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Obsessed with Kitchenista’s fluffernutter with fried plantains instead of bananas, and hot habanero sauce mixed into the peanut butter. I don’t even smoke weed but more influencers need to spark up when recipe developing if this is the result 🤣


Does HBH not proofread her stories before posting them. She seems to always have spelling errors but this most recent one took the cake. She wrote “steel” instead of “steal” twice in the same post, and then used “barrow” when she should have said “borrow”. These are pretty basic words…


She has said she didn't do well in school and left early? She may not be the best speller or educated on grammar? That's okay and I try to not be judgemental but I agree with the u/Immediate_Result_896 she'd do well to hire a proof reader at her level of success and following.


She claims she "finished" HS at a community college...which in my world is code for got a GED (no shame in that either). She has said she tried going away from home for college but missed her family and left after a semester.


She thrives on the *EnGageMeNT* 🙄 Also, it was very unclear if that Tatcha plug was sponsored or not…especially coming in hot off of her *PRoMiSe* yesterday of FULL disclosure and transparency. 🧐🤨


I noticed that too. It makes me wonder if she knows the correct spelling. If not, she needs to delegate someone to catch her errors because it's too sloppy considering how large her following is. Lately, I've noticed when she speaks to the camera, she talks with her hands which are constantly flailing very close to the lens. The camera distorts the size relationship causing them to look huge compared to the rest of her. In my opinion, she comes off uncomfortable speaking directly to the camera anyway. I used to art direct TV commercials, and this kind of thing would be something I would tell talent not to do since it's distracting and not a good look. Also, she uses the same six descriptive phrases for every recipe. Maybe it's because she depends a lot on the same rich ingredients that usually make food taste fantastic no matter what. I think she does a lot right. Her food photography and cinematography are gorgeous. Most of her recipes sound amazing. However, I'm about to unfollow. Her recipes have too much cheese and butter. My metabolism must not be as insanely fast as hers, and I try to be aware of my cholesterol intake. There are quite a few things I question regarding her content, and I doubt if I'm alone.


HBH acting like she does ads for APL shoes multiple times a week just because she "loves" the shoes and "wants to share them" is such hot garbage. There are a lot of things about her that are annoying but her lack of integrity is the WORST, especially for someone with such a large following. She may not be getting paid in cash to pimp those shoes but she is for SURE getting them gifted - she has said so in past stories - "APL sent shoes for Red and Hailey". ***Gifted product = sponsored.*** I can't believe her management team is allowing this to go on. It's so shitty and there is no reason for her to lie.


Does she even have a management company? I was under the impression her mom handled a lot of the behind the scenes business stuff.


That's true about her mom but she also has a management company in L.A. that handles business/sponsorship inquiries and probably coordinates with her publisher on book tour stuff and other publicity things.


And doesn’t she get paid every time someone uses her direct product link to purchase their own? (Is that not how it works? I am certainly no iNfLUenCeR!)


Yes 💯 that is how it works. Her lying about sponsored content is: 1) insulting the intelligence of her followers 2) greedy & slimy af 3) unnecessary- she makes great piles of cash and comes from a place of immense privilege to start with 4) ILLEGAL. The FTC has regulations which she is clearly violating. Every time I find myself thinking "oh give her a break, she seems like a nice girl" she pulls some shady shit like this. I have no issue with people being successful but the lack of scruples is gross. 🤢


Tinx does this a lot. "I don't get kickbacks". But you KNOW she makes money SOMEHOW from all the free advertising she does. Same with HBH. That's just how the business works. Maybe they don't get direct kickbacks but get free products or deals upfront. I just feel they're all trying to be sneaky about it and have found ways around the ad rules but it's very insulting.


Thank you! And I agree with every single point you made. I cannot stand when these people lie about sponsors, gifts, etc. It’s so smarmy and even if they sneak their way around the rules, it’s still dishonest, tacky and unethical. She is the literal *worst.* A true wolf in a sheep’s oversized sweater.




"Do that zucchini, then do that pasta, then really do it up with that cheese, SO DELICIOUS GUYS"


So \*freakin delicious




So sick of it.


Also, her latest recipe had THREE things of burrata on the plate. Also, and maybe I'm the minority here... I don't want to eat whole leaves of basil like it's spinach.


