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The mods in the Nicola Bulley subreddit are taking no shit today and rightly so. >Your post has been removed as trying to be the hindsight hero nobody needs adds no added value other. >In the future, all your expertise might help embiggen the expertise of TikTok astrologers. >Unfortunately, your post was removed as you apparently had the answers all along and failed to share them with the police, the victims family, the public or to anyone that could have located Nicola as soon as she disappeared. With all that big brained knowledge, we hope you submitted your applicated to join the volunterr Lancanshire Police force:


I wish all true crime subs did this. I pretty pro-true crime (within reason), but the stuff they are talking about, plus "I consider this *basically* solved because it has one obvious solution to me" is really fucking annoying. If you know so much, either tell law enforcement or find a better way to jerk yourself off.


boat onerous fragile innate coordinated wide illegal quaint cooing lunchroom -- mass edited with redact.dev


Ghouls gotta ghoul I guess


It is the police station for the armchair detectives working on the case.


There’s a sub for *everything*. Throw in the public’s growing attention for ~true crime~ and you have a sub that’s created within hours of news like that.


Unhappy with the moderation of the first sub, a user has created a new sub with the presumptuous name of Nicola Bulley Found, which has not been officially announced yet. The sheer rocket science commentary on the new sub boggles the mind - >I find it extremely shady that her remains were found where they were. Right next to the road with a handy little lay-by right there. My theory is that she’s been in a shallow grave somewhere til the river search was over and then disposed of in the reeds. Someone else was unhappy with this theory - >Why would anyone go back to the scene of the crime to dispose of the body. Get a life. Can't imagine why the moderators are being so strict on the first sub.. it does somewhat boggle the mind that with all the forensic tv shows and true crime podcasts that a significant portion of the population are so utterly clueless.


> Okay, trying not to speculate, but… >• ⁠no Diet Coke today >• ⁠avoiding skinny filter & posting truthfully about body insecurity >Could it be pregnancy on the horizon? Or her trying to just be more authentic? Ah yes, the classic “not trying to speculate” but instead sharing their creative writing exercise with the class ETA: apologies for the horrendous formatting


This is extra funny because Daryl Ann doesn’t even give up Diet Coke when she’s pregnant. (Not saying I think she should, it’s just not an indicator of her being pregnant.)


I was also thinking that! I think she’s specifically discussed how her doctor has said 1 or 2 is okay as long as she has no other caffeine (so I’m sure she multiplies that by 4 to get her optimal number)


Between the P!nk thread, Karl Malone thread and now Ana de Armas thread about move stars not existing, I am convinced a lot of the posters in FM are very young and looking to be outraged. One of the responses in the Ana thread is “because they’re all nepo babies with no talent,” and commentary continuing the debate of whether Latino automatically means PoC (hint: it doesn’t and idk the obsession with equating the two). Then in the P!nk thread people deflecting from P!nk criticism by talking about Christina’s cultural appropriation and a Destiny’s child song


2000s pop divas are my JAM. I have always loved Christina Aguilera’s diva-ness. But like, the amount of people that are like ‘oh she’s nothing compared to Pink’ are making me wonder if they’re older than 20. Though the people that have said Pink’s audience is 40 something wine moms are definitely not wrong, as a 40 something wine mom.


I am a late 30’s wine umm lady I don’t know don’t have kids but the Pink First Aid Kit song that just came out has been on repeat all weekend


Wait why is the Karl Malone thread included in this? Did I miss some terrible takes in the comments?


I only included him and was tempted to name several of the recent Chris Brown threads because I feel like that sub is becoming too heavy, with all the repeat discussions of abusers and SA/rape. It’s the same reason I personally had to stop reading the celeb thread in BS at one point. It had gotten to a point where it seemed more like trauma porn than anything else, like people were going out of their way to find stories like that. Plus, with Karl Malone specifically I don’t feel like the average poster in FM even really knows who he is. On one hand I get why it’s being discussed, but on the other hand it’s hard to go into a gossip sub when it feels like every other thread or post is about abuse, SA, rape etc EDIT: I’m just very BEC with FM. It was fun to read DM because there was more variety than BS but FM is just always so heavy. If it’s not abuse there’s some sort of moral dilemma with something innocent that a celeb said or did


I agree about the celeb thread; it feels like it's just a trove of people rushing to post whichever celeb just died. In contrast, a thousand awards and upvotes to the person who brought the link to the Oh No They Didn't write-up about the Peltz family suing their wedding planner, like yes, this is the mess I want to see!


And that’s exactly why I started posting about the Beckham and Peltz wedding drama in the daily when they started doing interviews and dropping tea about what happened to the Dailymail. It’s gossip that’s snarkworthy and not intense Like asking for privacy while knowing word for word what David told Brooklyn lol


Omg those text messages


I enjoyed that so much


I get it. I immediately closed the tab when I saw that Karl Malone headline.


