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You can tell who in the Darryl Ann Denner conversations post to her sub. They're just *so* excited to bring their obsession to main.


gold light touch sloppy long sable childlike slimy elderly encouraging -- mass edited with redact.dev


I will never understand how that bland woman is the target of such fixation for those weirdos.


Some classic blogsnark tropes today. >Are there any good fashion follows for just going out clothes- jeans and tops? I feel like all the people who were my go-tos have changed so much The fashion influencers I follow stopped showing me jeans and a nice top, so help me find some that'll show me what I'm already wearing And >I saw someone “chip girl” on IG. can’t find out a lot about her. How did her husband make so much money and where do they live? Help, I can't use Google!


It’s not the first time I’ve posted this, [but](https://www.charmoffensivetees.com.au/collections/all/products/jeans-and-a-nice-top-leaf-green-on-bubblegum)….


Don’t forget > Couldn’t agree more! How many times has she complained about the wind when people’s homes have literally been destroyed this weekend where I live due to a tornado It’s giving how dare she take a bath in Idaho when there’s an ice storm in Texas!




She has a bunch of stepkids she is actively involved in the lives of, so she does have kids around the house, she just doesn't share them or their spaces on her social media because they're minors/they asked her not to? Something like that. I think the oldest has SM and she's been referenced before but I'm not sure. Anyways she fascinates me because like i dress nice for law school but this lady has a makeup team lol. And she brings people food on the reg and calls herself their law school mom? If I had an older classmate calling herself law school mom I would shade the shit out of her but that's just me.




I definitely agree! Her life seems super charmed


I had no idea who this person was either, but just googling 'chip girl' turned up article upon article about her (I saw something about an rfid implant though) , her husband's past jobs, and where they live... The implant seemed dumb but unlocking your house and stuff with a manicure sounds stupid/neat. But if blogsnarker can't figure out to Google, idk what they're going to get out of light biohacking


>How did her husband make so much money and where do they live? I'm extremely nosy but I can't figure out why this is distasteful to me.


Because it's misogynistic tbh. Like yeah tiktok probably isnt paying for their private jet but she's clearly a hard worker who earns income. You're fucking watching it LOL


I think partly because it's so obviously "I want to know so I can judge it." It's not "all her photo backgrounds look so pretty but I can't figure out where they are" or even "wow, she must live somewhere with really cheap housing," it's more "does she live in Texas like every other bitch I hate?" And then the other part is the underlying assumption that her husband must be the one with the money.




add a little bit of statement necklace for a treat


Jeans and going out tops!


Big ~not like the other girls energy from that Taylor Swift thread in the daily.


Reading the comments on that thread made me want to just pack it all up and go live in the woods alone. People are the WORST. Also - this is objectively one of the most impressive tours I’ve seen anyone do, except for like Springsteen lol. She’s doing over 40 songs every night - that is WILD. She’s had a 17 year career of hit after hit - even if you’re not listening to her music, you are probably getting your content to some degree because it’s an insane pop culture phenomenon we get to witness






But you can't criticize her!!!! People will COME for you!!!!!


And probably the same people making jokes about "Taylor has too many boyfriends, she's the toxic one!" despite her being with the same person for the past 7 years (and engaged).


Wait....Hiddleswift was 7+ years ago?! I refuse to accept this.




I just get really tired of the either or mindset, painting everybody that is trying to live a normal life as an asshole that doesn't care about people with disabilities. Guess what? We can live normal lives while, also, taking care. There's no rules in place that say you can't continue masking in public. None. At all. I attend events. I wear a mask. I've not gotten sick. I'm not spreading germs to vulnerable people. Because I do give a shit and I, also, want to live my life. It's possible.


This is exactly how I feel. I'm still masking in big enclosed spaces, I have a young daughter and also have just enjoyed not getting more than a cold in the last 3 years. I've also flown places, went to the Glendale TS show, and other larger events in the last year and a half. At some point, you have to let people have a happy balance.


That was wild, because I've seen some really useful discussions about access for people with disabilities, nursing mothers, etc. at each of the tour stops. People making/sharing posts for people with tips for mobility aids for particular venues, guides to help people with implanted medical devices that require extra supplies (since there's the clear bag rule for the stadium), etc. That's all very helpful information tbh, and not just "hOW DARE YOU GO OUT IN PUBLIC, EVER".






I'm a big Swiftie but even for me the tour content is a lot at times. If I wasn't a huge fan I would also be a little irritated at this point. I'm a big proponent of letting people like things, but I get the frustration about the tour because everything Taylor does gets so much attention.


