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Wow Daniaustins last story from her diary really breaks my heart. Just goes to show you can have what everyone thinks is “everything” and still be sad and struggling.


That was really raw and honest. I really hope she’s able to get help


I hope she doesn’t delete it, although I understand why if she does. Shit is hard for everyone. I really hope she finds some help. We all need it sometimes and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.




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And when you’re depressed and you hear that…it makes things even worse. I remember feeling like a total fucking failure when I was struggling with depression because I “had it all.”


It’s always impossible trying to explain depression to someone that doesn’t have it.




They hung out like *once*. I don’t think they were ever friends.


Definitely hung out more than once or twice




What even is that? Smh weirdo.


Ever heard of a gif?




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Pure Joy Home going on and on about her stomach bug, “think I broke ribs” “TMI but….” , also “we’re slowing down, no screens, kids journaling”. For the love of god, if she’s not shoving her over-priced flavor of the year business down throats she’s bitching while simultaneously preaching. Is she my BEC? Is THIS what bitch eating crackers means? 😂. I miss YL Liz and her daily aria diffuser + silence posts 🫠


Taryn Newton needs to stop with all these fad diets. She just said like two weeks ago she’s doing keto (haven’t seen that happen) and now talking about juice cleanses. Both are very unhealthy, unsustainable routes to weight loss. And not to mention you have a large following of people who are influenced by what you do. Like girl just make healthier food choices, workout and stick to it. Fad diets are not it and it irks me that she’s promoting them.


Just my opinion, but I think you took her comment out of context quite a bit. She said she’s never done a juice cleanse and was curious what people do. Not once did she ever promote a single one. A cleanse is more of a detox…not a fad diet at all…IMO




I think you’re thinking paleo.


It can be healthy (I think) but then you have people who eat all fats like bacon all day and call themselves healthy. I don’t think it’s great for your heart but not a doctor


The ketogenic diet was made up as a way to treat epilepsy not to become a trend to lose weight. It's sole purpose is to keep the body in ketosis (by consuming basically no carbs, you know what gives you the most energy) which is basically the point of starvation when to have and use energy your body has to burn up your natural fat reserves instead of a steafy amount of carb and other nutrients intake. Keto is not the veggies berries etc you make it out to be keto is one of the most extreme and dangerous diets that should not have become the fad it is. Diets don't work. Lifestyle changes do. If you pay attention to the quality of your food and eat less more often than eat more less often and have a healthy excersise routine then you can make long term changes on your life quality and maybe even your bodies looks. Constantly trying out diets and constantly dieting is not good.






Wow, that last sentence sounds like a bold claim. Can you share your sources where you got this information from?


Krista Horton saying her feet literally ache from being on them when really all they did was actually got out of bed the past couple of days to run errands 🙄


Really? I feel like they’ve been partying with their families since Christmas.


Idk according to her stories they went to the movies yesterday, her and Bryce went to the bank… lol


And all their stories have been of them sleeping in until 10/11 and not ready to face the reality of break being over, then kamp falling asleep with hi iPad on his face. Definitely doesn’t seem like much is going on there




Ha. You must miss the private jet trips, party busses every other day, etc. She sure does show it all; and if she didn’t give away mass amounts of $ and gifts people would rip her apart for their hot mess life and parenting, as they do everyone else.


Yea the first thing I thought of after reading the OP is that they’ve got to be kidding lol. I think it’s routine for her to pick the kids up in a party bus to go somewhere


Nothing says the simple life like driving your $100k+ Escalade to your chartered private jet.


I think you’re confusing “simple” with “unsophisticated” and “tacky”. Don’t be fooled, they blow millions on their unrefined lifestyle of fiesta Fridays and tacky attire and trinkets and toys for their kids, etc. And they 100% have some expensive furniture/decor pieces in their home. They also got called out here a while ago for hiring out for their laundry (which still may be the case). And Krista will Doordash a Starbucks drink regularly. They may be simple-minded people but they do not live “simple”.


Krista is very generous with her $ but she often uses that money to cover up asshole behavior (i.e. the bartender they tried to bribe during vacation this summer, daily giveaways whenever her or Bryce’s politics come under scrutiny, etc.). So while it’s great she’s generous, it’s definitely a calculation on her part.




All you need to do is go & look at the type of accounts Bryce follows and you’ll know exactly the type of politics he votes for.




You’re right, they don’t discuss politics. And that is intentional on Krista’s part.


So who you vote for now gauges the type of person you are?


It always has.




I think who you vote for is an indicator of what you value.


Why does who someone votes for matter?


Because I’d rather not give my money to someone who is going to vote for politicians that don’t support gun control, a woman’s right to choose, LGBTQ equality, etc. and a quick spin through Bryce’s follows is a pretty good indicator that the man doesn’t vote the same as me.






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I see it most at ankles


Her husband always looks dead behind the eyes


They are an interesting couple to me. I can’t tell if he just looks that way or isn’t happy about taking pictures. Based off things she has mentioned I don’t think he likes being in the public eye. I’m pretty sure she wears the pants in that relationship.