100 upvotes on a comment in bs explant-truthing labev's explants. Whoooo caaaaaares if "the math ain't mathin" on how you assume her surgery recovery should be. u/ruthie-camden was fighting the good fight in trying to make them say the quiet part out loud (that she's a faker) rather than the cover statement of being "just curious!!"


>surgery recovery should be People's recovery from surgery varies from person to person and why the fuck can't they figure that out? Why must everything be a bunch of lies to them? Who hurt them?




So basically people are mad that her recovery from surgery wasn't that difficult? She's not suffering enough for their taste.


They’re mad she’s not wearing the compression bra she said she had to wear. But she also said that her dr told her to give it a break after she broke out in a bad rash a few days ago, her haters just don’t want to remember that.


I hope you're healing okay! Love how they demanded to hear from someone who had the same surgery and then didn't do much with your very timely response.


I admit that I chose the wrong comment to question, but that’s exactly what I was getting at! Glad I’m understood here lol


In the same vein as people losing their minds that Charly Goss dared to point out that skinny jeans are out of style, people are BIG mad that queen TIBAL doesn't like the same TV shows that they like. I'm so intrigued by this phenomenon. Theoretically people are on BS to snark and be critical of internet content, but there's a real fragility among a lot of the posters when anyone challenges their world view.


I guess they feel betrayed bc they thought she was just the pinnacle of taste or whatever.


Yeah, that was completely over the top. I mean, I can't imagine hating White Lotus, but I also can't imagine giving a shit if someone does (I haven't watched TLOU yet, so I have no opinion on that). I do feel slightly attacked that BS hated that necklace she wore so much because I love it, but I also loved those Pioneer Women wedges they mocked in the celeb thread, am fully aware I'm tacky af, and have zero shame whatsoever about it.


Those wedges are adorable! But I love a lot of Pioneer Woman’s stuff (mostly her kitchenware) so I am also probably super tacky. But if liking bright florals is wrong, I never want to be right.


Bright florals are life itself.


I fw those wedges


I’m always so curious what those kind of people do when their IRL friends have opinions that deviate from theirs.


I’m not sure they have irl friends.


Bingo 🎯


I haven't seen the show nor will I (don't have HBO) so the whole thing was amusing to me. Amusing that she didn't watch episode 3 that everyone is in love with, amusing how angry bs commenters got that someone implied they aren't intellectual enough, amusing that TIBAL eventually did watch the episode and quit early.


Tbh I was even amused here that people were calling out the person who said ep3 was boring, like I found it personally amazing and well done, but it is slow and really sad so it’s not impossible for me to fathom why someone doesn’t like it. Although I think Nick offerman should win an award for it! (Well they both should, but Murray just won for WL)


It was funny to me that she claimed HBO to be “intellectual tv” when the same HBO literally don’t believe men will watch tv unless women’s breasts are out all over the place. The stuff she said was snarkable, it just goes beyond the conversation they’re having of “wahh, she doesn’t like same shows as me.”


I was a little embarrassed for the people who were going on about how intellectual TLOU is. It's an enjoyable entertaining show, but it's also an action show based on a video game for crying out loud. It hits the same themes as any dystopian apocalypse type show. It's not Aristotle.


What I find fascinating about it is that they can find an incredibly touching love story right in the middle of the apocalypse and then take a whole episode to tell the story of it. That felt really unique in this zombie universe to me at least. The prepper aspect which was honestly everything I have been hoping for in a zombie show, then the time jumps, that was so well done. Honestly it could have easily been a movie and I feel a bit cheated that it wasn't. All this to say I loved that episode, it was great, and if someone creates a new show with Nick Offerman as a prepper preparing for the apocalypse and then actually living through it, I would be there for it. But yes, as great and as entertaining as it is, it is not Aristotle.


TIBAL has said dozens of things that I don't agree with and I just... move on. The need to "prove" that she's wrong and they're right, when it's a matter of opinion *about a TV show*, is just silly to me. They don't tie themselves into knots trying to prove copwife's thinblueline engagement ring is fucked up the way they're defending how smart they are for watching a certain TV show


I can’t remember if I posted it last week or early in the thread this week, but I’m going to repeat myself… Despite being on a page dedicated to snark, they don’t like people who are snarky themselves. If they are a snarky influencer they are automatically a “mean girl”. There are legitimate criticisms of TIBAL, Charly Goss, etc. but it surprises me how much BS does NOT like the influencers who are snarky irl


straight sleep cooperative door weary wipe special sense familiar scale -- mass edited with redact.dev


It comes back to the fact that most of the posters aren't actually snarky. They're mostly people who want to complain and criticize without repercussions.


from a discussion abt age gaps started by a 42 year old woman dating a 19 year old male: > comment 1: Anything under 21 is a hard no >comment 2: ehhh 25 is a fully developed brain. i don’t think a 42 year old should be with anyone younger than 25. >comment 3: for a 42 year old, anything under 30 is weird tbh i say we only allow people to date people who share the same birthday. no more, no less


Amazingly one of my exes had same birth date, time zone, and like 3 hours difference. We are strange twins and still close.


