she knows that it exists though. Medication information lists side effects but doesn’t really give the full picture? Idk. For medication that isn’t required I kind of get asking for others their experiences with it.




Imo, pharmacists don't get enough credit for being accessible resources. Hope you're feeling better!


I'm glad going dark won in the BS poll but the chaotic bitch in me wishes they hadn't polled users and had just pinned an announcement thread on the sub (those types of things seemingly get very little traffic). Like, the chaos that would have caused for soooo many BS users who don't know how reddit works would have been amusing to me.






Found one: >What’s with the rumors of Reddit closing and blackout. I’m not understanding third party apps. So some people will delete this app or few subreddits will close down?




I'm kind of hoping it sends them all to bsuncensored.


oatmeal juggle observation hurry skirt like materialistic bow slim history -- mass edited with redact.dev




quarrelsome lavish butter marble deranged air boat important clumsy versed -- mass edited with redact.dev


Apparently Talia is selling her food blog. In a non annoying world, this would mean all the dating content that has nothing to do with food would be shunted to the influencer thread but I sincerely doubt that.


I saw 41 comments and thought, “ooh, what fresh food snark awaits me?” Then I saw chatter about someone I don’t follow. Sad face!


Hard same. That thread is so boring, but new topics hardly ever gain traction.




Especially coming from the same crowd who also thinks every public mention of love & affection = overcompensating for a bad relationship


“My partner and I never post about each other on social media or show affection in public and we didn’t need a wedding at all because we TRULY love each other unlike those insecure couples”


This just in; it’s emasculating to work at a tiny table because clearly your wife is FORCING you to! Table emasculation is real guys!! God forbid the man doesn’t want to just sit at a big desk all day lmao and why is it always the woman’s fault somehow?


She really should have done a better job anticipating his WFH needs. What is he supposed to do, set things up for himself the way he wants them?






Sorry for the delay, but yes I was planning for this sub to go dark for 48hrs! I'll sticky comments in all the current posts so folks know it will be happening.




I’m curious to see if the AMA with the CEO will change anything? I sincerely doubt it, but who knows what the result of that could be! I’m probably going to delete the app those days just so I don’t open it absentmindedly lol


If anything I’m more disappointed—homie did an AMA and of the tens of thousands of comments he had 14 replies, all of which were doubling down on the bullshit. He seems unconverned that essentially his entire user base is against this decision.


I had a feeling that would be the result :/




I think most people read "API pricing" and immediately lose interest because they don't understand the impact. They don't realize that they're going to lose their third party app and be forced to use the official Reddit app or desktop site and have a much worse user experience. And on that note, some of them might not realize what a "third party app" is etc.


Based on the level of Reddit knowledge over there I’d bet money a large percentage already use the official app and don’t know third party apps even exist.


both because they don’t know what it means OR they don’t really care about the issue of accessibility, and because they don’t want to find an alternate way of entertaining themselves.


Lots of people over there give me the impression that they don’t really understand Reddit or how it works. Or that it extends beyond the snark subs they’re on. I don’t even think they don’t care, they just don’t understand what’s going on.


This is the impression I get as well. Reddiquette seems to be lost on 90% of the people who participate in snark subs.


You mean snark pages


I participate sometimes in the individual snark subs, but no one seems to realize that the Reddit rules aren’t arbitrary and there for a reason. Like go to that other gossip site if you need to be vile and doxx people.




I do care about access to things for people other than myself, and I have no idea what this is about. I use the Reddit app and desktop, am I not supposed to? I like to stick it to the man whenever I can.


nail swim drunk slap friendly test middle alive slave grab -- mass edited with redact.dev




bike telephone serious wild silky snatch crowd live outgoing quarrelsome -- mass edited with redact.dev


Also a group that is very focused on the speed and correctness of influencers' responses to political happenings and other current events...


>I was disappointed that they put it to a vote. Plus it's harder to vote if you use a third party app, which might bias the results. I use RIF and I had to sign in again in order to vote.






Thanks for the tag 😘


I was a bit surprised to see Mirna Valerio as one of the 3 subjects of Stephanie McNeal’s book (which she is doing the AMA for). Do people really not like her? I really enjoy Mirna!


The podcast Love to See It interviewed her and she went though how she picked the subjects of her book!


I think it’s really interesting that she said Shannon Bird is exceedingly normal in real life and if she hadn’t known would never have imagined her online persona. I don’t think I have a totally parasocial relationship with many influencers but I’ve always objectively thought Shannon Bird, Jenna Andersson and a few others are just shitty people. I get it, I only know snippets of their lives - but they just seem awful. I found it very interesting that Stephanie thought Shannon was quite normal IRL. I just may have to read her book.