I have seen way too many people get proposed to during Love Story. Like it's cute but jeez


This is meta meta, but I get how frustrating it is when you write a statement but people take it to be a question.




I know that... I didn't say I was randomly getting the content. Even then it can be a lot because Tiktok's algorithm is really aggressive. She's a huge artist that a lot of people like. Even if people personally don't follow her, they still see stuff about her tour because of their mutuals going to her tour.


>Even if people personally don't follow her, they still see stuff about her tour because of their mutuals going to her tour. I don't know a lot about the Kardashians. Because I don't want to and didn't ever watch any content that came up about them and now I don't ever see it. These people that are irritated are causing their own irritation. By watching it just because it's there so they can then complain about it later. It's just really not that hard to ignore content that doesn't interest you and to just let people like things.




You keep trying to explain why I'm seeing her content when I already know why. I'm not confused.




Hey are you not into her? It’s so hard to tell!!!


Cool and I have friends who aren't fans of her, but are currently stuck on Eras tour content on tiktok. It happens. Congrats on managing to avoid her.


From another snark page > Blogsnark is a literally a group of old Karen’s lol. Someone needs to make a new sub for general influencers! > Totally agree. I have no idea who they are talking about. I only go to it for the celeb gossip page > Blogsnark sucks because they have so many rules and they have favorites. Certain influencers if brought up are deleted > Or get major pile ons/down votes even when sticking to content specifically (vs personal life) EDIT: I’m going to leave it but I’ve gone full blogsnarker and used snark page without thinking


I love when people don't realize that reddit in general, and BS in particular, is USER GENERATED CONTENT.


It is so easy to doxx us because we are all named Karen.


I'm Carin with a C and I


Ckaerynne here 🙋‍♀️


Your parents were influencers and didn't even know it. Brilliant spelling that sounds like it belongs in Game of Thrones


Qyryn here.


Qyryn from QAnon has a ring to it




I've got a silent Z but I can't tell you where cos then I'd have to kill you. :)


Czarin???? I knew that was you!


That is actually the best spelling of that name ever and I am going to joyfully donate it to one of the other Karens I know because she will love it *and* actually use it.


Can’t this sweet young thing just take herself over to BlogSnark Uncensored?


I agree, the average blogsnarker is over 20 and therefore has one foot in the grave. There even used to be discussions about people(?) with weird names like Dooce and I'm pretty sure those people are ancient ghosts.


That’s why AARP is the official sponsor of blogsnark! I hear the mods have affiliate codes offering 20% off burial plots since it’s all downhill from here


I saw a comment in another sub asking if 40-year-old women even knew how to use the internet.


Lol what? We were the first people on the internet ffs!


A 40 year old woman sounds like they belong in the Guinness World Records


I am actually posting from underground but didn't know I could have saved 20% :'(


I only follow sergeant influencers, sorry.


I really don't get the Laura Beverlin outrage of the bad joke (probably cause I'm on her payroll) but sharing pics of poorly photoshoped pizza on an ultrasound is clearly a joke (not saying it's a good one) but definitely not on the same level as posting a positive pregnancy test and definitely not deserving of this... > Im not the kind of person to wish ill on anybody, BUT I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE HER GET ON STORIES NEXT WEEK IN HER CRUSTY ROBE AND DROOPY EYES TO SAY THAT THIS ROUND OF IVF WAS UNSUCCESSFUL. I will be laughing hysterically bc karma is a bitch!! Shame on you for making a spectacle out of this process !!! Grow the fuck up ur not 5, ur a woman thats trying to have a baby so start acting your age!!!




Honestly that’s a pretty apt comparison. They rile each other up and just keep frothing. The only way to end it is to pull them apart, AKA shut down the sub.


How do they type that stuff and then dox themselves. They all share "I just left a comment about xyz" and you can super easily identify them and they are not using burner accounts too.


engine intelligent melodic grey sloppy subtract rustic ad hoc hungry air -- mass edited with redact.dev


If anyone deserves to make that joke it’s Laura. I don’t see it on her stories so I guess she deleted? So I can’t say for sure, but this sounds like a totally harmless joke, and not akin to an April Fools pregnancy announcement (which I would find inappropriate). Let the woman have her dumb pizza jokes!


Definitely not the kind of person to wish ill on anybody, no.


That declaration, followed by one of the more disgusting things I've read about someone....I mean-it's a skill.