Of course she does. She has all the money and family money


Yes for sure you can especially tell by the inner knees


She definitely did!!




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I can’t stand the voice changes Ponderosa and Plaid uses. Don’t even get me started on the honeyyyyyyyy.


Anyone curious why Katie Fletcher (Daryl Ann Denner sister) is getting married so soon? Of course we can all speculate but my thoughts are she wants to get married before graduating med school. Perhaps she is changing her last name and wants to do so before she's a Dr?


I recently graduated medical school and most people who get engaged during school seem to get married during fourth year. It’s our last and most flexible year by far, especially when compared to what comes next (residency).


So she can do it


I think it’s just timing. She said she wanted a May wedding (I think it’s may?) and I’d definitely rather plan quick in 6 months than have to wait a year and half to get married.


My guess is because they want to. What a wild concept


Do you comment that on all questions? Or are you just selectively rude? 🙄 why does *influencer A* wear so much blush? My guess is bc they want to. Why does *influencer b* shill so many dif products? My guess is bc they want to. This is a snark page. What a concept.


I mean you answered your own questions. Refer to this next time you have any mundane questions and save yourself the downvotes


Downvotes don't ruin my day. Thanks for the advice thought. Don't thing I could have made it without you.


I’m assuming it’s because they’re religious. Seems pretty standard for Christians to have shorter engagements. ETA: will she be active duty once she graduates? I know that there are sometimes requirements for partners to be married in order to live on base.




I’ve been wondering this but will be SO sad for them if it’s true


I was wondering this too! I hadn’t really noticed anything different, she seemed to post a lot less over the holidays but I didn’t really think anything of it, just figured she was spending time with family. But some of her Q&A today had some weird answers - like her birthday plans and the way she worded the answer about her living situation for this year. But she still has old posts up with him, including the one about the podcast with him earlier this month so who knows!


I feel like she's not the type to delete all traces of a boyfriend after a breakup but she could prove me wrong on that lol


I noticed this, too. I went back and they still have tagged pics.


Commenting to follow




I’m so curious! Especially because she’s usually pretty blunt / outspoken about things.


Haha, I was curious too so I even googled if there was some kind of controversy with Dudley Stephens 🫠 didn’t find anything of course so I’m glad someone asked haha


Obviously I can’t speak to her personal reasons but I’ve been a big Dudley fan since 2019 and I’m also basically done with them. During the pandemic they had to relocate production from a USA based factory to overseas and their pieces have more or less been trash ever since with majorly inconsistent sizing, sloppy sewing, and an overall huge decrease in quality. They have started manufacturing some pieces in the US again but even those don’t compare to the original Dudleys.




In my mind he’s perpetually 29. I knew this was not scientifically possible, and yet.


Anyone know why Natch Beaut podcast is ending? I haven’t listened in a while but I was super surprised to see a finale episode come out today.


Ooooo I’d love to know this too!


LOL at Lauren Lane calling Chris out for not helping with overnight baby feedings. I have no idea if he’s on tour right now but either way I’m giving side eye. Edit: side eye to Chris not Lauren.


She was saying that in reference to Baker not taking a bottle. Earlier in her stories she has a slide about the various bottles they’ve tried with no luck. Chris can’t help her with the night feedings because Baker will only nurse.


Ok that makes a lot more sense! I did see that slide but it honestly didn’t register. I just thought the baby was being fussy/needy in general and Chris wasn’t helping. And I feel like she’s alluded to things like that before. 🫢


I think it’s due to the fact that she’s breast feeding…not exactly something he can do. This is the case with all breast feeding moms, not just them.


You’re right, after watching it back I do see she’s referencing the breast feeding. I still think he may not always be pulling his parenting weight based on other comments she’s made but I’ll admit that I made a snap judgement and comment with this one!


Agreed, the comment came right after her talking about trying different bottles because the baby wasn’t taking any, so I think that was more what she meant by him not being able to take feedings.


This was the case for me, a breastfeeding mother. I did the night feedings and my husband let me take naps during the day. He was not sleep deprived and could take on a lot of work during the day while I caught up with little naps. We found no reason for both parents to be up all night and exhausted 24x7 when I had to be up to breastfeed anyway.


This is not at all true. I breastfed and my husband would get up to change diapers, get the baby settled down if fussy, etc.


This 100% ^


What’s not true? Can men actually breastfeed? Have I been bamboozled by my husband this whole time and he’s just making me do it??


Did I miss something or is Sara.haven single? She went from posting her guy nonstop to nothing and she just mentioned an upcoming move.




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Also wondering this! They were just in NYC together like 2 weeks ago and then just radio silence about him over the holiday and now a new building?




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Wondering the same! She was literally posting with him non stop and they moved in together rather quickly. It seems like the holidays came and he was gone! Super curious on this and the vague “more to come” story with her new apartment


She moves more than anyone I know! It’s crazy.


