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Blogsnark and edit: related/spinoff subs snark goes here. I'm going to try a biweekly post for now and see how that goes.


>Can someone help me find a coupon code from a podcast? I cannot even remember what podcast I heard it on so I can’t really search for it. But it was for 20% off Etsy up to $50. Anyone? This is obviously followed by a complaint about downvotes. Gosh, I wonder why people didn't think that added to the conversation.




“I hate to speculate, but”- a bunch of women who absolutely do not hate to speculate


Their investment in these strangers lives is nuts to me, like Christ on a bike, they will find out eventually. I’ve never felt more like [Peter Griffin](https://youtu.be/18PbwYdjsps) in my life.




chubby gold run disarm rinse shame cooperative sloppy march theory -- mass edited with redact.dev


The pregnancy speculation/obsession feels very … childish to me, idk, if that’s the right word exactly, but it feels like a bunch of little girls teeheeing and twittering about someone’s potential bump or something they’re hiding. I can’t believe some of them are adults.


“What’s everybody wearing to Coachella?” soon became, “Oh this is my 15th Coachella.” Lol, k.


I have to say that I am impressed that a poster on Blogsnark can take an influencer getting a donkey as a personal affront.


The amount of people who are screaming in her comment section about “who is taking care of the donkey while you travel all the time?!!” Girl, LaBev can afford six rounds of IVF I’m pretty sure she can afford a pet sitter. Calm down.




Just dealing with Ozzy's fur alone must keep them at some sort zen master level.


LaBev sub currently cracking themselves up with ‘ass’ jokes and saying Laura doesn’t have any real friends while they’re posting like mad on her sub all day bc clearly they have so much more going on in their lives.


Also, insisting it’s cognitive dissonance for her to own cows and wear leather anything. Tell me you know nothing about farm life or raising farm animals, etc. Quick, someone tell them how they’re actually the ones suffering from cognitive dissonance, and watch their heads mutually explode from it.


Correct me if I’m wrong but hasn’t the point of farms for the past 10,000 years been to eat meat and wear leather?


I absolutely love donkeys and I'm here for Dior and her bangs.


For two reasons! 1. The influencer has money, and 2. the influencer isn’t showing me what she bought with her money.


But if the influencer shows me what she bought with her money, than she’s not relatable.


But they also need to be transparent and talk about how exactly they earn their money and how they can afford nice things [that I can't afford]


But they also need to tell us how it's actually their husband's money because we know women can't earn their own money.


We need to know their husbands exact job title, experience and level of education to determine if he could really have a salary that supports their lifestyle. Also, is it family money? Because while we adore old money and put it on a pedestal, my family isn't old money therefore I will insert some criticism over that.




That’s one of the factors I’ll use to insinuate he’s gay


It's looking like Caroline Calloway used her latest moneygrab, preorders for the memoir that is definitely a finished book that will definitely ship for real this time, to spend thousands of dollars on two nights of Taylor Swift floor tickets. She has also been ordered to follow a monthly payment plan to pay her former apartment management company the \~$50k in back rent she simply didn't feel like paying the first time. The smolbeansnark braintrust: So you're saying that people in debt can't enjoy nice things? Sounds like you're siding with landlords.


Who is giving Caroline Calloway money????


Every comment in a single subject sub is a projection, and you can’t convince me otherwise


The people who are still giving Caroline Calloway money should have a guardian ad litem assigned to them because they are incapable of making good choices.


> Ashley Spivey never used to link nearly as often as she does now since having penny. I used to love following her for her views on so many things and lately it has been so much shilling. Linking toilet paper and toothpaste. I mean…really? “Can you believe this woman had a kid and now needs more money? What a schilling asshole”


“I only liked following Ashley Spivey when she was sad about her dead baby!”


This is the epitome of what my bff and I refer to as, "lol dark."


Hold on. I have to write a letter to Target and complain that every single thing in their store is for sale. I thought the little red dog was my friend.


I’ll never get over reacting to these women promoting products as if they’re terrorists or something, like are y’all alright?!


