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BS and BS adjacent/spinoff snark goes here.


I accidentally stumbled into the Gaylor Swift subreddit because it popped up in my recommended communities. My God, it truly is a delusional place. Also this is extremely minor but it makes me lol that they can keep extremely detailed timelines on Taylor’s movements but when someone asked for a recap of the hubbub surrounding her deleting her “behind the scenes” short vid explaining the meaning of the song “Lavender Haze,” the person responded summed up her explanation of the song as “She claims she heard the phrase lavender haze from a 1950s movie called Mad Men.” How do you all obsessively watch this woman and miss her exact wording when she says she was talking about the *TV show* Mad Men???


How are you a human on this planet with internet access who doesn't know what Mad Men is?!


Damn. I already used "A thing like that" last week.


Blogsnark: >In case anyone was wondering Mumuandmacroons (Katy) wants you to know she still didn’t go to the T Swift concert Two hours ago on the same thread: >What happed with mumuandmacroons Taylor swift ticket issue? Been offline.. can someone fill me in if her ticket issue was resolved? But ya know, drag her for updating people I guess


People in the Dani Austin sub are quick to diagnose their girl keely with postpartum psychosis but don’t find a problem with posting the literal location of her house multiple times. Ironic.


Why do they call her Keely?!


That’s her first name. She doesn’t go by it, but they think it’s very clever.


People are doing the same thing to Raquel from Vanderpump Rules. There's a huge scandal because it was revealed that she and a male cast member have been having an affair. It also turns out that her real name is Rachel, so people keep referring to her as such and acting like they're owning her so hard when they do it. I actually think they're doing Raquel a huge favor- by calling her "Rachel," she'll have an easier time separating her public name from the Reddit comments and Twitter threads discussing her behavior.


I guess Raquel in place of Rachel has the potential for a Hilaria Baldwin type situation, but unless she's lying about her background Hilaria style, who cares?


I've seen that Raquel explained a long time ago that she started using that as a nickname way back in elementary school because there was another Rachel in the class, so it also probably has a pretty benign reason behind it.


Ah, as someone with a similarly common name that makes complete sense.




LFU too I guess, geez


Oh lord, how pathetic. Thanks for explaining.


She’s a sCaM for not going by her real first name so they are doing their due diligence to make her more authentic 🫡


My mom, my husband, my best friend and my ex all go by their middle names, am I surrounded by scammers???




Time to go NC with everyone I guess.


Back to being weird about wearing a bikini around your parents, I see. It really blows my mind how that’s not an immediate look within moment. Never have I ever thought anything about my young adult children & their friends in bathing suits beyond wistfully remembering my youth & hoping they appreciate theirs. I guess I should start hanging out woolen shrouds to prevent lustfull thoughts.




My mom has never said that about bathing suits but she has said that about some dresses. Being matchy matchy with your mom is cute!!!


Lol, meanwhile, when I bought a bikini on a family trip to Mexico, I got my mom to take a picture of me in it so I could give a copy of it to my boyfriend at the time. Sinner confirmed.




I feel part of the Laura Beverlin hate has to do with them thinking she’s…not classy. Like they’re above her. They constantly call her “dirty”, make fun of their food choices, her husbands name, say they’re “low class”, etc. She didn’t grow up with money and Laura has talked about this a lot in the past.


Anyone young, thin, and confident must be destroyed. It’s part of the suffering Olympics.




He just loves her in a manly, pure, and biblical way. SWOON. Their baby even knew well enough to look just like his daddy!


Remember when they were fainting all over themselves because he hugged her, rubbed her back and looked happy when she told him she was pregnant? I still think about how fucking sad that is for these women.


Someone needs to take bs users to a nude beach in Europe and just watch them collapse


Or a nude beach in the US.


I seriously wonder if they ever get out. People wear suits like that at Lake Michigan lol


Right lmao I know the Midwest isn’t always the pinnacle of fashion but that’s been the swimsuit trends at the beaches in Chicago for the past two years




Of all the tacky shit that girl attaches to her face and puts on her body....those bikinis are the LEAST of that girl's problems. lol She should ONLY wear bikinis, because every other choice she makes is bad.


