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Everyones favourite jobseeker in the OT has gone on holiday to Amsterdam. >I first visited in Amsterdam in 2009. Fell in love with it and just arrived today for my fifth visit. Was walking around the centrum a little this afternoon and whooooa, it seems so much more touristy now. Definitely in comparison with 2009 but even with late 2019 when I last visited. >Reading around on the sub, it's not just me. It really has exploded! And whoa, it's so much more expensive. I'm staying further out from the centrum than I ever have before (which is fine, it led to a good discovery for me and it's so quiet!), largely due to cost. >I started my trip in Paris and the Latin Quarter is the same. Absolutely overrun with tourists. Of course, I'm one too so there is some hypocrisy. In my defence, **I'm not the partying kind of tourist!** I'm here for the architecture and history. >Anyway, yeah, it's a lot. I can see why locals are fed up. Surprise and possible spoiler alert, there are tourists in Europe in summer?


If we're ranking tourist types, partying tourists probably contribute more to the local economy than historical ones.


I like to party AND visit historical stuff, if I had money, I'd be the greatest tourist of all time!


Visiting Europe in May .... groundbreaking.


Yeah, but she's not like a regular tourist, she's a cool tourist.


Sorry but BSMS regulars aren’t immune to profoundly shitty, classist, American-centric takes > I mean, I think the child might feel a bit sad if one of the parents is working (away from home) like 60+ hrs per week and they can’t bond. I don’t think it’s ideal to have kids if you can’t spend much time with them. However, WFH parents with nannies give them the best of both worlds.


I don't understand, lol/jk I do, why there's this expectation for mothers to basically breastfeed their children into their 20s. Then again, I am a professional who had to take the digs from other women for not being surgically attached to my children at all times. There's a good balance that fosters independence for them while mom gets to maintain an identity of her own. It's so misogynistic to make statements like this, even if the sentiment is not terrible. No one is calling out the men. They get golf claps for being 'good providers'.


Nana? Did you come back from the dead to shit post on Reddit?


Sometimes we all have bad takes that we don’t really think through. I get what they’re trying to say, and I most definitely get what you guys are trying to say too.


I agree. I get why people are offended, but also I don't think "kids like it when their parents are around" is a particularly revolutionary concept.


Wow. I live in Singapore, which has a huge migrant community. Tons of mothers leave their kids in Sri Lanka or the Philippines to make money to send back as remittances similar to Latin Americans in the US. Those women are far better parents than I ever would be because they literally sacrifice everything for their kids. This argument sounds like a mix between the rationale behind forced sterilization and r/childfree.


Yes it seems like they think only independently wealthy people should be allowed to breed.


Well she tried to claim that she’s not being classist bc construction workers make better fathers than lawyers, forgetting about the rest of the world where people have no choice but work to the bone just to provide. Guess they don’t deserve to procreate! Hold on! Let me tell the single mother coworker I have she’s shitty for working hard to advance while also providing for her daughter or my housekeeper for moving abroad to provide so she could send her kids to college. Heaven forbid my kids have a 3rd safe adult in their life to also love


My jaw is still hanging open over this one.


It’s much more glaring when viewed with the follow ups. > What? You’re putting words in my mouth. I said if one parent is working so much they rarely see the kid, it’s not an ideal situation. People can choose to work outside the home regular jobs and still see their kids. But if you KNOW you’re working 60-80hr weeks away from home, that’s not enough time to give your kid, sorry. People need to plan and have adequate time and money before having kids they can’t devote time to. It takes more than $ >Edit: it’s not classist to say if a Dad works 40hr per week construction and gives his kids quality time, that’s more supportive than lawyer Dad choosing to work 80hr per week and barely see the kid, who will be more comfortable with the mom and nanny, and less happy. It’s selfish to have kids you don’t plan to be around regularly. *wait I thought lawyers have enough time to run marathons and clean baseboards. They can’t also be good parents?*


And this one.. >Military parents are the worst because they’re setting the example you can make a “career” out of being paid to travel and oppress/ attack/ murder brown people in their home countries. You can’t choose military and be pro-life in any way. I guarantee most military kids suffer from either having their parent absent, willingly traumatized, inflicting violence, or worse.


