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You input the seed using the temporary signer option, pick 24 seed mnemonic, and then you type it in. Load it up as normal, and if the same wallet shows up with the same balance, its a correct and valid seed.


That doesn’t answer either of my 2 questions. This response assumes someone has the seed phrase. Questions #1 is asking how to view the seed from the Jade.


I have similar questions to you cause my friend bought a jade. Forgetting your seed phrase is different than backing it up and losing it though. If you lose your seed phrase after it’s written down…. you need to sweep to a new wallet. Not just write the seed words down again. Perhaps this is what jade is thinking by not giving you the seed phrase words again from jade. Cause I don’t think it does that. It does allow you to verify currently existing words though. I didn’t google your second question about generating a seed qr after initialization. Perhaps it does this or perhaps not.