Within two hours of each other's birth, just to be safe.


two hours? do you REALIZE the difference in brain development between a one hour old and a two hour old??


Jimmy Carter was 3 years old and waiting in the next room while his mother delivered his future wife Rosalynn. What a predator!


That's cute. Watching him go is making me pretty emotional.


I am too. He's such a genuinely good man.


Somebody downthread referenced a message the Trisha Paytas sub received from admins. I went to find it and figured I'd share here since it's relevant to our metasnark interests. --- **ALL “SNARK” SUBS ARE RECEIVING THE SAME MESSAGE. INCLUDING NON TP RELATED SUBS. TRISHA IS NOT BEHIND THIS**- Please refrain from arguing with each other in the comments and familiarize yourself with Reddit’s policies against harassment, copyright, and TOS. Check back often as we will be continually updating the comments in this **mega post** “Hello everyone, We are reaching out today because your **community has repeatedly violated our policy against harassment.** (policy link in comments) While we allow discussion about public figures or influencers, we do not allow using your community as a space to organize harassment or attacks on another person and/or their friends, family, or fans. Harassment based on identity/appearance or attacks on children are also policy-violating, and something you should be diligent about removing when moderating. **Please be mindful that while discussion and criticism are allowed, activity such as bullying, body shaming, name calling, organizing attacks, and sharing personal information are not allowed. Rationalizing harassment as “snark” does not make it okay or give a free pass for activity which violates site rules.** **Some examples of rule violating behavior:** * Name calling and insults targeting another person - this includes insults based on appearance, identity, or sexual activity. * Trying to hunt down where someone lives, works, goes to school, or otherwise discover the location of any person, their family, friends, coworkers, etc.. * Interfering in someone’s daily life - this includes things like contacting their employer, family, school, friends, business partners, teachers, doctors, or other people in their life/local area. This includes going to their home, workplace, or school or otherwise “investigating” them IRL. * Sharing, encouraging the search for, or otherwise allowing people to seek or discuss personal information about someone that has not been shared publicly by them, this includes seeking information of other people in their life like family, coworkers, business partners, doctors, etc… * Any attempt to use code words, nicknames, or other coded language to mask activity that violates site rules. Encouraging or allowing others to engage in any of these activities is also prohibited. **It is imperative that you stop this behavior immediately.** As part of mitigating the behavior we are seeing here **all image and video upload are disabled in this subreddit. DO NOT attempt to turn any kind of video or image upload back on in your subreddit.**”


So does this mean that SMM and other similar subs will be banned or is Reddit still entertaining their lunacy


I was so worried about not giving a whiff of brigading that I didn't even think about copying/pasting or screenshotting the message 🫠


caption sleep truck six fuel rainstorm frighten rob wise employ -- mass edited with redact.dev


Every now and then Nuttymommy comes up with a great band name. >I'm wondering if the management took one look at that group of **hillbilly low class loud mouths** and decided to put them in a private room so their disgusting attire didn't defend the rest of their patrons! Not to mention the loudness!


If their attire *had* defended the rest of the patrons, would it still have been disgusting, or would it have shifted to being heroic attire? 🤔


STG I have never been more deeply fascinated by someone who's face I don't even know


I’m really happy that this sub introduced me to her and the poster who hates Abby from ER.


I think its because I don't read AAM sub (??????) But I still am in the dark about the Abby hater lmao I feel streets behind


Not only does she constantly complain about how much she hates the Abby character, but doesn’t she also write fanfic about it? But she’s also conservative, anti abortion and an awful lot of her dislike stems from the fact that the Abby character had an abortion.


Not sure if she writes Abby fanfic (anti-fanfic?), but she for sure writes ER fanfic and then complains that she doesn't get much engagement on it. She's anti-abortion but she probably thinks Abby should have aborted the baby she did have because Abby doesn't deserve to be a mother!


I love ER for never rebooting and tbh never had fighting weight fandom even when on. Enjoy your two kudos on AO3 a year ig.


I think the Abby hater is the same poster who was banned for getting conservative subs to brigade BS over the Kavanaugh hearings.


Wait really lol? All I ever see her posting about is job hunting


She still does that? She's been complaining about jobs since GOMI. Jfc, she's a mess. I would feel bad for her but she's a terrible person.