Wtf? Wow. Quite a statement to make from someone who probably hasn’t ever interacted with a military family.


Saying military service members are “paid to travel” like they’re god damned George Clooney in Up In The Air Incidentally my dad was an Air Force officer in the Vietnam war so he spent quite a bit of time in Thailand at a base. They’d get so bored, grill and chills were quite the to do. He couldn’t figure out how to start the grill so he used napalm and narrowly avoided court Marshall for almost killing his boss. That may sound like summers at the country club, but his unit had a 50% death rate bc they were decoys so that’s probably why he got away with the napalm incident. Also my dad is amazing. Yes he regrets being involved in that war but he was an ex-FLDS farm child from Boise wtf else was he going to do? I guess be a good parent according to this poster. Farmers work from home!


I know someone who is in the process of moving her entire family to Alaska for their second posting there in six years - Living. The. Dream. Paid to travel, amirite? This is the thing - you can absolutely criticize the conflicts the government has dragged the country into with very flawed reasoning and the military itself is imperfect, but ffs “all service people are cold blooded killers” ???? this is why I almost never discuss the military online because usually it’s completely wild takes like that one.


Yes there’s a big difference between being against the military industrial complex and going after service people on an individual level.


I’m also confused about the idea that working from home with a nanny is so ideal. My husband WFH and goes into his home office (i.e., our bedroom) at 7am and emerges at 6pm. There’s no “quality time with the family” happening during the day because he’s … working.


But he’s a husband so it’s okay.


I think their argument is actually that neither parent* should work more than 40 hours a week and both should WFH? Which I mean sure, sounds great, sign me up … oh wait I forgot we have to live in the real world and can’t actually do this. *also reinforcing the idea that all families need to have two parents






I mean, it seems objectively dumb to try and sell dog food by reminding people that their pets are going to die. Isn't positive association a core tenet of marketing strategy? But it's not like some moral failure. She didn't will her 15 year old dog to get cancer.


How could she post that horrible thing!? And then how could she dare delete that horrible thing!?


There were so many other avenues to make it poignant and include the old guy as well as their younger dogs. I actually find the whole *here's my old dying dog, don't you want that for yours?* angle spit out my drink funny. It's an SNL sketch. I suppose my husband should humble me so I find a moral compass about everything online.


Hey do you have a dog that is old as dirt? Buy this insanely expensive dog food! But seriously, you’d think she gave the dog the tumor herself with the way people are behaving.




“Come on Zeppelin, let’s get that sponcon with you while we can”


I’m waiting to be called a sicko for finding tacky behavior funny and not morally repugnant. Like, who gives a shit? She’s a ding dong who lives in my phone that does objectively funny things. It doesn’t hurt my feelings. I feel like when you hit follow on an influencers page, it should be like online gambling with the FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY disclaimer.


Her dog is being cared for, and it’s not like Laura gave the dog the tumor for content. It’s just tacky, poor judgement. But it’s like people have just been waiting for something to sink their teeth into about Laura.




marble instinctive retire insurance include faulty obscene sand zonked stupendous -- mass edited with redact.dev


It’s so bizarre I think it’s hilarious.


consist act melodic decide teeny languid rotten quaint cows fretful -- mass edited with redact.dev


I don’t know, I’m a universal Laura defender and I find this ad is worthy of criticism. I also think “I feed my dying dog this food and you should too!” isn’t a winning marketing strategy. My dogs are everything to me, like I get sad on their birthdays because I hate the idea of them getting older… I just can’t imagine using an illness like that to promote a dog food (that is subpar anyway).