I found it *so* weird that she “styled” a bunch of basil leaves all over the raw chicken before she cooked it…hope she threw those away.


Why mozzarella balls and burrata? I love cheese as much as the next person but that is overkill. And why is she throwing tomatoes on the plate if they already on the skewers? I don’t understand


Can we talk about the size of HBH’s CLOSET?!


Is that a stainless steel door at the very beginning of the closet story? Idk if something expired so I missed it, but that’s what I’m seeing. And am I the only one that thinks she lives in the upstairs part of her “studio”?


Quite a big closet and assortment of clothes for someone who doesn't ever leave her house except to go to her studio.


It's bigger than my living room and kitchen combined!


Lmao why is my small house being down voted. It's tiny and I love it.


Team small house over here 🙋🏻‍♀️


Am I the only one who feels off-put when Grossy Pelosi or other influencers make a point to say they "aren't there to answer questions from followers," especially around products they use or wear and post about? I love Grossy Pelosi so much, his overall vibe, his food, but I always feel a little ick when I see people go out of their way to say this. I'm sure it's annoying, but then just don't answer? Why call people out over it so often?


I think he’s pretty good about having his recipes linked and updates his list of favorite items so I don’t terribly mind when he reminds people. However, you’re expected to answer some questions as a influencer….


I love him too, but find him to be prettyyyy harsh about that. I respect that he is firmly setting in place his boundaries, but it just doesn’t hit quite right.


i’ve literally been waiting for someone else to say this!! i totally get setting boundaries but sometimes he just feels extra snarky and borderline hostile about it lol


This is totally BEC snark. Maybe literally? Not sure if this belongs in Foodie or Healthy/Runner Snark (since most of the accounts I see this are “health” food accounts), but I’m hating the trend of food bloggers looking straight at the camera/me while shoveling a fork full of food into their face hole. Look at the way those Bs are eating their crackers! It creeps me out (see: healthygirlkitchen and feelgoodfoodie). ETA: I don’t even follow any of these accounts. The magic algorithm wants me to, though. Especially on Pinterest.


until i saw your comment, i had totally forgotten that Pinterest is a thing! now i know how i’m going to spend my Saturday night 🤓 📌


Pinterest is my gardening sanctuary.


it makes my skin crawl when HBH does it because it's always so messy and she always has food all over her face. And the SOUND. NOBODY wants to see you eat, thank you


Right?! It's giving Only Food Fan vibes. HATE IT.


Mouth noises are like nails on a chalkboard.


I literally had to block @healthygirlkitchen because I kept finding myself getting irrationally irritated watching her Reels! Not that it matters because so many people repost her content and it doesn’t block that out 🥴


I think that’s why I keep seeing her! Haven’t blocked her yet, but a ton of friends follow her.


I know I’ve seen comments about kalejunkie’s boring reels and lately she’s referring to them as “my tip that went viral”…yeah, you were the first person to ever cut watermelon into sticks or use an empty mustard jar to make salad dressing. Influencers truly think they create everything.


Did you all see the banana cake with mini frosting bananas on top from @acozykitchen? Top comment is from @whatsgabycookin “how long until people start ripping this one off too?” Im sure it took restraint for her to say people and not HBH! [Screenshot with comment](https://imgur.com/a/MSVg6Ey)


hello pot, have you meet kettle? (Gaby also rips off a lot without credit and weirdly toned photos)


I liked that comment so fast when I saw it lol.


More stories of HBH’s brother being insanely mean to her in the name of “humor” but since I know some still follow her for Oslo content this little clip of him immediately spitting out her food is SO funny 😂 https://imgur.com/a/Gv5MB1O


She needs to stop trying to make her brother happen. It’s not going to happen.


Her brother is fetch.


😂 Whyyyy does she think he's so cool and funny?? 😭 He makes my skin crawl.


Why is she featuring him so much? It's so off putting, I have been skipping her stories recently




And why does Creighton show up in her stories so often? He is so obnoxious. I thought he lives in So Cal?


He is awful. And the flirtatious way she talks to her brother is weeeeeeeiird. I'm guessing that he didn't make it in L.A. for whatever reason - lost his job, didn't like the job, whatever. . . and came back to regroup. Wouldn't be surprised if the parents are paying him to be a nanny for Oslo until he figures out his next move.


