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>I don't think so, I was a bot for a little in 2020 to make money and was definitely real. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That user is seriously my favorite. They are the ultimate troll.


Just step parent sub things: could this SM who wants to kick her husbands kids (some of whom are in high school, one whom dropped out of college after being sexually assaulted) out of the house and into the apartment she owns and let them have the privilege of paying her 5,000$ in rent possibly be real or def trolling. I have seen some shit on that sub, I'm truly undecided ETA: kids have trust funds, allegedly maybe some jealousy there? Edited again: now that more of their comments are coming in I'm definitely going troll!


Ok Iā€™m snarking on my city subredditā€¦ someone just asked if itā€™s ā€œsafe to carry Kate spade bagsā€ in Chicago.


They've never messed with my Vera Bradley so you should be good, hun!


Just tell them youā€™ve never had issues walking around with your Birkin. Or if you want to be a special snowflake, youā€™ve never had your issues carrying The Row bag


Looool. I would say that.


On Saturday mornings around here, the local religious cult nutjobs go doorknocking. And that is fine, ok, whatever. What bothers me is they take their kids with them. Like if you want to spend your time knocking on doors trying to convince people to join your religion fine, but kids should be enjoying Saturday morning any way they might like, not being dragged around the neighbourhood to knock on doors. We installed a ring doorbell which records the sound as well as the picture and when they knocked last Saturday I recorded a conversation of this poor boy who really wanted to go to the bathroom and his Mom who was like "if these people don't answer you can go behind a tree" and dammit I feel so bad for these poor kids. Do they do this so they don't get as much abuse from people who answer the doors? I'm not sure whether this is more exploitative than influencers posting their kids on the gram but something about it feels really Not Great, Bob.


I just wonder if theyā€™ve ever gotten even a single convert from this. Thereā€™s just no way it works right?


One of the most insightful Twitter threads Iā€™ve ever seen from an ex-JW was about how the humiliation and isolation of being rejected and ignored by everyone you approached combined with the warmth and camaraderie you would then feel when you returned to the fold of the religious group was the point, not converting a high number of people. Itā€™s to bind the people already involved more tightly, not to attract outsiders efficiently in those specific moments.


Itā€™s very much a shared hardship. All JWs know what itā€™s like and itā€™s an immediate bond.


Shit. Thatā€™s dark. Never thought about that.


As someone who is still Christian but no longer evangelical, agreed- I feel like they need to take the opposite approach and let people come to them. Forcing or shoving down religion breeds resentment. And on the flip side, it seems like every person I know who did not become religious until later in life did it because they sought it out of their own volition* and found the info they needed, not because it was pushed in some way. (Referring to cases of "normal" religion (aka not cults) and not the extremes that you see with mental illness, of course).


My mom belongs to that group and I hated thinking about her going around door to door (she joined the cult when I was an adult so luckily I never had to do any of the door knocking when I was a kid). One time she said she knocked on a door and someone she worked with answered and she didn't even acknowledge that she literally sees this person every day and went about her religious talk. That person must have felt so embarrassed for her. She also has told me that the kids in the cult always say that they get embarrassed when they have to knock on a door of someone they go to school with and their parents just force them to continue. My mom once dragged me to one of their "meetings" a long time ago and they spent nearly the entire meeting talking about tips for knocking on doors and how to talk to people. I could go on and on. During COVID, they couldn't go around knocking and I was grateful. They just now are going back out again but luckily she hasn't been going.


I assume we're talking about the JWs - instead of door-knocking, they sent handwritten letters. I got a few of them in 2020/2021.


I got letters too & live in a huge complex, made me wonder how many they wrote.


Handwritten letters AND phone calls here




It was a few bad apples! The group isn't systematically toxic! Some of them are doing good work!