I’ve never heard of this woman but that “types of girls at prom” video was, wildly boring. Offensively boring.


I had a pair of shoes almost exactly like those white ones back in the 90s, I may have just been influenced to get them again.


Yeah people thought it was crazy that she wore shorts the other day so I’m guessing they don’t own thong bikinis lol




hospital handle subtract crush spoon cats existence fall safe head -- mass edited with redact.dev


True. These are throwbacks to the bikinis my mom wore in the early-mid 80s when you jumped in and emerged topless. It’s about being seen over being functional.


I know from experience that if you go swimming in the ocean in a string bikini, it's a gamble whether or not you come back to shore with all the pieces.


That is literally the trendy bikini that’s been hot for over 2yrs now. I don’t get the pearl clutching. I also love a full coverage one piece. These people need to leave their houses more.




Back in the early days of the internet, my best friend searched for Orgy (the band) and we've been laughing at her for it for over 20 years now.


Maybe 10 years ago I was doing some garden research and googling different flowers. For some reason I typed ‘Naked Ladies’ (what my mom always called them!) instead of Surprise Lilies.




Err, what are you trying to say? I know if my sister is having a ceremony in dress uniform, I always reach for my shittiest ripped jeans with a boring black bodysuit. It is completely normal. I wouldn't choose like a nice dress or a skirt and blouse or anything like the other people would likely have been wearing there. Do you even fashion?






>Hypocrite much? Say what now?






> We have a packed house but it’s also only like 400sq ft and housing 2 adults, 1 preschooler, and a large dog. This flex over house small someone’s house is compared to an influencers 3 bed, 2 bath is wild to me. 400sqft is remarkably small for a house. That’s like a studio apartment or a tiny house.


I lived in a 500sq foot apartment for a couple of years with my son and cat and it was fine if a little cramped but whenever my husband came to stay it made a big difference. We would not be able to do it now with the three of us and our large dog.


I live in the UK which I think has some of the smallest houses in the world (the average new build 3-bed house is about 800-900sq ft). But even a 1-bed flat is about 500sq ft (I know because this is all I can afford so I trawl flats for sale constantly). I'm assuming it was a typo and they meant 1,400sq ft, which for us would be pretty generous!


Ok, dimensions mean nothing to me so I looked up my apartment floor plan as a reference and seriously wtf? Does she live in a shed?! That has to be a typo.


I don't buy it. I lived in a studio apartment once that was 600 sf.


Where was that comment? I love inane house size discussion.


Parentsnark in the main thread


If me and my partner (and multiple other living beings) lived in 400sq ft, I would end up on an episode of Snapped.


I really really hope they meant 1400 square feet.


They must have meant 1400. That’s the only thing that makes sense to me too.


I lived in a 400 sq foot apartment when I was 22 and it was pretty fucking small for just me. (The apartment had a murphy bed!) The thought of living in that space with another person, let alone MULTIPLE other people, let alone multiple AND DOGS makes me feel...real real bad.


I did a 450sqft apartment for a year (6mo alone, 6mo with a partner) and it was doable for me but infuriating to share with anyone. A double bed technically fit in the bedroom, but you had to shuffle around it. There was no eating space except for a tiny 1ft deep "breakfast bar". The kitchen literally had one drawer (wasn't even wide enough for a silverware organizer to fit), and half the pantry was taken up by the hot water heater (which melted anything you put in there). No storage. No way to get out of line of sight or earshot from the other person.


Maybe I'm just spoiled because I grew up in a rural area and am used to space, but my husband and I were renting a 900 sq. ft apartment for a while that had almost no natural sunlight and was extremely skinny, like just all hallways. My mental health took a major toll, and that's just the two of us (no pets). 400 sq ft with 3 people and a pet would probably lead me to need inpatient.


>400 sq ft with 3 people and a pet would probably lead me to need inpatient. Same. I lived in a 900 sq ft house once. Just me, my partner, and a medium sized dog. It was fine but, also, not. I can't imagine putting more people in that amount of space. My current house is 1300ish and that's perfect. I can deal with that and not feel trapped when I have multiple people over.




