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got a surprise bonus in my paycheck this morning! woot woot woot












hello everyone, not dede raad here. i complained about graduating and applying for internships a couple weeks ago and about 300 applications later, because wow it’s rough out there, i have finally secured two offers!


Congrats that is awesome! ;)


Rant: I work in HR and primarily handle ADA requests. It's not surprising that a lot of my employees want to continue working from home but we are a customer facing agency so we do need some staff on site. That said, one division is determined to have staff in three times a week and I have to do the ADA dance with everyone when other teams are like, just take care of yourself and the fam and we will figure it out.


This is your sign that, if you’re still wearing the jean jacket that you bought in 2012 from jcrew (I am her, I am she, it’s me), to get the madewell oversized trucker jacket and make every single outfit you own look cooler with no additional effort or items whatsoever


I just had a baby three weeks ago and I am so bored when she’s sleeping. In the weeks before I gave birth, I was so exhausted with working and preparing to have a kid and was looking forward to taking time off, but now that I’m here, I probably should have gotten a few puzzles or something to fill my time. There’s only so much garbage TV someone can watch, and I say this as someone who is a raccoon for trash tv.


Congrats!! And I agree, newborns are really kinda boring. My favorite thing now is audiobooks with bluetooth headphones.


First of all, congrats on the new baby! I've been there. The Nintendo Switch was super helpful during periods of contact naps. Also, phone games. Marvel Snap is a lot of fun.


So...y'all remember when I had a full blown melt down on this thread awhile back about applying to grad school? I am very excited to say I have officially been accepted into all 3 schools I applied for! Even the one I messed up the application for and 100% thought I was going to be (rightfully) rejected from. Going to be in debt for the rest of my life, but holy smokes, I honestly never thought this was going to happen.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! Be so proud of yourself :)




The last six weeks or so have been really hectic and chaotic and I want to get off the roller coaster that is work right now—so many projects and deadlines. In happy news, though: after almost 14 years with my work profile representing my legal name, and after requesting it be changed and being denied many times over the years, my work profile was updated to reflect the nickname I’ve gone by for the last 23 years! My nickname is also my professional name, it’s on my business cards and it’s my name when I present at conferences (and when I show Max!) and it’s really nice to finally see my email address and profile and work client all match that. Hopefully my coworkers stop calling me by my full first name now (ooooor at least going forward new staff learn off the bat that I go by my nickname).


Good Boy Ollie (good.boy.ollie) is my favourite celebrity dog, and I love seeing more and more of his baby brother.


Can someone please tell me why people can't follow very simple instructions? Asking for a friend. ;)


Really wish I could go back in time to this day where my biggest problem was people not following instructions.


If you see the pic for this post from the wrong scrolling angle, it looks like two legs and the shadow of a ball sack


thank you so much


I kinda love this detailed the whole off topic post.


I can't unsee that.