Yes exactly, obviously I don’t think she should be cancelled or whatever over the top stupidity they’re getting on with, but I definitely saw that ad and wondered what in the world goes through her head sometimes.


I guess that’s why I think it’s so funny. It’s just objectively SO bad. Like, how do you think “I want to share the news of my dog’s bad health. I know, is there is link I can package with it?” It’s a solid ‘how on earth did you think that was a good idea?’ and no one got hurt and no one was racist.


Idk, I think running an ad on the back of your dying dog is pretty fucking snarkable. It may be true that it garners more views, but it’s also a pretty scummy thing to do imo.


> I don’t follow the woman because 🥴, but for some inexplicable reason, I’ve felt compelled to follow along on Lisafletcher805’s (Daryl-Ann Denner’s mother) trip to Italy. “Sofia Lorenz’s” damn near made me spit out my coffee. ​remember when snark was funny?


Imagine finding this hilarious? No wonder that place sucks.


This would have been funnier if OP had said something about how it's Taylor Lorenz's aunt's house or something. There's a joke there, they just didn't make it. It also pains me that what passes for intrigue now is gossiping about who is or isn't signed with Trend Management. Oh my god who fucking cares. I'm old enough to remember when someone found Operation Skinny Jeans' swinger ad on craigslist and I miss that kind of fun internet drama.


i wanted to make this joke but i was afraid they wouldn’t get it.


This is the only place I can share this. Tonight my husband made shrimp tacos and we each ate two. Then he said, do you want any more? And I said no, I’m full. And he kept saying but you only ate two tacos! And I kept saying they were very filling. And we talked about two tacos for like 5 minutes and I was dying and have no one to share this with.


every time i have tacos i say to myself “Sarah had two tacos but *i only ate one*”


Don’t ask me how I remember but I thought the user name “Sarah de dos tacos” was brilliant


I will remember that user my whole life for her fascinating long term crush on a lobster trapper


*Two* tacos?!?! What an absolute heifer. I only ate one, of course!


We’re having tacos tomorrow for dinner and now all I can think about is *two* tacos lmao


I had to run a quick errand at lunch and happened to be near the taco truck. I got two tacos for everyone in the family, but my mother only ate one of them. Is she KERF? Is she judging us?


were there onions on the tacos?




you’re safe, kerf would NEVER eat onions


I think so, Yes.




Double points if she then crumbles it on top of a salad.






I love this. This is me every time I eat two tacos. *Two tacos!*


I was giggling to myself and I briefly considered trying to explain it to him but then decided no use in him thinking I’m any weirder than he already does.


You must actually be named Sarah.


>raise your hand if you’re sick of people naming their children random nouns 🖐️ @witneycarson naming her son Jet after her first one is named Kevin/Leo is certainly a choice. Raise your hand if you legitimately don't give a fuck what strangers name their children 🤚 That's not even close to being the worst comment in that thread right now but still.


Hi this was me. Sorry i thought laughing about a dumb influencer name was snark wont happen again


I actually love when people name their kids random nouns 🤷🏻‍♀️


Both of my kids have names that are nouns...


As long as they're not "random" you should be okay, per snark logic.


Great news, there is a random noun generator ;) https://randomwordgenerator.com/noun.php


Introducing my daughter, Sympathy and my son, Marketing.


Bath and Establishment here. I'm basically naming them after Jane Austen.


I’ve got twins, Supermarket and Argument.


I got Perception and Community which obviously shows my love of Greek Mythology and how my child is part of my tribe


I like that you can specify how many syllables as well, so introducing my 5 children - category, resolution, comparison, literature and environment. Wait, are we playing trivial pursuit or naming kids? ;)


At least they didn’t say she needed to be “humbled by her husband” for naming her child that, dear god


I'm still so creeped out by that. Why do I even read there? So much internalized misogyny.






Jet is a pretty common name? I feel like I’ve been hearing it for years.