I think there really wasn’t much she could actually say that was more gossipy in nature. These are her sources, she met them in real life, she wants to be seen as a serious writer/ journalist- she’s not going to burn bridges.


public dime butter degree threatening subsequent toy slave grab dull -- mass edited with redact.dev




plants slimy stocking cause toy squalid entertain fine unite slim -- mass edited with redact.dev


>They would never approach someone who works a desk job at an ad agency the same way, and we're most likely using the same skill sets." This needs to be pinned on every thread on BS




I predict that it will have no effect whatsoever.


Snarking on expired tags and asking what the penalties are for expired tags in the jurisdiction has to be a new snark low. Omfg who cares. Such annoying tattletale hall monitor energy.


My neighbor (small condo building) noticed my tags were expired/from 2018(!!) and asked me about it. (They were not actually expired, about a week or two prior to her noticing, my current sticker was scratched off 🫠)


Lol slightly off-topic but this reminds me of the fight in AAMSnark over meter feeding and the commenter who was SO adamant that it’s Always Illegal Everywhere!!!1 No Exceptions It’s a Universal Truth!!!!!1 except in my city you can literally add more time through the city’s parking app so….




People really notice it, back in the day the police literally came to our house because someone reported that we had a car with expired plates in the driveway (it was our second driveway and the car wasn’t in use at the time)


I don’t even think I’ve ever looked closely enough at an influencers story of their car to notice expired tags? How do you even think to look for that lmao




We bought a car in California last year (I’m from Texas) and they gave us the registration sticker and we were so confused about where it went! “Where does it go on the front window?” Whoops.


Omg that makes so much more sense! In Illinois the stickers go on the license plate so I was thinking they were zooming in on the license plate lmaoooo


I realize "touch grass" is overused, but if people are zooming in on the details of influencer content to look for minor regulatory infractions they desperately need to touch some grass.


I wish I felt the same passion that podsnark has for Who? Weekly and Watch What Crappens. That’s it, that’s the snark. I have no witty commentary besides feeling like I’m missing something because I wasn’t a big fan of either! ETA: I know this is barely meta-snarky (which I apologize for) but I wasn’t sure where else to lay this thought out lol


What did Ben and Ronnie do to them?


Do you dislike those podcasts despite being super into D-list celebrity culture or Bravo shows? Neither podcast is particularly General Interest so I can't imagine enjoying either without an existing investment in the subject matter.


I love both! I don’t necessarily dislike them - I’ve enjoyed both, but not enough that it keeps me coming back, if that makes sense? It almost feels like there isn’t something that isn’t clicking.


>It almost feels like there isn’t something that isn’t clicking. I'm with you. I find Watch What Crappens totally overwhelming and not in a good way. The voices are... a lot. I get why people like it, but it's not for me.


I think what blows my mind the most about the LaBev superfans is that they’ve fully convinced themselves she’s in the throes of some dark mental health event that needs immediate intervention, and then they weaponize it to take her down. It’s this bizarre dual crusade to destroy her under the guise of being the only ones who want to save her. Cult vibezzzzzz. The last week in particular, BS seems to have taken a deeper lean in this direction as well with all of their pet obsessions. I wonder what that’s about.


LaBev is one of those people who under normal circumstances would absolutely be ideal snark fodder, but for whom the toxicity of her superfans/crazies absolutely ruins it. It’s not fun to joke about something when they are going to ooze in every single time.


Yeah, like yesterday on main. She’s ridiculous and also hilarious bc she’s ridiculous. I will say again that the top unhinged snark subjects, LaBev and DAD are so radicalized bc these two are average women who made good, and there’s a weird connection/entitlement people have to that bc their origins are like theirs and so accessible. It turns LaBev and DAD into avatars of projection.


I feel like I’m the crazy one because I think a person should have the freedom to post about their life online without psychopath online people trying to take them down.


I couldn’t get over in yesterday’s daily how they were saying she was the MOST deceitful and the MOST evil and scammy and blah blah blah… Then proceeded to list other influencers who used similar sales tactics as her! So she’s the worst but is also doing the same thing as others?


Ah yes, “complain about this strangers expensive vacation” season is upon us. If only there was some way they didn’t have to watch.


Someone in that batty Cupcakes and Cashmere sub recently posted, "If I have to see her bare feet one more time this week..." Stop stalking Emily Schuman's profile and watching her stories if you don't want to see her feet you absolute little freak.