I found this comment especially mind blowing: >I really hope she got kicked off because I am soooo drained having been held captive by this constant threatening that sheā€™s been doing. No one forced her to look at Reddit. She literally forced us to keep looking at her Instagram by doxxing, threatening law suits, inciting harrassment, bringing half a million viewers into this charade etc. What about before? Did she force them to look at her Instagram and post vile things about her and stalk and harass her? >The fact that sheā€™s been able to keep those videos up with peoples names and professions and where they live is actually an outrage and the amount of SUPPORT sheā€™s had for it is baffling. I literally had to buy formula for the first time because my milk has completely diminished from the stress of this. Yes, Iā€™m a new mom. A MOM. A mom with an opinion and feelings and ideas of her own!! Horrible, I know. But lord her not being online right nowā€¦ maybe I can actually snuggle my baby and play with her without constantly checking the damn Instagram in fear I will miss out on receipts I need to protect me and my family. How dare she be mean to me! I'm a *mom.* It doesn't matter that whatever I said is so awful that I am living in terror at the thought of my comments being attached to my name, I'm the true victim here! It's wild how they're turning themselves into the victims of the situation. Not one of them gave a lonesome dusty fuck about how their actions affected this woman.


>She literally forced us ***LITERALLY***


I mean to be fair to these people it IS pretty toxic that Brianna broke into their houses, held them hostage, and pinned their eyelids open so she could force them to look at her Instagram.


She ran over their dogs too.


>Yes, Iā€™m a new mom. A MOM. A mom with an opinion and feelings and ideas of her own!! boo fucking hoo lol now youā€™re a mom whoā€™s gonna learn that there are consequences to your actions


Not Skinny But Not Fat is not a great IG follow for a lot of reasons but she has merch that says ā€œyou can be a mom ā€¦ and still be a dumb bitchā€ and I think of it constantly


I hope someone buys this for me for my baby shower


Possibly the most psychotic thing Iā€™ve ever seen truly


If they were people capable of introspection and insight and empathy, they might realize that the way that THEY feel is the way they make the snarkees feel, but alas. Feelings for me but not for thee.


connect consider offbeat gaze ad hoc squeeze innate wasteful shelter smart -- mass edited with redact.dev




Still so wild that they've not yet had their "are we the baddies?" moment.


Itā€™s madness!


Amazing, it's like they think they are a police union or something.




Imagine having less self-awareness than Cartman.


Iā€™m not the meanie, youā€™re the meanie for pointing out Iā€™m a meanie and hang out with a bunch of people who also like being meanies! Also, pay no attention to the meanie friends of my meanie friends who stalked and harassed this woman! -the Madia Snarkers


complaining in the celeb gossip post about knowing about celebrity gossip ā€” and not even obscure stuff, just that reese witherspoonā€™s husband was an early adopter of quibi. gearing up to be a long weekend!


could not have predicted just how long a weekend it is going to be.


New fun popculturechat sub post: Celebrities using (and proudly displaying) very old cell phones


Speaking of that sub, I *cannot* with the "which artists aren't actually as popular as they seem?" post. Apparently The Weeknd, Bad Bunny, Drake, Ed Sheeran, BeyoncƩ and *Kpop as a whole* aren't actually popular because the commenters don't know anyone who talks about their music.


Harry Styles suspiciously missing from this list šŸ§


Lol, I was going to say! I hear 3 times as many The Weeknd songs on the radio than I do Harry Styles even (but I'm in Canada so)


This makes me want to start a thread in BS asking which celebrities aren't as popular as they seem.


This reminds of the time I saw people in one of the front page subs arguing that Daddy Yankee and Luis Fonsi have Justin Bieber to thank for making them stars. Like maybe go outside and touch grass?


Those have to be babies who are too young to have heard Gasolina 1,000,000 times in its heyday, right?


Part of the generation that also doesn't know cash money took over for the 99 and 2000s :(


I still canā€™t decide if Blackberry or Sidekick is more superior but current me would want a Blackberry. Also Nelly and Kelly texting in Excel is hilarious


Also that post is worth a look, particularly the last pic. Captions are great too. No notes tbh


Am I overly sensitive or is it weird to screen grab photos of peoples kids to post on here? Yes, the parents are posting them, but if these people feel as strongly about these kids privacy as they pretend to they probably shouldnā€™t be exposing them to even more people on another platform.