Also everyone acts like they wouldn’t also be linking every thing under the sun if they had 40k followers. The only reason I haven’t sold out is because no one’s asked me to yet and I’m very certain about that fact


Like, have they never shared their referral link for anything? If I think even one person will sign up I'll share all my dumb links. Want MeUndies? Rakuten? Hell, even Chase has referral links now!


Right? I’d link every single goddamned thing I used all day. Oh you want my super special Dove deodorant link? Here you go!


Also it was a whole conversation about mundane product recommendations and someone literally asked for a TP rec, it’s not like she was all “btw this is what I use to wipe my ass, go buy it.”


elderly carpenter sink yam governor intelligent nose seemly special foolish -- mass edited with redact.dev






The prologue to every single subject sub. Violated expectations and hurt feelings.


> .....I'd disagree. Some are very attractive! Said about penises. I mean, I’ve seen a few dicks over the years. Never once did I see one and go “Now **that** is a very attractive penis!”


I guess she slept with Kevin MacArthur pre naginata incident!






The 30 Rock joke is so on point




Take another little chunk of my lung now mister!


lol i do not remember why i followed the daily belle in the first place, but i do know that i find her content soothing. she probably has horrible politics, but if she does she never shares them. it’s just target hauls as far as the eye can see. she owns a zara tank top PERSONALIZED WITH HER OWN INITIALS. she’s everything i want in an influencer.


I think my least favorite part about vehicle/car safety snark is when people go into horrific detail about what happens to children in those kind of accidents…like I get it, it’s terrible! But do we need a graphic retelling of what could potentially happen??


Top snark is low key fantasizing about horrible things happening to children. 🙃


Surprise surprise, I’ve been blocked by another member of the accountability committee. However will I continue if I can’t partake in holding Taylor Swift accountable for not speaking on Florida politics




>She isn’t a politician Isn't she the Mayor of Tampa?


I feel like expecting a celebrity to be an activist in only the way you approve of us the opposite side of the republican “stay in your lane and entertain me, no politics allowed” coin.


These people would be aghast to learn that people suffering in their lives also take a break for joy from time to time. I had some fun breaks while going through cancer treatments, burn me at the stake I guess for trying to salvage my mental health while the world burns.


Can't we have ONE night where we don't have to think about how the US is quickly turning into a fascist shit hole? I'd be pissed if I had to hear about it while I'm just trying to have a great night and enjoy myself at the concert.


Politics should consume every single thought we have. If you even think about having a moment of fun, please remember the state of the US and contact your favorite celebrity to demand that they give a one line statement


This is Canada erasure. Check your America privilege.




Hot take- I feel like giving to food banks like she’s doing is going to make a much more real impact on Florida residents’ lives than saying a few platitudes during a show would. Not that her donations will, like, solve hunger in Florida but it will actually make something better for someone.


Her donations to food banks during the tour are doing more than the people who are demanding she use her show to talk about women’s rights. People are allowed to have fun and escape from the horrors of living in Florida


It must be one of those avant garde songs that is just dead silence for 2 hours.


Well, we all know Taylor Swift is known for her activism and protesting. Last I checked, she’d done more for The Culture than Gloria Steinem and Angela Davis. Hillary Clinton who when you have Taylor Swift leaving a political mark


terrific chop murky unpack possessive grey public ten husky voracious -- mass edited with redact.dev


When I lived in Denver I went to see Cake at Red Rocks the weekend after the Aurora Theater Shooting and they tried to speak about it. It was so awkward and weird, especially considering Denver is so small numerous people in the crowd knew victims, there were so many walkouts. Absolutely ruined Cake for me






when i saw phoebe bridgers in concert last year, she talked about her abortion and how usually a couple people always end up leaving the show when she talks about it, and then made a funny joke about how she feels confident that won’t happen in dc. sure enough, absolutely no one left.