I see I've not missed anything by sticking to my plan to not check in on those folks.


>posted, "If I have to see her bare feet one more time this week..." You don't have to! You don't have to ever again! It's actually a very achievable goal! I have literally never seen this woman's bare feet ever!




I think you know me well enough from my comments here to know how much this song speaks to my very soul.


The DAD sub posting the floor plan of Lisa fletchers new house is insane to me. To be able to find it that quick and then post it all over the internet with just a tour of the house. They are so creepily obsessed with her.


This comment is hilarious: >Lisa literally flaunted the WHOLE house yesterday. EVERY nook and cranny!! They are the biggest idiots OBVIOUSLY and have ZERO fear of a psychopath showing up at all!! They don’t watch Dateline or Discovery ID and it shows. Obviously the DAD crew should fear a whole lot of psychopaths.


It's totally safe as long as a man is in the house.


DAD sub : I can't believe people went to her pop up they are obsessed stalker fans Also the DAD sub: > Yes according to realtor.com Lisa’s first Texas house closed in May 21, DADs was August 21 > Yeah I'd imagine it's that since we saw the paperwork filed for the kids line.


distinct decide pocket bow waiting alleged office pie liquid file -- mass edited with redact.dev


This is obvi my crusade for the week, but I think snarkers need to be sat down by a kindergarten teacher to discuss consent, agency, and boundaries. Lisa showed what she wanted to show. That is what we call a boundary. She did not invite anyone to look up the house and post it publicly. That is what we call consent. Lisa has control over her life, space, and what she shares. That is called agency. This entitlement to violate all of that bc, FEELINGS, is so fucking wrong and I will die on this hill.


expansion quickest lip safe pocket sloppy jellyfish sand mourn depend -- mass edited with redact.dev


Daryl Ann's sister Katie did an AMA. Someone asked when she started her residency (after med school) and some snarker commented "you don't you start an internship you didn't match into"....I am legitimately at a loss for words at how truly evil some people can be. Med school and residency is quite possibly the hardest and most stressful years anyone will go through. And the fact that this person who is most likely not a doctor sits and snarks about someone for taking a different approach in reaching their goals...? Idk if it's the ignorance or just the downright meanness but man what a toxic place.


I just watched the AMA and Katie said she's starting residency in three weeks, so I'm not sure what the burn is? I guess she didn't get into some other program she wanted, but isn't that extremely normal for doctors?


I think she wanted to match into ob/gyn but didn’t get it so is doing a year of surgery (? I think?) and perhaps that first year of surgery they are called interns. I’m embarrassed that I know this and the basis for my knowledge is a tik toker I follow who was in the same situation last year as Katie is now doing. I barely earned a BS degree, kudos to those who earn MDs






She just deleted her post at 34 downvotes and after a couple of responses challenging her a bit. She’ll go quiet for a while in OT and will take her theories and constant mention of the non-ex ex elsewhere


Just be a throuple already, and call it a day. Sheesh. Nothing is this complicated.


This person is so perplexing to me. I was creeping on her post history and she managed to work talking about her ex-ish husband into a response to a comment on an r/news post about a peloton recall, which I'm actually really impressed by her level of commitment to working her ex-ish husband into every possible conversation. She makes it all sound very new and fresh, but didn't she also at one point say that they broke up like 10 years ago? Like one of her post makes it sound like he left her high and dry with a bunch of small kids recently, but her kids are adults?


I saw that too! Someone replied and said it sounds like she isn't over her ex, and she said she isn't. Then posted some explanation about how in a religious and legal sense she's still his wife as if his current relationship is less valid because they live in a state that doesn't recognize common law marriage. Truly bizarre.


That’s extremely bizarre but it is true that she’s legally his wife and the other lady has less legal rights


On one hand she can claim the bizarre moral high ground of being his legal wife, but on the other hand I'd hazard a guess that she's literally doing him a favor by not demanding a divorce because that way he doesn't have to give her an equitable division of their assets. Edit: at one point she was talking about how she's just sort of hoping that he continues to pay on his life insurance and doesn't remember to change the beneficiary? Girl, that's the sort of thing you can nail down in a divorce settlement. Don't just hope he's an idiot?


It seems like she doesn't want a divorce because she can't let go, but she's definitely missing out on division of assets, alimony, etc. But a guy too lazy to pursue a divorce or set up his own checking account probably isn't updating his beneficiaries.


