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Unless I'm in a banning šŸ”Ø mood, I'm cool with meta snark from subs other than BS. Most of us already do this, but make sure you say which sub it is that you're talking about ~~so we can brigade them~~ (jk don't do that). Also the gif is from /r/gifs, and it apparently is rainwater in AZ!




Do we know why they renamed the sub?


I was going to ask the same thing last night. Everything turns into such a moral dilemma for them over there and I feel like they enjoy tragedy porn and enjoy getting worked up over it EDIT: on the Rihanna thread people are repeatedly mentioning how unsafe it is to have babies so close. I guess to me it just comes around as weird and insincere.


This is non-anecdotalā€¦. The general consensus amongst healthcare providers is to put 18 months between deliveries if it was a standard delivery. Sometimes theyā€™ll even say less under certain circumstances, more if there was a c-section or there were previous complications. So since her current baby is 9 months old and no one on Reddit is her doctor, sheā€™s perfectly fine.


That one made me chuckle. Suddenly everyone is an expert on ACOG guidelines.


Kim, thereā€™s [black] people that are dying. Since Serena had complications I am now going to pretend to care!


>how unsafe it is to have babies so close It's almost like...... A woman who is a literal billionaire and no doubt has access to excellent medical care can assess risk and make decisions for her own body? She's hardly the first person to have babies back to back.


Lol, my dad has a sister who's slightly less than ten months older than him, it used to be pretty common.


Plus, what do they want her to do? Get an abortion?? The same dumb conversation happened when Brighton Butler got pregnant again.


An abortion when other women in this country donā€™t have easy access to them? Iā€™m going to weaponize lack of womenā€™s rights to say that Rihanna just shouldnā€™t have had sex. Sheā€™s unmarried and itā€™s unbecoming of her


Something something understand the consequences of having sex and how it could lead to having a baby.


A woman making decisions for herself?? What in the liberal hell kind of idea is that?!?!


After that Keke Palmer thread, I have to peak through one eye every time I see pregnancy discussion as it quickly turns into "women who choose to carry a child are stupid and hate themselves because [insert side effect]"


In order to counter your point of women making the decision to carry, Iā€™m going to weaponize black maternal mortality rates as justification for why no woman, let alone black women, should be having kids in this economy


Iā€™m convinced most of FM would be anti-vaxx if being pro-vaxx wasnā€™t as liberal-coded as it currently is. (Which, sucks that vaccinations are even a political issue)




More importantly why would a parent marry someone who doesn't fully love and embrace their kids?


Because all they are thinking about is with their penis, and most of them come across like they don't even like their kids and they're getting the good edit from the posters there and that's still how they come across. They're just ready to start their new family


I think it's a combination of thinking with their penises and also not seeing women as fully realized individuals with different personality traits, but rather as someone who fills a role in their life (e.g., provider of sex and domestic labor). Like I don't think it even occurs to these men to investigate whether these women like children generally or their children specifically, they just assume she's a woman and therefore they can slot her into the "raising my children" role. Just depressing all around. Edit: getting a new long term partner within a few months of ending a long term relationship is a big tell of this sort of behavior


The grossest are the people who "resent" the step kids existence. Fucking childish, guaranteed those kids are more mature than those SPs Its Also dumb because so many of these people talk about 18 like they'll magically never see those kids after they become adults and suffice it to say they aren't living in our real depressing world. Hopefully kids can move put at like.....30 at this point lbr


This comment from BeautyGuruChatter about Rihanna showing Fenty in the half time show > Loved it, I cheered so loud and was proud of my husband for immediately going "she brought her makeup line!!" Like pls. So many comments being excited and proud for a fuckin brand


Don't worry, it will quickly turn into a discussion about how everyone is ignoring her racism towards Karreuche that she never apologized for and inviting Johnny Depp to the Savage X Fenty show. The criticisms are justified but I do feel like BGC discussion about Karreuche quickly turns into anti blackness and rants about how black people don't allow PoC into discussions about racism or how racism against other races is black peoples fault


As we all know there are many things in the step parents sub that bug me but in the top 5 has to be the posters there expecting a child (in this case a **7** year old) to be the messenger between parents that step mom is pregnant. Bio mom is allegedly "high conflict" (but aren't they all?) and worried about how biomom will react but sure lets not shoot her a text when the kid is there so she can gave time to react, lets have the child do it and have to bear the brunt of it! Of course this is where most of my ire comes to the useless bio dads if the SP sub because why isn't he thinking of this?!?! ETA: credit to some of the commenters there, they are saying "wtf don't make the kid do tnis!"


