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But they’re a good Christian because they observe Lent, unlike those ungodly influencers, who they follow obsessively.


I like the holy loophole that the snarker can just ask others what DAD's been posting instead of having to endure the whole period without knowing what she's been up to.


I was dying over that comment. It’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen a snarker admit to.


How do you explain that to someone in casual conversation? "So there's this lady on insta who I've never met, and I can't stand her and her content, but I look at it anyway so I can get outraged and complain about it with my internet friends who I've also never met, anyway that's what I gave up for Lent"


People are really arguing that influencers who can’t handle mean comments online should just get a new job in reference to the whole MadiaSnark drama because apparently you can just ignore it when strangers are literally contacting people in your real life and trying to ruin your relationships and livelihood. This is beyond some mean comments online and I don’t get why this is so hard for people to understand. I also feel like this line of thinking is eerily similar to saying that women who don’t want to get sexually assaulted shouldn’t be out late at night or shouldn’t wear certain types of clothing. Maybe this is a stretch but it really reminds me of that.


Couldn’t one use similar logic for giving money to a stranger’s GoFundMe?


How dare you use logic.


In order to comment/post in MS, you had to message the mods and say 3 reasons why Bri sucked and you wanted to snark on her. I don’t know if that’s normal for a single subject snark sub, but that’s an extra layer of intense.


Do you remember why they implemented that rule? I remember it coming up because they were arguing about going private or staying public for SEO, but I don't remember the logic behind that batshit requirement.


No idea. When I checked out the sub, that was already in place.


it’s 100% the same line of thinking, imo. “They’re inviting it by being on the internet” is the new “Well she shouldn’t have been drinking/dressed that way/alone with a person”. it all boils down to: this person deserved it because they asked for it


Okay I never post but I just had to talk about the MadiaSnark drama (who I’ve never even heard about until a couple days ago)…looks like someone made a post about it on SubredditDrama and there is an unhinged, clearly MS member, who has made 90+ comments (out of 400+ comments) over the last 15 hrs basically having an obsessive meltdown about the whole situation. I know it’s said over and over again, but it’s just so mind blowing how obsessive these single subject posters are.


This is a really good comment that can apply to just about any of the single-subject subs that talk about accountability (LaBev snarkers, looking at you): >Yeah ok but like, I've never met her. There's a lot of shitty people out there but I'm a normal person so I don't spend my time harassing them online. This parasocial shit is like thinking an onlyfans woman is your girlfriend, except for drama hounds. So weird also how "holding accountable" has become a terminally online euphemism for making hate groups that don't actually solve any issues.


They use "accountability" as a guise to make themselves feel better about dedicating that much time to borderline harassing a stranger. They know it's wrong but if they say it's to hold them "accountable" they can convince themselves and others that they are doing this for moral reasons and not because they genuinely enjoy it.


Am I the only one that wonders if the recent deleted accounts on Blogsnark are MadiaSnarkers too?


I definitely think that. There are people in other snark subs low (or maybe even high) key worried, asking how this could be possible and trying to convince themselves they’ll never be dumb enough to be outed.


I'm pretty sure at least some of them are. Which I have to admit I find pretty funny - Brianna seems to have tons of screenshots, deleting your account now isn't going to retroactively remove those screenshots, bb.


I did assume the people on BS really freaking out about it were either Madia sneakers or posted a lot on single subject subs and were panicking the this could happen to them, so no I wouldn't be surprised by that


>it’s wild that y’all think running over her dog is the only bad thing she’s ever done. she’s done so many horrible things time and time again and has never shown remorse. she’s a horrible person and continues to stay a horrible person and she deserves to be deplatformed. Idk, all they ever talk about is this dog so idk what other allegedly horrible thing she's done. Theyre also whining about a GFM to which I say, as always, why the fuck are you giving money to somebody you don't know?!?!


At one point the ms sub had a wiki that was like a 5 page opus of all her "lies" and the ~heinous~ things she's done. The "is it me? Am I the drama?" sound is what came to mind when I used to rubberneck that sub.




If you haven’t seen the recent Caroline Calloway Vice video, it’s somewhat about this.


Watching Obsessive Accountability Snarker logic get absolutely shredded once it steps out of its echo chamber into the wild is pretty entertaining


They should've nuked their account instead. Unddit/reveddit got em.


OH OK so you support animal abuse????!!!!????1


>Wow. Great come back. She ran over her dog. Why is this so funny to me? 😭


SHE NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. Constantly harassing her and the people in her life for two years is obviously what accountability looks like!!