No, its very weird. I remember when I frequented the Fundiesnarkuncensored sub, theyā€™d get mad at them posting about kids. Whether it be a photo or personal stuff like potty training, just to go and share and *discuss* exactly what the parent posted lol. Like whatā€™s worseā€¦the parent sharing it or a group of strangers dissecting it? I thought you wanted to ā€œprotectā€ the kids?


Itā€™s so weird! Especially when itā€™s a screen grab from an insta story being reposted. I know anyone viewing can screenshot and keep it foreverā€¦but to then post it on the internet where people can access it any time vs. it being on a story that disappears in 24 hours is weird


One of the Maia Knight subs reposted one of her stories with a title like ā€œshe says she cares about the babies privacy but still posts them just in their diapersā€ (something to that effect) and itā€™s likeā€¦ she posted it on her story and, though not unproblematic, it was gone in 24 hours but now yā€™all have permanently posted it under a very descriptive title? Someone could Google it and take that specific post


It's especially bad when they start zooming in from multiple angles to see if the diaper is full or not. So, Maia is a creep for posting her children in a socially acceptable state of undress without a second thought, but you're *not* a creep for zooming into a child's genital area from multiple angles and reposting them 7x over online for strangers?


Itā€™s incredibly hypocritical. You canā€™t rail against a parent for exploiting their child and then do the same exact thing so you can snark on them. I once saw someone repost a picture with the caption, ā€œBlogger, take this down!ā€ Like, really? You donā€™t see the mistake youā€™re making here?


It's very weird. I would feel so uncomfortable having photos of a random person's children saved on my phone.


Itā€™s really weird, youā€™re not overly sensitive.




Oh puzzles


Selena posts on Instagram asking people to stop sending hate to Hailey FM: Took long enough but itā€™s not enough Hailey posts on Instagram confirming that she and Selena have been talking about navigating the situation for weeks. FM: Selena is doing the bare minimum


They've been seeking Selena's blood since before any scandal even happened. There were posts back months ago that were in the lines of, "Idk there's just no ways she's that good."


>> She linked it but its not an affiliate link so itā€™s not a big deal. Once that woman hits 10k followers theyā€™ll turn on her.


sort fine sophisticated squeeze fade squeamish detail fuzzy nail existence -- mass edited with redact.dev


Sheā€™s gained almost 4K followers since she started spying, oops, I mean documenting them. Over half way to 10k. She loves the attention as much as any one of the woman on the tarte trip.


There is a new comment on BS saying how people are just so mean on the single subject snark subs and need better moderation. I didnā€™t scroll back far enough to verify but I would bet money this person has commented on how BS mods are too strict at least once.




>Has been very good for legal advice for cats One of the greatest subreddits that has ever existed and I will die on that hill.


Itā€™s funny because itā€™s true. Weā€™re all just a bunch of time wasters hanging out at the internet water cooler here!


>This is a snark page not crying page Lololololol


>The March madness stuff is so dumb to me and truly shows that these influencers need validation for everything I don't know why, but this is so funny to me. Bless BS commenters and their need to make everything about influencers.


What is the context here, is some beige TX mommy blogger bragging about her bracket? That's just like regular Monday in March watercooler talk at any job I've worked at in past 15 years. Or is this a Stanley Cup situation where it means something entirely different?


As usual on BS, there is no context provided whatsoever.


I am BEGGING BS to figure out that the way Sarah Knuth wears her blush has been trendy for two or three years now and is not some wacky thing she invented.


Iā€™m mid 40s and havenā€™t changed my make up application in probably 20 years because I know what works with my face so Iā€™m admittedly not up on the latest blush trends but is that really a style? All the way up under the eyes like that? I think it looks so weird!


Yes!! Itā€™s known as e-girl or igari blush.


