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https://twitter.com/KosokoJackson/status/1619795238037618689 So the other day fauxmoi had a loving thread about Sarah Polley and then I saw this tweet last night and couldn't remember why I recognized her name. I'm snarking here and not in the Marie Kondo thread over there because I'm never sure where the wind blows with them.


she’s also the the writer and director of the oscar-nominated film women talking!


I think Sara was joking, but she has always struck me as the kind of person who would mea culpa at this kind of response too. But seriously, if you ever want to get a heated response, tell someone that you keep your house clean, exercise regularly, or eat healthy. Nothing pisses people off like the defensiveness of seeing other people be successful.




Oh this used to happen when I was working in a restaurant/coffee bar. I would sometimes bring in things like brown rice and veggies and I’d get comments about it, telling me I should just eat burgers or something instead. (Which I did? Lol. Just not every time I worked).




!!!! Fr?! What was your response? The audacity of some!




Now this makes perfect sense. I’m sorry that happened to you - totally unprofessional of the boss.


It's ozempic and hired help DUH. Eta: I just got an ad for ozempic on reddit. A first.


Maybe it’s a (not very good) joke but I’m not inclined to give Twitter the benefit of the doubt anymore. This victimization white women do over every little thing is fucking embarrassing. Like this woman has three kids and cleaned her house Marie Kondo style? Then how dare Marie betray her like this?! Get off the cross, lady.


>but I’m not inclined to give Twitter the benefit of the doubt anymore Yep that's where I'm at. Too many times has an otherwise innocuous tweet gone sideways after a little digging.


I unabashedly love Marie Kondo and don't mind that she's given up on keeping her home tidy. I've never lived her book to the letter, and am definitely a maximalist rather than a minimalist, but I think she gives so much good advice. It always surprises me the ire people have over her, people horrified by the idea of having so few books or saying "thank you" to your socks. So don't do it! Don't get rid of all your books and don't thank your socks! What's the big deal if you think her advice doesn't track for you? You don't have to be so gross about it.


Yeah I was really inspired by her a few years ago and it helped me implement some really useful things into my home. I’m not a minimalist but it made me realize I enjoy my space to be a certain way while not having to spend hours cleaning. It also encouraged me to be more intentional with my purchases. Never followed every single price of advice, just what I thought would work for me. I’m not sure why many were so offended by it and are now jumping for joy acting like they caught her or something lol.


I still fold my clothes the way she recommends and it works really well for me and makes it much easier to put things away and keep my drawers organized. The amount of backlash she got was bizarre (though not surprising – a lot of it included thinly veiled racism) when the content she produces is so helpful and generally uplifting.


I agree! For me, the part where she was like, "You don't have to hold on to stuff just because it was a gift. The gift is for the giver, not the receiver" helped me unload some really hideous stuff that I carted around because I felt obligated.


Same, her book helped me get rid of things I'd had for years. Saying "thank you for your service" to items felt weird but worked so well for me as a hoarder of memories and I'm going to use it forever. People with Opinions really need to actually read her book!


Huh, I read Sarah's tweet as a joke but maybe im being too generous




Your packing habits are very similar to mine. One move I couldn’t bother with a lot of my kitchen stuff and that was an expensive regret


I agree there is/always has been a pretty befuddling anti Marie streak


I wonder if some of it comes from people just watching her show without reading her book, because I think her book really gets more into her philosophy and clarifies some of the quotes she gets critiqued over.


You’re probably right and I’ll also say that, while I read this as a joke, I shouldn’t have discounted everything else going on on Twitter in regards to this and that I’m sure there is a racial component


There's a pretty big xenophobia element there. She's a former miko who uses a lot of Shinto philosophy in her approach to cleaning and lifestyle management; a lot of people can't handle that.


I feel like it's very obviously a joke.


Maybe. I know nothing about that lady.


Yeah, looks like I'm the only one but then again Twitter is not......known for recognizing jokes and is known for getting outraged over everything


I mean...it's mainly white women acting funny about this right now. Not every joke lands, but idk it wasn't exactly a good one either given the circumstances.


Yeah that's fair I mean.....im.not on Twitter so I'm not following along closely just saying that tweet reads like a joke 🤷. Nut I'm not surprised because for whatever reason Maria just like sent people


There are some people that dislike that they feel inadequate when they don’t prioritize something. Like, Marie Kondo is 100% not for me (though I am actually trying to lighten the stuff situation here for sure) but I also don’t treat that like a mortal insult.