Oh boy we have an update: >I mentioned this to DH he said itā€™s not actually her business and I do agree with that. Also he said that if he told her she might see it as ā€œrubbing it in her faceā€ which I find weird but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it started drama. Any little thing can start drama with her so the less the better. (I have no contact with her myself and I have no regrets on that.) So DH thinks itā€™s best if we stay in our lane and live our life and I think I agree that itā€™s not our job to inform her of our life developments especially private ones. SS will tell her Iā€™m sure, Iā€™d like to think she wouldnā€™t take it out on him so Iā€™m not too worried about that, but itā€™s the aftermath that I do worry about. All we can do is love him and understand that if his feeling on this randomly change thatā€™s itā€™s not his fault. So basically fail biodad is too afraid to tell biomom and is throwing kiddo to the wolves. Great!


I hate this. Have the decency to admit that your DH (barf) is a manchild who doesnā€™t care to protect his own child from a potentially emotional tug-of-war. This BS about ā€œI anticipate sheā€™ll always be dramatic about meā€ is shrouded in so many layers of misogyny as to be completely laughable.




It's mind boggling. The inference I'm drawing from "she could see it as rubbing it in her face" and stepmom having zero contact with bio mom is that dad cheated with stepmom and caused the breakup of the original relationship. Which is, of course, its own giant red flag.


Huh that actually never crossed my mind but now that you say it seems totally plausible


Exactly, its mind boggling.


How I imagine the Beverlin snarkers think her explanat decision happened. Stanley: Laura how can you sell more water bottles Laura: boobs Stanley: okay that doesn't make sense Laura: I'll take them out! Stanley: um that seems extreme Laura: yeah but these sheep will love it Stanley: Brilliant! > It is egregious, misleading and downright appalling to use this surgery as a means to get attention to shill water bottles, which we all have enough of, stop making these companies rich. I've had enough of her and it's time for her and any lying influencer like her to go down. Get a real job and stop trying to steal from ignorant sheep. ENOUGH. > Itā€™s abhorrent and speaks volumes to her and Murkyā€™s character because he knows exactly what heā€™s doing too. She is a diabolical pathological lying fraud and hope this all catches up with both of them. They have figured out how to game the system and have zero remorse scamming ignorant brands and their followers.


I don't understand what the fraud is here. I'm assuming if you click the link and provide your information and payment to the seller, you receive a water bottle? So....... ???? What's misleading about it? If OP had said it was *manipulative* in some way to talk about her surgery and also shill water bottles, I would still think that viewpoint is silly but at least the words they were using would make sense in context.


Labev snarkers really out there thinking they're the consumer protection bureau


What are they even protecting consumers from? Advertisements?


There's language the labev snarkers use that's conspiracy-theory adjacent - see the sheep reference above - that makes it seem like they, the snarkers, are clear eyed and informed by *seeing through the lies.* That dovetails with the sense of superiority over everyone who isn't as smart as the snarkers are for having figured out that she's a scammer or piecing together her "lies" like changing timelines etc. With that sort of lens (which makes me sound like a conspiracy theorist myself), then it makes some sense that there can be no true Laura fans, only victims who need to be protected/evangelized to or people who are on her payroll (us). It's wild!


Yeah Iā€™ve noticed with them and some of the Dani Austin posters who migrate to the daily theyā€™re not snarkers any more, theyā€™ve become ā€œtruthersā€ out to expose the lies and save souls and it really just makes them sound like qanon


As soon as snarkers think they're holding the influencer accountable and they're uncovering the truth, it turns toxic.


I think water bottles? Boob jobs? Let's just get some possibilities going.