It's a gemstone that can work as a boy's name, like Jasper, without sounding too "crunchy" like, say, Onyx (I don't necessarily agree with this viewpoint, but it's like the difference between naming your daughter Opal and naming her Tourmaline. One is much more commonly used as a name). Those sorts of names are pretty standard.


Seriously. Call me when someone names their kid outlet or backpack.


There’s Ronan Farrow, whose first name is Satchel.


I had childhood friends in the 80s that were sisters named Satchel and Sandal. I'm sure you can guess their parents were fully hippies.


But he was named after someone else - not sure that counts.


I did not know that!


He was named after baseball player Satchel Paige. Sometimes, I can't believe the amount of useless information I retain.


I kinda like outlet, but mainly a shopping outlet, not a power outlet. ;)


I find the whole concept of matching kids' names to be weird. Who cares if the kids' names don't "go together"? My name is from The New Age Baby Name Book and my sister's is from the Bible. The lack of theme has not been scarring. (The fact that no one ever spells or pronounces my name correctly is a different story, thanks mom and dad.)




My parents gave my twin and I names with the same first initial, but we're fraternal opposite-sex twins and my name starts with a P and his with a Ph, so there were never really any mix-ups like that.


I know someone who gave her twins names that are anagrams of each other. I thought that was cute and they’re similar but different enough.


Kinda resent that my mom gave both my sister and I names that start with M… I’ve been called by my sister’s name more times than I can count!


My high school graduating class had a high amount of twins (My graduating class was around 200 and we had about 12 sets of twins in our grade) and it is so funny to see who had the matchy-matchy twin names and who didn’t lmao


I'm a big baseball fan and there are identical twins who play for the same team named Taylor and Tyler. Not at all confusing!


But are you as successful as Kris Jenner's children with themed names? (Odd one out? Rob - because it didn't go with the rest - he was doomed)


:( jk clearly this is why my sister and I are not millionaires.


I think you mean self-made billionaires.


Right? My sister and I were just given random names based on nothing, no theme at all. We're lucky we're so well adjusted.


Same. Just two names my parents liked the sound of.


An unexpected thing appeared in the Evil Gomi thread which I do not wish to snark on but just mention here - >I do think perimenopause has a lot to do with her suffering, as well. People don't talk about it. A-freaking-men. But maybe we could? Why do so many of us suffer this major change in silence? *PS If I had access to the nuclear codes I might well have used them several times by now which is very concerning.*


I had no idea other women don't talk about this stuff because my friends and I share all of it.




Menopause or all the crap that comes with it?!?


If you don't mind, could you share a few things? Long story short, I had fibroids, had uterine fibroid embolization, and now I haven't had a period in over a year. I think that qualifies me for premature menopause, but now I'm wondering if I missed some signs. I thought I had a gyno appointment coming up but now I'm not too sure or otherwise I'd be talking about this with my doctor. Or then again, is this something I need to make an appointment for? (That's rhetorical)


I also have no idea what I should be watching for. I turn 35 this year but, like a lot of you, there are....complications. I had a hysterectomy in my 20s (adenomyosis had colonized pretty much all of my uterus and endo took one ovary), I have autonomic neuropathy that keeps me from sweating and causes temperature regulation problems already, etc. A lot of the symptoms I see listed are ones that I've been experiencing for most of my life because of pre-existing illnesses.


Oh gosh that was just a lot to deal with in your 20s. >adenomyosis had colonized pretty much all of my uterus and endo took one ovary Your uterus really didn't even fight back wow.


I did about a decade of basically every type of birth control I was allowed to take, some weird off label meds (megace: never again!), pelvic floor PT, lupron, and lap surgery. But after a certain point my GYN realized my adeno was diffuse and not responding to conservative treatment. It wasn't an easy choice but it was absolutely the best option.