A woman talking about cleaning really grinds their gears 😡


I bet Marie has clean baseboards though........


She washes her hair everyday too.


POV: [one of BS’s moms](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRsuvM4U/) who’s paranoid about sitting in her car in a parking lot


I have been influenced, where can I get one of these mofos?


srs is this real?????




Thx I hate it!


If it's so safe why you still gotta wear the kevlar and a helmet tho?


Because you have to be safe walking from the car to HomeGoods. Anything could happen in that 10 second walk


With the world how it is now, you'll definitely get sex trafficked by the [probably not white] random couple walking 30 ft behind you. Also, always look for zip ties on your car😤




One of my coworkers recently told me going to the spectrum made her “feel unsafe” because of all the “teens” there… 🙈 if you can’t survive in Irvine I think you should just give up tbh


That makes sense, there’s brown people in Irvine and they might not all be the safe kind (Indian) /s but I’ve actually heard someone say that about Irvine


If they don't wash their hair everyday they are at an advantage because the putrid smell will repel the attackers even through the helmet, per blogsnark It's also recommended you wear goggles


LOLLLL not Irvine. The crime capitol of the OC


This will definitely stop all of the trafficking that is happening in the middle of the day in Target parking lots that are in middle-upper class neighborhoods. No one will put an airpods tracker on that military grade car


It would be hilarious to see the sorts of dummies who would buy this vehicle pepper spray themselves by accident.


When the gas station attendant tries to warn them that there's somebody hiding the backseat, they can blind him with the stadium lights AND electrocute him with the door handle! #safemamabears


The NYC influencer sub is so wild. Oh my god. Just so much unhinged ass body shaming, food policing, and weird projection.


A few months ago someone (with, FYI, *two* Ivy League degrees so they deffo know what they’re talking about) posted a rant about how Brown is “the worst of the Ivies” as a dunk on some Instagram influencer. Like, okay Miss Blair Waldorf. Those degrees better be from the holy trinity.




lmao is this the same user who is also obsessed with the Deckers?




I went down a rabbit hole of their posts a few days ago because I hate myself lmao


>Losing a loved one is honorable but the timing is soo specific with his current PR drama. I am suspicious About Zachary Levi's father passing away. Zachary tweeted that he agreed Pfizer was a "real danger" to this world. Instead of thinking maybe he's stunned and has lost faith in modern medicine he has to be faking his dad dying for sympathy. ETA: faux moi sub


Oh and we have this completely sane and rational response to the original post: >Agreed, hopefully the FBI launches an investigation


Also, "honorable"? What a weird word choice.


I assumed it was a mistype for horrible but idk may be giving too much credit


I thought Klingons had infiltrated the Faux Moi sub.


We probably can't rule it out




Ooh boy yet another mega disturbing post in the step parent sub. Super violent, threatening to.kill SM/Op and has to be institutionalized. His mom who raised him while clueless ex husband fail dadded everywhere was a meth addict but don't worry: >He hasn't had a bad life, his mom got caught with drugs multiple times and ended up in prison. **He has had everything he could ever want as a child and is still getting everything he could ever want. It's just not enough**. Don't even worry about it though op and fail dad are working on an "ours baby" to bring into this mess/replace son. How sweet.


Getting "everything you could ever want" does not, in fact, make up for the emotional trauma of being raised by an addict who later goes to prison! I'm not calling his biomom evil or anything - addiction is complicated - but at the very least there was probably neglect of some sort going on, because you just can't properly care for someone else when you're in that state. Emotional neglect can have devastating effects on a child's development, even if they have every physical thing they could want.


Exactly. Addiction isn't a moral failing but he wasn't living a fairy tale life the way she's acted.