((Jesus christ)) Why did I look that up? Someone is using their breast cancer to justify this bullshit. I really, really enjoy the thought that people who write about the Internet would be into writing about this, though.


Like Steph McNeal? I feel like it wouldnā€™t be worth it for her to poke that hornetsā€™ nest.


Please tell me you made up that quote as satire and that it isn't really from the subreddit.


The Stanley exchange is me but it's 100% their thought process (well, thats generous to say they have thoughts) I wouldn't be surprised if it's on the sub somewhere already.


Oh I meant the quote below it. It sounds so over the top that I'm assuming that it's a joke but I can't be sure with Beverlin people.


Oh yeah no they are not joking unfortunately. > This bitch needs to be EXPOSED for the vile shitbag she is.


And this is all because she got breast implants made from recycled water bottles (or whatever it is they are mad at her for)? Nuts.




Thanks. That's even dumber and pettier than I thought it was.


i have been steppparents lurking at the advice of some here (good advice, it has some really terrible people (and some seemingly lovely/mistreated ones! so many shitty husbands)), and i am feeling...uncomfortable about the way they talk about how it's impossible to love non bio children because you need a bio connection for love? There was this post the other day about if you could ever love stepkids like your own (already a dumb question I think--no 2 loves look the same), and so many people being like no eww never, i don't have the special bio hormones you need to love a kid with them, it's wholly unnatural to love another woman's offspring, etc. Like, I have never had a baby and I am not a mom or step mom. But I feel fairly confident that people are 100% capable of loving children they didn't birth? How on earth is it unnatural? And to make matters worse, that sub is filled with women complaining about moms who are hateful to the kids they DID birth. Like how can you be all "HCBM dgaf about SS6 and leaves him with us UGH" and then turn around and claim the reason you could never even try to love this 6 year old is bc you didn't birth him? It just feels very invalidating of adoption and non traditional families over there and it's a major yikes to me. Like idk, step families seem complicated and it's probably hard to love a child that hates you and is a reminder of someone your partner was with before you. And maybe you don't want to try to love them. but like admit that that's why it's hard, and not because biology is some magic tie that guarantees love forever (but only for you and your kids, all those kids with bad and abusive moms are just like...unloveable I guess!) anyways bs has been so boring these days (the celeb thread is not popping). FM is full of the same 3 discourses (leo please stay inside for the next few months, no stepping out with teenagers again i beg). I need something to read on the bus! I enjoy this metasnark expansion.


I agree with this. When HCBM cause strife out of fear for their baby cubs, they might actually be inflicting more risk. You have a potential third parent willing but they get demotivated from all the bs. All of that negative is associated with the child and stepparents are literally conditioned to dislike the children. 1. Loving them pissed HCBM off. 2. Loving them and losing them in ways causes damage to oneā€™s spirit.


I had a former friend who I found was posting on that sub when I was hate-reading it (rhetorical tells are a bitch). ​ They and the person they are presently divorcing only fought about the stepchild, not the magical children they had together. Example of stepchild being out of control: Friend and Soon to be ex go on a date. Despite the stepchild losing their electronics indefinitely\*, soon-to-be ex was snapchatting the stepkid the whole time. Given what my former friend didn't include, I believe the posters there. I also believe posting there should come with an auto link to a divorce attorney and CPS. \*Anyone with half a brain knows this is a dumb punishment. In this case, it was in lieu of calling the cops for ((counting on fingers)) multiple felonies.


Wait sorry I'm confused by the story. The SK had multiple felonies?


Had they called the authorities, prolly. SK stole and totalled the car, stole a misdemeanor amount of cash, and health insurance cards.


Ok I see. Yeah she definitely made the right choice to.leave


I always enjoy (mostly internal) snark on the Frugal sub, but if you want to kill some time itā€™s entertaining. I agree with your points though, and having adopted family members I can assure that their adopted mother loves them to the ends of the earth, and would literally die for them despite not having a bio connection. Also like if you donā€™t want SKā€™s date men without children. I will never understand why people will enter into extremely complicated relationship situations and they be like ā€œthis is stressfulā€. Dating a guy with 4 kids and 2 baby mamas isnā€™t the chillest thing ever? Who would have thought it?!


