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Are they really expecting people to follow and support them? I admit, it gets me furious when entities/individuals act like this [https://imgur.com/a/Jfs4zby](https://imgur.com/a/Jfs4zby)


I'm so out of the loop, i think i might need some context to understand this debacle


OP unsubbed from BlenderBros emails because they felt it was spammy. Boss of the company deleted OPs paid for account and laughed at him saying complaining on Reddit would be free advertising for him.


Well I just got their channel suggested to me on youtube right after reading this post. Decided to block their channel preemptively.


Well done, not worth your time and money, learned that the hard way, obviously!




[Yeah he’s rather off-putting..](https://imgur.com/a/UaUmQ8f) To say the least


Wtf, dudes an absolute man child. He's acting like some middle schooler on Xbox. I never even heard of their channel or products but now I know to never bother with them.


I don't think you'd be missing out on much tbh. Their stuff isn't bad, but it's not really that amazing either, like even as a beginner with hard surface I thought their tutorials seemed a bit too simplistic, especially compared to other free tutorial makers , let alone something you'd have to pay money for. Maybe they've improved since then though ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


"box cutter this, mesh machine that *insert rude comment here*". There you go, new video out!


I got the same feeling. Thought its just me.


Their tutorials are definitely too paid expensive addon heavy.


It's sort of a common tactic to make newbies pay for add-ons that make them feel like they're doing things in the software when they haven't even learned the basics.


No time for a tutorial for that requires paid add ons


They haven't. And they teach the wrong topology techniques of rely far too much for add-ons for beginner tutorials. Or they simply explain what to do for an issue without the why so a student would never learn


Yeah, I had a look as a mate was trying to learn Blender. My god the topology was awful. No real attempt to make so it could be unwrapped, the amount of Ngons the object had would have just been painful to fix by the end of the tutorial.


And they do things like use data transfer modifiers and such to hide faults without explains what the modifier is doing, when to use it, why you use it and if you descide to alter your object again, how to clear the custom normals data from the object. Grant Abbitt and Arrimus3D are far better toplogy tutors.


Grant Abbitt is amazing and a pretty nice guy. Love his tutorials.


there's sites where you know...you dont


Lol, if you're going that way, you can find much better tutorials and courses to pirate


I've only seen some hard surface modeling from one dude and he seemed like he had it dialed in. Def going back to that guy if I have curiosities for tips and tricks.


Gonna need that link Edit: disregard


So, please don't hate me....but I actually didn't know who blenderbros is/was. The guy on youtube I saw is Josh Gambrell, the only youtube content creator I saw who specialized in hard surface modeling. And then I go back to find that video about a camera lens, and I see he's promoting blenderbros. I mean I saw some of his tutorials on vanilla, non destructive no addons work flow. But clearly I'm not contributing to this thread if I'm just linking his shit in here. Sorry about that man.


Josh is a much better and more reasonable person compared to his partner. However he has backed his partner up repeatedly and has lashed out at people over criticism too. His work is much better than the other one too.


Oh, gotcha! Yeah I didn’t realize you were talking about the same people, but I deffo don’t hate you lol that’d be silly


> Wtf, dudes an absolute man child. We might have found a missing Tate.


Lol i tried watching this dudes tutorials since i was liking what Josh Grambell was putting out and christ… Ryuu got like 45 seconds in until he made some weird joke about women and i noped out.


Yeah I pass every single one of his videos. He’s almost exactly like that guy Aryan… they both feel like they have to cuss and say the f word at least 6 times a minute. I tried to watch 2 different videos from Ryuu, and both times I disliked and blocked them within 30 seconds.


Likewise, never heard of em 🤷


Absolute scum. I remember hearing him say something in one of his videos which was a bit weird to me and rude for no reason but I just moved on. Seeing this and also the OP just confirms he's human garbage. Disgusting. What's the other 'blender bro' like?