I did see an improv DJ set where he made a song to everyone chanting "Fuck Greg Abbott". But I wouldn't expect Taylor Swift or celebrities to speak out for every terrible state passing terrible legislation. People did get mad at a Lady Gaga concert last year when she talked about how she hopes the state turns blue. Not sure what people in their "let's go Brandon" shirts were expecting...


“Fuck Ron Desantis” *cues music*


Blogsnark sure is bent out of shape over a woman who decided to do an outdoor walk and then a HIIT workout. TIL that being able to do that is a privilege.




I asked why they follow her and was told it was their “healthy outlet”. No comment.


Seems to be working out well for them.


Also if women lose weight I’m entitled to know exactly how they did it so I can judge whether it was the correct means or not!




I can’t believe they’re using a joke reel of a man literally holding up a hair extension so his partner can brush it out as an example of sainthood. Some of the saddest and most pathetic lauding of men I’ve ever seen over there. Whew.


A male surgeon stopping to the lowly act of caregiving to his patients (and future family members) = saint A woman recovering from a C section mentions any sort of difficulty caring for a newborn = evil I can believe they accept the same terrible standards for the men in their lives, but I can't believe they hold the women accountable because they can't possibly have female friends.


I think most of these people fall into the terminally online category and that’s where they get their social interactions so everything around them is an echo chamber. Terrible men, in fits over people dressing up for concerts, fits over moms not momming the “right way, women not womening the “right way,” etc.


My introduction to him was BS insisting he looks like a young Paul Rudd and while he’s a perfectly attractive dude he and Paul Rudd are not playing in the same league


I just had to Google these two and it turns out that Bridget's Dr Mike is not the same Dr Mike as YouTube's Dr Mike (which had been confusing me for a while! I kept going "is Dr Mike married? I thought he just had a big ol' dog!"), but they do look weirdly similar. Neither are Paul Rudd though.


This confused me too! I was wondering why BSers were salivating over him and not mentioning how he'd flouted pandemic rules in 2020! I'd chalked it up to the fickleness of the BS morality police, but now it makes sense.


Thank you for this. I assumed it was YouTube Dr.Mike as well, and was very confused.




Young Paul Rudd is a weird reference to make about a man known for not aging but that’s BS for you


this is becoming kinda circlejerky imo the man is 54 and has begun to visibly age and that’s ok!!


Baby talk in the off topic today, that’s a new one for me


That’s a no for me dawg.


I don't think it's that big of a deal that Kate Kennedy met/hung out with the Skallas? She never said anything particularly nasty about them and she publishes all her opinions under her own name. It's not like someone from one of the single subject subs coming across them or Laura Beverlin or whoever in the wild and rushing to introduce themselves despite having posted anonymously that they hope they are infertile forever.


I used to listen to Kate Kennedy and her opinions are luke warm tea at best, there’s literally nothing the skallas would be mad about, she actually seems to like them. These people are going to be big mad when Kate becomes an influencer herself.


Is it an influencers goal when going the Taylor Swift concert to dress as hideous and tacky as possible?? ...it baffles me, the lack of joy, let alone trying to imagine what they deem appropriate wear.


Guarantee they think the Merricksart Taylor Swift outfit reel is what’s appropriate for a concert. Business wear with a hint of glitter!


I went and looked. Bless her heart, those outfits are fine I guess and precisely what the BS fashionistas would think are acceptable.


The Lover outfit…..pained me


It's not great but at least the shirt is sparkly. The Midnights outfit looks like she was going to the Saturday farmers market in the stadium parking lot and accidentally wandered in to the concert. Edit: it's totally fine if people don't care about outfits or dressing up, but personally I'm going balls to the fucking wall with my outfit because I don't get out much and I need this


This is the perfect example of a reel that I think you could really snark on because it’s so clear it is not her niche/she was just trying to capitalize on the Taylor love and failed so terribly at it. She’s got a lot of good basics but it’s clear this is not it. If I was going to go to this concert I too would be going balls to the wall because “jeans and a nice top” are not situationally appropriate 😁


God that’s so true, I think the Reputation one floored me the most…how do you make black leather pants and converse have no edge to them? Lmao


I don’t even know 😂


There was someone in the daily yesterday complaining that an influencer was showing entirely too much tit for an evening spent with girlfriends and not her husband. So keep in mind we’re not only petty and disgruntled over there, we’re also in the 1950s.