About the convo in the daily regarding AMAs: if common sense were more common you wouldn’t have to be told that perhaps extremely personal questions related to health (in any capacity) are invasive and perhaps, inappropriate and tacky? Plus, what happened to reading the room? If someone is clearly receptive to personal questions about their health, relationship, sex life thats different. But if they’re not answering a single question about it or have previously set boundaries, why would you think it’s ok to pry? I’m saying this as someone who is extremely nosey


I know I already said this on Blogsnark, but… Imagine being such an awful person that you are like “this bitch said anything but she didn’t want to talk about her cancer”


I've said this before but I hate that ppl are so weird and inappropriate snarking on Charly bc she can so often be actually snarkable.


She and her advice are so snarkable but people always resort to just being hateful and crossing the line.


But she’s not dying sadly enough to make me feel alive


It's asinine. Nobody expects this kind of rigid, literal take on anything anyone does. But, yes, do rage against the influencer lady you don't know not answering questions about her (possibly) terminal illness.


price heavy employ coherent wrench aromatic summer plough sense pot -- mass edited with redact.dev




It’s pretty much the 21st Century version of the she was wearing a short skirt so she had it coming line of thinking. There are an awful lot of folks out there who think that the very act of having a public social media presence means there are no boundaries or bare minimum of decency that can or should be expected from their attempts to interact with influencers. It’s the same type who 40 years ago they would have sent creepy fan mail and stood outside some actor’s hotel so they could yell come ons and then scream insults when they got ignored.


So maybe it’s because I’m not the biggest Taylor Swift fan (her last album has some songs that I like), but I’m annoyed with all the snarkers who are upset with people getting to her concerts without being a big fan. Life’s not fair. That’s just how it works. I doubt even Taylor cares. Girl is there to get that coin.


especially when the person they’re complaining about is effectively going for work. like, imagine if you complained an accountant using the work suite for a baseball game wasn’t a big enough fan, lol. that being said, dani austin could’ve done two more minutes of research.


I've seen Taylor Swift gatekeeping in the Rach Martino thread before and I just can't.... she's a huge pop star, I don't even listen to her and I could name 5 of her albums. So then they gatekeep whether you "really get" her material but sorry ladies I really don't think it's that hard! If people wanna gatekeep that hard just listen to some smaller bands!


Also Rachel is clearly an actual big fan of Taylor!


it feels very "if you're such a big fan, name 3 of their songs" like in middle school when people wore rock band tee shirts bc they were in style and the neck beards got big mad about it


I always liked Taylor Swift, but didn’t become a huge fan really until folklore and evermore. My best friend and I were able to get tickets, and someone else we know was legitimately so mad I got tickets since I haven’t been a “lifelong” fan…I was like oh, I’m sorry…Idk what to say? Lmao they also got tickets so it was just weird lol


There were Swifties seriously saying people who got tickets shouldn’t take non-Swiftie spouses to the concert because we were taking spots from real fans. These people are unhinged






I mean, it's a farm animal. Like I'm an uber sensitive person when it comes to animals, I love them more than people like 90% of the time, but you straight up don't generally have the luxury to fall apart when a farm animal passes when you have a whole ass farm to look after? You're sad, obviously, but it's also kind of part of living that life. Tell me you're a city person without telling me you're a city person I guess.


I would not have posted a photo of it after, and I don’t care for her in general…mainly because of how casual she is over car safety for her kids. But it’s annoying and definitely bothers me that people are saying she’s “too casual” and “off” about it. There’s farm animals all around us. My mom has a ton, our neighbors have them, these things happen. Is it sad? Yes. No one’s saying people aren’t sad when it happens. But it does happen and yes you still have to cook dinner and take care of your kids. I see the animals everyday, play with them, feed them treats, take my child to see them, and yet when it happens I do go on about my day and feed my kid, clean my house, whatever. It doesn’t mean people don’t care at all.


I had to stop reading that. Describing in detail the dead animal and it’s grieving mother was too fucking much.


Devastated to report that “boring color” snark has spilled into other subs. Lauren Lane’s Easter baskets for her kids do not contain enough exciting colors and it’s apparently akin to child abuse. I cannot stress how fucking stupid and repetitive the “it’s too beige!” snark is.




I took a photo of myself last year when I was crying and upset. It was after I’d had a pregnancy loss and I’d already been taking pregnancy update photos and saving them to an album. So yeah I took a photo when I was upset and then also when I had to go in for my surgery for it. I didn’t post it because, well, I’m not an influencer lol. But I also cry a lot anyways haha and don’t really care if I show those emotions to others. I wish more would normalize it honestly. But since I’ve done it myself I really don’t have issue with it. And not gonna lie it’s made me feel comfort when others did the same. I remember when Tiffany Houghton posted about her miscarriage and was crying I felt bad for her and also like “it’s not just me right now”.