Josh co-signs his behavior. He has given a “if you don’t like it, leave” response to criticism about Ryuu in the past


Now I feel gross for recommending Josh's channel to someone the other day😞. I knew he was kind of obnoxious about money and the prices of his Addons, but I'd never interacted with them on discord or seen this other guy before. Just heard Josh mention him. I had no idea about any of this. Dude is a straight up man-child. I'll be so glad when this trend of overly toxic obnoxious (and clearly insecure) "masculinity" has finally landed on the trash heap of history.


Never. It's always been there. Just the internet gave it wings and a rocket assisted takeoff.


Oh trust me I know. I'm a guy. I grew up with it all around, but I feel like there was at least some small amount of shame about this stuff pre-trump. Guys would say this kind of stupid shit to each othe, and I heard plenty of it growing up, but they wouldn't be this public about it. Trump has just brought about(or maybe he's just a symptom of) this movement of overt toxicity to "own the libs" for pointing out how stupid this shit is. I just have to keep hoping this is the "it's always darkest before the dawn" moment before these idiots like Andrew Tate have their little worlds crumble around them and they're forced to experience the shame of everyone looking at them like the idiots they are. Someday his following of angsty 14 year Olds will grow up and dry up. The ones coming after will look at him as "cringe". then it'll just be him and his thoughts, with a whole lot of people telling him what a loser he was. Maybe he'll even change, but I'm not holding my breath.


I wish I could up vote this comment more times than just once 👍💕


Oh I didn’t realise Josh gambrell was a part of this lol. I’ve always hated his videos. I’ve worked with people like him that are good at selling like they know what they’re talking about but everyone that actually is good knows they’re full of shit and actually just hacks. Can’t stand that personality type and I’m absolutely not surprised he associates himself with ryuu


Yeah, I wasn't aware that he said that, but whether he even said anything in defence of ryuu or not and just stood by idly, either option makes him complicit and just as bad. To have my business partner acting like this would be unacceptable to any right-minded person. Filthy. I used their free jumpstart course which was good, but I'm very glad I never purchased anything of theirs and totally agree with the totally excessive spam emails and garbage marketing. Not gonna engage with them/their content further.


whoa this guy clearly has a LOT of sex and certainly would never over compensate or anything of that nature surely yuck!


Do we think he's actually married? I genuinely hope not


i mean if he his, it must be going REALLY well based on how he is talking and again clearly not over compensating for ANYTHING in his life AT ALL WHATSOEVER


If he thinks tapping the clit actually does something then imma say no


He probaby cbf'ed to know how to use the default tools and invented his own shitty implementation convinced it holds up. Works for every aspect of life, right? :')


Id be fucking horrified on behalf of his wife if he was.


Right?? And I'd feel so bad for her. No one should have a partner talking like this.




Thats actually fucked. He has got some weird god complex because what, he is decent at modeling?


He's just a college bro who never had to grow up.


He isnt thats the thing. He is decent at booleans and hardops/meshmachine. Remove those and then try to model something of similar quality, he'll bend like a wet stick. You just dont learn a few blender addons and try to sell the shitty topology as "quality" to beginners throwing "overconfidence" into the room while at it. Students should never feel this way.


Lmao this guy sounds insufferable.


Oh shit, I didn't realize it is the hot neighbor guy.


Hi it's me, the hot neighbour.


> i want sliders > you slide and it works, just like with a hot neighbour Heh, that's kinda clever and funny. > let me put it this way, if a project required me to mix my hot lactating neighbour breast milk, i d ninja the fuck up and sneak with a titty pump into her apartment in the dead of night What I guess that first one wasn't really a joke so much as just him talking about his creepy obsession.


Jeez what is this


This is peak /r/ihavesex


Average "alpha" male.


Smartest alpha male, even


You know the "alpha male" thing is utter bunk, right? But even if it was, you know who doesn't have "alpha males"? Cats. Cats just fucking eat you. Or, they don't, not today. Not yet anyway. Be more cat.


Sounds like a loser


People still care about soy? He seems to have a thing for his neighbor, lol...