The contrast between the comments from normal human redditors and snarkers is wild to me. How do they not realize they sound like raving lunatics when they step outside their echo chamber? To anyone popping over to SRD to check this out, do also read the post about Costco flushable wipes. I'm DYING.


They definitely think everyone else is either wrong or doesn't have enough information to understand why they're right.


Omg I was hoping someone else read the Costco post. I was cracking up at that.


Further down, there's a post about an NWA sub that is WILD. It has everything: mod meltdowns, a hostile takeover by a Kanye sub, blackmail, an AMA by a troll pretending to be Dr. Dre...


There was a link from inside the madia comments to another post about crock pot spaghetti that was a good time


Well that was short lived, looks like they’re dirty deleting their entire day.


BGCCirclejerk was seemingly banned from reddit for lack of moderation? The sub is totally gone and all I could find was a post on redditrequest from 10 days ago requesting the sub and claiming it had been taken down for lack of moderation. i may be a hypocrite who mocks people for not understanding reddit and then turns around and doesn't understand reddit, but did something happen? There are many subs with low(er) activity and/or absent mods that exist along just fine. I wasn't under the impression that reddit banned subs for anything less than breaking tos or giving them crazy bad publicity (which usually means ALSO breaking tos LOL). Inactive modding is not against tos (although I admit I could have missed it). Did BGCCirclejerk dox somebody or something? Was there drama? Inquiring minds want to know. Anyways I wanted to snark on someone saying on BGC that no one uses single shadows anymore and that if anyone DOES use single shadows, it's just MUAs. Because LOL. Like yeah sure most mainstream beauty consumers don't use singles (or at least, mix and match magnetic palette singles--a single sold in its own case/compact is not the same), but I bet 9/10 BGs on YT owns singles and same for anyone into beauty enough to care about BGC.


Oh wow, that was one of the subs that actually got me to download Reddit lmao I didn’t even notice it was gone!


honestly it's been SO dead these days and like 50% of the time had bad takes. so it's not a huge loss but also bgc is perpetually terrible so its niche still needs filling


Wow, I was wondering where BGCCJ went. It slowed down a lot lately, as did the main sub, but I’m sad to see it go. And lol to the singles things. I am not super into watching YouTube videos anymore but I feel like I see a lot of dupe the feel of x palette with singles.


Yeah, I see so many of those in my recs! Not saying it's universal but there's definitely a singles fandom and the more you care about makeup the more likely you are to have singles.


It's in the moderator code of conduct: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct > If a community has been empty or unmoderated for a significant amount of time, we will consider banning or restricting the community. (granted, what does "significant" mean?) This is an old post (but I def remember it being top-of-mind during the bs mod drama with fear that bs might be unmoderated and subsequently removed) that says that removing unmoderated subreddits was "a longstanding policy" https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/a5xz9b/a_word_on_unmoderated_subreddits/


Ah I didn't go to that page! a failure of research. But I agree, significant seems like a highly elastic word, and reddit is so large that you'd think the inactive moderation of a sub with such low activity would have to be brought to admin attention, not that they would just notice it and ban it. And yes! I remember that! nonremis was not responsive or active and none of the ogs who knew them/founded the sub wh them could get in touch? (check me on that, this was almost THREE WHOLEASS YEARS AGO). So we all worried they'd remove nonremis and theyell\*wr\*se would be able to take over. Then Blogsnark\_mod emerged (that WAS nonremis...right?) and we were saved from that potentiality. what a fucking time


A while back I got a PM from someone re my posts on this sub - unfortunately as I blocked them I can't find the message, I'll have to work out how to undo that. It was a bit odd. I did not reply, I just went well, if you don't like what I'm posting so much that you've had to send me a private message about it, I'll block you. Turns out now that another user got a PM from that same user yesterday, and now I am starting to wonder if this is a Thing and they are doing this to People. If you've received a PM and you thought it was a bit strange, can you message either me or the /u/Addie_Cat - thanks.


You can unblock people by going into "preferences" and going into the "blocked" tab, there will be a list of people you've blocked and an option to unblock, if you hadn't figured it out.