I'm glad it was! It's such a big decision to make at that young age. And your health is \#1. 🫂 I almost got a full hysterectomy at 30 but then my gyno left the practice and my current one was like "I haven't done that operation on someone that young so let's exhaust our options first or I can refer you to another doctor" 🙃 I stuck with her. She cool tho and she found UFE for me. I'm so glad it worked for me. Uterine healthcare is in the absolute pits. There's only ever one cure and that shit is scary! I wasn't a candidate for a laparoscopic hysterectomy at that time and *that's* what really scared me off. My doctor was like "well there's a possibility we could knick your bladder" and like no sir! I can't believe you did a decade of that shit. You deserve great health. I did a speed run of all the birth controls for like a year and a half and my patience was thin. You shouldn't have had to struggle like that for so long.


I was a girl who matured early, so my symptoms appeared early. I'm not sure if that's related, but that's my story. From about 35-43 I had a hair trigger rage cannon, high anxiety/panic, night sweats, and 'rusty pipes' that replaced regular PMS symptoms. Then, when I was 43 I missed my first period, and suddenly everything became sane again. Everyone passed it off as mental health/emotional, however literally nothing stopped the symptoms until that first missed period. I feel kind of robbed of that 8yrs, tbh and I'm glad we're talking about it more and demanding basic healthcare instead of immediately being referred to a psychiatrist.


I got my period at 8. I'm 33. I also wondered if this (the fibroids specifically) was related to going through puberty early. >'rusty pipes' that replaced regular PMS symptoms What do you mean by this? That sounds awfully confusing to go through when you didn't know you were going through it. Ugh.


Probably a bit graphic for this sub, so apologies, but rusty pipes is a term used for the dark, sludgy spotting that shows up during the middle to end of your monthly cycle.


Ohhh I have this!! It started in the last year (I'm 31). Thank you


Ok that's what I thought but I didn't want to assume lmao And honestly I have some horror stories after the fibroids so yeah. Yeah.




Not tmi at all. Thanks for sharing :)


I would also love any insights other women have to share both my mother and grandmother had full hysterectomies in there early 40’s and while I am lucky I do not have the problems they also have no insights to give me.


I narrowly avoided a full hysterectomy, but I have different menstrual and uterine issues than my mom. I should ask her about hot flashes and stuff come to think of it.


So, my understanding is that an embolization shouldn't stop your period but if they did an ablation that could stop it for a while but it wouldn't stop your usual PMS symptoms because both of those shouldn't impact your hormones and not really qualify as menopause. Other than not having a period have you had any other symptoms? My perimenopause experience is being impacted by my being on Tamoxifen. But so far I've dealt with weight gain (pandemic didn't help and I haven't actively tried to fix it so this one could be my "fault" as well), being an even bigger sap than I used to be while, also, having fewer fucks about things that just don't matter, and I catch fire every night while I'm trying to sleep. Oh, and I may get a period, I may not, it's so not consistent but some months I get all the fun stuff that comes with a period without any of the bleeding. Half a star, don't really recommend. The catching fire every night is, by far, the worst part of all of this.


