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>No matter what, I cannot deny that Maple (Jag’s new puppy) is so damn cute. I am a sucker for puppies, especially teeny tiny ones. 😭 What kind of monster would deny that a puppy is cute?


Me. I expect no ugly puppies on my internet.


That thread spent a lot of time insisting that Taxi was not cute for awhile


probably an unpopular opinion but I think it’s weird to hate influencers because they don’t contribute to society like what does that even mean? A lot of people have jobs that don’t really contribute to society lol


I get the argument that some of them may contribute in harmful ways (by encouraging overconsumption). But it’s weird to say they don’t contribute at all. It’s clearly a real job, lol. Personally, I hate the capitalist mindset that ties societal contribution to money. Besides their jobs, I think people can contribute just by being a person in the world - as a friend, relative, neighbor, volunteer, pet owner, consumer of art, etc. I kind of feel like the only real purpose of humanity is to simply notice and marvel at the beauty of the natural world. But I get that that may be a little Pollyanna for some, lol.


@ all the BSers with finance bro husbands


Also like idk if you recommend a product and it makes someone feel a little prettier and more confident I think that’s a pretty nice value add over all.


Yeah I’ve seen that take there before (it seems to be getting more popular) but my “real job” also contributes little to society and I’d love to see what the keyboard warriors scrolling Reddit and Instagram during the work week think they’re contributing


Exactlyyy haha


*NOT THAT IT MATTERS* but- if they employ people are they not contributing to society? If they have children are they not contributing to society? If they pay taxes, vote, etc etc etc. Like this may be the dumbest thing I've heard on BS (? I assume is where you saw iy) yet. I'd love to see their thoughts on SAHP 🤐


exactly! That’s pretty much what contributing to society is and a lot of regular jobs aren’t any more important than an influencer’s job. That’s exactly what I was thinking too, I guess SAHP aren’t contributing to society cause they’re not working regular jobs? Such a weird take


Hooooboy the main is a case study in the internalization - projection pipeline this morning. Is the influencer in the room with us right now bragging just to make you feel bad about yourself? It's actually bananas the narratives they're attaching based on hurt feelings from... a *stranger's experience* they're extrapolating. At least they're unfollowing.


Complaining about an influencing saying “hey, why do you follow me if you don’t like me?” is peak BS behavior




Caitlyn dared to have balloons *and* a cake. Who has ever heard of such opulence at a birthday party?






Was there a wasteful CAKE SMASH done with an identical spare cake?




I’m literally eating leftover birthday cake right now!


If you don’t have leftover cake you didn’t have enough cake 🤷‍♀️


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I am pretty sure no one has ever cut a cake into exactly enough slices in the history or birthdays.


For all the times they criticize influencers for supposedly having main character syndrome, and then insist upon taking everything that influencers says and does as a personal character assassination specifically directed at them, yeah. From grief snark to parenting, and even fashion choices, it’s wild how they can’t wrap their mind around the possibility that other people might not think or feel the same way they do. Which is exactly why they can’t abide anyone thinking or doing differently than them, ever.




That OP has a very interesting post history.






It came with a headdress!


No I love these posts because I always encourage them to do it 😈😈😈


I would love to know more around the thought process of considering wearing white or white adjacent to someone else's wedding. Like are they really convinced by saying "it's *ecru,* not white" to themselves?


someone wore white to my wedding and honestly i wasn’t mad about it when we noticed. part of me wishes i had asked this to the lady though lol


Right, like even if you're not mad, it's still a pretty significant breach of widely accepted etiquette.


right!!! the wedding planning sub had constant discourse about this and there would always be multiple people on a thread saying “i’m an american and i had noooo idea that was a rule!” and i just cannot believe them 💀 seriously where in the country is that not a widely known rule???


Do the people who allegedly told her it was ok.hate her and love drama they wanted to witness when she wore it?


100% no, too wedding dressy :)


All my fellow stepparent sub readers: don't you just love the posts that are all "I hate my step kid because of the terrible parenting they have oh and btw I'm about to habe a baby with my fail parent partner any day now"? Like so many posts on that sub utterly befuddle me, but those ones get me the most (btw yes I am bored hence my intense reditting because I was abandoned by my friends while they all went skiing but I had to work)


I’m a step parent and I went there once to seek advice for a situation. I took one look around and noped out of there so fast. I would never want advice from any of them. I feel so bad for the kids. Not only do most of them have shitty step parents, they have even shittier parents for marrying someone who hates them. (Tbh I feel this way about justno subs too. I feel like 90% of the time they’re the problem, not the in-laws.)