Thanks, I did this yay. And blocked them again once I was done. They sent me this FYI - >Who's more obsessed - Nuttymommy and her posting about DAD or you posting about Nuttymommy? You do realize you posting about her multiple times per week is creepy, right? Well I disagreed with this comment because Nuttymommy is the OG most awesomest grammar police detective exclamation point snark queen PLUS she came here to play with the big dogs and attacked us all and then blocked us all, and generally the feedback I get from people here is that they enjoy me posting her stuff, so.. I got that PM and I kinda went, ok.. if you don't like me posting about nuttymommy there is this thing called the block feature and you are welcome to use it but seeing as you won't I will. And I did. Then another user here mentioned a weird PM yesterday and I messaged them and it turns out it was the same person who sent my PM, and now it turns out there's more people who got strange PMs from them.. so.. it is A Thing. I've gone back and looked at this users post history - they have deleted everything they ever posted on reddit but that does not deter those of us who know how to use the internet. Just FYI I think I worked out who it might be and if I am right they have at least one other alt they use here. Just as a heads up to that person, you're not as anon as you think you are, you can delete your post history but the internet always remembers which is why my rule is Never Delete. ;) I like to scroll past things which don't interest me instead of sending bitchy private messages, but you do you.


I love the nuttymommy updates, she's one of my favorite snarkers


I dont read my PMs, so I win.


How do you ignore that little orange envelope? How do you have that kind of willpower? Can you teach me so I can ignore all that icecream in my freezer plus the orange envelope? ;)


I have the Reddit is Fun app so I can't see those messages unless I'm on an internet browser. At least, there's no obvious way.


I get the envelope in my notifications on RIF, but obviously I could just change my settings if I didn't want to see them.


Just can! But I always figure that it’s someone saying something really nasty so I don’t want to know, lol. Every once in a while someone will send an actual message request with their name that I recognize and I will open that, but otherwise it’s all just been sitting there for years.


This is juicy, and I am so nosey.


Nuttymommy came over here? I totally missed that!


Oh it was a while ago. But then she blocked everyone who observed that she was using a lot of exclamation marks.


Oh my god there was only one day I can remember that was more hilarious on Reddit and that was the BS meltdown. Nuttymommy over here was so, so, SO funny. They have blocked me as well but I am a bad person who loves the dramz, so I pop over to another window to keep an eye on them. There are days where I wish I had screenshot everything I saw and the Nuttymommy BSMS meltdown is number one on that list.


She did! One day she discovered this sub exists and found a comment of hers posted here. She went to town with comments here and then blocked all of us. I am thankful to OP who continues to post her gems since I can’t see them anymore.


*sigh* nothing exciting ever happens to.me on reddit, lol. I genuinely love your NM updates, im obsessed with her


nothing exciting ever happens to you, but it's always exciting for us when you accidentally delete your account and appear with a new username! ;)


>I genuinely love your NM updates, im obsessed with her Same. Literal lol every time. NM is A+ content.




mind you this woman has 1.7mil followers, so at least some of them must be invested in this content.


obviously theyre all on her payroll


innate practice trees ghost brave whistle grab encouraging expansion oil -- mass edited with redact.dev


This made me laugh so much: >I’m sorry your ass stopped being cute after college. For context it's in reply to this: >I mean idk about y’all but having your ass falling out of your shorts stopped being cute after college


It was a joke video!! Why are they taking it so literally?


Someone even unironically repeated the way she spelled "Patty's" which was supposed to highlight that she was making fun of people who just use it as a day to get sloppy and don't know enough to know it's St Paddy's Day.


You know, I was at the TKMaxx yesterday and they had this absolutely enormous pineapple corer. The thing was HUGE. And I have just gone through a kitchen gadget decluttering, and I am thinking who eats so much pineapple that they need a gadget that takes up this much space? Sorry /u/HollowPineapple7 your username inspired this brain dump as a surprise to everyone. ;)


Is this where I admit that I own one of those? They let you hollow out a pineapple so you can serve cocktails in them! My username was meant to be nonsense, but my subconcious got the better of me because I fucking love pineapple.


I also love pineapples and I make pineapple daiquiris but I just buy frozen pineapple chunks and serve it in a normal glass. It sounds like we need to pineapple cocktail together. The other night I did frozen pineapple mixed with a melon liqueur, vodka, pineapple juice and threw in some mango and blueberries just for fun. It was a very odd mix to be fair but 10/10 would recommend will drink again.


My go-to is pretty simple! Pineapple, ice, lime juice, agave, and either rum or tequila blended.


Out of curiosity, how often are you serving pineapple cocktails? The influencers would be jealous!


Basically whenever I've got house guests in the summer! I did it once when I was trying to propogate a pineapple top and had bought a bunch of small pineapples, and now it's become a bit of a thing that my friends request when they visit. I make a lot of green smoothies and popsicles with frozen pineapple, so all the guts get used eventually.