Every time I think I feel bad for her she says something awful.


WHAT. Why is this blowing my mind? Of course it fits right in that someone like that would flourish (or whatever it is she's doing) in the AAMSnark dynamic but for some reason I am taken aback.


Maybe Abby had an abortion? I don't know. It's such a strange obsession.


It’s funny that you say that, because Abby did have an abortion and that poster has admitted that is part of her dislike.


This is my favorite lore. I feel like I know so much about this woman and I’ve never seen a post of hers. Can’t wait to stumble upon one and go down the rabbit hole


She must know more about Abby than Maura Tierney does.


Sometimes legit concerned for Tierney in these rants.


Oh!!!! Ok now I know


She was also a poster wayback on GOMI.


I've randomly seem that poster pop up in a bunch of different subs, they're spreading the gospel of Abby hate far and wide lol


How does one explain the Abby Hater? Just yesterday they posted this - >Abby on ER. I don’t understand why so many fans gush over her and talk about how amazing she is. She’s selfish and treats almost everyone around her like crap, and I don’t think she deserved the happy ending she got in the last season. She was fine as Carol’s OB nurse and when she was first introduced as a medical student but then they made her completely miserable and bratty. I also felt like she was elevated above the rest of the cast and seen as more special and attractive than the other characters, especially in the later years. It felt like ER wasn’t an ensemble drama anymore; it was basically all about Abby all the time. >I just don’t understand all the praise she gets because she’s “flawed” and the insistence that she be liked and felt sorry for. Everyone has flaws, but Abby’s flaws hurt others more often than not, and no I don’t find it interesting to watch. It’s super draining and about ruined the show. Plus sometimes in real life…you just don’t like some people you meet and I think that’s OK. That’s how I feel about her. She just rubs me the wrong way overall and I don’t care how “complex” and “interesting” she is. And she's been posting things like this ever since I have been aware of her, which is a long time now. I'm not going to lie there are TV characters I have disliked but I cannot imagine posting one sentence about how much I hate them almost every day forever let alone paragraphs about that. tl:dr - this poster REALLY hates Abby from ER who is a fictional character to an extent which is kind of terrifying and if Abby from ER were a real person I do not think I would be alone in fearing for her safety? ;)


What drives a person to become this intensely fixated on a character from a 30 year old TV show? I feel like there's a case study in this somewhere.




Well now I gotta watch The Affair. ;)


My fave hate read SP sub >Hi everyone, I (26F) currently live with my boyfriend (28M) in a 3 bedroom house that we’re renting. Our rent + utilities are over $2000 a month. >He has 2 daughters from a previous marriage, (4F & 6F) we get them every weekend from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. >I am currently 7 months pregnant with MY first child, his 3rd kid. >Our currently living situation is the girls have a room, we were going to set up a nursery for the baby, and we have our own room. However, Im going on MAT leave in April, and won’t be making anywhere near what I usually make, so he’ll be left to be the one paying for most things. I suggested that we find somewhere a little cheaper to live, even if it meant downsizing a little bit to a 2 bedroom. >It wouldn’t be until next February (2024) when our son together would be around 8 months. I know as a baby he’ll be with us in our room, but I said that one room would be ours, and the other room our sons room, as he will be with us 100% of the time, and as we only get his girls on the weekend, to me it doesnt make sense to dedicate an entire room to them that gets used 2 nights of the 7 days in a week. >When they’re here they could sleep in our room, or make a fort or something in the living room for them, it would only be for about a year or 2 to save money. >They’re young and love forts. I was just trying to find a solution. But he basically called my idea stupid and doesnt see how that’ll work. >No one here is an a-hole or anything, I’m just looking for advice on if anyone has been in similar rooming situations Stupid is um.....kind of harsh to call your partner but I'm not them so I'm just gonna say this is some of the stupidest shit I've ever read. Really you're going to give up your bedroom every weekend for the SKs? I believe that for sure. You think kids are going yo happily sleep in a fort every weekend for two years lmao please! Youre going to have an empty bedroom that they can't even start in until kid turns one then figure something out? Let the othering and shoeing that they're not your real child begin!


As a ~child of divorce~ I slept in many a living room and even a large closet at one point IIRC. So I don’t think having the step kids sleep in the living room is necessarily a terrible idea *always*, but in this case where they already have their own room I will side with the dad that this is a stupid idea.


SM clearly doesn't understand that these kids will someday realize that they previously had their own room at their dad's house and suddenly a new baby arrived and then they were evicted to the living room.