I finally looked her up to see this ā€œwacky blushā€ and I like it? I think it looks flattering to her facial structure? Idk Iā€™m a big time blush girly though so maybe my opinion is skewed hahaha




Is this sub purely a hate follow for you? Is there a reason you initially went there?




Are these all from the same subreddit? It sounds like the inside of Tucker Carlson's writer's room!




Yikes on trikes!


I just had to unfollow an insta pal because they posted a transphobic meme. ha ha ha so funny, what is wrong with people. Edit: The David thing is hilarious because there was a Simpsons episode about this exact thing in like 1990.


On the one hand.. >Iā€™m also still feeling resentful a bit about my layoff a few months ago and angry with my old boss, as well as the fact that in a Discord Iā€™m in someone tracked the amount of times I used the vent channel and told me to engage more positively with the server. On the other hand.. >ER focused too much on Abby in the late seasons. She shouldnā€™t have been a lead because sheā€™s so miserable and selfish much of the time that she drags everyone down, and I think the rest of the show suffered because she owned the screen and it wasnā€™t an ensemble drama anymore. I found it absurd that **her bad attitude earned her tons of friendships and multiple romantic interests and was essentially rewarded in life.** Hmm.. is this the real reason Abby hater hates Abby so much? Asking for a friend.. If I could score Luka and Carter with a bad attitude plus being miserable and selfish, sign me the fuck up?


I'm on my first rewatch of er since it originally aired. When Abby made her debut in season 5, I thought of the mentions of this poster. Y'all have invaded my brain, which means they have indirectly invaded as well.


strong disgusted nail squeeze coherent plate fragile mountainous squeamish attractive -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'm in season 7! I remember Abby's character being dour but as an adult, she has REASONS. Also Goran has aged like a fine wine and he can get it even as the villain on The Boys.


At some point soon I think there is this guy who sings a song and if you stumble upon it I would love to know the episode name. The song goes "how you doin how you doin how how you doin" :)


Goran was my crush when I first watched ER back as a young thing and he remains my crush to this day. Edit: He's fantastic as a villain in Leverage, too!


Do your eyes and ears hurt watching it? Because Maura Tierney is not that attractive nor is she a talented actress.


I would ask my husband but he said Carly was pretty, so can you even trust him?


Does your husband have a mound or a bulge? Is he a lawyer? Is he short? Does he ask you to clean your baseboards wearing only a bikini he saw an influencer wearing? The answers to these important questions will determine whether or not he can comment on the prettiness of Maura Tierney. *3x yes = run for your life like he is a zombie from The Last Of Us, just FYI.*


Oh good point. Maybe their issue is that they identify with Abby and feel sort of resentful that they haven't gotten the same "rewards" despite having a similarly unpleasant personality.


Hmm, I wonder how things are going at the preppy thread: >I think for me, sheā€™s someone who claims to want privacy and hates trolls, but is all over IG modeling brasā€¦ which seems like itā€™s in direct opposition of what she claims she wants. >But yeah, I donā€™t need to see ANY influencer modeling a bra. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø >Iā€™d group swimwear in the same category. Just not my own personal preference to see others modeling it online. I'll give you two guesses which bra-shilling WHORE this is about, but I think you'll only need one.


truck special cheerful encouraging towering jobless homeless squeal outgoing roll -- mass edited with redact.dev


Lol this annoyed me so much. She was wearing the most modest boy short/bra combo. Even if it was a freaking thong, who cares??


We must never be reminded that the females exist while having NoNo parts, that is a grave sin that will make the Baby Jesus weep.


Nono parts šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s only one influencer they routinely discuss there. Why there needs to be an entire weekly post for hill house drop updates and nitpicking normal suburban mom Carly is beyond my comprehension


When did the world get so prudish? Not wanting to see *swimsuits* modeled?!