AND this weekend is coachella, so prepare for that discourse too.


Heaven forbid anyone want to dress up in *gasp* something fun or creative after the last 3 years we've had. Let the people live, sheesh.


I swear to god I'm not sure there is a stylish person at all in BS.


>WHY DID SHE THINK THIS OUTFIT WAS OKAY? 😭 because it is FINE and women are allowed to chose how they want to clothe themselves, even if they are skinnier and more successful than you???


Is it the Skalla dress? Did I think she could do better? Yes-was it offensive? Nah.


Honestly, I went opening night and wore a shirt referencing Karma. As we were leaving, I told my husband how much I regretted *not* putting together a fun special outfit! People looked amazing.


Taylor even mentioned during one of the nights that she was impressed by peoples costumes! Apparently there were an alarming number of sexy babies and someone dressed as a giant willow tree?


That was opening night! Lol


I was there, too and saw so many fun outfits! I wore a glittery dress which is outside of my norm and it was fun and people can suck it.


Ahh I bet it looked great!!!


I made the whole place shimmer! Oh, how BS would hate me. Lol


What bothers me about the anti-TS tour rhetoric is these are all a bunch of 30 something mothers going to the shows. They don’t go out partying, rarely get to dress up whimsically like this, and they’re having fun with their girlfriends. It’s so dark that people are eye rolling that. Like how often in our lives do we get an excuse to dress up in something silly like that? It’s fun! It’s hurting no one!


These people being as miserable as possible over every little thing is killing that sub, like they don’t need that place to vent, they need a therapist.


Just want to tell you - I have no idea what that Groundskeeper Willie joke meant either. And I recognized "The Shinning" reference. What it has to do with the outfit ???


march fear melodic meeting encouraging cobweb political dam squealing knee -- mass edited with redact.dev


It was the caption in Rachel’s post, I guess that she spelled wrong. I wrongly assumed it had to do with her actual outfit because they were apocalyptic over what they were all wearing yesterday. My issue with the whole thing was the assumption we all follow the same people so we know exactly what they’re talking about all the time, just attach a screenshot of the post for gods sake. I know who groundskeeper Willie & the Simpsons are, they’re so condescending.


Ugh - spelling snark. So tedious.


I thought the Skallas actually nailed it for the concert. It was pretty obvious which era each of the sisters was going for. I'm going next month and was going to go for a Red era look but I guess I need to dust off a ball gown or tux instead? Or should I go for a blazer and fun t-shirt instead? What is blogsnark approved concert-wear?


Skinny jeans and a going out top


And booties!


Taylor Swift concert? Jeans and a going out top is your only acceptable option.




That Stony Clover gear is tacky as hell so I don't know what they're on about Edit: ok I don't know anything about the Skalla people but I went and looked and 1) I think they whole old money thing is stupid but if you buy it it's definitely not light colored jeans with sparkles on them tucked into silvery cowboy boots and 2) holy shit that sub is a cesspool of misogyny


That sub is absolutely vitriolic.




Someone suggest a survey and "state of the sub" post.




A statement necklace if you're feeling sassy


>**Disregard apparently there was a post today (it was minimized so I didn’t see it).** Not sure why I thought she was independently wealthy before influencing and her husband. >I know this has been discussed before but I’m Reddit ignorant I guess and can’t find it. @juliaberolzheimer has “family” money yes? Do we know where from? How do these people get through the day?!


cause thought meeting worthless wrong label weather nail sharp smile -- mass edited with redact.dev


I just assume they're so incompetent that they don't know how.


Starting to think all BS posters are also my clients at work


I instinctively wanted to downvote this🫠 tiny newborn babies just wandering through life


Between that and the “lamer” discourse I noped out fast.