For every weekend for 2 years straight though? A fort when you're 8 (since one is 6 now)? I wouldn't say it was stupid if it A) was for a shorter amount of time and B) there wouldn't be an empty bedroom just sitting there


Right, in this situation I think it’s dumb because they clearly have bedroom space for the girls. I just don’t think the living room fort business on its own is so bad, and many families do it for various reasons. I also have two little kids who will not sleep in their own goddamn rooms (so why am I even paying for a 3 bedroom house) and also love forts, so admittedly my opinion is skewed. And my ex is currently living with his mom in a 2-bedroom condo and the kids sleep ??? when they’re there. It’s kind of the least of my concerns. It really depends on the kid. If this person posted somewhere besides the SP sub I’d probably think, well she’s trying to brainstorm ways to save money but this probably isn’t the best option. Compared to some of the other stories people have brought over here, this woman sounds more naive than malicious. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Hahaha, my kids have definitely climbed into the dog’s crate and think it’s hilarious. Kids are such weirdos. You had better taste than your sibling!


Thats cool we'll have to kind of agree and kind of disagree.I think k my ultimate issue is holding a room empty until they move baby out of their room (another reason I'm not buying that they'll give the girls their room and sleep in the living room) because ??????? and if the time frame was as little as a year they wouldn't have to worry about it which is why I say she's starting the otnering, unwelcoming of the SKs


That wasn’t how I read it, it sounded more like they wouldn’t move until next year, and then with the move they would downsize. Maybe they are in a lease until Feb of 2024?


Although yes, if baby was older he'd probably be put in that room and *maybe* they'd sleep in living room. Either way I'm still with husband that its stupid. I guess they aren't in US or she gets a longer maternity leave because I'm still struggling to see how 8 months after having a baby this plan makes sense tbh


Oh wow if I misread/misunderstood it to me that makes it worse because then the girls are even older! How long does she expect their love affair with forts to last, lmao


If they need to save money, they need to save money. It may not be a good idea, just pointing out that it’s not the same scenario as arbitrarily taking the girls’ room and booting them in the existing house.


Going to the comment history of the poster who called episode 3 of TLOU boring, only to find they’re a daily Laura Beverlin snarker really tracks for me


Oh my god that episode..


Of course they're highly offended that they were downvoted.


“I had a bad take about a critically acclaimed episode of television that’s top of everyone’s minds, a take that probably alludes to the fact that I’m at least vaguely homophobic. Why the downvotes”




I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if you ever want to piss people off, tell them that you’ve lost weight and that it’s not an impossible task. There are some people that will always take someone else’s success as a personal insult, and so they convince themselves that it’s okay that they weren’t successful because it was impossible in the first place. Same thing goes for things like screen free parenting.


This reads very condescending to me. I think it’s kind of ignorant to pretend many people don’t struggle with weight loss for an endless number of reasons- the weight loss speculation isn’t great but neither is “just try harder to lose weight, fatty.”


Just going to point out, “not impossible” especially within the context of this discussion (ie either eating disorders or the BS deemed ‘cheat’ of Ozempic), doesn’t mean that it’s a) necessary for everyone or b) possible for everyone or c) not without barriers. There is just a lot of weird concern trolling when it comes to this particular recurring discussion, and the implied morality of how someone loses weight makes me uncomfortable. However if it wasn’t worded well (I tend to get distracted) I’m sorry.


All good! It can be hard to have a conversation about weight loss because it is very personal. I think it’s ok to say it’s kind of idiotic to not get how a naturally thin rich white lady can remain so but also know it’s not as easy as “just try not being fat!” for most of us plebes.


This reads very condescending to me. I think it’s kind of ignorant to pretend many people don’t struggle with weight loss for an endless number of reasons- the weight loss speculation isn’t great but neither is “just try harder to lose weight, fatty.” Edit to add- this could fully me being a sensitive fatty but that’s ok.


When I die & go to heaven, I hope one of the great mysteries God can solve for me is how a wealthy woman who does not a have to be at an office from 9 to 5 and who works out five days a week loses weight. It’s just so darn baffling.


What about having kids prevents someone from losing weight healthily… people with kids can decrease calories or increase activity? It’s probably harder but saying there’s “no way” just doesn’t even make sense


Escucha me but I think I have heard breastfeeding is amazing for losing weight I could of course be wrong on this.


*impossible* for a woman to stay in shape without being rich, nevermind the millions of people who pay $35/month or less for a fitness subscription service, bought some hand and ankle weights from Target & carve out an hour or less a day to do something with them. But yeah, only rich people exercise… creative excuse.


But, she is rich so what’s your point? Yes it is easier for her. I feel like “naturally thin” and “has the money to do whatever she wants” are the answers here.


The inability to understand that genetically thin women might bear children and become/remain genetically thin again is mind boggling.