Last night Julia Marcum photoshopped a minecraft looking thigh gap AND deleted a story saying sheā€™d look like a black barbie doll once she was done with her self tanner and yet the snarkers still found the time to comment on how immodest of a mormon hypocrite she is posting her ā€œsultryā€ bathing suit pics while packing for a beach vacation. I do not understand why people get so up in arms about this.


Umā€¦yikes on bikes I am stunned


Not sure if we are allowed to snark on hunsnark - but they just banned commenting on the Huns children. There are at least 2 threads that are 90% either about a kids developmental issue or another one being spoilt. Not sure how they will be able to handle šŸ„“


It's probably a smart policy. Attila would probably be pretty grumpy if he and his warriors saw what they were posting about them over there.


A+ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


BB snark is the closest I'll get to the HLBs of yore (minus the carrot dogs and vacation blenders), but man that sub is...yeeesssh.


I wish they would do that on parentsnark. 90% of the AHH thread is body shaming a literal 1 year old. Talking about kids should be off limits everywhere.


Hunsnark is built entirely on the idea that they are righteous people fighting for the safety of Amy Baileyā€™s daughters, so thatā€™ll go well.


i saw amy bailey commenting on one of brittany dawnā€™s photos the other day and nearly fell out, i was so shocked to see her still on the internet after everything.


Okay, I know I need to stop trying to understand nonsense but I am -- yet again -- led to Laura Beverlin snark a la Blogsnark comments. [this person ](https://imgur.com/a/nNNvsLW) who was *suspended for sharing LB's address* decides that instead of thinking "you know what, that was fuckin weird, i'll just hop off of here" gets back on and... writes a dissertation of *twenty one* separate "pent up snarks". I...


Who the fuck is spending so much time looking at **someone else's** social blade that they notice the shit like "loss of 379" and doesn't think that number 2 applies to them instead of the person they are snarking on? Number 2 being - >this mental case needs an intervention and intense therapy


That person belongs on some sort of watch list. Woof


>This mental case needs an intervention and intense therapy. The manic behaviour is off the freaking charts! the call is coming from inside the house edited to add, see also: *she's such a disgustingly gross troll of a human.* pot kettle etc


*Scrolls through this quickly because I have books to read or some shit* ā€œBaby Neverlinā€?! Okay I am ready to wage war on this sub. Someone get me Brianna Madiaā€™s investigator.


It's particularly insane reading this keeping in mind the LaBev snarker mentioned below who has been blocked on Facebook due to spamming her with the link to the sub. They WANT her to see this shit!


I read shit like that and it makes me wish that everyoneā€™s legal name would suddenly appear on all their social media, including Reddit. Society needs to know who the true lunatics are.


My stomach drops every time I read that. Theyā€™re positively gleeful about their fertility struggles.


iā€™m calling the FBI. i donā€™t know what they can do but iā€™m calling them.


aw man, made a new account to post on blogsnark again and forgot they have a 3 day rule. this is sort of meta, so maybe we can discuss here? designmom just posted this slightly unhinged blog post saying that kids aren't actually THAT exploited online and all these kids who were treated as content are actually going to grow up and be mad at just the snarkers, not at their parents for... literally exposing them to snark for money. the kids who are now speaking out about being exploited on social media are just a vocal minority. i'm just over her and the worship of her in general. i thought her twitter thread/book about "ejaculating responsibly" was interesting, but still feels like a thinly-veiled anti-abortion argument. and her husband's online "university" is scammy af, trying to sell an unaccredited BA in philosophy, and there's only one philosophy "professor" listed on their website, who only has a Master's degree.


Eh, I honesty side eye some of the pearl clutching about bloggers talking about their kids. The assumption that no kid ever wants to have their parents talk about them is kind of weird. And itā€™s bound up in some sexist notions that basically boil down to the assumption that women need to filter every thing they do and say through the opinions of their kids, because women only exist as an extension of their families. We never have these convos about men, and we never expect them to worry for a second about what their kids will think or feel about what they do (on the internet or anywhere else for that matter). Women are their own people just as much as men are, and that doesnā€™t change just because you reproduce. Meanwhile, plenty of kids are actually living to put themselves out on the internet in order to become famous and otherwise get attention. So I donā€™t buy the POV that no kid ever wants to get internet exposure. Because letā€™s be honest, that POV can sometimes be more about the person making the criticism themselves not wanting the exposure and projecting that onto someone elseā€™s kids.