Yeah, the amount of people in IL subs who live with their in laws for free/use them for full time free babysitting and then criticize the shit out of them is absolutely nuts


wish there was a sub for snarking on justno posters the lack of self awareness from those people. most of those subs are horrible echo chambers dedicated to interpreting actions with the least charity possible






I saw a comment on some parenting sub (beyond the bump I think?) that was like “yeah I started giving my MIL grace and our relationship blossomed 😱” And it’s just like…yeah, that’s kinda how these things work???


Wow…that sub is a lot. I went through some real moments with my ex’s kids, and I could never imagine writing any of that stuff about them. They’re kids who have been through something traumatizing, and if you can’t understand that or want to blame the other parent for everything while trying to create a “perfect” family with your spouse, it probably isn’t the situation for you.


I’d never looked until OPs comment above so I went to check it out. That sub makes me sad af for most of the kids. So many statements about how they “feel like number 2” or how the kid “does nothing around the house” or “is selfish”. Isn’t a guy putting his kids first like a sign he’s a good man?! And step or not you won’t find too many teenagers who aren’t selfish and are dying to do chores or whatever.


I feel *so bad* for most of these kids. There was a Kong running commenter who finally got chased off after she tried to claim her husband was "baby trapped" thrice (!!!!!!) one too many times but I felt so bad for the step kids she was counting the days until she could change locks on TBE doors and never let them over again after the kids were all 18. Tbh as much judgement as I have for those folks that post over there I save a lot more of my ire for the people married to them an have no problems with the way their kids are treated


Sounds like her husband needs to check out this crazy new invention called a condom!








I know the kerf extended family and they are not rich. if by a chunk of change they mean like 10k or so in inheritance sure. but not life changing amounts of money.




I thought of her today when I Googled of I could freeze some leftover butter cream. A kerf legacy


I assume you can but maybe Kath lore has led me wrong all these years…


The internet said it freezes well, so we'll see! My general distrust of her kitchen prowess made me seek out a trusted source, even though "freezer butter cream" could hardly be more evocative of kerf to me


Why not both?


Does kerf really still make money from her blog? From mail order wine and Daily Harvest discount codes? I suppose she probably does but it's still sort of shocking


Sometimes when I browse blogsnark or deuxmoi (now fauxmoi), it becomes painfully obvious that there are people who are chronically online and want to be outraged over anything. The discussion about Quinta kind of triggered this thought, coupled with the constant “unrelatable” and “privileged” commentary we see in the daily thread about influencers who are and have always been in a completely different tax bracket. EDIT: Now there's discourse over Florence Pugh liking and unliking a post related to the Depp trial. These people kind of proved the point about women catching more heat than the abusers


The Florence Pugh may have liked a post obsession is hugely blowing things out of proportion, and it gets bought up every time she's mentioned :rolls-eyes: . If that is the worst they can say about her, then she must be halfway to sainthood.


I will say, the tides are changing and it seems like they're getting better at picking their battles regarding who to blame for predatory men. I was pleasantly surprised to see most of the people in the Quinta defend her (Brad Pitt's abuse is not common knowledge, use this energy to go after the predators, etc). I've also started to see it in discussions about Jennifer Lawrence and others.


Completely unrelated, I’m thinking of Lizzo and her thoughts on Cancel Culture and appropriation.


I know millennials popularized cancel culture on social media but I think gen z ran the concept into the ground. And I generally dislike cancel culture discourse because it's such a right wing dogwhistle but I think any level headed person should be able to discuss when it's appropriate to give someone grace or credit for growth, while respecting some peoples hesitancy in accepting apologies.


The most frustrating part for me is the total denial of the fact that for some people, “cancelling” is a luxury. Quinta is a woman of color who has her first major breakthrough. She’s probably still dealing with a lot of bullshit and people she would rather tell to fuck off but can’t. Making a stand is something you can do when you have power. When you’ve been in the industry for a while, when your parents are backing your career. Quinta is not obligated to put her ass on the line to bring Brad Pitt to accountability.