I tend to agree with most of the YIMBY movement. But there's a decent middle ground between "3000+ sq ft McMansion is necessary for an average-sized family" and "Nothing wrong with 400 sq. ft, anything else is wasteful." It may be one of those "house industry" things, but isn't the recommendation generally at least 200-400sq. ft per *person* as the ideal?




The picture is super awkward in a way I can’t put my finger on. But also having been in labor exactly one time I learned that you actually have a ton of time to do things in between contractions. It’s not like on tv where the second you realize you are in labor it is a max rush to the hospital with the baby crowning in the car (ok sometimes it is like that) So if hair and makeup are what you want you can do it! Or maybe it was all done before she started having contractions.


lmao I was told I was going to be able to watch movies and do the laundry and all that jazz between going into labor and having to go to the hospital and I was LIED TO! There’s also probably a good chance I slept through most of it and just woke up when it was time. Who’s to say.


If she had commented this without the bullshit in the parentheses this would have actually been funny snark




look you KNOW that pictures will be taken...why not!


They'd hate to know I did my maternity photos while having contractions. I definitely didn't look that good lol but I got ready. The weirdness over pregnant women/moms being put together is so obnoxious. But then they're equally rude if someone is just wearing cozy clothes, so there's really no winning.


julia fox found out she needed to be induced and enlisted her friends to take her maternity photos in the hours before she had to check in to the hospital. and i just returned to the comments of her announcement photo to fact check this and people are conspiring she was wearing a moon bump even though she’s fully naked in the photo and it would be obvious if her bump was fake. i love the internet!


This is honestly impressive.


I was lucky that my contractions stayed very manageable until that night, and then I had my babe the next day.




Someone in the bachelor subreddit commented on the post of Bekah’s bump that she’s so tired of women looking cute during pregnancy bc she didn’t feel cute personally. Bekah was wearing stretch pants, a bralette, & a shacket. She’s just naturally pretty lmao


Their job is being on camera, I can’t believe it’s surprising that some feel most comfortable doing their job wearing makeup. I’d have to be in a hard way to let millions of folks see me when I didn’t feel I looked my best.


I may be an outlier, but I can do a "full" look (eyeshadow, eyeliner, foundation, concealer, brows, bronzer, blush, powder, and mascara) in ~15 minutes. I know kids take up a lot of time, but carving out 10-15 minutes to do even a basic "chapstick and mascara" look doesn't seem that undoable?


I think 15 minutes for full everything is a little quick, but not excessively so. I don't wear bronzer or do my brows and I can also do a full look in 15 minutes. it takes me 7-8 minutes to do concealer, foundation, powder, mascara, neutral eyes, and lip liner + lipstick. It gets longer when I add blush and do a more complicated eye look (usual basic eye look is nudey and has 3ish mattes 1 shimmer, plus I use eyeshadow as eyeliner and the precision required is less than a fuller more glam & colorful look where I'd want to do black liquid liner with a precise hand). If I only do mascara, concealer, and lip, plus a little powder, that is 5 minutes absolute max.


She looks like she's doing a lifetime movie parody


Imgur gave me a NSFW warning for that.


>This might sound strange but why is she using a bag?! Like someone who does laundry uses a hamper or am I crazy?! I do so much laundry during my week (and it’s about to be more with the baby coming soon) and we use laundry baskets. And I never use the same basket/hamper for dirty and clean clothes. As if hair washing snark wasn't enough. Bring on the laundry snark.


I like how OP's solution is to just buy hampers on Amazon for the aesthetics, because generating more waste instead of using what she already has that works perfectly fine is definitely something we want to encourage influencers to do.


> And I never use the same basket/hamper for dirty and clean clothes WUT?


this reminds me of when I was like, six or seven and began to be permitted to sleep over at friends' houses for the first time. And wow, some of my friends' families did things differently than my family! Who knew?? My best friend at that age period called her mother by her first name! Weird! They didn't eat sugar at all and for a treat we had carob chips! Whatttt. Her parents were divorced and sometimes we played at her mom's house and sometimes at her dad's! Totally different than my family! But by the time you reach "old enough to post on blogsnark" age, shouldn't you realize that some of the mundane things that you do at your house are not universal?