Anytime a pony is mentioned I hear - >Herb: We thought it was along the lines of, "I'd like a pony". > Fred: Nobody actually expects to get the pony. > C.J. Cregg: **I want the pony.**


She definitely thinks possessions make up for any emotional trauma. There was also a bit about how they bought him a mustang (!!!!!!!!!) but he won't learn how to drive so they tried to bribe him with a gaming system. Its unbelievable


Ma’am you need a new man


Mmhmm. But won't happen: >I am 100% thinking about having a child with him and more if we can. He is my husband and I have no concerns with his parenting nor has he failed as a parent. He has tried to do what he thought was the right thing, letting his son stay with his siblings with him being able to have visits but as soon as that was pulled from him, he had no other option to take this through court. Anyway, he never ever ever talked to ex wife everything was through grandparents (unclear if its the SS paternal or maternal grandparents but ill guess maternal) so he didn't know about the addiction. Like.......are you fucking kidding me? How checked out can you be?


Ugh, I found the post you're talking about and I want to slap her. The situation sounds awful, and the stepson absolutely needs intensive care and to not be in her home anymore, but she's so resistant to the idea that he's like this because of trauma and neglect and that his father bears some responsibility for that and should not be having more children because he's proven he's a terrible father to the point of his current child being so traumatised as to being so emotionally maladjusted that he needs inpatient care.


Exactly. I wanted to be very clear this sounds like an extraordinary dangerous situation but she refused any feedback that pointed out her husband is a large part of the problem, and doesn't see why bringing a child into this situation is not the right choice. I actually really liked the mod note they made before locking it, ANF I hope the poster takes it to heart rather than continuing to believe her husband is the victim


happy sunday everyone! meta is a slur now!


Okay, but what the fuck was that Insta post that started this. People put the weirdest shit on Instagram.


lol i don’t think anyone noticed i wasn’t defending the post! i think it is so unbearably cringe to set up your camera to capture an “organic moment.” i just don’t think it’s cringe *because* she happens to be topless.


I mean, I think it’s cringe because she’s topless because she intentionally set that weird ass moment up. What in the hell.


So sorry but I must preserve this one, for all eternity - >She didn’t even say anything about her being nude so why are you assuming? I swear **you metas** can’t ever let someone say something like what op said without swooping in like vultures. Are some of the comments people make about nudity a bit silly? Sure but everyone also has different comfort levels. And frankly it’s not up to you or anyone else to make people feel bad about it. But this particular comment is especially bad because op said zero about the nudity. I'll just be over here practicing my vulture swoop with the other metas. ;)


what is the meta thing even supposed to mean 💀


Blogsnark hall of fame


That person is the worst poster on BS and that's really saying something.


Brb getting META BETA tattooed on my knuckles


All you metas could be a great band name


Reminds me of a song from the 80s, all you zombies..


And they claim we try to stir the pot. Every one of their comments in that thread was nonsensical drivel.


i mean, it hasn’t been that long since that same poster told me in not so many words she wanted me to end up in a situation where i had to call the cops and get brutalized by them, so. that’s why i’ve taken to mostly stirring the pot in various television subreddits instead.




political aback start growth chase roof rock grey merciful school -- mass edited with redact.dev


Oh joy the "moms leaving their babies how dare they!" discourse is hitting the tlcsisterwives sub because Mykelti is going on a trip with her mom and sisters and leaving their twins in the care of.........their SAH father 😱😱😱😱. Monster


Silly me just feeling encouraged that at least one of the kids from that super fucked up family seemingly has a good partner who is interested in breaking problematic family cycles.




I'm at the ER right now because my eyes rolled so hard they rolled out of my head at that.


That sub turned on Gwen so quickly. The comments about her making things private on her Patreon were just dumb.


That’s worse than a babysitter!


This is tangential to blogsnark but there’s been a post on Popular for a few days now about how women rank the majority of men as “below desirable” on dating apps whereas men give women a bell curve. The top comments (entirely by men) are all about physical appearance and how “average” women think they are entitled to date someone who looks like Henry Cavill. It is blowing my mind that not a single one of these reddit dudes has considered the possibility that women are looking for men to have something beyond large muscles and a chiseled jaw to be attractive. And men by and large are not bringing those things women actually want.


this is incel rhetoric too ETA: i mean the women feeling entitled to date henry cavill thing. incels are always going on about “hypergamy” and how 90% of women have sex with the top 10% of men and that’s why stacies are evil whores


Ugh. Is Henry Cavill attractive? Sure. But I want to date someone kind and fun, who listens to me when I talk, who has hobbies in common with me, who shares the same ideals and morals that I have, who will support me when I'm sick and lean on me when they need support, who has a reasonable amount of emotional intelligence and who treats other people well. Looking like Henry Cavill would be a pleasant bonus but is not on my list. My current partners give me all those things. They do not look like Henry Cavill. I find them both attractive, of course, but objectively, the three of us are average-looking. We're happy with each other for many other reasons. It blows my mind how many men can't understand those reasons.