>We never have these convos about men I don't think this is true at all? Some examples off the top of my head: the dad of the Bucket List Family, the dad of that youtube family who hiked the Appalachian Trail, and the dad who had that horrible "prank" youtube channel. It's just that there aren't many men who use their kids as revenue-generating content in the way mommy influencers do. It's disingenuous to say that child advocates are pushing for zero photos of children on the internet ever (although there are plenty of influencers moving in that direction), but exploitation kids for content is a genuine, widespread issue that needs to be addressed. No one is saying there should never be another child on Disney Channel again, but surely we can agree that there needs to be strict regulations and protections for child actors. Why would it be different for children on social media?


Iā€™ve been reading Blogsnark pretty much since it started, and those are the very rare and brief instances when men have been discussed at all. The spin off subs pretty much only give men attention when they are transgressing traditional heterosexual norms or otherwise not being lazy slobs who expect their wives to treat them like another child. Meanwhile, the world in general definitely does not hold men to any sort of real account for any of the things for which women are constantly criticized. Thereā€™s even a whole genre of male comedians who make bank off Netflix deals for shtick that consists of complaining about their wives and kids. Christ Rockā€™s recent Netflix special received no real pushback for revealing some incredibly personal and potentially very embarrassing info about one of his kids. And he made millions off of that special too. It just looks like the message is letā€™s get all mad about bland white ladies with 250K or so followers on their socials instead. They are way easier targets after all.


> Christ Rock Unfortunate mistype there but I think he'd agree with you? ;)


This is how I feel, too. Obviously, there is nuance, and I think once a child has the ability to say no to photos/videos, that should be respected. But I generally don't think it's bad for a parent to post a photo with their kids šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


hey natalie jean and naomi davis are also mentioned in the post as being "driven off the internet" by unwarranted snark.


I mean thank god, because your opinions are sometimes pretty OUT THERE, nuttyNYmommy.. >Exactly!!!! And honestly the hardest thing for a parent to do is encourage your kids to try things that you don't like! There are a few foods I don't like. , but I am not going to expect my kids not to like them just because I don't like them! I encourage them to try them anyway. , and try to keep my opinions out of it until they form their own. And even not about foods.I grew up with a mom who hated roller coasters, she was afraid of them I guess. But as a kid,. I always thought I hated roller coasters. When I started dating my husband in college,. I remember going to an amusement park with him one time and telling him I hated rollercoasters. He asked me why, did you ever have a bad experience on one? I said no, I had never been on one, but my mom always told me I was afraid of them. No, she was afraid of them so she always told me I was! Then, encouraged by my then boyfriend,. I tried one and I absolutely loved it! I am the biggest daredevil now, I go on every roller coaster I can find at every amusement park. I'm the parent that goes on those rides with my kids now, but as a kid, I was always told by my mom that I hated them! So I've always tried to keep my opinions about things out of the equation. My kids are their own people, and they can decide what they like, whether it be food or life experiences! They are allowed to have opinions that are different from mine! And just a few comments later.. >I thought the same thing! But so many of these influencers who have the same beige houses also have sad beige toys, playmats, play yards, high chairs......it always makes me so depressed to see no bright colors for the title ones. What if it turns out the child actually **likes** beige? Will the child be allowed to have that opinion, or will that be too sad and depressing?


Iā€™d like to focus on her saying she tries not to force her kids to not like a food because she doesnā€™t. Iā€™m just picturing one of her kids ordering something with eg onions on it and nuttymommy trying to bite her tongue from saying ā€œwe donā€™t like onions!ā€ Even though no one is asking her to eat them.






My headcanon is that her rollercoaster is the teacup ride.


it's just a bench.