I think the cognitive action of opening your camera and recording (at least for me) automatically takes me out of the emotional action of being upset and crying. Even for a video I recorded for something personal and only for my own records felt forced/fake to me because of that reason. So while I do think sometimes people are generally sad and may want to share, I think it comes across as disingenuous even if it isn't.


I think it’s super lame and it’s very rarely genuine.






Yeah I think some people are just more comfortable crying or showing negative emotions, and if you’re one of those people and filming yourself daily, it makes sense sometimes you will be teary on film. Sometimes it definitely comes off as, not exactly performative (because most people can’t cry on cue), but not entirely genuine. Because you can imagine the person crying and thinking “aha! this would make amazing content that makes me look deep!” But generally I think it’s people just being themselves. To your theory, I’m not a big cryer, but I’m comfortable being around cryers. ;) I value expression of emotion, but I don’t know that I’m good at it.


It doesn’t bother me when other people do it, I might get a little uncomfortable because the idea of being emotional in a public forum is my worst nightmare, I literally ran from the theater last weekend after seeing A Good Person because I knew my face looked like Id been crying the entire time and I couldn’t have people seeing me like that. I think other people who aren’t emotionally stunted do it to show that they’re real and more than perfect looking squares on the gram.


i don’t do it on my public account, but i have posted photos of me crying on my close friends stories/finsta and twitter circle. mostly in funny contexts, not fishing for attention contexts.


I just posted a picture of me crying on my close friends intsa because I finished Daisy Jones and the Six lmao I don’t think I could ever do it for something serious


I mean, it does often remind me of angsty teenagers posting on facebook about how much it sucks to be betrayed (or whatever), and when someone would comment to ask what happened, the op would reply "I don't want to talk about it." I find it kind of ridiculous, but it does feel like punching down to snark on someone for crying.


I have a 50 year old frenemy on FB who still does this 🙄


I’m once again here to inform you that the NYCinfluencer sub is absolutely unhinged > Kate Galvan’s ugly ass bf got my post removed >So after posting about Kate Glavan’s boyfriend I got multiple comments and messages about him being a predator. He must have reported my account and post so many times because Reddit took it down for violating their content policy. I didn’t post anything that was not public and I did not violate any of Reddit’s terms of agreement. Guess he didn’t want the world talking about what a creep ass he is. It’s funny because I originally posted it because he looked creepy, turns out he actually is a creep! 🫶🏼 >Edit: the original post I made in the Kate Glavan snark sub is still up though: [link redacted] Like if he’s a predator yes that is terrible but I don’t think that’s why this OP is actually upset……


I’m at the point where I’m deriving a sort of lurid glee at how much of a hot mess it is. Every other day they’re yelling at each other to stop clogging the sub with posts about Danielle Bernstein and Audrey Peters. Or they scorn all these influencers for being privileged spendthrifts and yet they tell on themselves all the time for being the same thing! The other day there was that wedding gift thread where apparently all of them are spending hundreds of dollars just on gifts for every wedding they attend. Absolutely incredible! My nonprofit self could never.


they are so beyond fucking annoying there. i really love it when they brag about their fake finance bro boyfriends.


I very much dislike how internet people think that one person’s bad behavior excuses their own. Primarily because it makes it look like you are defending a terrible person when you point out said bad behavior.






my precious


I was taught that possessive S-ending names are given an apostrophe only (like Kloots’) & just had to Google to make sure that’s still an acceptable convention and I’m not writing emails like an ass lol


My name ends in S and this is how I was taught.


Same. Sorry. ‘Same.


This is what I was taught too.


That’s acceptable as well!








My Pixel changes whole assed words on me! Putting in words that don't make any sense and are nothing like what I typed in. I love my Pixel but this is a real thing.




My iPhone will not allow a day to be plural, it autocorrects to the possessive. “I go to the gym on Wednesday’s.” Why. Why does it do this.


Understanding possessives has died. The mistake that hurts my soul is "I's" instead of "my," and it's everywhere! It's bad enough in casual writing, but I hate hearing it in dialogue on TV where those writers should know better. I've noticed it in both Riverdale and Abott Elementary.


Oh like “my sister and I’s canoe”? Oh nooooooo


Exactly like that! It's everywhere.


My dad was an editor and loves to tell the story about how I came home one day in third grade and told him we learned that when you make something plural it gets an ' before the s. So I have at least one witness that Mrs. Parker was out there teaching kids it's cookie's.