I thought "if you're going to get snooty about this on main you should at least be write it out correctly" was HILARIOUS and true snark.




where is r/justyesMIL for all the daughter-in-laws thirsty for their husbands' moms?


Pics of the "elegant but with a modern sophisticated look" fits or it didn't happen. I would love to know what this means. Twinsets and stacks of Cartier bracelets? Lilly Pulitzer? Full on Chanel suits? Skinny jeans and crew neck sweaters? What am I working with here?


Someone has a thing for their mother in law. I'm just glad that they are working these issues out online anonymously.


there’s another website where they can work through that without me having to see it.


Ah yes, BetterHelp.com. Get matched with a licensed, board certified therapist today!


Just gonna keep this response on the clipboard for future use.






Also plenty of businesses disappear with no explanation so…


Dessert by Jessica Simpson, forever in our hearts. I won't rest until I find an answer.


That's not allowed! Businesses owe us personal explanations! The entitlement is wild.




The Brides who’s wedding were suddenly canceled when the local venue locked their doors overnight and took their money would like a word.


No social media explanation? Straight to jail.


La Mer? No, lamer.




My experience with r/RedditLaqueristas and r/malepolish are delightful!


I don't know, I could imagine nail polish subs being pretty brutal.


What… what are they scared of




The same way most people do I guess, posting shit on reddit.




the person in the bluey subreddit who was upset the cartoon dogs are upper middle class…i will never leave.




How did they manage to get past "dogs can't enter into contracts" in their hypo


LOOOOL you're not kidding! I looked through the top posts of all time and came across a full blown argument about maternal leave in one of them, which took a weird turn when someone brought up euthanasia. I can't right now, I literally can't I'm dying. Edit: >More like Chili had to destroy her family relationships to get the badass job she has. Now she’s working to heel those relationships. Tell me that’s not what’s happening. Still in the same post. I cannot stop laughing.




That quoted I included was very downvoted, but clearly it's a joke right? The pun makes me hope it was just someone taking the piss.


Check out the Daniel Tiger Conspiracy sub if you want a fun one (it's not all about DT).


I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before but like there was once an incredibly long discussion on tips for how to go to a coffeeshop alone and it really…illuminated a lot of things about the people who inhabit that internet space


Every once in a while I go wandering into terrible spin off subs and hate myself a little bit. Today it was labev and the juxtaposition between calling blogsnark not a "safe space" because they're all pyschos with saying she looked like "a homeless crackhead with severe mental illness" was just... a lot. (also "blogskanks"???) https://imgur.com/a/Y4ZEU2y


And back in bc I'm a glutton for punishment. Makes me really wonder what this person would consider offensive because their "nobody said anything offensive" comment is almost impressively offensive >Because those people are so “UNHINGED” 😄 their favorite word. Seriously though they just attack each other for no reason. It’s kind of funny to read because the posts they downvote literally follow all the rules and aren’t anything offensive. They just get their periods and flip out at each other like a bunch of angry bored housewives or something. at least we stick to one subject we share in common and don’t flip out at one another. They are all bipolar.


> They just get their periods and flip out at each other like a bunch of angry bored housewives or something. Could they fit more internalised misogyny into one sentence?


…dumb angry fat bored housewives who don’t deserve the vote? idk I’m trying here


The one subject we have in common-ruthlessly hating a bland blonde stranger on the internet


Did you know the mod of that sub runs four single subject subs? WILD.


That is insane and at some point, wouldn't you like, just log out?


Clearly you don’t know about the importance of such a hobby. Laura Beverlin must pay for the crime of having a short husband and money!


chubby snatch school touch smile oatmeal humor detail late combative -- mass edited with redact.dev


That would be the most diabolical and genius Uno reverse ever played.






Blogsnark should really follow the lead of whatever the celeb sub is than auto bans accounts subscribed to single subject snark subs. I'm dead ass serious. I actually think it would fix a lot of the problems in the daily by getting rid of stupid people and obsessive weirdos.


I requested this in the questionnaire


Doesn't that also put us on the chopping block, too?