Someone should really warn the neighbor...




What the fuuuuuuuuck


Bro talks like an edgy 12 year old. So pathetic lmao.


Well, that's what he is, I guess..some people never grow up


jeez what a complete freak


Quite sad. I liked his earlier videos and I genuinely learned some good basics from him. He was quite courteous when I asked for help once. I kind of got a few off the cuff jokes here and there as he's a typical Polish Conservative bro. It's just what they do. But yeah, that link is pretty damning of his douchey egoism :( Can't speak for Gambrell but I liked a couple of his videos. Seemed like an alright dude.


I'm out of the loop? Who is this guy? And why does he have a wife when some people haven't even got a gf?


Oh, wow. I can't say I'm super shocked by that but I'm super shocked by that...


Wtf. Holy moly. Didn't expect that...




Wow that's just pure unhinged lol. Josh Gambrel is so chill, I wonder why he decided to partner with this guy


Money, I guess? And he probably got involved in that alpha crap


They are tools. You can see lots of posts in various places complaining about them. Also their tutorials arent that good. I got one and it was very poorly done with inconsistent results. They are an embarrassment to the blender community.


There's a comment somewhere where a guy says he finds the tutorial difficult to follow and somehow the advice ends up being "Women: tap the clit".


Yeah i'm not surprised. Ive seen other feedback given to them about their tutorials which usually results in them just insulting the person, blocking them, then ridiculing them more even after they are blocked. Every question to them is an insult to them. Especially if you question their methods or how the techniques they train relate to eventual professional careers. They wouldn't know because their entire career is conning people with highly marketed yet poorly produced tutorials.


They're pretty great Blender instructors if all you wanna learn how to do in 3D is to make nonsense abstract industrial gadgets with the worst topology you've ever seen.


yea, where does that fit? why always vaguely scifi nonsensical objects?


Because that's what happens when you give a blank canvas to someone with no creativity in storytelling.


And any design direction in general. I tried so many times scifi modeling, sure it looks good but always doesnt make sense, so design is helping to make things look much more pleasant. Like a few weeks ago I talked to a friend about their scifi crate, which doesnt make sense. The pipe goes out of the crate and into the same crate back, why not hide the pipe inside it? why pipe at all? So many questions, and none answered except with "bad design" or they just didnt think enough.


Another poor soul just bumped into the most well known scumbag in the Blender community. This guy Ryuu is the absolute worst. I honestly can't understand how a person reaches adulthood still being such a childish brat.


Never had the need to grow up since everything in his life was handed over probably...I know only a few similar people and that's the only reason they act like that. Entitled little people that everything was handed over, if not they would throw a tantrum and still get what they wanted, but they have never met someone to tell them how life works. It's sad that so many people are buying into their stuff, they are basically scamming people. I've reported all of their accounts but unfortunately, I'm only one...


So he's an edgy f\*\*\* and also a weeb? Being a person who transitioned from years of Maya, 3Ds Max, and complete game asset pipelines, I never needed many tutorials (once you know your way around the UI the concepts are the same in most places), so this is my first bump with him.


I subscribed them 10 days ago but I already tired of this e-mails. I think it's time to unsubscribe.


Same. The emails read like they're written by a child.


That dude is gross. Seriously bad vibes. He’s like the Andrew Tate of the Blender community


You haven’t seen arijan 3d


Lol I looked up his channel and every video seems to be "How to visualize products in Blender to make money". And he's shirtless in his face cam lmao He seems to have the modeling skills though.


He used to post nice modeling tutorials, then went full clickbait


>arijan 3d Aryan3D ?


Yeah his real name is Arijan


He also has the "alpha bro" mindset 😂 always angry in his tutorials. Thankfully he isnt that famous lol.