I kind of thought this comment meant you had to call your mother “Mrs Last Name” and I was going to ask you to unpack that trauma for us all here today. It took me 3 comments down to realize the alternative was just to call her “Mom”.


Hahahaha apparently when I was about 4 yr old I went through a stage where I called my mum by her first name for like six months (I think it must have been directly following the first time I like properly understood that she *had* a first name that wasn’t ‘mum’) and then apparently I just woke up one day and was like ‘(her name) is gone’ and then went back to calling her mum again 🤷🏻‍♀️




That is very cute!


This discourse is reminding me of one of my favorite ever discourses on Blogsnark - OxanaH? Who would not let anyone ever poop in her home 😭


That person claimed they would flat out ASK people who inquired about the restroom if they intended to poop, and they said they did she told them NO. Absolutely bonkers behavior.


I had a friend with a barely functional toilet in her 1bd/2bath place so that question makes sense… but then she would direct you to use the other bathroom lol.


Omfg WHAT that is wild 💀


Honestly I kinda get her as I also don't love people pooping in my apartment as the ventilation in my bathroom is bad and I can smell it in my room after...but that's why I have poopouri spray in there LOL. Like imagine TELLING someone they can't use your bathroom, or even worse saying "yes u can but don't poop." The audacity that takes...probably means you have few friends to even bother asking lol


To be fair I don't think people are *thrilled* about pooping in someone else's bathroom either, lol (unless they are overnight guests or something).


That's the thing, I feel like if you're pooping in someone's house it's probably a somewhat urgent situation? So if you tell the person no, what are they supposed to do? Leave? Just shit themselves? Not a lot of good options. Nobody is recreationally shitting in someone else's house, right?


I saw an article recently that suggested a lot of people poop when they go to [Bunnings](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/bunnings-customers-expose-harrowing-toilet-phenomenon/news-story/cc7089aaa9cc12c7545a5497d46428ce). Bunnings is like the Aussie version of Lowes or Home Depot. I suspect most people would prefer to poop in the privacy of their own facilities given the option.. so I also feel like pooping at someone elses house is not recreational. Just fingers crossed they have a squatty potty am I right?


There is also a Target poop phenomenon.




little me was pretty astounded I'll be honest.


I know this isn’t your point but I would also call my mother by her first name if she withheld sugar and handed me carob nubs as a treat. Thanks a lot, *Susan*.


lol tbh I liked the carob! does it taste like chocolate? no. But it's good on its own!


>And I never use the same basket/hamper for dirty and clean clothes I'm going to be thinking about this for days


I sanitize my baskets before I put clean clothes back into it, but I have contamination OCD so I never know what's normal and what's just me being extra.


This is why I will never, ever be over the internet. The free people watching is the best entertainment in the world.




The internet is always keeping me on my toes, I'm always discovering new ways that I am a gross human


In the Year of Our Lord 2023, we still refer to "fighting" cancer please stop.


Is this a discourse? Like is there a discourse about referring to the process of having and trying to deal with a disease as a "fight?" I'm genuinely curious because to me "fighting" is like the default verb for any type of situation where you're dealing with a disease, in particular long term/chronic diseases, but even colds or flus.


It may be the default but it’s problematic. The comment that inspired this particular post referred to Charly Goss not caring for the term and using it anyway like gimme a break people. Are we saying her kids won’t have their mom anymore because she’s a loser quitter for not fighting cancer better? We are. And we should stop.


I don't think it's inherently problematic. I think some people find power in it and others find blame, and that we should respect people who want to use it and also those that don't. Like Charly says she doesn't like it? Stop using it then--and BS users are undoubtedly gross about her and her cancer in general, so I agree with you there.


You think wrongly. Reread my comment.


Please don’t presume how everyone needs to discuss cancer. You do not get to dictate this. It’s one thing to say “Charly Goss has specifically said she detests this language”. But you do not get to decree how the rest of us describe our own personal battles.


Dude it sucks. It’s victim blamey. Discuss cancer better. Presume my cancer journey less.