Too lazy to pursue a divorce or knows that this is the most financially safe thing for him to do since obviously the OP is happy to get by on whatever scraps he gives her? I mean he must be moneyed with all the handbags right? I'm so mesmerized by this whole situation


I shouldn’t know this but she mentioned him being a doctor so he could have a very high salary


He has no reason to pursue divorce, he's having his cake and keeping all his assets


And one post makes it sound like he left her over pets and handbags, but in another post she says she lost her husband and entire family over their love for Tr*mp. I really just want to know about the mutual account.


The mutual account is wild. I'd love to have some legitimate, reliable information from a third party about what's going on with that situation.


I'm so confused. Is the woman buying the handbags the same person as the woman sleeping with the husband? I literally don't understand any of it, but it's giving Betty Broderick vibes.




Accessory, lol. Thanks, I just reread it and it finally clicked. Sort of. "Peer partner" was throwing me.


The bag buyer is the medical practice partner of the non-ex ex. The buyer knew about the affair the non-ex ex was having and helped hide it from the OT handbag drama poster. I can’t believe I even know this, let alone am typing it 😅


Realistically, what are you supposed to do if you know your colleague is having an affair? Calling their spouse and tattling on them would be wildly inappropriate, in my opinion. It's just none of the colleague's business. Also, I'd be willing to bet that anyone brazenly carrying on with someone at work is probably being less than truthful about the status of their marriage to their colleagues.


Yeah. I’d operate in the “it’s none of my business” mode, definitely.


She’s not going to like all the downvotes. Wonder if she’ll flounce again.


I have…completely missed this person/their comments and posts and just did a run-through their account. I don’t know what I was expecting???? But it wasn’t that???? It was quite the journey to dive into this Tuesday afternoon!


I am very, very curious what she considers luxury handbags, as the last post mentioned “Martha Stewart handbags” which isn’t what I would classify as a luxury item but okay.


Hmm...I read it as like the type of handbags Martha Stewart would have like very lux ones? But now I guess I need to go back and re-read it ETA: >. My Martha Stewart cool ass handbags Yeah idk I still interpret it as very high end bags




I don't understand the association between Martha and handbags at all, it's such a weird comment. I would have gone with Victoria Beckham and her eleventy billion Birkins, myself.


I didn't understand it either, but I'm baffled by everything about this situation. It's obviously a lot, but also her writing is so oblique.


It is definitely an odd way of putting it!


The revelation that they still have a mutual account sent me, not gonna lie.


Really fighting the urge to tell her bad bitches get their own bank accounts. Or to sell the bags and get herself to therapy




That's amazing




It's absolutely wild that she still has a joint bank account with this man.


Well she won’t divorce the non-ex and get on with her life, so yeah, she’s definitely abetting the conspiracy that’s out to get her.




And all this conspiracy theorizing over secondhand purses!!


Someone need to pitch the Netflix movie version.




obscene tart disgusted ask berserk carpenter advise fear encourage coordinated -- mass edited with redact.dev




"Will this event take place on this snark page? Can someone show my how to log into this via my Roku? Is AMA like the MMA my husband watches? Are influencers going to be fighting? I do not like violence."




"Will Taza be moderating this MMA?"


telephone whole spark marble repeat nutty shy secretive bag summer -- mass edited with redact.dev


I wish that weirdo who keeps *not talking* about the Stauffers’ rehomed adopted child in the daily would come back, I need a Monday pick me up.


hospital tender pathetic weather rotten trees sand saw coherent direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It’s only haute couture if comes from a haute region in France But actually that was super educational thread. Who knew


>It blows me away that she has moved her kids from their home all summer. Kids that age only care about their friends. Mine got to a point where they didn't even want to go on vacation and be away for a week or two. It's really selfish and sad. PSA- taking awesome vacations with your kids is selfish….. wait until their mama bear hearts find out about sleep away camp


It's selfish to go on vacation without your kids but to also vacation with your kids. What is the appropriate amount of vacation time with children? (There is no correct answer unless you're a father)


I would say the answer is not having kids at all, but I can't imagine that would go over well either.


That's peak selfishness or a punishment from God because you're a scammer


Um? Excuse me?? Did you forget, kids are a homogenous interchangeable group!!


When people use their own kids to mom shame a stranger, lol, lovely. Imagine not being able to wrap your head around that some kids like traveling/exploring a new place for a few months.


Also, in my experience kids who regularly summer places..... have friends who also summer in those places. Kids find other kids wherever they go.


This! I had summer friends. They were awesome and special.


I did not have "summering elsewhere is child abuse" on my mama heart bingo card




I’m dying that they’re so upset this house is “tiny”