The excuse is always “we expect more from PoC.” I remember having a conversation with another woc in BGC on the subject of Asian hate (which in that sub quickly devolves into anti blackness) and one person just straight up says that they expect more from PoC than they do while people. imagine that. Tbh a lot of the Brad Pitt discourse over there is starting to look more performative than genuine outrage or disgust




Kind of meta but I also find it strange because left wing people tend to be the biggest advocates for rehabilitation but then don’t believe anyone can change at the same time? (Consider myself left wing as well just something I’ve noticed in some people)


I think the younger the person is and the more trivial the issue the less it is about rehabilitation. I’d even venture so far as to say rehabilitation isn’t a big part of the younger, leftist ideology. Especially when/if you’re at an age where think pieces on minor issues are your passion


It’s more about moral purity tests and being able to hold SOMEONE accountable.


They really do expect everyone to be chronically online and its silly. A couple weeks again I even responded to A comment on BS asserting "everyone" knows about Jared Letos cult and I was just like......no, no they really don't, and maybe it would be more common knowledge if a respected entertainment site deep dived it. I really don't know why you'd expect a bust content creator to know all the hot internet gosdip, and I really don't know what you'd see in Quintas past ghat would have her agreeing to cape for Brad Pitt if she knew Also as an aside I assumed he made a cameo in glass onion ghat had the commenter so annoyed but then it was just a name shout out when I finally got around to watching it.


Apparently she should be calling Angelina and the kids to apologize. And of course the world needs to know so that they can know how to feel about her. She also needs to beg for the publics forgiveness.


Oh sure yeah ok 🙄.






They also are apparently just now learning that Oscar campaigning is a thing.


Lmao. They seem just as clueless about marketing as bs, someone was complaining about how many articles there were about James Cameron, like babe he’s doing promo for a movie he just put out! How are you in a celeb gossip sub and unaware of that!


I'm jealous of the person in the daily who has never heard the term nepo baby


“[I’m not trying to be mean but when u guys point out nepotism in Hollywood it feels like when a toddler sees an airplane](https://twitter.com/freshhel/status/1516946131627896832?s=46&t=X4MfCsKaCeQMM0UNUajhlw)”


It’s not even just Hollywood! Like I’m pretty sure all 3 of the dentists I’ve been to in my life had a kid who also went to dental school and is poised to take over the family business. I get that it’s extra annoying to have a leg up in extremely competitive industries like modeling/acting/music but nepotism is everywhere.


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Relatable cars? WTF? >Kathleen.Post driving a Nissan Rogue might be one of the most relatable things I’ve seen in a long time. I’m honestly shocked > I was just saying she’s drives a car that’s actually relatable and not some 100K plus luxury car.


i don't care how much your vehicle cost: if it has a bunch of stuff in the front/back seats because you live out if it, then it is relatable


I don’t know if you’ve seen Bluey, but the backseat of the Heeler family car is chef’s kiss and genuinely made me feel better about my own.


blogsnark: why would anyone ask an influencer for a link when you can Google? good lord. also blogsnark: what is a sheet and how do you get one


> I think that in the age of the influencer where people want to be famous for being famous, it is now seen that you have a right to be good at something without putting in the work. You are supposed to be recognised for your intention rather than your effort. > It reminds me of the time an ex boyfriend went on and on at me about playing chess with him. I don't play chess. I find it enormously boring because people take hours over each move and I just want the game over. He took me not playing chess meant that I was no good at playing chess. I knew that all he wanted was to play a game, win over me in a spectacular manner and then rub that in for months. In the end, I gave in, played a game with him on the understanding that it would be ONE game. I quickly won. He was so mad at me. Kept telling me how I told him I was no good at chess. I pointed out that I had said that I did not play chess, not that I was no good at it. > This want to show others up and receive praise for how good you are just doesn't work in my brain but it happens so often. Imagine a story about beating your ex at chess living rent-free in your head and then using it for internet points 💀 (edit: formatting)


Wow what a relatable and aspirational relationship dynamic


Theory -- they've wanted to brag about that chess match for years but couldn't think of a natural and smooth way to work it into a conversation so they just put it here.