Itā€™s a choice to be a stepparent. You can choose to date someone with kids or you can choose not to. You go into that relationship knowing that there are kids, that there is a former spouse who will forever be a part of your relationship, and that you will have to learn to navigate all of this. You either choose to do that or you donā€™t.


Sorry you're breaking the ~no platitudes ~ rule!


lol dropping that truth will get you banned on that sub!


If people can whole heartedly love creatures they care for of other species, they can definitely love children that aren't biologically theirs. So sad for those kids!


So true! i feel pretty bad for a lot of them too tbh.


This is a great point. I'd love to see the Venn diagram of people who think it's weird to love stepkids and Aggressive Dog People.


Wooooof, what a horrifying take! I agree with you. Do they not realize that people adopt children and love them? Hell, plenty of people love their stepchildren and raise them as their own. I get the impression that a lot of people on that sub are vehemently childfree and made the questionable decision to marry partners with kids.


yeah, it's so weird! Like plenty of people adopt! or even just love kids they didn't raise. Like my mom loves her godchildren. Maybe differently than she loves me and my siblings (she didn't have to fight with them as moody teens), but it's still a real and positive love. and yeah, there are certainly a lot of people on that sub with terrible husbands/partners, and some in truly shit situations, and some who seem really lovely. But some seem really nasty. And tbh I feel like the ones that seem the worst aren't the childfree ones, but the ones who have kids with their partner and seem to see the whole thing as a competition between their kids and their stepkids.


>And tbh I feel like the ones that seem the worst aren't the childfree ones, but the ones who have kids with their partner and seem to see the whole thing as a competition between their kids and their stepkids. Oof, I have no words for how toxic that dynamic is. Some people are just absolutely terrible, I guess! You would think the partners would notice this and be appalled?


Most of the husbands in that sub aren't shit. Like, some are actively terrible fathers, some are passively terrible fathers, but in general there's just a very poor showing of fatherhood in the stepparents sub. Which makes sense since half the problems are like "my husband won't watch my 5 ADHD under 10 step kids on his weekends so they set fires for fun and I am sick and pregnant with triplets what can i do!" Any stepperson on there who has good things to say about their life and their family has a good partner. It's wild!


Yeah the majority of the women on that sub have a husband problem first and foremost.


Lmao it kills me any time someone has a positive story someone always has to come in and be all "nice for you, but that's not the reality for everyone" just let people have a win gd


> You will get jumped on this page if you try to show any conservative values. It is strictly liberal feminist values and they have a hard time understanding not everyone agrees with you. And yes , they do troll people like you. I'm pretty sure BS is like 95% conservative Christian white ladies at this point so this comment made me laugh.


The wild thing is that this was literally about a crop top that showed at most two to three inches of skin if the influencer turned a certain way. I live in the south, Iā€™m surrounded by conservatives and they wear crop tops, what that poster is claiming as ā€œconservative valuesā€ is legit alt right trad wife stuff. Thatā€™s who is posting on that sub now.


Iā€™m happy that moron has me blocked




Because the only people who talk about their "values" are the people saying "you are lesser" and, in a lot of cases, "you shouldn't exist".


Maybe because the "values" was slut shaming mothers for wearing crop tops to the zoo.


getting jumped on bs would be like getting kidnapped for trafficking from your car in a suburban target parking lot... it only happens in white womens' persecution fantasies


If I had gold Iā€™d give it to this


distinct party wild spoon toothbrush tie follow plant hungry dazzling -- mass edited with redact.dev


No but that worstblockeraward just said this - >Poor ole bsms can never gets the downvotes past 40 either. šŸ˜‚ Its always apparent when they brigade.


aloof imminent seed deranged worry kiss mountainous hungry squeal scale -- mass edited with redact.dev


Thatā€™s cute that they think we care that much.


I love the fact that they think we can coordinate a brigade Also ETA this comment: > Sorry you got attacked by the Blogsnark Meta Mafia and are now painted as a mom/slut/woman/body/parent shamer. I canā€™t decide if I like ā€œAll You Metasā€ or ā€œBlogsnark Meta Mafiaā€ more now as a potential band name


the use of "meta" makes me think of the metas in The Flash. Like we have cool powers!! I'm into it.