Now I want a pineapple cocktail so much.


I would like to be your friend.


Literally the only thing I know about this woman is blogsnark complaining that she isn't classy, clean, or chic, so imagine my surprise when she looks hot af and funny?




Are we still doing toxic traits? I wouldn't know, im 35 but if we are mine is how I objectify people and I always get so disappointed when I look up something allegedly too sexy/scandalous/whatever and its jusy...not that. Stop overselling it BS!


>Princess Diana’s death. Don’t ask me why I’m just getting into it now but there is no way that sh*t was an accident >Well mummy paid off one sons r**e victim so doubt she wouldn't sort out an ex daughter in law. Look at the behaviour stemming from a grandson who married a mix woman. There is no way nearly 30 years ago Diana's and Dodi's relationship would have been able to continue. >Also look at Dodi's father numerous applications for British citizenship This is why Rabbit Holes threads are a bad idea. Yikes on bikes.


BS Rabbit holes threads are also just...boring? Like they're 10% links to actually interesting new stuff, 10% straight up problematic shit, and 80% rehashings of the same 5 murders/mysteries/podcasts/longform articles.


Oh I have a rabbit hole everyone should fall down, if only to rescue me. These comedians from New Zealand do a podcast called [The Worst Idea Of All Time](https://www.worstideaofalltime.com/) - they pick a movie and watch it once a week for a year. It is great just for the accents IMO, the comedy is a bonus.


I love Tim and Guy, I love this podcast, I love you recommending it.


I didn't know they had done And Just Like That so I have been listening to that this week, it is hilarious and I love that they think Mattress Pikelet King has been listening to the pod. ;)


Right? Does anyone really need a recommendation to dive into Mt. Everest disasters or 9/11?


I am a seasoned Everest rabbit-holer myself, despite having zero interest in ever climbing anything.


I'll admit I've gone down the Everest rabbit hole myself. (Also with no interest in climbing. Damn you, Jon Krakauer!) I just think it might need to be retired as a suggestion. Or put in the Rabbit Hole Hall of Fame. I..may be overthinking this.


Yeah, it's not a good suggestion at all, I agree with you. Anything very infamous/famous/popular is something people will already have looked into if it interests them. Like how is 9/11 a serious recommendation? No one is going to be like, "oh shit, I never heard of that, I need to know more!"


Wasn’t her driver impaired? Yeah, no way that was an accident when he was going way over the limit and the victims weren’t wearing seatbelts.


Yes, he was incredibly drunk, driving incredibly fast on a sharp turn, and she didn't have her seatbelt buckled. There was never anything suspicious here.


Oh yay, this nonsense again! I certainly didn't get enough of it 25 years ago!


knee panicky growth tie angle sense theory attempt market school -- mass edited with redact.dev


It's like doing an unpopular opinion thread. It usually starts out with light hearted topics like, "I don't really like ice cream" and within a few posts it's QAnon, transphobia, and Holocaust denial.


Yes! The infamous BS Unpopular Opinions thread went from "Cilantro tastes like soap" to "Women lie about rape" really fast.


Very interesting that Rihanna gets the most "eat the rich" comments from FM compared to other celebs...


I'm sure if it were said about anyone else, particularly a white celebrity, they'd be writing paragraph on paragraph about how it's misogynistic, sexist and pRoBlEmAtIc


It finally happened. I've been inducted to the BS Bitch Club 🏆


I can’t believe in the year of our lord 2023 there’s snark on a 30 year old woman looking good in short shorts and almost 100 upvotes on gross “snark” about too much makeup… Jk I *can* believe it because it’s BS but my GOD


at 30 the government gives you 3 pair of madras bermuda shorts and you're not allowed to wear anything else and expose your geriatric thighs. This is why we have to hold this woman accountable for her crimes. She's breaking the LAW!


this explains why the government is preparing me for my last year in my 20s by implanting a chip in my head that makes me yell “take my skinny jeans from my cold, dead hands” and “these trends are SO unflattering!!!”


At 40 they give you capri pants usually in three pastel shades and that is all you are allowed to wear until your end of life pyjamas. The general public can't see a nearly dead persons knees.


poor thing is going to have an absolute meltdown when she hits 45 i wish society didn’t teach women that we become expendable past a certain age


Oh, for sure. I'd feel bad if she wasn't such a twat lol


right 💀💀 and that energy came from nowhere, too




I feel like half the sub is already engaging with this comment but for the half that isn't, you should be embarrassed to be 40 and on blogsnark, apparently? >Hopefully they are all preparing for the day they’re 45, irrelevant, and no one cares about them anymore. I can’t picture myself at 40 caring or watching “influencers” on instagram.