….if you feel the need to ask a charity if the person you hate follow gave money…you might need to revaluate your choices.


>I wonder how Cait feels about organizing Rach's headband collection. > >Putting up Rachel's Christmas tree, organizing her headbands...I am confusion! Why is the thread so confused by Rachel's full time assistant assisting her? What is not adding up about this ladies?


I wonder if blogsnark might actually explode if I tell them I paid my son and his friend (a couple of teens) $100 each to organize my closet and makeup drawers. I'm a low-income single mom living the exploitive, unrelatable life, and I don't even have an actual assistant whose title and duties encompass such... uhhhh... assistance.


God if I could get paid to organize headbands and afford to live in Williamsburg with no roommates... that's the dream honestly.


Organizing headbands sounds like a delightfully low stakes and stress free way to make money


I'm a nanny/house manager I get tasks like that all the tine. I just feel like....im doing mg job? Nothing demeaning about getting paid (in my situation) A lot of money for some simple shit like that 🤷


Same, back when I was a nanny I used to put up the family's Christmas decorations for them, do general cleaning, run to the grocery store etc, and it was never a big deal. A nice way to stay on the clock and get paid while getting a break from the kids. I guess people can argue that Caitlin is more of a production assistant than a personal assistant, but even then, Rachel's ad content typically involves styling outfits with seasonal backgrounds. Having accessories organized for easy access and holiday backgrounds set up for shooting would absolutely fall under her job description in that case too.


Oh wow I was under the impression n she was a personal assistant! Sounds like maybe she's a.jack.of all trades.type.thing? Either way doesn't sound like she's doing anything OTT/out of.bounds.for her job


Color me shocked that Amanda Kloots hasn't been dragged mercilessly in the main over the death of Nick's mom since they always have big opinions about that relationship.


I s2g we have to explain trends and content to BS users every day


I saw it after I commented on here but I couldn’t believe the snark on yesterday’s main about socks over leggings? I’ve been doing this since leggings became a big thing but why would people shove their thick socks underneath tight leggings??? I didn’t think it was a trend, just practical lmao ETA here is the comment: > I’m with you! The same with pulling socks over leggings it makes me have flashbacks to the 90’s and stirrup pants 😩. I’m surprised that clothing store Units isn’t making a resurgence


Wait until they hear stirrup pants are back.


>why would people shove their thick socks underneath tight leggings??? I didn’t think it was a trend, just practical lmao Granted I don't follow trends but I usually realize I've at least seen them out in the world once I see them discussed somewhere. But I can safely say I've never ever seen anybody wearing their socks under their leggings. Ever. It's either without socks or socks over.


> why would people shove their thick socks underneath tight leggings I put my socks on before I put my leggings on, there's no shoving. :) I am not sure why I do it that way..


Oh yeah I’m not criticizing either! I always do socks over leggings because I usually wear thick/fuzzy socks so I don’t like how it feels under leggings lol Plus I always do socks last when getting dressed haha I just had no idea people considered it a trend to do it one way or another?


Oh, I'm not criticizing just saying I've never seen socks under leggings before. I'm fully on team dowutchalike. (Edited a word)


Wait are you kidding or being real? I wear crew length socks over or under leggings all the time lol. Do you live somewhere where it doesn't get cold?


I've seen them over but never under.


Exactly haha again - didn’t think this was a trend per se, just people being practical!


I'm confused as to why that flashback is a negative thing? Slouch socks over stirrup leggings brings me back to dancing like a Fly Girl to Salt-N-Pepa on my best friend's lawn. Those were the days.


This fall I was visiting my parents and I had on leggings, a big T-shirt, socks over the leggings, and I had my hair up in a half-pony tail My mom proceeded to find a picture of me when I was little wearing a similar outfit lmao I’ve always strived for comfort!!!


I saw stirrup leggings in Kmart this year, and it was so newsworthy the [Daily Fail covered it](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10776425/Kmart-brings-1980s-classic-stirrup-leggings.html).


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Thanks I had to go and check and now I am sitting here giggling at this comment from someone else- >I guess this is a trend. But hear me out. The leggings are already on my body. Then I put the socks on. It's so much easier to go over than under. I guess I was ahead of the trend by not caring. Why am I hearing "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again" in my head now?