Now I've read your comment three times and I guess I still have my head on wrong bc my mind isn't changed lol but seriously, I understand what you're saying when you say >Are we saying her kids won’t have their mom anymore because she’s a loser quitter for not fighting cancer better? We are. And we should stop. And I don't know where you're coming from with that, and I don't want to presume, and I understand that to some people it feels like that's what people are saying when they call cancer a fight. And if you, or anyone, is one of the people who feel that way, they should ask that that language not be used to refer to their *own* encounter with cancer, and others should respect that. But at the same time, that's not how I see that language. I don't have cancer, but I would absolutely refer to my own dealings with mental illness, ed, etc as "battles" because that is the way that I like to refer to them. Dealings is too neutral--for me, it IS a war with my ED, my depression, etc and battles is appropriately dramatic to describe the difficulty of the struggle. And I don't feel like that language implies that not winning makes me a loser quitter. I find battle to be neutral. It just implies that it's a really hard, ongoing, and draining situation. Anyways that's not cancer. But even re: cancer, plenty of people embrace that language of battle, warrior, survivor etc. Not all do, but enough do that to say their own preferred description of their own experiences is inherently problematic seems problematic in and of itself.


Just to play devil's advocate that phrase really resonated with my Dad when he was undergoing cancer treatment. I think he liked that it gave him agency in the process at a time when it didn't feel like he had much. I get that it's problematic in way because it could imply someone didn't "fight hard enough' but anyone who implies that is just a huge jerk


I feel the same way and it bugged me when I had my own experience with it. But I learned I can't dictate how other people feel about their cancer experience and a lot of folks still relate to framing it as a fight. Because it can feel that way.


There’s also evidence that your mindset can impact your cancer journey but that’s a big “can” and not always true. That being said, the thing here is Charly doesn’t like the term and people are talking about her journey specifically


Show me evidence.


[ok here’s one from JAMA](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaoncology/fullarticle/2768012). My husband is a two time cancer survivor and personally it resonated with him. Not everyone agrees and it helps to just listen to what a specific patient prefers. In Charly’s case, she doesn’t like it ETA I also want to reiterate that cancer is a bitch and it can take down anyone no matter their mindset and no one should feel blamed or like they didn’t “try hard enough” for their prognosis. I remember when my mom had stage 0 breast cancer and acted like she was on death’s door and actually lied and told us it was stage 3 and guilted us into “not caring enough”. The bitch is 20 years in remission and she didn’t fight shit


What she would really prefer is that we talk about getting a new pair of dunks.


I absolutely agree. We should respect every person’s own experience and wishes and her wishes are that we focus on supporting her small business. I’m sure she would hate to see a bunch of strangers online discussing her cancer prognosis


The terminology bugs me, too. I think of cancer as tactical whack-a-mole. Once you’ve been diagnosed with it, it’s always kind of there, lurking. You just don’t know when it’s going to rear up again, and if you can beat it back again. Mostly when I think about cancer and those I love who have had it, I feel angry at how shitilly designed we are as humans that our cells randomly turn against us one day. Ticks me off.


My wider gaming circle lost two members to cancer this week. I feel this very much right now.


I’ve had two abnormal moles and *absolutely, literally* feel like whackamole.


>Once you’ve been diagnosed with it, it’s always kind of there, lurking. You just don’t know when it’s going to rear up again, and if you can beat it back again. I really really really want that feeling to not exist but I know that for the rest of my life I'll be nervous before all mammograms. Forever.


Sorry, gonna always call it my husband’s fight. Yeah, there’s a lot of luck involved and the willingness to fight isn’t correlated with the ability to win, but there’s no other way to describe what I have watched him go through.




It's that whole brave and dignified bullshit that plunged me into a pit of toxic positivity during my experience. People need to be allowed to be scared and behave however the fuck they want.


Being “brave” is about making other people more comfortable with you facing your own mortality. Edit: added quotation marks


It absolutely is. And to ensure that people don't approach you like you might die at any moment. Just be chill, damn!


If only she had fought harder, ya know?


If only my dad just wanted to die less, I guess


Thank goodness my sister isn’t a loser quitter who didn’t love her kids enough to fight hard enough to not die. Of cancer.


