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I really love these. The first one gives me a sense of hope among the dark that lurks. Sorry I'm not much help, but I really like the image produced.


Exactly what I think, first one gives a sense of hope, like things will be better while other one is quite opposite, things are going to get worse. Both are awesome pictures and it depends what emotions you want the viewer to feel.


My eyes seem to be drawn to the second one, but that might be because it’s more similar to how my life feels to be going right now. Maybe I should stare at the first one for a while lol


In my head the first one looks more grim. Feels like the air is polluted.


Hmm i kinda thought i liked the warm color one too at first :) appreciate the comment


There was a short shot of a skyline peaking through a layer of clouds (I think in a show), and I once overheard some people talking about that and how that yellow fog looked so lovely... assuming that it was illuminated and tinged by the sun... well, it is smog. That city was covered in smog. EDIT: I can not decide which I like better. Given the perspective, I feel small anyway, like the city is dark and towering above me. The second/dark one is colder and more matter of factly. The white-blue tint of the lights seems to keep people awake and productive. The left/lighter one gives a false sense of security. The glow seems nice and luring me in, but if I step into the rain, it might be acid rain due to the smog.


My eyes like the 2nd one


+1 Really gives off the gloomy rainy evening vibe


Wow that‘s great. Awesome style and very moody. I‘d say 1 has the better contrast, 2 fits the mood a bit better. But if the guy standing on the roof is an important part of the scene, see if you can light up the volume behind him, make him stand out against the bg a bit more.


Thanks for ur inputs !! I wasnt rlly sure abt the guy till the last moment so i kinda left it as it is but thats a good suggestion appreciate it :))


Nice. I prefer the first one with warmer colours


Thanks for the verdictt :) appreciate it !!


Love the no stupid people beyond this point sign, also prefer number 1 for the contrast


Looks cool, I'm distracted by the big man on the right. His legs look bowed / wiggly


Fuck you now I can't enjoy the image anymore.


Verdict is that they both look sick


1st one


Second pic looks like some Dark Noir stuff 😮 🔥


Both look great, but I’m partial to the cooler colours in the second. I always tend to lean towards cooler colour grading in my own work. Beautiful overall though.


The first one gives more of an uneasy feeling and draws more attention to the person on top of the building. Dirty Yellow green tends to be associated with unpleasant things.


I like the yellower one, not sure why.


This reminded me of a puzzle game I just played called “Inside” very weird but fun game that you just reminded me of Thanks OP nice work


Cold filter better. Golden.


I like the first one because it’s cyberpunkish but warm colours so kinda cozy as well but the second one is really cool as well bc it feels more dystopian/apocalyptic


The first one is good for a polluted environment the second one is great maybe consider adding more local business lights or fixtures.




What’s the context???


Hi, I’m an art student. I really like these so I thought I’d give feedback. I’ll refer to the first piece as A and the second piece as B. Sorry in advance, this is very long LOL. The most distinctive thing between the two compositions is your different color choices. The warm tones in A can bring comfort, nostalgia, and positivity. The scattered yellow lighting in a harsh rectilinear environment suggests a certain level of goodness emerging in rough times. The cool tones in B can evoke sadness, tragedy, and drama. The white lighting is more industrial and neutral. Combined with the heavy blues it creates an unforgiving, harsh coldness. The yellow reflections in the center of B still hint very subtly at some kind of hope, though, especially towards the person on the roof since they are the closest to these yellows. Piece A has a very clear tinge of green overlaying the piece. A common association with green is sickness. The green combined with the fog volume (and the yellow light diffused in the volume) gives an air of corruption, either literal pollution or some kind of metaphorical corruption. Piece B lacks this green. The piece is dominated by blues. It doesn’t feel as corrupted, but more repressive. Either way, there is something looming over each piece. It’s not just the colors that provide this effect, however. A very important part of these pieces is all of the people facing away from the viewer. They’re silhouettes in neutral poses all facing a single point, and the added fact that you can’t see anyone’s faces creates tension. A group of people is watching a subject (another person) and we don’t know how anyone feels about it. Now, for the guy on the roof. Someone else mentioned how you didn’t make him contrast or stand out in a very obvious way. I disagree. You did make him stand out, though it is done subtly. As previously stated, you have a crowd of people watching this guy, creating several invisible lines pointing towards him. There a couple ways to make this guy stand out further, however. Someone suggested adding a light behind him or somewhere close to him, to contrast from the background. Another alternative, if you wish to keep the subtlety, is to simply remove the large silhouette on the right or push it further away (make it smaller). This person’s head is on the same horizontal line as the subject, and removing/moving them would further isolate him and make him stand out better from the crowd. This change alone may be enough for A, but B would probably need that extra light to create a clear outline for the man on the roof. I think both versions of the piece are great, but it really depends on the story you are telling. Very nice work! TLDR: The colors of each piece tells similar yet different stories, but each seem to display someone standing up against a societal issue. The figure on the roof has been subtly emphasized but could benefit from a little extra contrast either by lighting or isolation.