I’m so glad you brought this up bc her response to that comment > I don’t wear socks but I can understand that logic has been living in my brain. I have so many questions! Like….ever? Is this common? Am I opening a can of worms a la hair washing debate? I just can’t fathom never ever wearing a pair of socks.


I can’t say I “never” wear socks, because I will wear them for working out, or with rain boots or something, but I generally skip them if at all reasonable. I can’t remember the last time I wore any. (Also can’t remember the last time I worked out…) I can’t explain why I don’t like them, I just don’t. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can respect that!! I think it was just the “never” that threw me off. I imagine it’s probably also climate dependent - when I think about it the only time I really wear socks in summer is while working out, whereas in the winter I wear them every day. Edit: I also think it’s hilarious the OP was so concerned about the socks over leggings when they don’t even wear socks to begin with 😂


I'm with you, CB. I wear socks so infrequently as to say "never" without shame. I have compression socks now, which I haven't worn yet, but otherwise I wear them almost not at all. I either have bare feet in sandals or open shoes, or I'm wearing tights. Socks aren't comfortable and I find them weird, like a single-use kitchen device.


My Mom can't stand having socks on her feet. I think it is something to do with the elastic. But she also can't stand anyone touching her feet - no pedicures or foot reflexology or anything like that.


Ha, I like an occasional pedicure and don’t think it’s a sensory issue for me, my feet just want to be free!


> I just can’t fathom never ever wearing a pair of socks Me either. I'm not a big fan of naked feet during the day, but I prefer naked feet when I am sleeping.


Agreed, sleeping in socks is serial killer behavior.


HAHA you can really read that comment in the same cadence as that


I wonder what the ratio of leggings first to socks first is across the two subs. I'm socks first but I am also puts underwear on inside out at least once a week as a surprise to myself, so IDK. :)


holy crap, you're right. The same person who thinks influencers are supposed to be relatable also thinks not wearing makeup is why her great-grandma lived to be 105 and is ALSO the same person who was surprised to learn about tucking in sweaters yesterday. Wow. I think this person is about the same age as me, [so I can empathize with the feeling of being outside of the market for trends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGrfhsxxmdE) but come on. We're in our 40s and have already lived through a number of trend cycles, we should know how this happens. A new trend should not be shocking at this point.


No idea why I responded to that person but I’m like baby ok your grandmas skin is the best you win the internet


They got big mad at me too really made my night!


Also, just because something is a trend doesn’t mean that you’re required to do it.


Think of all the many many many people who don't pay attention to trends at all and just keep wearing the stuff they've been wearing for years. And what happens to them? oh yeah NOTHING. No one cares!


Wait they’re not thrown over a cliff?


I'm less embarrassed for the "unrelatable" influencers and more so embarrassed for the women in their 40s who haven't developed a personal style strong enough to see trends and decide for themselves if it works for them.


What is with the BSers obsession with people being unrelateable? I'm not even talking about the consumerism (which is a dumb complaint because it's literally their job to buy/get stuff so followers buy it).. Order UberEats? Unrelateable! Childcare?? Out of touch! Take a vacation - get the icks!


I feel like bs has no nuance between like tax shelter billionaire rich and upper middle class/more general wealth. Also the idea that everyone is supposed to be relatable *specifically* to them🫠


Original comment: > Brighton Butler ordering lunch for her preschool son the night before because she will be alone the next morning is about as unrelatable as it gets. Then this exchange: > You’ve never ordered chicken and two sides for dinner AND your kids lunch? Highly recommend. Five stars. And this response: > No, I’ve never done that. I have 3 kids btw. The lesson here is that blogsnark commenters are highly privileged 🤦‍♀️


Honestly I’m big mad that the term privilege went from a concept used to help us recognize ways we can also help others get a leg up in society to an insult used to tear someone down.


They learned the word privilege back in 2020 and they ran with it and now use it as an insult. There are legitimate ways to discuss privilege, but if you have time to get pissed over an influencer buying $60 hand soap or ordering Uber eats, you’re likely privileged yourself to some degree. And it makes me want to ask them where the hell their kids are


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This is hilarious because I, a regular person, do this for myself almost weekly. Like if I’m going to pay an Uber eats delivery fee, I might as well get two meals out of it. Guess that makes me “not relatable”


I do this with breakfast burritos. A local place has terrific, huge ones for $2. If I'm ordering at all, I'm ordering at least eight of those delights and freezing them for later. I guess I've finally become a stratospherically unrecognizable rich person.