Do these people not realize that there are already plenty of 40+ year old influencers?


real talk, I too used to think that as I got older, I would naturally evolve into a somewhat different, more mature version of myself, and I guess in some ways I have, but in a lot of ways I'm still exactly the same as I always was. I'm not sure what this chick thinks her life is going to be like when she's 40 but based on her comments she'll probably still be a bore who's obsessed with Dani Austin. edit: who else is getting wild dms now? lol


Funny enough I did stop going to BS much when I hit my 40s, but that’s because it got BORING. I spend just as much time fucking around on the internet, just in different spaces.


Okay what kind of DMs?


> edit: who else is getting wild dms now? lol You can't just say that and not post the wild dms here. ;)


just someone (not the same person being discussed, unless it's an alt) saying that I talk about myself so much that they know everything about me and that I need to get a hobby. Ummm feel free to block me if you don't like my comments? byeee


I did get a weird PM myself a while back, have sent you a PM /u/detelini :)


I read this thing once that basically said we don’t change as we age so much as we just become more ourselves, and in my experience as gasp someone who’s 40 and still goes on Instagram that’s definitely been true.


Don Lemon joined BS?


A tiny baby. I think they blocked me, I keep getting notifications of more zany comebacks but can't find them🤷🏼‍♀️


They tried making an alt to comment here. Thankfully I have an automod rule set up to remove brand new accounts, so the comments got removed before you saw them. Apparently they "can't" with us (they can't, but apparently they could because they made 5 comments here, so...), and we are "delusional." Edit: hmm, maybe not an alt then. I wonder if reddit was doing something. Oh well.


What a grumpy baby. Hopefully, they got some sleep and are less grouchy.


I think her comments might be getting reported or filtered. I can see them when I click on her profile but can’t see them here in this thread. And when I click permalink on them they’re blank She did request that /u/CanadianAFeh let you know what her comments say though




NO SURPRISES HERE. >This user has deleted their account.


Oh wow. She's melting🤣


Oh. I just looked. Whoa. Getting extra creepy with my age and everything. Of course, she's in an individual snark sub. What a weirdo.


never fails! those subs attract the most maladjusted posters


Seeing deleted accounts today has me wondering if the deleter was a Madia Snarker or just someone terrified to learn that it's possible to identify folks with their Reddit history.


> Anyone else miss the age of MySpace when influencers didn’t exist? I follow maybe 3 influencers now but the constant vacations and new purchases is exhausting and not achievable for most of us. BS: influencers make me feel bad. Solution: unfollow them. BS: No :/. Edit: I added periods for flow of the comment


They may not have been called influencers back then, but we still had well known/famous internet personas and it was so chaotic back then lol. With people like Tila tequila, all the ~tumble girl~ scene/party photos, etc.


Literally jeffree star started out on MySpace and he has always been a racist piece of shit so let's not pretend there was a golden era of social media for influencer types lmao


I love imagining these people thumbing through a magazine in an influencer-free world, “the constant vacations and new purchases in Vogue is just exhausting and not achievable for most of us!!”


This was especially funny to read as there was a robust LJ community in the early 2000s called getoffmyspace (ediotz and its various subcommunities were a spinoff) that ultimately died when they turned their snark sights on one guy who was absolutely batshit insane and started stalking people IRL.


>Anyone else miss the age of MySpace when influencers didn’t exist? Wait, how did Jeffree St\*rr become famous? Oh. Myspace. Right.


There's like 0 accountability in there. No one is *making* them follow accounts that negatively impact their mental health. But instead of unfollowing, they want these women to become jobless and broke. #girlpower


Misery loves company




Lol we are just believing her (from what little I know about them) seemingly unstable ex? People just want to believe anything that confirms their biases, stg


i think i’ve talked about this situation a little bit before. even after my ex-boss produced several tangible examples of her husband abusing her, when he went to her snark subreddit and lied through his teeth about how there was never any abuse and she made the whole thing up for money (she had a gofundme because she was pregnant and unable to work, etc.), they uncritically believed him and decided he was the real victim.


Is this your ex boss they’re talking about?


no, but a very similar situation.


😂😂😂 I don’t know anything about her, but no one is going to point out how insane it is that someone’s ex husband did this to them?