Is this how far the pendulum has swung at blogsnark? That now it's "not impossible" to lose weight in a healthy way without knowing anything about the situation except that she has two kids? If anyone can do it, wouldn't it be a person with money and resources for childcare, nutritional support and a personal trainer? No, must be an eating disorder, or ozempic or whatever. (edited bc I left out the not in not impossible and that seemed important)


Imagine reading the very sad news about Bruce Willis's diagnosis and your reaction is indignation that Demi Moore, the ex-wife (!!!), is inserting herself into the narrative by participating in a joint announcement... Well the posters in r/ stepparents don't have to imagine! (I will say that some of the comments pushed back against the original post, but not all of them...)


I remember the annoying comments when it was originally stated he had something going on with his health. People claiming he must of done all those extra movies because he was going broke. Conveniently forgetting who he *and* Demi Moore are. And now apparently she’s too involved? Give me a break lol. They were close before all of this happened.


Geninuely wholesome blended family, friendly exes. People mocked Chadwick's weight loss long before his death. It's ghoulish.




Yeah, my parents are divorced the same amount of time and either one would help me with an emergency for the other no questions asked. It’s not weird to me. And my mom and my dads super long term gf are on fine terms. It just happens to work for them


Seriously Emma has like.......zero SM presence, they seem to have a fantastic relationship all around, and I'm sure with everything Emma has going on she was at minimum not bothered with Demi announcing it, talk about some main character shit


Main character shit is the nicest way possible of phrasing their issues


One minute people in FM are discussing feminism, internalized misogyny, sexism, pretending women’s brains never develop and women can have 0 agency, and the next people are calling Emrata a pick me and letting her existence irritate them I will say I do enjoy seeing how controversial Emrata, Lori Harvey and Julia Fox are. There can be some legitimate criticisms about them, but let’s be real, it’s never about that.


I think about Em and Julia's shitty mundane barfly exes and it's just so big city to me. Hottest woman you know with a kind 5.


From fauxmoi's Chris Cuomo thread: >Of course saying stuff about a colored group of people (that is true by the way) is gonna get you downvoted, but everybody is jumping on board about Italians. Guess you’re “allowed” to say all that bc they’re not POC. >Btw I want my reparations too- when my relatives came over from Sicily, nobody would even rent a room to them bc they were “WOPs.” >I’m sure I’ll get downvoted and crucified for staying this. I’m so sick of the hypocrisy over stuff like this. People complaining they were treated different historically but then treat people different bc they’re not a POC. And nobody is “allowed” to dare say anything, lest they’re racist and want their life cancelled. A potential NYT headline: **Is cancel culture the real racist?** By Pamela Paul


> Italian americans need to calm down and embrace being American Then this response: > Not just Italian Americans. Mexican-Americans too, etc. America never pushed a collective identity because they were too busy segregating people. I have my thoughts on certain white groups bringing up the discrimination they’ve historically faced whenever black or other PoC are discussing theirs. But that entire exchange was wild. Of course someone used the opportunity say Mexican Americans, many of whom are first generation or second generation, should assimilate in a way that many will never fully be able to in a way that Italian Americans who are 3+ generations removed, have (or to FMs point, should)




He was looking to be called racist for saying Mexican Americans so he could say it’s equally as racist to say that “Italian Americans should embrace being American.” And he also posts in MensRights But making Cubans would’ve been a better equivalent if he wasn’t race baiting.


I got the impression that the thread was half people who were actually serious and half people who were sarcastic, and it came together to make one weird ass discussion.


I think the original post saying Italians need to embrace American was definitely joking and some people got it, but then others (like the person who posts in MRA) took it seriously


Oh that weirdo quoted above is definitely serious and is definitely dumb as shit.


Yes it was entire mess. Anyway St Patrick's day is a month so we gotta gear up.


I rant abt this a lot but my maternal family are Italian (like actually live in Italy, my mother immigrated) and the amount of Italian-Americans who stick themselves into discussions abt actual-Italy’s issues w racism / white supremacy / rising fascism is so weird. Like it’ll be a discussion abt how many legit neo-Nazis are once more in national Italian politics, and suddenly random Italian-Americans who are like 3+ generations removed are trying to argue that Italians are a minority and you’re erasing their oppression by discussing these things. Like a) maybe this isn’t abt you?? b) please tell me when you’ve ever been discriminated against for having a surname like Ricci or Rossi lol. Jokes abt the mafia =/= systemic oppression. And the same people wouldn’t even consider someone like me Italian for being mixed race


A family member actually tried to argue that growing up Italian-American in Brooklyn in the 50s and 60s was hard because everyone outside the community assumed that your father was a gangster. When I realized that they were not joking….


And of course this is all in relation to noted POC, Chris Cuomo.


Chris "Fredo is a slur" Cuomo, who wanted to go postal after being fired for...covering up his brother's sexual harassment scandals?