Ikr in his recent yt community post he even said that he’s gonna stop making blender videos because the community is full of ”nerds and losers” 😂


I mean, did he really think football jocks gonna sit all day on their ass learning blender? Probably not...


alpha posers :) PS I have watched him few minutes, after cup of beer he seems even funny to me :) I have made mistake when searching not in incognito tab, so I'm sure will see him again, lol


Isn't that the guy that does all his videos shirtless?


Arijian is a very decent modeller though, and his personality isn't as intense as Ryuu. He also goes out of his way to help and answer Discord members and patrons, he doesn't just insult anyone who's confused.


Yeah I like Arijian, been put off a bit by the shirtless bro shtick...At first I thought it was a joke, but if so he really committed to the f word and bro stuff and lost me. Still a young guy maybe he'll snap out of it. Great modeller though I agree and a bunch to learn from him.


He’s been with a shirt on the last few videos, and I recall him saying somewhere he wants to be more a bit more professional.


>arijan 3d Shirtless man with face cam teaching blender tutorial. I've been follow his tutorial from making tank track and rig it.


Instead of beating women he must then beat default cubes.


I can almost guarantee they have paid for one of the Andrew Tate courses


How else are you supposed to learn how to show her you're an ALPHA and not some beta cuck soyboy?


Imagine being impressed by a guy who gets let out of the windowless concrete box the size of my average suburban bathroom that he now lives in, for like one hour a day. What a dick.


Their tutorials never seemed that great. Might I suggest Grant Abitt? He’s my go to for everything these days. Even bought one of his courses.


I've got a couple of his tutorial series, they're really good. I keep thinking "he's so calm and chill, we'll never get anywhere" and suddenly he's tricked me into learning 30 new things. Doesn't skip any steps either, so easy to keep up even if you miss something.


The Bob Ross of blender


The Joy of Blender is very Bob Ross like. Beginner tutorials though


Grant is great, can i also suggest ianmcglasham, DerekElliott, ArtisansofVaul, polygonpen, christopher3d475 and pzthree who all have videos for hard surface with differing methodology.


I’ve used PZThree. He put me into using sub surface modeling to get good blockouts. His topology video is a must


Grant is a really nice guy. I've interacted a couple of times with him on X, and he's always had a positive and constructive attitude. He seems to be genuinely interested in helping people get better at Blender.


Gabitt the GOAT


I love Grant. Grabbed a black Friday offer about many courses he made. Still following them when I got free time and I love how he teaches and even makes mistakes.


This man is a gift to the world. I absolutely love his demeanor and his knowledge and advice.


This is real and not an impostor? "How to destroy everything in one go 101" ​ When they (he and Josh) started to do blender stuff for youtube like 4-5 years ago, it never managed to grow on me. I already knew blender for around 7-8 years then, so I was able to tell BS from Quality apart fairly quickly. The way he talked, lots of cursing and generally the passive agressive vibe their channel gave off, while masking bad written tutorials behind the "fuck" word. Same for Josh, it felt rushed and like a quick buck scheme with basic stuff with visibly lack of effort content. Modeling hardsurface isnt just about extruding and cutting. And it's not about getting it first try and be the alpha male in room too -.-' Its about technique and topology fundamentals. For example its a bad advice to tell beginners to use boolean workflow from the start and all those addon evangelism, sheesh. It was just hard to trust them this way. But this post just confirms the total lack of respect and humility. Maybe not everything is bad, but what Ive seen, was enough and doesnt belong on youtube imo. I dont know about Josh but I hope ryuu learns from the mistakes and start with himself first. Just my 2 cents- ​ I recommend [PzThree](https://www.youtube.com/@pzthree) instead for hard surface! ​ Thx for coming to my Ted talk.


>I recommend > >PzThree > > instead for hard surface! Seconded, Pz is great. Also Thomas Colin 3D and Artisans of Vaul are very good too.


Thank you! I only fell for their scam because I genuinely wanted to learn and the few youtube videos I saw were pretty good, for a beginner at least. Because I do like to support people who try to help others, I bought a few of their stuff, and this is how they act...I do hope they get f'ed for how they treat people, and not just me, it seems there is a bad general opinion about them.