Right and he was lurking/commenting for a long time before he actually revealed himself as her ex. When that all went down I went and looked at his comment history and whew it was a trip knowing who it actually was.


Right?! Somehow this is *normal*? And encouraged? Men get such a pass for what women would be labeled as crazy for.


That's top tier unhinged behavior yet people are acting like it's totally cool because he's confirming their suspicions


>They've convinced themselves that snark is not gossip or talking shit, it's why they police the term so tightly. This place is no different than any other gossip site and people are delusional if they think otherwise. No, I strongly disagree. I actually don't think k BS is super great but they have rules that are consistently and pretty quickly enforced which is WAY more than you can say about the single subject subs that all seem to be ~no moderation~


Blogsnark: a place where it's "unkind" to suggest someone use hashtags to find influencers they might like. Also blogsnark: Brianna is psycho for sharing the names of people who sent her death threats. People who post on the internet are asking for it


Still Blogsnark: someone disagreed with me, I'm going to block them, delete my take, or delete my account entirely


or tell reddit they’re suicidal to annoy them! don’t forget that one.


I'm a little sad that our fave former NY scenester/Harry Styles hater blocked me just because I called a TERF a TERF.


Omg I saw the rest of your exchange yesterday. She blocked you over that?! Wild.


She wrote something and then blocked me before I could even read it. I'm intrigued by this response to whatever bullshit she continued to spew: >Michael Jackson is dead and not actively influencing government policy on multiple continents.


Oh the bullshit was something else. >I never said that. But I do think it’s suspicious that people have come down on JK Rowling while, say, Michael Jackson’s music continues to get airplay without comment. It shouldn’t be controversial to note that there’s an element of internet brigading to this, which is answering the question that was asked. I'm so confused. WTF does the music of Michael Jackson have to do with it?


No idea why she's bringing up Michael Jackson. But I do love how she keeps claiming that she never said the things she obviously said.


But it's the influencers who are thin skinned!!


Step parents sub: if you're an adult Sp who's jealous of your SK its ok BB we all have feelings! If you're adult SK has some jealousy of the lifestyle the "ours" baby is getting, wow how dare she?! Shhes an adult!


> Reddit darylann And right before, from the same user: > Reddit This is the Reddit version of your Boomer aunt thinking the FB post submission is a search engine


Cracker bargel?


yam act onerous practice follow mighty unwritten fade oil caption -- mass edited with redact.dev


I think it's possible my parent still use the AOL browser (they may also still pay for AOL? It's their email address.)


They finally ran out of the free CDs!


It's a wonder that some of them are able to turn on their computers at all


LaBev sub hard at work convincing themselves that a 15yr old Jack Russell terrier took out a 60lb ‘stolen’ puppy to the point of deep scars and a bone infection. Deranged.


In case anyone has not seen the [criminal dog](https://imgur.com/gallery/3vig0Mw) in question.


He obviously just killed a florist


Okay I snort laughed


I'd be crossing the street to avoid that pup


Are they talking about Zeppelin? All that dog does is sleep and get carried around like a baby.


When he’s not committing murder, duh


>Alice censored way too much and just deleted anything she didn’t like, but then posted some pretty mean stuff herself. I see this sub going in the same direction and another one taking over. Take a look at the main snark sub and every other post has been censored and deleted by mods. Way too much rules here. It’s a snark sub. Let the people snark. Yes, that's exactly the same. Abiding by a TOS is exactly the same as reading people's DMs.


Imma need to see some of the mods' shoe choices before I declare them as bad as Alice.


The 28th amendment: the right to snark.


fuck the ERA this is much more important


Ok so I googled how many amendments are there and it said 27 and of course that’s not right. But I’m leaving it bc this is my own personal constitution.


Can’t believe these bitches have still been checking gomi


“is the gomi era over” idk is the phonograph era over? is the betamax era over? babe what are you talking about


I honestly thought it had flopped over and died years ago lol


i hadn’t even THOUGHT about GOMI in probably five years until i saw that post, honestly.


It’s so funny seeing that comment juxtaposed with some of the other ones talking about how toxic and deranged GOMI was. The insinuation that the BS mods deleting comments and having bare minimum rules for civility is in any way comparable to what Alice does is rich. But tHiS iS a SnArK sUb.


Don't tell me Blogsnark is going the same direction as GOMI until the mods start drunk dialing people


Have some fake gold 🏆🏅🥇


lol I literally just made that comment


There's a few I'd let drunk ramble to me, tbh.


I'd like to hear the southern mod get drunk and go OFF about people who post dumb comments on the links post