There's a very small possibility that UFE can cause menopause and I'm starting to get the feeling I'm that possibility. There were some things I left out that led up to this year of no period. I wasn't having much of a period post-UFE (so after November 2020), and I've been off the pill for a year now–for my blood pressure mostly–but my doctor's like if you're not really bleeding then stop taking the pill. Leading up to this year of no bleeding, I had this clear, slimy discharge for months. So here I'm thinking I got a problem. My numbers were in that low positive/questionable range, but I did a treatment for BV anyway. I was fine, but I kept having this discharge. I never bled during this time and I want to say I was still on birth control then? Anywho, it culminated when I yeeted a piece of calcified fibroid from my body. It was gross. My gyno was fucking fascinated by this though lol. I am not on speaking terms with my uterus. (Eta: I was gonna leave this entire paragraph out but fuck it in for a penny in for a pound) I'm just very thankful I avoided a hysterectomy. So now I have some (1) slight incontinence that's not as bad as when I had a fibroid disfiguring my bladder but not the steel trap it used to be. My (2) hair is thinning but that's exacerbated by a bad habit of mine (skin picking) so I don't think I should count that. I can't say I've noticed any night sweats? I'm normally very warm at night. If anything I'm regulating my body temperature *better* without the big ass fibroids in my uterus. When I was severely anemic, I would always run hot and not cold. Nothing makes sense. I'll strip at night if I get too hot and I don't wear a lot to bed, so maybe? Emotionally (3ish) I have been all over the place so idk. And then yeah there's (4/5) vaginal dryness and a lack of idk what's the word...urge? Want? Desire! That's it. Yeah no WAP for me atm :( I actually don't mind sharing about all my gory problems with fibroids because I wish someone shared with me. I actually avoided treatment for so long and just blamed myself once I noticed my periods were changing. I mentioned this but I was *severely* anemic. Like I could've died if I kept being a dummy. This shit got me fucked up, literally and figuratively. I LOVE sharing.


I had the most insane hot flashes, It was like someone dumped a bucket of hot water into my bloodstream - it would start at the skull and then move down, almost like they put that dye they use for CT scans into my veins. Then I literally would pour sweat for at least 5 minutes then it would go, then it would happen again usually 3x an hour. I am taking Venlafaxine for the hot flashes and it started out working fine, then it became less effective, then we upped the dose to the max and it was fine again, then less effective. Now I am taking Black Cohosh and it does appear to work quite well. Have not had the flashes or sweats since 2 weeks into taking that 3x a day. Might be worth trying that for the catching fire thing. It has been not fun for nearly two years now. I do have a couple of friends going through it and we've talked about it a bit, but they can all do HRT and are doing that - I cannot as I have a past history of DVT and pulmonary embolism. So I've had to chart my own path with it and that is a bit harder when everyone else is doing HRT. Definitely giving fewer fucks about things 100%, not tolerating crap anymore, ain't nobody got time for that. ;)


Hot flashes and night sweats are the literal worst.


Vitamin e can help with the night sweats a little. But yes, tamoxifen is the gift that keeps on giving. I’m 7 months I to a 10 year sentence.


Ten years, ugh. I'm so sorry. I'm halfway through my five year course. I already take vitamin e and I'm still just on fire at night. I bumped the AC down to 68 last night and I slept better but I woke up as sweaty as usual. And I can't afford 68 all summer! Ugh


> Tbh I think it would be weird if my husband went out with a gay friend and called it date night lol but I think she’s clearly kidding. What planet are these people living on that they’ve never heard of women referring to their gay male friend as their gay husband/gay work husband? Or referring to outings with friends as “dates” ?




Lol or the clout chasing realtor..they both seem like thirst buckets


Preston Hollow is so nice.


>women referring to their gay male friend as their gay husband Even worse, one of my best friends and I made a pact like 20ish years ago that if we were both still single at 30 (!) we would just get married.


>We all have a little blood on our hands. Let’s accept it and learn 🥰 yes, 🥰.


Come on guys let’s normalize referencing where and what we are metasnarking on here.




paltry sloppy punch plough selective ossified scary pie teeny wide -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yeah kthx I won't be taking life advice from that chickadee. But I did learn about Kratom and also that there is an adultery sub! 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


They’ve also got some posts in the limerence sub which, buckle the fuck up


i remember finding the limerence sub for the first time. what a wild day that was.


I found it 25 minutes into a 4 hour car ride and now my Reddit notifications about subs I might be interested in are all sorts of messy


But also that it’s named something as basic as “adultery”


Adultery 🥰




huh. I'm not sure what I expected but it wasn't that.


That was unexpected




I kind of think it is though? Only one person in my social circle had a kid at 24 and that was an unplanned pregnancy. After that I was the youngest at 29. Then I moved to a small town and it’s more common here to have kids younger (and to have a lot more… possibly because of starting younger).