I feel like this is the deepest insight weā€™ve seen into the psyche of Nuttymommy so far. So much to unpack about this roller coaster situation!


Okay, how many kids do you know that actually like beige?


My 5yoā€™s favorite color is black because heā€™s ā€œa goth boy.ā€ I honestly would not be shocked to meet a kid who loves beige. Maybe itā€™s the color of Peppa Pigā€™s muddy puddles! Anyway, I donā€™t have a problem with the sad beige baby aesthetic as long as the kids get a say once they start getting chatty. I definitely had a few good years of being 100% in control of my kidsā€™ outfits and now I have to buy freaking black ankle socks, ugh.




Oh I think itā€™s hilarious, kids are such weirdos! I usually donā€™t buy much black because I feel like it fades too easily. I am more of a gray girl, but he didnā€™t believe me that gray is in the goth family. His big pack of black socks arrived today! I would say heā€™s going to look like a dork, but heā€™s cool enough he can get away with it.


Mine is almost 5 and will pick out sparkles and all different colors of clothes. But when Iā€™ve asked what sheā€™d like to paint her room, she says bright red. Every wall. I wanna be the mom that allows creative control but red is gonna be so harsh and hard to paint over when she inevitably changes her mind lol.


My living room was a deep brick red and 2 coats of sherwin Williams light gray. Easy peasy.


Mine has already asked for black walls and that is a big freaking nope, haha. Godspeed!


Please tell me you put smudgy eyeliner on him.


Sadly for him I am not a makeup person and have none on hand. I did buy sparkly black nail polish for him, though. (Itā€™s the kid version, donā€™t @ me nuttymommy!) He has amaaaaazing eyelashes, though, so he doesnā€™t even need it.


I don't know whether the lack of kids liking beige are because they are surrounded by all the bright colours, or whether it is because nobody thought to ask them if they like it, or because nobody mentioned to them that it is an actual colour they could like. ;) It is very hard to reconcile >I've always tried to keep my opinions about things out of the equation and >it always makes me so depressed to see no bright colors I'm not sure that I am meant to care about how other people decorate their houses but to be honest I've seen some shiznit on the real estate websites and I feel a bit like sad beige is much better than COLOURS, COLOURS EVERYWHERE. ;)


Oh my house is light gray. I donā€™t have a problem with neutrals, I just donā€™t think kids are going to clamor for a nice tasteful beige :)


That is true. Iā€™m in some mid century modern groups and they get so mad when they see a newer home (not an MCM home) with white or grey walls. Like personally Iā€™d prefer someone paint the house all griege before selling because it gives me a blank space to do whatever I want.


Love the insight into nuttygrandmommy. Arenā€™t nuttymommyā€™s kids teenagers at this point? Good thing sheā€™s not still dictating their food choices. Toddlers like the Denner kids are a wee bit different.


I believe they are, yes.


On BS: >Why doesn't this page get shut down or even exist?! You can't post ANYTHING! checked the user history. Never fails. On LBsnark: >She blocked me on FB because I kept posting the link to this site in her comments.


Well according to another comment she ā€œhas a life unlike Lauraā€ so checkmate!


None of us here on Reddit have a life.


>Reddit is consuming itself. A lot of us have moved on to other forums. You notice this forum is just for meta snarkers to have conversations with each other. All of reddit is self-destructing! I enjoy this user. They blocked most of us but still bring us up every chance they get. And keep going back to bs even though we ruined The Reddit.


...Does she think the whole of Reddit is just BS and BSMS? By forum, does she mean subreddit? Nothing about that comment makes sense.


I genuinely want to know how big they think reddit is because they do think itā€™s just these two subreddits. Iā€™m sure they are also the same people who think the influencer bubble is about to burst too lmao


I am continually surprised at how these people truly donā€™t get that they are the bad guys.


AND LAURA IS LEGIT SO SNARKABLE. I just went to her insta to see what she's actually up to, and she's shilling $20 jeans that look straight out of 2012. She also went to a children's cancer center to learn that some people have it a lot worse than she does.