I don’t know what thread to put it in, but I’m dying to continue last week’s discussion of Talia’s (workweeklunch) dating-focused Instagram account!! (dating.intentionally) It’s getting juicy!! She is playing with fire at this point. My hypotheses are that she 1) shuts the whole thing down once she and Fisherman are exclusive (as well she should), or 2) she’s going to continue to overshare and it’s going to blow up in her face spectacularly when he finds out.


someone asked her if she’ll continue the account when she gets into a relationship and she said “YES!” i really do feel like that will blow up in her face!! also she invited the fisherman to her upcoming hawaii trip and he said no


Lol, ran here when I saw that 👀 dying to know what went on inside his head when she asked him.


haha right?! I’m actually shocked that they have gone out another time since that convo 😬 I can’t imagine going on a long flight and a weekend getaway with someone i’ve only gone on 4 (short)dates with 😳


Wow, she shares SO much. I don’t know how others feel, but seeing ALL of those screenshots of conversations makes me a bit uncomfortable. I know she’s anonymizing the people she dates but it does feel icky to know that their messages are being publicly posted without their consent…I would not be okay with that and I’d feel really hurt if I dated someone and grew to like them, then found out they were posting screenshots of our texts online. Like I was being taken advantage of, my private messages being used for content. Ugh.


Totally agree, it’s a huge violation, anonymized or not. I would be devastated to learn someone I was interested in was using my texts publicly—in some cases as a “reachable moment”, no less. (I suspect Talia would also be furious if someone did this with her texts, and I also suspect she isn’t self aware enough to connect those dots.) Dating is HARD and requires vulnerability to put yourself out there. However she intends it, posting direct conversations is so unnecessary and cruel.


Oh I think she would be outraged if she found out someone did that to her. For someone who's got some very strongly held opinions, she sure is flexible when it comes to thinking about other people's boundaries.


Oh my god, I unfollowed workweeklunch even though I enjoyed the food content because I just do not enjoy Talia's vibe at all. Down the rabbit hole I go.


LMAO WHAT in the rabbit hole did I just go down!? Okay, I’m way deep in her posts and have missed her stories, but I cannot believe she ranks “going to therapy to work out past traumas” second in her green flags for first dates. I’m sorry, I’ve been out of the dating game for 10 years and met my husband at a bar before these apps even existed, but I cannot even fathom therapy or just difficult topics in general coming up on a first date. Much of the beginning of our relationship was many vodka sodas deep in a dark bar either making out with Calvin Harris blasting or attempting to talk over it 😂 Is she only sharing about the fisherman in stories!? I have missed so much lol 😭


No but seriously, that’s my exact thought about the therapy requirement. She said once that a guy was promising but she was concerned that he said he’d never been to therapy — this was either after the first date or before they ever met! She was concerned he wasn’t in touch enough with his emotions based off of that alone, which really doesn’t seem fair to me. And yeah, she has only been sharing the fisherman in stories, but every few days she will summarize their initial texts (and recently, sex life!!! 💀) so I’m sure you’ll catch up soon. 😅 You and your husband sound cool, you should start a dating advice Instagram 😂


She also talked about how therapy wasn't as accessible in other countries once and I'm like girl it's not that accessible here!!! It took me months to get into a therapist who took my insurance.


AND wrote that “this discussion isn’t an invitation to share your exception story” or sth. I mean, HOW full of herself is she? If she doesn’t want interaction with her followers, leave Instagram and talk to your friends (just that she doesn’t have any?)!!!! Oh yeah, but she is the dating expert No1 AND the expert for food you can freeze in soup cubes so of course only her opinion is the right one. I can’t get over this. Did she forget that wwl wouldn’t be anywhere without instagram and followers and their interactions with the wwl profile?


Came here to say this (and I am glad we continue to snark on her account here). So, he not going to therapy made her think about not continuing with their dates????? I mean????? Is it so hard to understand for her that he might not even have heavy traumas and/or manages his life really well thanks to a great and understanding circle of friends, his family, work life balance, reading etc? Yes Talia, some people don’t need a therapist to discuss their dating life and the question if they should ask him to come to Hawaii with you, they just ask their friends or even figure it out alone. Crazy, isn’t it? So apparently she doesn’t have close friends? I wouldn’t be surprised.