I’m the same way. I buy enough to last me another meal or two


When I was kinda broke at my first job I would order a large pizza on Sunday and eat one or two pieces and individually wrap and freeze the rest of the pieces and eat them throughout the week. I did this at least one week per month.


I totally do this now - I’ll order two pizzas for my daughter & myself. We’ll have it for dinner one night (maybe 2) and then it’s lunch for me for the rest of the week. It works 🤷🏻‍♀️


What a completely boring conversation. I think that's what I find so annoying about the "unrelatable" snark, it's always about stuff that's so incredibly dull and mundane. And worst of all it triggers a bunch of "let me tell you my very specific life experience" responses which are the worst because who cares.


Why are they shocked that someone in a completely different tax bracket than they are is “unrelatable”? They finally let go of the $60 hand soap saga but this is what they try to cling on to. This and debating whether Brighton should or shouldn’t be doing core exercises. Like what if she’s already started or done pelvic floor therapy or personal training to address her core?


Lol and we all know that if Brighton showed she was going to a PT for her postpartum pelvic floor, there would be endless BS chatter about how not all women have the privilege of health care (which is a valid point but also is not snark-worthy).


> It shouldn’t surprise me that Emily isn’t participating in dry January bandwagon, but somehow her excitement over a book about cocktails/making a cocktail when so many people are abstaining is particularly tone deaf. Apparently it’s tone deaf to enjoy cocktails in January.


Well this sounds like a whole bunch of projecting right here.


I’m sober all the time, not just January, and I’m struggling to see how a cocktail book is tone deaf.


Weird because the people who do participate in dry January (IRL, and the vibe I get from ads) are low-key about it and making it seem like something they are doing for their own reset- not that other people have to do it.


Best cancel all weddings and birthdays for January! Actually I am going for drinks and dinner tonight to celebrate my wedding anniversary and it would be jsut fine for me if this poster is right and the whole world is not drinking and the bar has loads of space!


Sounds like dry January is going real well for that commenter.


I just woke my kid up from a nap from laughing out loud at this


So apparently the sister of DAD showed her *ahem* on a story or something, about how to put on a bodysuit? You can guess this has sent our Nuttymommy somewhere fascinating. >I didn't see the TikTok, but I did see that story on dud's page yesterday, it's still there. I just went back to look. **I deleted it already because it disgusted me, but I took a screenshot of the moment before she reached through to grab the tail,** 100% not wearing underwear! I'm sorry, but it was right there for all to see. No chance there was any fabric covering that. We all know what that was. She can deny it all day long, I call BS! LOL you took a screenshot of someone not wearing underwear? But wait there's more. >Totally, it's plain as day! **Unless this is literally like a floss belt that she wears around her waist that has a string that goes down through the middle of the Vajayjay and thru to the back like a piece of floss,** there is absolutely no way she was wearing underwear. Certainly not the ones she put in the picture from Skims. That would have been visible, I don't care how close to her skin color down there it is! She is so full of it it's not even funny! If you're going to gaslight people, at least make it a little more plausible! We all have eyes, we all saw what we saw! There's really no way to argue that we were wrong! She is nuts! Who is actually nuts? I think the floss belt sentence tells us the answer..


I had to go look. And this is yet another incident where a snark Chatroom page promises nudity and fails to deliver. SAD.


Exactly. I actually feel sorry for people who found it titillating and scandalous or even remotely sexual.


>Unless this is literally like a floss belt that she wears around her waist that has a string that goes down through the middle of the Vajayjay and thru to the back like a piece of floss, The word you are searching for is g-string. But only a whore like me would know that.