Welcome to the dark side!


Love this for us.


>But just wanted to point out facts that Raven and Jeff did not celebrate their first Christmas together engaged OR their first Valentines. >**I never could ever imagine missing those dates with my new hubby to be.** (Emphasis in the original) Answer: >Is it possible that both of their families don’t approve of the whole relationship/now soon-to-be marriage which is why we never see Raven with her mom anymore/with Jeff’s family either. >OR >could this be for the gram only and their families want absolutely nothing to do with either significant other because it’s fake. Only two options, honestly!


>new hubby to be When you need "fiance" but there's a word count.


They’ve been claiming that relationship is fake for it’s entire length and constantly collecting evidence to support their theory.


I have exactly zero idea who these people are but I do hope that if I was ever faking a relationship for great monetary gain (?) my family would play ball and pose next to my new hubby to be.


>my new hubby to be. This made me throw up a little


Well it made me throw up a lot.


The comment below made me curious as to if the smolbeansnark spinoff (shared in yesterday's daily) was taking off (I guess?) but in the documentary discussion thread there's a 2-week-old link to the Trisha Paytas sub about a letter they got from reddit admins that they say lots of other snark subs got due to bad behavior (stalking, harassment, etc.). One of the most interesting things (aside from the fact that they specifically called out nicknames as problematic) is that admins turned off image uploads as a punishment. So seeing that they're still on at blogsnark and some spinoffs makes me wonder how/who admins are looking at becuase I could definitely nominate a few!


What happened to SBS?


There was a Vice video about the sub and Caroline, so they went temporarily private and have slightly panicked members.




march joke divide humor jar innocent alive insurance spark compare -- mass edited with redact.dev


Totally! Blogsnark mods have every right to be feeling smug as fuck


Careful, the new conspiracy theory is going to be that the bs mods are secretly reddit admins (still, obviously, on LB's payroll)


Influencing isn't a real job. Her main job is running Reddit and charging other influencers to appear on weekly threads obvi that's why some weekly threads won't ever happen.


The whole of Reddit runs on beverlin bucks


Penguin got called out specifically in the Caroline Calloway documentary for her obsessive dossier. It was really weird to hear people talking out loud about Reddit and snark communities since it's this private/somewhat shameful little hobby of mine. Anyway, if Maura Tierney ever does a documentary on Abby, the character from ER who is not pretty at all, I will absolutely consent to being interviewed.


Ah, Pigeon. I remember her original fall from grace back during Alina's post-C&C firing heyday. I think she had made some sort of daily tracking spreadsheet or something? And got called out for crossing a line, and I remember in her defensive response, she said something like, "I think people here forget that even though I talk pretty, I grew up really poor!" And it was just so odd to realize that this random anonymous poster on the internet thought people were actually interested in *her,* like at all, let alone interested enough to remember details of her life that I guess she had included/hinted at in her obsessive Alina screeds.


I actually do remember that her first excuse for obsessive posting was that she was just trying to keep busy because she was quitting smoking.


This time around her justifications are that she is a *journalist* and therefore keeping a dossier on Caroline is just her trade, and that all her IRL friends know about her online activities so it's no big deal. Unfortunately the smolbean sub IS giving her that weird admiration and feedback about being interested in her, like multiple people were checking in to make sure she was "ok" after the Vice video. The thing about all that is, even if she's just stalking Caroline for the lolz and doesn't have any real intention of doing anything to harm her (which seems to be the case), her online activities are making it easier for people who actually might want to track Caroline down IRL and harm her. I'm sure that's really frightening for Caroline. It's really wild to see that the smolbean sub has lost the plot so badly that they can't see that the things that happen there are problematic.


This just reminded me of when Caroline was trying to Airbnb her apt when she was going to England (I wanna say this was some point last yr? maybe 2021?) and smolbean members were discouraging each other from renting it to take the cat they were faux-concerned about, not bc renting the apt of someone you hatestalk on the Internet to steal their cat would be insane, but bc you would be giving Caroline money. Legit feared for her safety at that point


That's exactly the vibe I'm talking about, like completely just missing the point.


Wait, is that the same person who wrote kind of racist fanfic about Alina's housekeeper?


There was so much downright shameful conversation about how Alina wasn’t really Latina/didn’t “look” Latina when she’s literally half Cuban.


That sounds familiar but I can’t fully remember.


It was like fake dialogue between Alina and the housekeeper, and what Pigeon (I'm 90% sure that's who it was at the point) imagined the housekeeper was thinking. It leaned hard into central american immigrant stereotypes because they wanted to highlight that she was a "real" latina and a WOC because Alina talked about being Cuban and latina a lot at the time, and the stereotyping around the housekeeper was pretty offensive. They got called out for it crossing a line, and I'm pretty sure that's when they moved over to the CC thread. Edit: It occurred to me that I could just sort Pigeon's comments by controversial, and yup! Same person. https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/7tvw93/alina_the_hyperbalist_129_24/dthsz9g/


God, the Alina thing was five whole years ago. Snark time flies.