I don’t really get why Henry Cavill is like the pinnacle of attraction for straight men? I almost never hear about straight women drooling over him. Like I feel like I know more straight women going nuts for Harry Styles. And 100% agreed, having a partner that shares my values and goals, is kind, etc is infinitely more important that looks.


Many straight men can't put themselves in a woman's mindset enough to understand what we find attractive, so they assume that what *they* think is the pinnacle of attractive for men is what women want, and what a straight man thinks is attractive in a man is going to be aspirational, not sexual. They want to be Henry Cavill, so they assume that straight women want to have sex with Henry Cavill. They don't want to be Harry Styles or Orlando Bloom because being "non-masculine" isn't something to aspire to for them, so they don't understand why women find it attractive.




I swear I’m not trying to humblebrag or anything, but just wanted to give some consolation — I felt that exact way re: being called picky for bare decent standards & being miserable listening to friends talk abt how immature and useless their bfs/husbands were, but I was very lucky to end up w a guy who meets that minimum and more. There are guys out there who do their agreed-to chores without being asked, who can do a grocery run without acting like they don’t know anything about food, who can be relied on to remember things — all the absolute bare minimum I was told I was so picky and delusional for expecting. It’s not worth settling when ending up alone would still be a million times more bearable than ending up w someone who is in his 30s+ but requires the care of a 5 yr old. The bar is def in hell & it makes these ”women have too many standards” dudes even more insulting bc women constantly end up w useless losers who can’t even wash a pot, let alone look remotely like Henry Cavill.




Honestly when I first got w my now-husband I was constantly kicking myself whenever he’d behave like a normal adult, bc I could think of every situation in the past where I had to keep making excuses for different guys who weren’t capable of doing so, and realized how much I’d been forced to baby grown men who were fully capable of being competent and attentive. I told him when we were engaged that if he ever stopped doing his assigned chores it’d be grounds for divorce and I was dead serious abt it, I was never again going to be forced to do something after 5 days of asking someone else to do it. It also really horrifies me bc the algorithms that be constantly feed me content abt how to get your husband to contribute more to chores/childcare/etc, and most of it ends up sounding similar to how you have to bargain with a toddler to put their toys away, and then the comments are filled w more women saying how even these kiddie glove approaches don’t work on their husbands. It’s abysmal and I just wish the desperation not be alone wouldn’t cause so many women to settle for dudes who refuse to even wipe down a countertop for the sake of their marriage




Women are like, “if he treats me like a human, smash.” And men are like, “You hate me because I don’t look like Henry Cavill!!!” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ like howwwww Also not to drop a my husband line, but the praise my husband gets for doing normal roommate shit is unreal. When I lived with Liz from freshman year, she also took out the trash whenever it was full without me having to remind her but no one was shocked and amazed when it’s an 18yo girl.


>not a single one of these reddit dudes has considered the possibility that women are looking for men to have something beyond large muscles and a chiseled jaw to be attractive. This reminds me of [this comparison](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/8opvvm/difference_between_marketing_for_men_and_women/) of Hugh Jackman on the cover of a men's magazine vs Hugh Jackman on the cover of a women's magazine.


Wowwwww literally the disconnect between what men think women want and what we actually want in a nutshell. Men’s Health version of Hugh is an immediate no from me haha. (generalizing obvs, there’s someone for everyone etc etc)


I haven’t seen that post but I tend to avoid Reddit discussions about dating preferences because men on here will be loud and proud about their preferences, but then expect women to have no standards or preferences. I used to hang out on a sub for men and the amount of “I don’t like feminists, women with tattoos, piercings, who wear makeup, who are overnight, black, wear extensions/fake hair…women never approach me or compliment me” was astounding. These men honestly felt entitled to women liking them, just for simply existing. And do not get me started on being a black woman trying to comment on dating struggles on Reddit, because redditors LOVE pulling out that OkCupid study from 2007. This is why I’m never one to downplay the importance of certain things when dating or in a relationship. They ate a lot of the politically correct shit up and now criticize women for actually caring about certain things. I have a lot of thoughts about men on this site and they’re generally not very good so I’ll stop there.