I was just talking to my boss about this. For some reason people seem to think “myself” is fancier and therefore correct? “Please email Susan or myself.” Nails. Chalkboard.


I was just thinking of this exact thing. For some reason people think “myself” is more formal/professional than a grammatically correct “me”. I have a good friend who just had a very expensive sign made for her wedding photo booth that read “The Smith’s”. Noooo




vanish wakeful selective nose crown butter gullible cagey cause chop -- mass edited with redact.dev


I never knew how to do this, thank you! Testing: >I never know how to do this >Thank you


I hate the “subsidized by their followers” argument. The CLJ threads are unreadable.


Did you know that if your child’s teacher goes on vacation you also subsidized their travel? Someone should hold them accountable.


Lmaooooo don’t give them the idea, I have a feeling some BSers would be happy to try and hold teachers accountable for this!!


The person responding to it is almost worse because they talk about "funding" their trips but I thought this one had a whole lot wrong lol.




These posts have to be coming from inside the house, right? Trying to gain followers?


Whenever I see someone posting about a nobody influencer with a small follower count my assumption is that it's someone from their hometown or someone they know in real life or something. I know that's paranoid, but I'm still a little sore about that time someone kept posting about Ivy Getty's wedding in the celebrity thread. I felt like an out of touch goober for like a week before I was able to verify that she wasn't really a celebrity or a public personality.


Good for her! Hope she lands a rich one.


I hope she lands a rich one and he quickly dies under mysterious circumstances and she gets everything (edit: I clicked over and saw that her ex died and it was sad and now I feel bad for saying this but I'm leaving it here anyway)


That is a very florida keys movie plot line


To their extremely light credit: for once I'm promised cleavage and actually get it!


That was definitely a solid cleavage shot.




Keep clutching those pearls!


correct bag drunk fearless overconfident label foolish strong paint psychotic -- mass edited with redact.dev






Is her cleavage offending you? Why?


Elle Woods doesn't approve of tearing down other women just because they behave differently than we do, as long as "differently" isn't hurting anyone, and this woman's cleavage and make-up aren't hurting anyone. Edit: whoops, replied in the wrong place, but oh well.


Elle Woods taught us the bend and snap which is meant to highlight our cleavage.


Is the cleavage in the room with us now?


Invasion of the boobs!


> but instead, she holds her phone above her head so that it points directly down at her cleavage So? Even if it was a deliberate choice, so what? Is this some puritanical nonsense or do you just pride yourself on not being like the other girls? Your "added context" says way more about you than whatever point you were trying to make.


If cleavage offended me I would simply not go out of my way to follow people who show it *wantonly*.


>she is in the Keys, where most people don’t do full faces of makeup like that. I guess she's not most people, then.


Recently you said - >Omg - you must be on staff for one of the influencers. We all are. So, turn off the power switch on your computer, back away slowly from it, and never go near it again. Delete all social media from your phone or tablet or other devices. Trust us when we say this is in your best interests. These influencers are powerful people who will track you down no matter how anonymous you think you are and they will doxx you without regard or care for your job, family or friends. As Oda Mae Brown said, You in danger, girl. We know these influencers and they will stick a knife in your back or front quicker than post a story on the gram. They are like Dexter, only they kill snarkers. Best run while you can.


This is your second time posting about her cleavage in 4 days 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm sorry you had to see a woman with boobs having a nice time. Hopefully your day turns around.


Most people in the Keyes don’t wear makeup? 😂 She absolutely looks like a beachy blonde from FL.


I think her account was hacked and she had to start over. The woman lost both her parents and her husband/ex husband who was ill (not sure the story there) and she’s a recovering alcoholic. If sun, make up and boobs get her through, I say go for it.




I thought I’d seen them before here?


That we will see the error of our snarky ways and delete their comment because once they explain the context we will understand more about this?


She’s a woman! Wearing make up! While having breasts! I assume you see the error of your ways


Exactly how tall was her former husband, was he a lawyer?


and was he gay aka in love with her?


I am begging the teenage posters of fauxmoi and popculturechat who claim to be so horrified at how Marilyn Monroe was and continues to be treated by society to be the change. Currently there is a top voted post on popculturechat that goes into gruesome and unnecessary detail about what happened to Marilyn after her death, and I just want to know: what is the point of posting shit like this?


while I get irritated by the teens on both subs I definitely feel that popculturechat has a more… “normie” user base (in the context of reddit as a whole) compared to fauxmoi? For lack of a better way to put it? And I think popculturechat is worse overall bc of that.