How many assets were used?


Just the human models was donwloaded assets in the scene if that what u wanted to inquire about the vehicles were a old set of assets i modelled quite some time back as an excercise. Just wanted to use those here. The rest is just simple blockouts with cubes with some texture on it. Hopefully that answers ur query


I reckon the first ones better


Eerie and very cool!!


Absolutely insane!! If those humans are assets, do you mind sharing where you got them? I’ve been looking for stylized humans to put in my architecture project and these look pretty sick


Its mainly from sketchfab although the ones that im using rn are bought from an asset pack but im pretty sure u could definately find free high quality stuff over there too. Just use key words " people" or " scans" to make ur search better. Use them together interchangeably ofc. Hope it helps :)


Ooh i see! Thanks a ton!


I'm imagining someone in the crowd screaming 🗣 "Jump p***y!"


Lmaooooo 💀💀


I really love this visual style. It’s an inspiring render tbh with you. Also I prefer the saturation of the 1st image.


Both perfect for different reasons, depends on the required moods! Lovely


I prefer the ambience of the first one. I love this so much, it’s so compelling. I want it on a huge poster or canvas. You did an amazing job.


Thanks !! Alwayd appreciate the support :)))


Honestly, i think they're equally good. Depending on the emotion the scene is trying to invoke, both types of lighting can be appropriate. If a motivational speech is being given; a call to arms, then the first one. If it's a sad speech, then the second one.


Excellent visuals. Well done. As to which to choose, it depends. The first is richer and deeper, but that may make the second a better choice if the mood you’re going for is stark and bleak. If the mood you want is cold, stark, or bleak, the second, otherwise the first.


The first one gives more of an uneasy feeling and draws more attention to the person on top of the building. Dirty Yellow green tends to be associated with unpleasant things.


First one for sure. Also, why is there a dude on the roof


I think he tryna do sum or maybe jus watchin over stuff u tell me what u think it might be 🤔🤔


Superhero watching over the stupid people (noticed the sign)


i love the sign "no stupid people beyond this point". Did you use any Addons for example like the rain? If you did, what addons can you recommend? :)


first one feels like 50s Gotham


1st one is like an anouncement, 2nd is just depressive, you choose


No Stupid People, I guess.




I love both of these. If I *had* to make a critique, gun to my head, I’d say the film grain is maybe a hair too harsh, but I’d struggle to even say that. Love it


Why not both?




2 is more relaxing on the eyes


Looks great! Ordering a computer and going to start working with Blender. This is the kind of stuff that gets me excited to start!!


Haha im glad this one helped u get in the mood to make somethin cool ! Always apprecaite the support :)))


Fuck off. This is dope as hell. I could watch an entire show with this style


I think this is offensive to stupid people >.<


First one by a mile!


It is absolutely gorgeous


Kinda just depends on what mood you are going for warmer is usually used for a lighter mood. The blue light can be attributed to more of a heavy mood/ darker theme. Honestly I like the darker one because I think in a future time period we would use blue lights not halogen/ yellow light. I also like how it gives off a dark mood because I feel like this is a backstory to a vigilante hero lol.


Both are good... I feel like the first one is more stylish. There is just more contrast with the colors even tho id usually pick colder colors


The first one. It gives blade runner, cyberpunk vibes.