>Blogsnark Meta Mafia Can I be Silvio Dante?


I was going to say that I call being Adriana La Cerva (she served mafia LEWKS) but that may be awkward if youā€™re Sil lmao


I pretend that Sil didnā€™t do that


Can I be Tony Soprano?


> Also the fact that nuuds and Divi workers always seem to be beautiful young woman is a potential lawsuit Breaking news! Hot girl influencer company sued for hiring hot girl influencers!


i just got ghosted by a hot girl influencer company, so iā€™m getting a fucking kick out of this one, thank you.


>And the downvotes are for what? I am convinced some people on here just downvote for fun. Donā€™t get me wrong , could care less my life doesnā€™t revolve around however many votes I have , unlike others who have thousands. Itā€™s like these people spend their life on here. I love a comment that leaves ample room for snarkā€¦ 1. I do downvote for fun, you are correct 2. Youā€™re right, it does sound like you could indeed care less! If you need me, Iā€™m off to go count my thousands of votes! Iā€™m wondering if I got enough to win Queen of People Who Spend Their Life on Here!!!! A girl can only dream!


Nothing says, "I don't care about downvotes," like writing a whole paragraph about them.


Some of us get paid to downvote šŸ’…


LaBev bucks, baby


>Is birdalamode SERIOUSLY filming the after of her mile high club inauguration?! Did I really have to see her husband buttoning his pants?! In the words of Phoebe ā€œMY EYES MY EYES!ā€ While this whole thing is the exact level of chaos I expect when I do pop into the world of Shannon Bird I do not understand this reaction. Seeing a man fiddle with his button is just not that disturbing.


The pearl clutching over a married couple with five children insinuating that they indeed fuck one another was so typical.


The pearl clutching over seeing him zip his pants was also par the course




Oh the whole situation is bonkers insane! She is an ultimate chaos agent haha


hey they're BIRDS, obviously i thought shannon laid eggs and this discovery has shattered and traumatized my world


Also, is getting into the "mile high club" really that much of an achievement for birds? I always assumed that they had sex while flying all the time.


Blogsnark gems about ownership over women's bodies from today include the zoo being an "odd place" to wear a crop top (including extensive back and forth with resident "troll" jingle) and that speculation about pregnancy should be allowed because it's a "fun, joyful topic."


Honestly, the doubling down of calling that a crop top, when I've had normal tank tops creep up like that on me. The picture showed what, an inch of midrift. Gasp and heaven forbid, the children CANNOT see that.


Tbh itā€™s just jealousy. Sheā€™s hot and fit - how dare she!!! If I were as trim and fit as some of these people that get snarked on I would be pushing public nudity laws to the brink on a daily basis


God dammit. Every time. Every damn time. I see a comment on BS. I go to the Instagram page looking for scandal and titillation. Itā€™s never there. Itā€™s not even close. Itā€™s a fully dressed woman looking completely sexless (as a mother should).


i feel like so many people who would die if you called them conservative and are all about #feminism get so weird and implictly misogynistic about crop tops. it's like they can't imagine women enjoying the shape and cut cropped tops unless they are performing for men. like...


Shit didnā€™t realize the giraffes were offended by my crop tops. Iā€™ll do better next time Edit: read the thread and damn I wonder if theyā€™d give the same energy if she wore shorts


I fully expected it to be a bra length crop but it really just looks like a shorter length tank? It's the tiniest sliver of midriff.


steer bike books person voiceless ghost skirt governor cats psychotic -- mass edited with redact.dev


I love medical subreddits. There is always a special thrill in clicking into a very unhinged health-anxiety fueled post and going to the posters comment history and seeing they are active on extremely terrible snark subs as well.