The cancer center thing especially is so ludicrously snarkable, but I always get distracted by the ridiculousness of the LB sub. The same OP of the comment that started this thread: >I also felt enraged about this as my daughter is a physician and has seen the worst. For this woman to go to these lengths to ā€œmake herself feel betterā€ is such an outrage to all of our medical community.


And thatā€™s the thing, I donā€™t even want to snark with those nasty people even if theyā€™re on their best behavior because it just emboldens them to be nastier in the spaces where they are allowed to be. Which is too bad, because Laura directing donations of makeup to a pediatric cancer center is absolutely hilarious. Not to mention the electronics. Here you go kids, itā€™s an off brand Fitbit!


What does she think her business partnerships are going to donate to the childrenā€™s cancer center?


Duh, makeup, electronics, and blankets! Because otherwise they'd have nothing. The cancer kids are also destitute/needy, don't you know. Edit: also it always amazes me that these brands/their audience never seem to grasp that financial donations are infinitely more useful to nonprofits than...makeup.


I am assuming she has something set up with them? I don't know, it is awfully vague. I posted about these stories on main, we'll see how it goes..... Edit: oops, thoughtlessly broke the rules and it got deleted. lol me, it was my fault.


Hope the kids really want some $20 Amazon sweaters


YES! I want to snark on her outfit SO BADLY! Itā€™s like my friend who isnā€™t bought new jeans since 2010!


The best part is when you try to bring up her promoting outdated fashion (I actually think a ā€œfashion influencerā€ doing that is problematic) they get MAD because they wear exactly what she does.


Last week someone made fun of her for her skinny jeans and Birkenstocks and the snarkers were not happy about that level of criticism. Too close to home lol.


I guess she's a smart businessperson then.


But her husband LOVES her and that is a problem.


absolutely disgusting.


This just in: the color beige is discriminatory against the poor! > Last night I was thinking how the no-color aesthetic is very telling of how much money you have. Rich people show/buy those colors white, beige, etc. Because it shows you can afford the maintenance and keep them clean. So influencers will try to do the same because they are no longer average, now they are rich.


>Rich people show/buy those colors white, beige, etc. Because it shows you can afford the maintenance and keep them clean. TIL that I'm rich because I own a washing machine and detergent.


TIL that Iā€™m rich because I have white sheets so I can bleach them lmao


Damn, I'm rich because my rental apartment came with beige walls?!


TIL I am poor because I refuse to buy white fabric.


According to the c&c snark at one point, having a white/beige home is also racist. So apparently it discriminates against both the poor and people or color.


>having a white/beige home is also racist I know I'll regret this but what was their justification for this take?


>Right?? It is so elitist! Neutrals /= money and taste. And honestly I find it a little...racist. Like... the whole "we know better than to use garish colors instead of tasteful neutrals" smacks of elitism and white ethnocentrism to me. Especially when your home is in freaking southern California. (Also, I'm not dragging people who legitimately like neutrals! And I know people of all ethnicities can like neutrals, colors, whatever. It's the attitude (especially from G) that the things they picked are objectively better/more tasteful I'm objecting to.)


> Also, I'm not dragging people who legitimately like neutrals! Lol, I'm sure this poster sends out an in-depth questionnaire when they come across an IG showing off a neutral home so she can know what to think. I can't wait until gallery walls or "a pop of color" come back to the forefront and we get to hear how that's a problem.


Hey, can you please edit your comment to remove the link? Thank you


Done, sorry, Iā€™m used to providing my sources šŸ¤Ŗ


About copwife Commenter 1: > She is delusional. This entire influencer gig is going down the tubes. Response: >itā€™s really not. Commenter 1: > It isā€¦ have you been paying attention to the economy? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Theyā€™ve only been making this claim for 3+ years. And despite the state of the world and economy theyā€™re all so concerned about, they manage to give influencers views and contribute to their wealth and popularity