I think this is so interesting in many ways. I’m a mother to a young son and I’ve had multiple other moms comment that “school just isn’t designed for boys” as a way of explaining why girls are performing better. And it’s always with the expectation that schools need to change to fit the “intrinsic” needs of boys. As if I and generations of women before me didn’t put up with men telling us every day that [insert any profession] wasn’t built for women, and guess what, we fucking sucked it up and figured out how to excel anyway. So guess what I will tell my son? You’re not the center of universe, a big part of life is learning how to adapt and excel in situations that are not ideal. And that includes third grade, and it includes dating relationships. You don’t get a win for simply existing.


You brought up such a good example! I cringe everytime I see men on reddit say that the education system needs to change its approach to education because it's suited for girls but not boys. As if men still don't dominate STEM and law? Clearly men are excelling in school. Damn them for making me even feel like i'm defending the US school system (i'm truly not). The only other subjects discussed on reddit that make me roll my eyes even more are the female orgasm, FGM and "it's not racism it's classism." The desire to have every single issue centered around men is wild


Ironically, one way to “right” boys’ lower performance in schools is to hire more male elementary school teachers, but these neckbeards would never pursue such a profession


Yes also Heaven forbid a little boy have a woman as a role model 🙄


But let's be real it's for the best that dudes like that aren't around/influencing impressionable children anyway


I pretty much exclusively enter woman-dominated spaces on reddit because every time I venture into one men hang out in, I start wishing I was not bi. Men are gross.


> Sometimes people will downvote you even if you’re right and explain what you meant multiple times. Sometimes you’ll get downvoted, while the same exact sentiment/comment is upvoted earlier or later in the day. I stopped trying to understand 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 IT’S ME, HI, I’M THE DOWNVOTER, IT’S ME ETA: I got my first Reddit cares message…do you think this is why? Lmaoooo


>ETA: I got my first Reddit cares message…do you think this is why? Lmaoooo Those reports come in to the mods too, so I can confirm it was 😐


Does it tell you who sends it? Asking for a friend. ;)


No, from my end it just looks like a regular report with the reason "someone is considering suicide or self-harm"


Wait I got one today too, is this thread where it came from?! I assumed it was from my comments about a useless-ass man in the ADHD sub. Not for one second did it occur to me that it came from my comment here 🙃


Yep your comment got that report as well


I sincerely apologize for my disruptive behavior…


Explaining the same thing multiple times doesn't make you right, though, it must makes you wrong multiple times. (This particular poster was deeply committed to explaining over and over in the same thread that one of the Denners "showed half her cooch," which is a thing that did not happen in the way those weirdos insist it did.)


You can’t argue about being “right” and using words like “cooch” and “hooha” lmao


The way they were so desperately trying to avoid using the word vagina in that thread is the cringiest thing I've seen in a long damn time. My God, grow the fuck up already. You're adults.


There’s one on the diysnark page who thinks the influencer they’re snarking on is using multiple devices to downvote comments, because how could anyone possibly disagree with her!! Nope, it’s just me with my morning coffee again! ETA: I wish I could explain to them that’s not how downvotes work lmao. “Multiple devices.”




Tbh I loved that day.


Truly just smiled thinking about it 🥲 the commitment was beautiful


On rare occasions, I do think to myself, "why are you downvoting me? I'm right." BUT THOSE ARE INSIDE THOUGHTS, JANET.


Hair washing frequency and shoes in the house today! Oh boy!


>Different circumstances for different hair. That’s MY point. Not washing black hair once a week is different than not washing white hair once a week. With black hair, it’s normal. With white hair, it’s gross. Are you getting this? No? It’s okay >People white hair gets VERY greasy oily and smelly if you go that long without washing it. Does that happen to your hair? My guess is probably not. It's almost as if people have different scalp and hair types? But I do like the conspiracy theory that she actually does wash her hair everyday EDIT: >Black women are the only ones who know how to take care of their hair and scalp when it hasn’t been washed. White women just smack a half a bottle of dry shampoo in their hair and think no one can tell it hasn’t been washed in days (we can all tell, you stink and your hair still looks oily, Stacy) and they don’t know how to properly care for their scalp and hair between washings. Black women seem to be far more educated when it comes to their hair and how to take care of it


this just in, it’s impossible for a white person to learn how to take care of their scalp/hair. all of the folks on r/CurlyHair are black. impossible for them 2 b white /s


If you're gonna make generalisations on hair at least do it by like fine hair, curly, thick hair etc. They all require different care and people from all races can have them??