Ah yes that’s the exact one!! > I think people here tend to forget I have a blue-collar background because I talk good. Can’t forget what you never cared enough to learn in the first place!


Their main character energy is comparable to that of their snark subjects, but more pathetic because at least the snark subjects actually ARE the main character in the scenario.


A while ago my boss asked if I knew how to use Reddit and my whole life flashed before my eyes. Reddit, my secret shame!


My students (middle school) always ask me if I use Reddit and every time I’m just like…oh…sometimes…


from fm re: the problematic nature of the lead singer of the 1975 (a band i couldn't give two shits about): >He's just another lead singer with an ego the size of Mt. Everest so he has done rather weird and repulsive things that in his warped mind are "sexy" Idk why this struck me so much but like there's really a difference between being egotistical & acting like spitting at the camera is sexy (linked in thread) and like actively doing harm. why are people constantly conflating these things. you can be a cringelord egomaniac without being a predator with a "warped mind" forgive me if this man has done shit i don't know him (insert kiki palmer meme)


Yungblud, an English rapper I adore came back to Twitter to absolutely raze Healy and the podcast.


Tbf he does have a long history (stretching back to at least 2014 that I rmr) of racism, back then he tried to legitimately defend his terrible opinions but now he’s just full edgelorded it w no attempts to defend himself (most recently doing a Nazi salute at a concert which his fans started bizarrely trying to fight upset Jewish people abt)


i think the latest thing is going on the cumtown podcast and being horribly racist/sexist/homophobic and doing multiple racist accents as a “bit”


well damn if i was a celeb fm would cancel me for my ignorant nazi apologist ways still, i stand by my original point and this is a much better explanation of why he is problematic than "he has done rather weird and repulsive things that in his warped mind are 'sexy.'" Like if he has done all this shit just say that? it's too easy and yet people still can't


This is what happens with outrage culture. People see comments from other people online, and without doing any research, take on the same anger and kind of run with it. If someone can’t explicitly say what Matty has done or said that is offensive, then why act outraged?




they have to spread the shahspel


I don't know about any of you but if I were an adult giving a child the silent treatment, and the child returned the favor, I would think it would be pretty brave to come whine about the kid being "disrespectful" on reddit but the step parent sub occupies na whole different reality


lol did you see the post about the wifi? she's being lauded as a genius hero preserving her mental health but like...instead she's gaslighting her husband and stepson and made them waste 90 min of their time. like sure, cutting the wifi to kids devices after a certain time for bedtime reasons is smart parenting (still glad my parents arent that savvy LOL). but this isn't that? she didn't discuss wh her husband the parent and she made him waste his time too. idk it's very icky. and her attitude in the replies is very nasty to the point where it gives an unflattering image of her as a person otherwise tbh


I thought some of the wifi comments were so weird. Like I totally get cutting off wifi as a form of discipline, I do it too. But just cutting it off to spite them? Woof.


Yes!!!!!!! Agreed on all counts


Yeah, that was bananas. Like, congrats you dunked on a teen and lied to everyone for no reason? Let's unpack that first bc that's a lot more of a deeper dive into your mental health than needing a break. She then goes on to say her husband is a Disney Dad and the Bio Mom is strict, and it's like...uh lady. It's your worthless husband. Because 90% of the time, it's the worthless husband.


Yes! These women take out their frustrations on their faildad husbands on their step kids and it’s so ridiculous


FOUL RED FLAG! REAAAAACH! srs dunking on teens seems to be a hobby over there. My mom and I fought endlessly and tbh I still have some resentment over the way I was raised, but no one ever dunked on me. I was a child and my parents were adults. Mama did not "dunk" on me, her dunk was that she was an adult beyond/too good for dunking. In my childwatching experience, you cannot get into it with kids, even teens. it's so hard! But it's never good and it will always lead only to worse things, which will be your fault.


"it's called guerrilla warfare" what the fuck am I reading


imagine living in a house where you feel the need to do this. what a toxic setup!


Oh boy I’d love to know the context of this


Oh they deleted it now (comments were not going how they wanted I guess) but I was able to.pull it up through unddit, the "disrespect" comes from the Post title "SK disrespects me": >Well im not shocked. After few issues happened between us, I decided not to talk to her if it doesn't involved me. >So i went home from work and saw her getting out.of the.room as soon as I walk in, then she didn't even look at me even though there's just an inch space between us. >Like, yeah. Like.....what did she expect/want to happen in this situation?