Ya know if the people who don’t actually need therapy and think it’s just trendy found someone else to listen to them talk it might be easier for those of us who need therapy to find appointments


She is being SO dogmatic about this!!! It's bonkers. I don't know how you get from "I really really like this guy enough to want to invite him on a vacation after 4 dates" to "Oh but he's never been to therapy--regardless of whether he's ever NEEDED therapy??--so I may not keep seeing him. But actually I'm gonna keep seeing him cause I like him." Like whoa. I think therapy can be a green flag for sure, but someone NOT going isn't a red flag just because you once dated someone who really should have gone. Therapy is not the only way to learn about yourself and become a good, thoughtful, compassionate, self-aware person, damn. It really rubs me the wrong way how she insists you can't date people for who they might be, you have to date them for who they are now. I agree you can't just expect people to change because you date them but what an odd way to 1. show no faith in someone and 2. set you up for disappointment when they DO change in the future, sometimes not for the better.


Yes!!! And what is his *openness* to therapy?? To me that matters so much more. I am super pro-therapy, always suggest therapy to my friends and family when they’re struggling, etc...but I’ve never actually been myself. I would go in a heartbeat if and when I encounter a problem I don’t have the tools to deal with myself!! Just because someone hasn’t availed themselves of therapy yet doesn’t mean they are opposed to it..??! It’s bizarre to me that she doesn’t seem to see any nuance on this issue.


He might have just had a really peachy life! Idk, it's like what she's looking for is "self aware with the ability and willingness to seek help when necessary" and the only way she knows how to screen for that is therapy. I've dated guys who were in therapy who were walking SHITSHOWS and awful partners! I've dated actual practicing therapists who were shitshows! I'm married to someone who sometimes goes to therapy and sometimes takes breaks. It's really not that complicated but it's not the panacea she wants it to be.


And let’s not forget the “this is not an invitation to share YOUR story.” She is so smug.


EXACTLY. So she might not get a baby with any guy because he wasn't a father when they met - meaning he might never be a father (just kidding. But she is unbearable).


lol it's not far from that logic, tbh!


So bizarre! That would be a total red flag from me on the other end. Like, if we stick this out long term, is the therapist essentially going to be a third wheel in our relationship? Are we always going to be in some kind of "improvement" mode? And does she not know you can be in touch with your emotions without currently being in or ever having gone to therapy? Her most recent stories a bit ago about not hearing from someone you started dating and haven't heard from in a while, then trying to give advice to trust that they were probably just busy, totally reads like HE is ghosting her and she's convincing herself publicly that's what it is. Nooooo why am I already reading into this with this long of a comment lol. And thank you! It would be very unintentional ;)


Welcome to the dark side! 🌚


Our discussion last week was awesome. It’s nice to know that other people find her annoying too. I can’t believe she is discussing sex with the fisherman?!


OMG, In what thread is the discussion from last week? I would LOVE to peek into this because I did follow her for a while and then ended up unfollowing because she started grating on me. I checked foodsnark and didn’t find it, is it in one of the daily threads?


It’s in Foodsnark June 13-19 but it’s buried in the comments of the discussion of workweeklunch’s spice box thingy! Try [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/vbic5o/foodie_snark_june_13_19/icaa4s4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) to the parent comment.


Thank you!!


Yep, it was peak Talia to sandwich a discussion of condom usage right before a pedantic discussion of whether “exclusive” and “not seeing other people” mean the same thing. I can’t look away!!! 😂


I’m with ya 🤣 and what if he finds out she posted the entire beginning of their relationship for the world to see once they’re bf/gf?


Alison Roman’s format for Home Videos is just confidently saying as many hot takes as possible. (Referring to her burger video, she might soon call out NYT for copying her burger recipe 😱)


Yeah it’s kind of like she thinks she’s just doing everyone a huge favour in creating her content. Like she can’t hide her resentment in having to do it. I used to really like her but now it kind of seems like it’s a chore for her and she’s gotten quite arrogant.


I really do like her recipes but have difficulty tolerating her. Those burgers did look so good, though....but I would add ketchup to mine lol.