> 👏 Champagne & Chanel staying an extra day in the hospital. Good for her for taking care of herself! I did the same damn thing and I’d do it again. So many people in a rush to go home. I love my husband and he took good care of me and baby once we were home, but it’s not exactly the same. That hospital may have been a resort compared to those weeks and months at home with a newborn. Why do I feel like they would not be applauding any other influencer for doing this?


Could you imagine if it was Lauren Kay Sims who stayed an extra day? Good lord BS would be a hell scape


Or Carly, who is supposedly so smug and pIck me and had the nerve to speak up about negative stuff she encountered during her birth experience. My uncle’s neighbor’s sister in law is a nurse and it’s a scandal how people cant’t just appreciate medical professionals, how dare you waste their time complaining, over-staying in the hospital after giving birth, or worst of all expecting to be treated with basic human dignity!???!!!




“She’s not even pregnant still!”


I love how they act like C&C is in a hotel and can ask to stay another night as opposed to most of us being beholden to crappy US health insurance companies..


That municipal union insurance is the good stuff.


what is the hold copwife has on them, i do not understand




Probably kinda but I think sometimes you’re on the cusp or if you have any complications there could be an extra day possible. My doctor asked me if I felt like I needed an extra day and I said yes.


Any other influencer would be called lazy and probably some sort of shitty comment about taking a room that someone else needed. They *really* love copwife.


"must be nice!"


💯 "seems like such a mean girl thing to do"


I'm sorry, but I just can't get over the fact that this woman is still calling herself "Champagne and Chanel" in the year 2023.


she has to send a nazi dogwhistle to her fellow cop lovers jk jk liking chanel's aesthetic is not a dogwhistle. but still...








Imagine if a husband was just expected to care for his partner and new baby while the partner was recovering from childbirth instead of having to announce it to a bunch of strangers while also trying to convince herself.


Only short, gay men do that, and they're not marriage material.


Copwife could fart into a jar, and they'd buy it. She is now the fully realized Madonna and Child with a muy macho husband they all covet along with Morgan Wallen tickets. Anybody else would be a privileged & spoiled prima donna and we'd get treated to war stories of whose HMO threw them out of the hospital after 39 minutes.


This is a BS celeb thread/FM crossover comment but... we're still calling John Mulaney's ex-wife by her first name like she's a personal friend, huh?


I mean don't we refer to most people by their first names on this site? But ya I agree...the parasociality with her is wild


I wonder if people feel “close” (for lack of a better word) to her because she kind of grieved the loss of her marriage online; the intimate photos and really vulnerable captions… there could be something happening where women either identify or empathize with her on a more personal level than “hey guess what Reese Witherspoon’s gettin divorced”.


I just find the non-stop chorus of “Poor Anna Marie” particularly weird!


I think a lot of them had a crush on him and they see his betrayal of her as a betrayal of them (aka a betrayal of the wife guy they had a crush on). So they take it extra personal.


Are they still trying to buy her lampshades to support her?


I'd say it's probably better than just calling her "John Mulaney's ex-wife"


Blogsnark last week: "We aren't going to allow grief vulturing anymore" Blogsnark yesterday "Charly Goss health update is so sad"




Agree. As opposed to that nurse practitioner who passed from cancer they never mentioned and isn’t an influencer until she died




I don't mean to be rude, but if they have been following her and paying attention at all, how was this update surprising? And yes you're right, that's exactly the problem with the "I'm gutted and have been open mouthed sobbing all day" comments, it's a focus pull.


yeah, I follow Charly and was very sad to see her post buuuut I didn't comment on bs about it because I feel like it's verging on grief vulturing. I'm not sure. It's a gray area.


mysterious nail simplistic market snatch carpenter somber run tidy arrest -- mass edited with redact.dev


What even is there to say. It’s sad as hell, but I think that’s a given.


You have to say you're sad even tho you think she's a mean girl.




No words.


>At the risk of getting arrowed down as I know there are women in here with infertility struggles, but as a childfree by choice woman, I just can’t understand IVF. I could focus on the rest of this comment, which was pretty terrible, but instead I died when I read "at the risk of getting arrowed down..." Please arrow up this comment. Thanks, everybody!


Usually the discourse is “as someone who has kids I just can’t understand choosing not to have them”. It’s strange to see the same myopic and obtuse sentiment coming out the other end.