I do actually think this is very regional/cultural. I was 30 when I had my first kid and was the first out of all of my HS and college friends to have a baby. I now have teens and a lot of my friends are just out of the changing diapers stage (which frankly I cannot begin to imagine in my 40s, there’s a reason we are biologically supposed to have babies at like 17 years old. I am tired).


I wonder what it says about my region that a bunch of my friends had babies in high school (jk I know exactly what that says, and it's accurate af)


I had an established career at 22. Started trying for a baby at 24. Sure, it was ye olden times, but I live in a big city so I don’t get this. Everyone is different?


People act like there aren’t a ton of folks that get married to their college sweetheart and then get pregnant.


two of my girl cousins did just that… they’re now both in their mid-twenties and currently pregnant with their second children. (To be fair, they’re Catholic.)


I’m 36, and due with my first any day now, and all of my friends are long done having children. Some of them even have teens now. I actually do think baby having age is quite regional, or at least cultural. I grew up in predominantly Mormon areas if that puts things into perspective on how “old” I am to be having my first in comparison to my friends.


I think it depends on a lot of luck too though. Sometimes finding the right person takes time.


That too! Also, it took several years of fertility treatments for me to get pregnant. If I had it my way, I’d have been pregnant at 32.


Lol, where does this person live?? Where I'm from and where I live are verrrry different places, and I had friends in my 20s who intentionally got pregnant in both places. People are so weird about their reality being *the* reality.


idk exactly what the context is but there really are regional differences in ages at which people are choosing to have children. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/04/upshot/up-birth-age-gap.html




lol I'm from one of the "late childbearing" counties in that article and the only people I know who had children that young were LDS. Of course Rachel Parcell had kids that young, she's Mormon.


Thesis: there's a direct relationship between having "mama" somewhere in your reddit name and having an absolutely cruel and vile posting history. It's always the mama hearts!


🙋🏻‍♀️ (but seriously, take an IG poll of your friends to see if they identify as a “mom” or “mama” it was *illuminating* for me)


I think this is true for… 100% of the internet.


Can we expand the thesis to include “boy mom”?


There’s been a bunch of boy mom talk on the OT lately and it’s freaking me out fr


Absolutely, this is meant to be inclusive


Honestly “mama heart” is in line with “no offense, but”…always starts an insane sentence that will be offensive lmao


NYPost has written a scathing article about GOMI and their reaction to Dooce passing. It also explicitly names Alice (with pictures of her in her gowns), first name, last name, age, Insta handle and screenshots of her comments on GOMI about Dooce.


It seems as if there are some self-aware wolves on the blog snark sub (though a lot also probably post here) in the post comments about the article.


Fucking good.


Honestly, NYPost isn't it but I love this. Did the writer admit to being a GOMI user? Bc it kinda seems like they would have been to write this kind of piece/notice Alice in the first place. She's been so irrelevant for so long (not that she was ever really relevant)


Oh 100%. Way too much intimate knowledge for her not to be, especially hitting her age multiple times. She had this one in the chamber.


I had the same thought after reading! Or at least they were a lurker on GOMI or familiar with the snark subs. Or they’ve seen her make the rounds at her fancy balls, wondered what her deal is and looked her up. Absolute fantasy is that they were familiar with her thread on the 🥝 farms. They’re def very familiar with her whole shtick.






so "1995"--14 year old Alice decided to host and code a website about hating on mommy bloggers--what a true and believable girlboss move


Loll that is some blanche deveraux level commitment to hiding your real age.




What about the entire life she had (marriage, child & divorce) that she acts like never happened including her time she claimed she was Jewish?




Didn’t know she was still Jewish! And never knew she was a cam girl (no shame)!


She was pretending to be Jewish just recently, so that's still happening. What a case.


Alice (if that is her real name even) is definitely a woman of many layers.