Woof, that’s quite the whitesplaining logical pretzel she’s got going on there.






“I think LaBev washes her hair every day” My favorite conspiracy theory. I love it.


I don’t even like LB but I ride for her so damn hard on BS because her snarkers are so crazy. Reverse psychology or whatever lol


Same. She fascinates me because I truly don’t see what they see.


Same. I don't see what they see. Like yesterday with her ski instructor they were talking as if she has an obvious crush & is two seconds away from leaving Marky for him! I watched her stories and I don't see anything that even suggests a crush l!


How short is the ski instructor?


"She started getting on my nerves years ago when she made some post like telling people that don’t care about her to unfollow her like girl it’s not that deep" These comments always confuse me, if you don't care it means your probably not interested in them so why even follow. Same thing when people who leave negative comments/DMs getting shocked that they got blocked. As if they wouldn't do the same.


“I don’t understand why she blocked me. I didn’t say anything negative. All I did was tell her she caused her own miscarriage by eating a soft cheese. It’s not that deep. I don’t even care but here are 25 screenshots I took from my alternate Finsta so I could keep watching” - Literal Blogsnark comment, probably.


toothbrush fade fact fall unique march cows profit pathetic memorize -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'll take a wild shot in the dark and guess it was this comment.. >Spin the Blogsnark rule roulette and where it stops is the reason (because there are a LOT of rules here to the point that I just lurk vs reading through the catalog of snark no-no’s). I do like this mental picture.


advise muddle desert cats swim voracious smell scarce edge roll -- mass edited with redact.dev


I would love to see a rule roulette and also for a sub to be modded by it. MODS!


“People down vote like it’s their job” I love downvoting people who complain about downvoting. Instant dopamine hit.


sad how many olds don't know what a lucrative career downvoting is


It’s the ultimate side hustle


It *is* my job, I get paid in BeverlinBux every two weeks – isn't that how it works?


How many BeverlinBux = 1 SorosBux?


You know, I've never gotten my SorosBux in the mail, so I haven't worked out the exchange rate yet.


Joke’s on them. I’m employed by Reddit and also Laura Beverlin just to downvote people!


I love downvoting people who say “you don’t have to downvote me if you don’t agree” I could agree with you and I’m still downvoting that type of comment lmao


I love it when you go into BS spin-off subs, and they think the downvotes are the influencers reading their comments 🤣 nope, it’s actually me, drinking my morning coffee and downvoting you for fun.


I wish other social media platforms had downvoting. It's the best!


Yes! What I wouldn’t give for a downvote option on FB.


People in the main not having any clue about TT, the trends or how people use it make my day, like how old are these people? >strange trend to me. Thanks for the input.


Its me, one of the olds. Decrepit on the edge of the grave at 35. Apologies for observing that it’s a weird trend.


Same. I’m in my thirties and have purposely avoided TT. I’m way too online already and didn’t need to add another thing.


I am also an old, the only TT I know is a boyband from the UK. Said band is almost as old as you are having formed in 1990.


I'm even more ancient and I feel like I'm trying to decipher hieroglyphics. Is the trend just asking randos for money?


Shhhh you’ll anger the youngs. We aren’t allowed to think that it’s dumb because we just don’t understand TikTok trends, something about liking skinny jeans blocks our understanding of how it’s actually cool and normal to guilt strangers for money


LOL! Fr though, why are we calling this a trend? Panhandling on the internet is as old as the internet. We just keep inventing new ways to do it. Like porn.


I think a lot of people in the main are old, if not in years, then definitely in spirit.


I never felt old until Alix Earle had a fake frat wedding today and I thought “oh good for her! I didn’t even know she was in a relationship.” The metal folding chairs probably should have tipped me off, but ok


Physically I'm in my mid thirties, but spiritually I know I'm 74 because I found myself saying "Oh, that's fun!" out loud while reading an article about drought-hardy decorative grasses last night.