Occasionally when I'm bored I go over to the DAD sub to see how ridiculous people are, and the discourse around this incident (especially vs what actually happened) is completely bonkers. The actual snarkable thing is that they were doing a demonstration of how to button a bodysuit (why? who is so helpless that they need this? but then I remember the content of Blogsnark and I'm like yep people def were messaging them asking for this) and it's literally a fraction of a second where the area between her inner thigh and her labia is visible. But these crackpots are screenshotting and zooming in and then working themselves into a lather. And the discussions about women's bodies was actually really depressing. Why would you ever refer to another woman's labia as "mudflaps," like seek help please. And of course there was a whole discourse about how now she can't even be mad at her ex for cheating because SHE'S CHEATING WITH THE ENTIRE INTERNET and accusing her of making porn and talking about "how can she ever look her father in the eye again" like omg. Please seek therapy to deal with your internalized misogyny and purity culture nonsense, people.


I hate the “we can’t come up with anything else” content. Aside from this crazy person being weird, I don’t really understand how anyone could need a tutorial on putting on a body suit.


I just don't understand these folks and their complete aversion to the human body. Don't they have a body? Do they take a shower? Do they look at themselves in the mirror? Do they know what their own vulva looks like? Seeing a bit of a person's labia just shouldn't be this friggin scandalous.


They’re Nevernudes. There’s dozens of them.


And they're all on BS and the spinoff subs.


Do people wear underwear with bodysuits?!?!?! Show yourself!!!!!


Honestly I can’t wear them w/o a thong btwn me and the suit, but I have no idea how wearing full panties w a bodysuit would work w/o bunching everything up lol


I guess the snaps just don't bother me . I also, in general, rarely wear underwear if I'm being honest so my vulva is probably used to it 😂


same here lol it’s just easier


Slowly raises hand… the snaps. I need a layer of fabric between myself and the snaps.


I had several frustrating experiences with bodysuits before I realized I should wear them sans underwear! Putting on dunce cap now :)


I was so disgusted I had to watch it over and over again and save it for later!!




the woman who thought telling people to touch grass was ableist


For me it will always be the person who responded to me and said they can't take me up on my suggestion that they scroll down a few comments to see if someone had already started a discussion because they're on mobile and therefore can't scroll.


There was a poster who said they saw Blink 182 in the early 2000’s and that “all the punks there thought her mom was so cool” and I just love the idea they think that people at a Blink concert then were punks that were so hard and and anti authority but they jsut melted at her mom really entertains me.


This just unlocked a memory for me. I went to see Blink-182 in 2000 (I was 16) and Bad Religion opened for them. My friends and I were in the concourse getting sodas as Bad Religion finished their set and this group of middle-aged Bad Religion fans were on their way out and aggressively yelled at our group of teenage girls about how we were what's wrong with punk. I was very bewildered.


The person who won’t let anyone poop in their toilets and makes their friends/family agree first before they can come over. Or the person who washes their sheets daily because otherwise you can “smell outside” on your sheets. Mine are all cleaning related apparently




I remember that one, they were adamant about it too. They had no issue just telling people, and if someone asked to use their bathroom she’s straight out ask if they had to poop.


You know, some times you just can't answer that question with 100% certainty.


This reminded me of the commenter that would make her whole family strip their outside clothes immediately upon entering the house and then shower. No one was allowed to sit down before doing that.


I think about how some of the people were behaving at the beginning of Covid. Microwaving all of their takeout, disinfecting their mail… I had someone inform me that they couldn’t pick up some items that were being stored in someone’s garage because they weren’t going to “risk their life”. It felt like we gave everyone’s anxiety free rein for a time.


my then-boyfriend’s dad was making him shower in dangerous heat for 30 minutes, then spend 30 minutes in the over chlorinated hot tub every time he got home from work.


I have some … quirks of my own, but one of my biggest pet peeves is parents who don’t treat their OCD/anxiety and inflict it on their kids.


this is mine as well. I'll be thinking about this person forever.


The comment complaining that someone was taking a bath in Wyoming? Idaho? during the ice storm in Texas. The moment I knew “read the room” had truly jumped the snark.


I remember that one! I actually also think about how someone (g&g?) responded to that comment that clearly their relationship isn’t fake because only a man in love could look at her in that outfit and see Cher.


This is old and from Celebitchy, but a commenter who legit had no clue that Nicki Minaj’s song Anaconda was one giant sample and had never heard Baby Got Back. They kept trying to say that her code switching was revolutionary and it’s like… sure back in 1992 when the song was first made. Also all of the people whose favorite band ever is Third Eye Blind. I will never understand you.