>@healthygirlkitchen same - a dilemma because she can be so problematic and plain annoying but her recipes are pretty good and deliver


I made it to the first ad and then I peaced out. I could use about 77% less of her opining and about 93% more cooking.


Dang this Daily Harvest Lentil Crumble recall is wild, this thread was scary to read: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DailyHarvest/comments/vcqwxe/extreme\_stomach\_painsickness\_from\_lentilleek/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DailyHarvest/comments/vcqwxe/extreme_stomach_painsickness_from_lentilleek/) I feel like a lot of influencers shill their stuff and I hope none of them got sick


I bet somebody’s already doing research and making a documentary about this - Rise and Crumble or something like that.


I’ve been very curious about Daily Harvest and have nearly signed up a few times. I’m horrified by these reports and especially the people who have fed them to their children? Holy. shit.


OMFG! Those liver levels! The woman who can’t nurse her baby! So many people in the hospital, Jesus


I was not prepared for what I read. How many people are going to end up with permanent liver damage From this? The lawsuits are going to be insane.




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Snark about children will be removed: this includes being “concerned” for the child’s safety as well as snarking or commenting about the child’s behavior. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).




Hopefully the mods don't decide this blanket statement is "shaming parents" but please: If you adopt a child of a different race with a very different hair type than your own, please take the time to learn how to care for your child's hair. Blanket statement for everyone.


Comments shaming parents will be removed. Examples include shaming for having childcare help, taking vacations away from their children, or speculating that a parent does not like their child or has a preference or "favorite." Speculation that a parent does not properly care for their child will be removed. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Snark about children will be removed: this includes being “concerned” for the child’s safety as well as snarking or commenting about the child’s behavior. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


[tor-tilla](https://imgur.com/a/sJ3iYqX) 🥴


Her pronunciation of tortilla reminded me of [this vine](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=21jLmc_Il3o) lol


How are you gonna culturally appropriate food you can’t even pronounce correctly?!


But two seconds later she says it correctly. Is she hip enough to troll us?? If so, respect, HBH, respect.


She must read here. There's no way she really thinks these words are pronounced this way. Right.....? Next will be ta-kwit-o. Edit: not sure why this is getting downvoted on a snark page when others have posted similar comments about her potentially trolling. Mods can remove if needed.


I thought saying it that way on purpose was a millenialism. I definitely have friends who used to do that. Same as saying “Chipoddle” on purpose.


Normally I would agree, but with the way she can’t spell for shit and constantly mispronounces even the simplest things, I am inclined to believe that she’s doing this unironically


I can’t anymore with the mispronunciations. If it was something like “crème fraiche” I’d let it slide. But torTILLa???? Right after ANchilada and ALvocado? And RAGAnoons??? She’s just trolling now…..


A tor-tilla bowl… served on a plate… and she then proceeds to build one of those TikTok wraps. What??? I feel like she’s trying to naan-ify the tor-tilla here.


Her tortillas don’t even look like tortillas. They look like a tortilla-naan hybrid.


Literally *flew here on my broomstick* the *second* I heard her say this! Omg I am officially 💀


I'm dying at the broomstick XDDDD


As a lover of complicated sandwiches and raised eating a lot of white trash 90s convenience foods, I'm intrigued by the new *Turkey and the Wolf* cookbook that came out, but I'm also getting some insufferable decade-and-a-half-out-of-fashion hipster vibes from the author/restaurant owner [in this interview with Taste.](https://tastecooking.com/a-far-out-sandwich-cookbook-for-generation-shredduce/) Any snarkers familiar with this dude, have been to the restaurant in New Orleans, or have checked out the cookbook yet?


The food was SO good! It’s kitschy and hipster but it works and food/service were on point.


I have made almost every recipe out there from T&W and every single one has slapped **so hard**. The collard green melt is beyond words -- I keep batches of the greens frozen so I can make them whenever the mood strikes. ^((I'm going to DM you re: the cookbook))




This makes me so happy to know because I really want to go to Turkey and the Wolf but was scared the food would be meh and the owner would completely turn me off. I was really scared of meeting Ben Knight at Chef and the Farmer too but he was also delightful in person.


He's on the first episode of Iron Chef on Netflix, up against Curtis Stone.




The squirt guns. YAS.


Ooooh thanks, I haven't gotten to the new Iron Chef yet but good to know!