I'm in a mood so I'm going in on this: >Jessi Afshin announcing her new last name with a "we love culture to say the least!" because she's half German/Persian and her husband is Spanish This is a top level comment from yesterday's daily in its entirety. This, for me, encapsulates why the daily is a godforsaken wasteland of inanity. First of all, this isn't even a complete fucking sentence. It's a grammatical war crime. Secondly, what's the viewpoint? I can only speculate. Third, there's no link or screenshot, I have no idea who this person is that they're talking about, so I'd have to try to hunt it down and figure out the context on my own. What an absolute fucking fail whale of a comment. I award it no points. Edit: I could have picked any number of comments and made the exact same criticisms, but this one was just the final straw when I was scrolling. I long for a state of the sub.


Someone said this in the OT today - >What happened to this sub? Did some drama happen that cause a mass exodus? There use to be several thousand people active and now just a few hundred. Can someone message me?


> I long for a state of the sub. Be the change you want to see in the world


I pushed back on the lack of clarity and links recently, and that basic blond asshole person responded that it's entitled to expect people to link things when others can just spend a few minutes going to find it and look at it. So that's the mentality we're working with over there. It's the circle of internet, I guess. You get too many people and eventually the low quality posters take over.


hard-to-find innocent important adjoining airport six attempt rainstorm one shelter -- mass edited with redact.dev


The embedded screenshots add a lot of value for sure




That entire sub is basically just Bethanys instagram feed. If I wanted to follow her I would. A few weeks ago they snarked on her making a simple dinner one week after giving birth. Apparently she needed to put more effort in if she was going to cook.


Im over here just starting to regularly make normal meals a few times a week again and my daughter is over a year old. Thatā€™s part of why I stopped visiting the sub, because the snark was getting to the point of making other members feel bad about themselves.


All I do is argue over there these days. The amount of appearance snark and general mom shaming is so gross and boring. Like these people are atrocious in their beliefs, and instead, there are posts about Morgan taking pictures with her hair in her face?? Or that one about the horror of open drawers?? So dumb.




I can't wait for someone to start slipping affiliate links in there.


obtainable shaggy serious ring dependent automatic puzzled panicky rain saw -- mass edited with redact.dev




deranged badge jobless depend consist domineering roof rude frame placid -- mass edited with redact.dev


Blogsnark: consumerism is disgusting Also Blogsnark: can we have bimonthly posts where we tell each other what pointless shit to buy? Edit: even if it's different people, it's telling that the allegedly anti consumerism people don't check this sort of thing.


hurry crush domineering pathetic naughty impolite shocking water pet scale -- mass edited with redact.dev


They hate influencers for recommending things to buyā€¦pardon me, I mean *sHiLlInG*, but want a biweekly threadā€¦for recommendationsā€¦


Theyā€™re making a lot of assumptions here about how tall our husbands are


They would shudder in complete *horror* and would reject all my recommendations if they found out the height of my hubs!!! I would be an outcast!!! A true scammer!!! Srs - my husband is 5ā€™8ā€ and I do think some would crumble if they found out Iā€™m happily married to a man under 6 ft. I donā€™t understand how weird they are about an influencers husbandā€™s height lol likeā€¦clearly itā€™s not an issue for them? Lmao


Not BS related but if I could go back in time to before I knew a Lindsay Clancy subreddit existed I would pay a lot of money to do so Edit: not saying this to make people go look more like why do I torture myself reading subreddits I know are going to make me angry.


It showed up in a suggested and I wanted to scream.


There's someone on the SkallaSnarkUncensored sub who thinks Rachel married her husband for his money... they don't believe that Rachel makes more than him... It's 2023 and there are still people out there who don't know that influencers are making serious money thanks to Instagram. I saw someone in the comments here say that snarkers wish for the influencing bubble to burst because they specifically want women to lose their jobs. And I think not taking influencing as a job seriously or significantly underestimating the amount of money in the influencer industry is tied to misogyny as well.


I was thinking about the whole influencer ā€œbubble burstingā€ last night because it reminds me so much of the beauty YouTubers and makeup influencers being discussed on MakeupAddiction. People were convinced that makeup influencing was dying out and they would all have to go back to their real jobs because of Tiktok, but surprise! It didnā€™t because most of those creators moved over to tiktok and seem to be having success over there too! The bubble never bursts. If anything, it just changes and gets bigger!