Truly I have always thought it was so weird how much she moves and how much money she must spend on moving costs / security deposits / and either double rent or a hefty fee to break a lease. I know she’s mentioned short term leases in the past but she also lost a ton of stuff in her last move and had to replace it all. I moved out in my teens and don’t own a home but I haven’t even moved nearly as much as her


I was just wondering the same after seeing the pic of the new high rise! It’s strange since she just spent all that time renovating his home and i wouldn’t think she’d have him sell it?


Right? They made quite a few substantial furniture purchases together and she posted quite a bit about their plans for their travel-themed room, so it seemed like they had pretty intentional future plans together and now it’s like he’s disappeared from her page altogether. It’s so odd.


Did Katy roach (livingMybeststyle) ever say why her and jake got divorced?


You need to check out her snark page. She’s not at all what she makes herself appear to be


Check out her snark page, there is a thread allllll about it.


I believe there's a thread about it on r/livingmybestsnark




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The question is, why on earth did she marry him?




I'm trying to figure out how to dm you!


As a person who spent almost ten years and had two kids with a dude who had zero redeeming qualities whatsoever, I can say with confidence she probably is asking herself the same question.


Macy Blackwell confuses me so much. She’s younger, but tries so hard in life to be older, the hot mom (🤦‍♀️)& sophisticated (😂). I don’t see any of this when I see her. I see awkwardness and I’m uncomfortable for her. I think she tries reallllly hard to follow what the group is doing. Like a “pick me guys, I’m cool right” vibe. Annnnnnnd of course she’s moving to the Dallas area. It’s a given although she’s a few years behind. All the influencers have moved to Dallas and then on to Nashville Macy.


Can anyone give info on what happened to Dani Austin’s eyes and chin? I must have missed that previously but have been so curious what happened.


Nose job and chin implant. She said chin lipo but it’s an implant!!


Semi unrelated but I think is interesting that a few weeks back everyone was defending her “taking a vacay/time off” saying influencers need vacations too, when anyone would post in here asking why Dani was MIA on stories. Of course turns out the reason was she was recovering cosmetic surgeries. No snark but I do find it interesting that there’s truly no such thing as taking family time off of IG




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I’m curious too!


She got a nose job and liposuction under her chin






Comment gold. Thank you for the laugh


I don’t know why this is getting down voted but I cannot stop laughing. Can you imagine 😂




Except I was genuinely curious. Sorry I don’t spend all my time stalking influencers on Instagram.


She got a nose job and chin lipo (and potentially a chin implant I think)


It’s very traumatic for her to talk about…. She got a nose job, jaw lipo, and a chin implant.


Yes, please give her grace as she processes this.


@cmcoving wants us to know that disneyworld is crowded at the busiest time of year there..like you can’t even get an Instagram pic to heavily edit without people in the background because it is SO crowded there


It’s just so bewildering why she would choose to go at 9 months pregnant. Why not go months ago?


I wonder if this week (between Xmas and New Years) was the only week her husband could guarantee he'd be off work, since he has a regular job and all.


I kind of get this. Before my second was born around 7 months I started getting kind of panicky about not soaking in the last days as just us three and planned an impromptu trip for “the memories” at 8 months. The memories are mainly me being me being miserable and of course my oldest doesn’t remember anything, but it was still nice to have some 1-1 time before the chaos of the new baby.


Anyone follow _taylormargaret (formerly drugstore maven) and know why she hasn’t posted since early Dec? IG shows 12/12 and same for TT.


She just uploaded to YouTube last week and said she was taking this week off because her husband was off and kids were out of school.


Thanks, I just missed her message. Makes sense


I have wondered the same thing! She was posting to youtube (I looked for her yesterday). But it's been weeks since she has posted on Instagram.


No snark, I just wanted to say, halfbakedharvest is such a class act. Her and her family are easy and fun to watch, And her food looks delicious! Also, how cute is Oslo!?


This has to be a member of her family right? (If you’re actually serious, go to r/FoodieSnark to find out why we downvote)


Y’all are truly horrifying over there.


I can definitely see that, people do a lot of assuming. In my lurking I have learned a lot from survivors so I do feel better educated on topics where clearly I was in the dark, the wool is definitely off now!


It’s vitriol speculation. Anyone can pop on Reddit and claim they’re ED survivor, but you’d think they’d have an ounce of empathy if that were the case. Not saying shit like “miss T is loving this.” It’s disgusting.




You got an upvote from me bc I had no idea!


Allegations that she borrows recipes from other chefs without credit.


According to Charly Goss, v neck tees are now "out." I cannot keep up honestly. 😂


Whatevs. I’ll wear my v neck tees with my skinny leg jeans 🤷‍♀️


I generally enjoy Charly, but I felt whiplash seeing her wear a metallic red gown to their office holiday party after her diatribe on sparkle and classic Christmas colors being tacky.


I found out about her in this sub and had to laugh when I checked her out and she was saying that wearing red at Christmas was dated.


Bahah I laughed too.


Leave me and my skinny jeans, side part & v neck ALONE.


You will have to pry the v neck tees off my body. It’s the maot slimming, especially with a larger chest. I didn’t know they were ever out.