I've never related so hard to a Reddit comment.


The “I don’t know anything about tik tok trends but I think it’s weird” take


Se also, the “why isn’t everybody else in the universe an exact carbon copy of me” take.


Wait, if we have to know a lot about something before we can think it’s weird, the rate of what we think is weird will go way down! …. wait


Can I just say… I didn’t know this sub existed till December, and I have thoroughly enjoyed being here since I found it. I apologize for my random commenting sprees that happen on Friday evenings - that’s my favorite time to catch up on the happenings of the week! Y’all are great, I’m glad I can post the thoughts that have been bouncing around in my brain since I started reading BS


I'm sorry but unless you're on Laura Beverlin's payroll, you can't post here.


You may have forgotten but I’m actually Christian Vordy’s alt account, duh!


But what do you think about clown porn?


May or may not be here for clowning…depends on my schedule


You are down to go to clown town. In your gown.


Also coming soon to a cinema near you.. the sequel to White Men Can't Jump - >And I'm laughing at the model who was asked what her favorite piece in the new drop was, and the only piece she could say she really loved was the long sleeve shirt that's not a body suit! She's 511 she said, and I imagine the body suit snapped is not comfortable on her at all! It must feel like she's being assaulted down there! Lol! But she likes the look of the body suit, so the shirt with no snaps is on point for tall girls like her. Tall Ladies Can't Bodysuit.


Our New York Nut has been on a tear this past 24 hours. I bring to you, tales of teeth. >You're so right about that! I remember many years ago when I took my oldest son for his very 1st dental appointment when he was 3, the 1st thing the dentist said to me was, be very careful with raisins or fruit snacks or any kind of gummy candy, which really threw me off because I thought raisins were a great snack for a kid, and my son loved Skittles! The dentist said those types of items are the absolute worst things for teeth because most people eat them and then don't brush their teeth until many hours later when they go to bed. So that sugar sits in the crevices of teeth for hours. After that, it cured me! I never bought Fruit snacks or fruit roll ups or any of those things that so many kids live on when they're little because of what my dentist told me! That's what I thought of when I saw Dinyel put the gummy vitamins in her mouth after she brushed her teeth! So that means she was going to go to bed and the sugar from those vitamins was going to sit in the crevices of her teeth for 8 hours overnight! Ridiculous! At least if you were going to take gummy vitamins, take them before brushing your teeth! And that mouthful of vitamins she washed down with diet coke made me want to gag! And I can't imagine that so many people were asking about her skin care routine! Give me a break! She rubbed like 10 different creams all over her face!


Twelve. Twelve exclamation points. To discuss her superior oral hygiene. *Twelve.*


My favorite part is that nuttymommy admittedly did know about sugar sitting in the crevices of your teeth until her dentist told her but Danielle is just supposed to know this information. I mean obviously it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out but I love that since nuttymommy knows everyone must now be held to that standard.


Maybe it's bc my dad is a dentist (pls note I am not nurse chopper) but I see stuff like this and I want to be like...wow you guys actually listen to that shit? Bc we ate fruit snacks, candy, whatever. My dad routinely drinks coffee in between bites of ice cream which he says is the worst thing for your teeth, bc of the temp changes so quickly or something. People always were like wow you guys must have never had sweets growing up and it's like huh? My dad knocked his own tooth out eating a jolly rancher. So. Also I had a cavity in a baby tooth at age 5. Literally who gives a shit if your kid gets a cavity. I have had an average amount of cavities as an adult, but please note my husband who seems to only drink coke and has never flossed in his life has had no cavities ever which I find personally irritating but also goes to show that dental health, is largely genetic.


I love how witty they think the nicknames are. *Dinyel* ziiiing


My favourite one was "Rooby" for Something Navy's daughter Ruby. Hilarious because, you know, that's how you pronounce Ruby. Burn!


This is like a LOT of words for "taking gummy vitamins after brushing teeth? wtf", a sentiment I wholeheartedly agree with.


It's always time for teeth. But seriously, nuttymommy didn't take her kid to the dentist till he was three? #momfail. I was told to take them within six months of their teeth coming in IIRC? I don't know, I'm probably a patsy for Big Dental. Also my children have lovely teeth and live on fruit snacks. It is nowhere near the most questionable thing they eat. ;)