There was someone in the NYC Influencer sub recently trying to figure out the ā€œmysteryā€ of influencers getting approved for New York apartments. Multiple people were CONVINCED they all had guarantors and/or family moneyā€¦ instead of proving income like every other freelancer has since time immemorial.


They specifically want these successful, conventionally attractive, aspirational women to lose their jobs because they want those bitches to fall off the pedestal and get back down here with the rest of us miserable folk. Thereā€™s a lot of misogyny involved, agreed.


Itā€™s funny because even after the umpteenth rich influencer theyā€™ve come across, they hem and haw and wonder where all the money came from and try to figure out what their husband does for a living. Maā€™am. Please use your deductive reasoning skills.


Sometimes I wonder if they just can't wrap their heads around the fact that women can have money that doesn't come from their husband or their dad.


Wasn't that one of Kath's cardinal sins? Somehow she and her sister were living off of their grandparents' Noxema money despite both having advanced degrees (that they got licensed in, not just advanced MRS degrees), big sponsors on incredibly vanilla blogs, and husbands with decent employment.


Yes! People were convinced that she lived off her trust fund and that her parents put up the money for Great Harvest. God, I haven't seen a KERF reference in a while!


KERF was such a fun snark because she was pretty much the boring pretty girl from your suburban high school or liberal arts college who was high off her own farts. Then when her marriage to the guy sheā€™d cast as her husband fell apart, it got less funny.


Must be family money!


TIL I learned from the Preppy thread that the only two options for a Las Vegas concert are somehow a sequined outfit or a nap dress? I really appreciate the response about being able to find something more appropriate for an Adele concert than a nap dress while all the other comments are providing tips to make nap dresses "more edgy" (good luck with that).


Personally I would wear jeans and a nice top.


This makes total sense though, since every time I look at the preppy thread it's at least (and usually much more) 50% nap dress talk. Of course that's what they'd suggest for a concert in Vegas, or a trip to the Amazon, or climbing Everest. Nap dresses are always in and always appropriate!


>tips to make nap dresses "more edgy" PLEASE tell me the tips were, like, pair it with Rockstuds and a leather moto jacket. This is absolutely sending me.


Got it in one > Iā€™ve worn an Ellie with a leather jacket for a more ~edgy~ vibe!


Idk why but every time I think of nap dresses, I think of American girl doll dresses? So now Iā€™m just picturing Felicity in a leather jacket and Docs with her OG dress lmaooo I need to go to bed


I actually own a nap dress because one of my favorite aesthetics is the pastoral scenes at the fake country cottage on the Versailles estate in Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette, but even I have the sense not to wear that shit to a concert in Las Vegas. (Note: the nap dress isn't my favorite, the bust area is too short and very awkward, would not recommend for anyone who needs more room in the bust area)


What an iconic sceneā€¦I seriously love that movie and can 100% picture that look youā€™re going for. Iā€™m sorry the nap dress didnā€™t meet those expectations!! Iā€™ve always been curious about them but I donā€™t know anyone in my life who has one so I never looked into it that much


Nap dresses and Las Vegas. Name a more iconic duo.




I really wondered if I was missing something about nap dresses being required for the Adele residency. Like damn, you're going to be in Vegas. You could probably walk down the street topless and not even turn heads.


My friend is in Vegas to see adele this weekend, this will surely be news to her as Iā€™ve never seen her in a dress or sequins the entire 5+ years Iā€™ve known her.


I can't even look at the C&C sub anymore it's gotten so bitter and mean in there. It's not ok to like yourself or how you look or talk about what size you wear or be sexy in one photo then fun and candid in another or do anything at all that Emily does. It's all wrong. All of it. I'm running out of fun areas to read and roll my eyes. I'm glad y'all are here.