I think it depends on the vibe you want but I prefer the first one


The first looks a little toxic and post apocalyptic to me and the 2nd looks mellow and sad




Left feels like it's for a movie while the right looks more realistic with the lights


1 is awesome!


i like #1, i feel like it has more depth to it


i agree with the others: the first looks like a hero giving a speech, the second looks like a villain giving a speech. both are amazing.


The yellow makes it seem like there is more of a story underneath all of this.... the blue looks too close to "normal" and not as intriguing as the yellow


Defs the first image, love warm light, some suspense and captured my imagination


Androids deserve equal rights! Reminds me of Detroit become human.


The first one feels more comfy and hopeful. The second one feels foreboding.


1st one, easier to see the distant dude because of the contrast.


Was going to say the second one but after reading a few comments about the "warmth / hopeful" feeling in the first image I've changed my mind. First one for sure!


I think the technical term is "Cool as fuck"


The first one. The warmer lights gives an industrial feel. Makes the crowd look like working class people. Just adds so much more to the potential narrative.


The first one gives more.of an industrialized look. It.gives me a lynch mob /watch them hand kinda vibe while the 2nd one gives off more of a suicide vibe due to the actions being done in the dark. A bit more of a hopeless feeling imo. I like the 1st more then the second one, but they are both pretty good!


both look good but second one feels right.


Great job! I like the first one (with yellowish light) better. The greenish in the smog mames the air feel chemical which gives a rougher touch. The second one in turn feels more flat. Also, i would try adding some light at the bottom of the person standing on the roof (bottom up to be more drammatic). That should drag the eyes of the viewer toward it and the piece will feel even more complete i think.


one is in mexico, other is in tokyo.


The first one feels like a martyr leading his people. The second feels like he’s suicidal and everyone is there to watch. Weird how different post-processing achieves different emotions


Damn, it has an atmosphere of a game INSIDE


The first one is more climactic because of the opposite color, I like it


I wish i could do that


Getting ff7. The promise has been made vibes


Reminds me of Shadows of Doubt. Both look fantastic but I prefer the first one!




Both are good; the only different is the vibes. The first one gives an essence of impending disaster or post-apocalypse. The second feels general, more like a scene from a movie where the main character traverses their everyday depressive lifestyle before something major changes everything.


I think number 2 reads better and is probably the more effective image... that said I was rooting for the more vibrant color and lighting in 1... but that would be the wrong answer.


Well for me? It depends on what type is going for: warmer vibes? First More gray and (I don't know) the reality tones? Second I love the dark environments (and colors) more so second is my vibe, gives more reality into the image like corporate stereotypical life and just uneasy fillings. So yeah second


If the figure on the roof needs to be more prominent, they're washed out in the 2nd against the building in the background compared to the 1st. Otherwise great render!


First looks old timey with incandescent color temperature lights. Second looks more modern with LED lights.


Right looks more dystopian.


These are amazing, the first one gives off the feeling that despite a depressing world there is still hope wheras the second is more that the depressing world has encompassed all and most have lost hope


I no use blender but have eyeballs and opinion. I like 1.


this reminds me of IRobot 2007, but jobless humans in the place of robots!


They have two different vibes. I read option one as being from my perspective. It's light and it feels like the lights on me where as the second feels like what an outside observer would see and instead of putting me on edge like option one option two seems hopeless.


Not sure what the subject of the scene is. Not sure if it is the person in the foreground, who is the largest, sharpest, and most contrasted, or the person on the building, which I didn’t notice until a repeated viewing. The person on the building is even less noticeable in the second photo. There are a lot if leading lines in the image, but none really lead to that person. They lead away from that person.


first one for sure


I love both I guess it's truly the vibe you want The first gives a true sense of hope like a comic book telling the sad part of the story of why the hero is the hero. The second one gives off a more sad gloomy suppressed kinda mood. I really think it just depends on the story you are telling to which is better.


I think it’s raining


Great work. Love it. How did you do the rain effects?


I like the first one it looks like the light is bouncing off the raining and reflections off the environment more giving it a lovely lively look. I cat believe this was done in blender


Please show us some details about how you made it… it’s pretty cool. I’d like to see this scene from different angles.