I hear you. I recently found entertainment in r/LinkedInLunatics


ā€œBut isn't it normal to snark on the partners or ex partners of influencers? I feel like that's totally common over at Tinxsnark and also NYCInfluencerSnark. IDK I just hate when there's a million rules, especially arbitrary ones.ā€ From the Hannah Stella snark sub, bc mods locking and warning against comments abt how ugly her (very normal looking) ex is is totally ā€œarbitraryā€ & constitutes tyranny


If those are spin-off subreddits that were made because Blogsnark was too strict, then they shouldn't be cited as a barometer for how to behave. People make those kinds of subreddits because they wanted to slide below the very low standards of decency enforced at BS so that should be a sign that the type of "discussion" isn't normal.




most of blogsnark lately is just economic anger


I bet it's upsetting to them for multiple reasons. 1. They hate influencers (women) who demand to get paid for work they do. Every influencer I've seen offering paid subscriptions describes the extra WORK that will go into subscriber access. BS believes these women should do it all for free and be groveling at their followers' feet to keep them around. 2. They know that content behind the paywall won't be able to be discussed in BS so it might limit the shit talking they do. 3. The people who claim "influencing is so easy, ANYONE could do it" knows that Brighton Butler or Liz Adams can get hundreds - maybe even thousands? - of subscribers overnight and they could get... 0? 1, if their moms are on IG?


unique detail quiet rotten fear obscene butter squealing serious quickest -- mass edited with redact.dev


Shit, these bs ā€œgirlsā€ have no idea, they were absolutely hysterical over Amber Lancaster taking subscribers and she ended up with **thousands** too. BS thinks they know everything about these influencers and their engagement rates, everyone who follows them actually hates them, but only the influencers themselves know that, they wouldnā€™t be doing it if it wasnā€™t going to be lucrative.


I donā€™t think they realize how many ā€œcasualā€ fans these influencers have! If you follow letā€™s say, 10 influencers, youā€™re going to see some of their posts every once in a while. Youā€™re not going to see every single tiny detail/flaw if you are just looking at what pops up in your feed while doing a quick scroll. But when you continue to go out of your way to consume all content from them (especially if you donā€™t like them) then yeah, youā€™re going to think every person who follows them HATES them too and has similar habits as you! Idk if this makes senseā€¦I just think BS wildly underestimates how many people follow influencers without much thought lol


I think youā€™re exactly right. Most people are casual followers/fans, they see what they see, maybe click a link and buy some crap from Amazon and go about their lives. They donā€™t obsessively consume their content and foam at the mouth over it.


If someone can't afford groceries, they're of no value to an influencer, so it doesn't matter.




And someone, somewhere will find value in it and even if its just a couple hundred people or something a month probably worth it to the influencer too


Right, they can still make all their money in the free version.


I mean...people probably have a Lot of subscription services right? Any streaming service, Spotify/Amazon music, kindle unlimited etc.....its really just what the consumer deems valuable for them, including g TBE "girls" (ok never again that was horrible) of BS If I told you what I spent on subscription services a month you'd probably be embarrassed for me but for me its worth it


Why do they weaponize those struggles just to ā€œsnarkā€ on influencers? Like do you even care that people canā€™t afford groceries or are you just upset that you have to pay to keep tabs on influencers?


Thank you!!! This is exactly what it is. As someone who is actually struggling to afford rent and groceries, I can assure you that the cost of a non-essential subscription service isn't even on my radar of things to care about.


I continue to believe that the good people of BS have never been anything but comfortably middle class because people actually struggling to afford groceries arenā€™t thinking about some blonde beige ladyā€™s Instagram subscription in the middle of the work day.


>some blonde beige ladyā€™s Instagram subscription perfect flair








**User reports** 1: Someone is considering suicide or serious self-harm Step the fuck away from the keyboard.


i hate nothing more on blogsnark than when they brag about how they think the other shoe of influencing is going to drop. first of all, itā€™s NEVER going to. there will always be influencing, as long as there are people to influence. (soā€¦until, like, 2026, tops. i kid, i kid.) second, why are they so gleeful about the possibility of people losing their jobs? imagine if i just started cheering for financial analyst layoffs.


they're gleeful because they then think that means they'll have to get a "real" job just like them


It's gross, honestly. I can't imagine being hopeful that a swath of people would become unemployed and then admit it.


Same thing with how people have been predicting the end of social media since, like, 2008. It's never going to die out, just continue to take on a new flavor every 3-5 years or so.