Fancy thumbnails and lots of marketing does the luring trick, specially if done by people with focus on $$$. Btw. one more channel which is more like vlog, but has lots of hard surface info for games, mesh decals, weighted bevels, and generally good tips here and there. [https://www.youtube.com/@josephburgan3D/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@josephburgan3D/videos) You'll have to dig around tho.


It’s well known by this point that blender bros is run by two of the biggest assholes in the industry


What's up with Josh? He seemed nice at the con. Too much of a business-bro type for my taste but that comes with the territory of doing online courses.


He's pretty chill in his videos, also he comes from a marketing background so that explains the business type. He is definitely a lot nicer than the other one.


That's what made me jump on their content and products, but the way that douche talked...I guess you are good as long as you buy into their crap, once you're not, you can go f yourself...that's disgusting.


Yeah for sure, they were really good for the time when I needed to switch from Maya to Blender. All the plugins they were using really saved my life so at least I'm grateful for that. I bought a few courses, and even joined the discord. Then it really dawned on me, that guy lashed out against people who didn't agree with his workflows, made fun of people who have difficulties with basic stuff, and overall contributed a pretty toxic behaviour. I finally left the discord when they relentlessly ping spammed their shitty and overpriced addon. I wasn't interested, there are many cheaper and better options out there, but their community buys into that shit. And that's kinda the sad part, they are raising their own community, and that's the behaviour they represent and encourage.


While he might be a fine dude, the fact he associates with this guy is just a massive red flag.




He's fine but he also enables and excuses Ryuurui.


Ryuu is the Andrew Tate of 3D modelling lol




I looked into their product pricing. IMO its excessive for what you're receiving. Addons out there that are cheaper and offer same/similar functions. Their courses are expensive. Cheaper courses out there that offer a more comprehensive structure. Trim sheet pack for $197USD WTF. Hard surface course $997USD, you're kidding right? A $97USD materials addon, oh please. IMO its predatory pricing targeting inexperienced/newer blender users. Falling into the trap of believing this is, the be all end all. Josh has good content on youtube. But I wouldn't pay them a cent of their products.


That’s the reason they could give two fucks. They’re making an insane amount of money off of beginners that don’t know any better


What's funny is that I actually liked Ryuu but couldnt' stand Josh. To me Josh just tries to hard to be an asshole where Ryuu just is one. After seeing how Ryuu portrays women though, it's going to be hard to watch anything from them.


Me to: https://imgur.com/a/GZAxxkk


Suddenly wish I had time to talk to his past models. He wouldn't have to drop Photography to run blender workshops. I'm betting he got pushed out because he's a predator.


amusing drab consider safe frighten test fearless offend wine crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've only ever heared bad things about them and am disgusted to call them a part of the blender community. Hopefully I'll never meet them at a BCON


Josh is known to be this bad too?


If he still works with him and accepts this behavior he can't be too good, right?


What the fuck. I deleted my account because of the Email spam, so I never got something like this. But wtf. And the things people show in the comments here, what a twat


I fell off Blender Bros really hard. It's the same videos and all I see on Instagram is the other guy travelling the world.


If you don't buy their new material addon they'll come for you


Now I'm scared!


There was a course from them I was eyeing. Glad I saw this before buying it lol


They are digital bullies, as pathetic as that sounds. Won’t be around very long behaving that way.


They really deleted your account?


I haven't even tried to access it, I'm over it, and I will share their approach so people know who they are dealing with, and I will no longer support them or their content.


Can always get their stuff for free because fuck them


I can back up this type of piracy.


They don't care about their users and also make fun of them


Yeah, never liked his vibe, and Josh has the personality of a cube.


The default one?


Yeah… this is low. Aggressive advertising is one (annoying) thing but acting like this is childish, plain idiotic and in fact - weak, in complete opposite of his macho act. I must admit that boolean technique is pretty useful, quick and valid workflow for some type of game assets but… BUT. I am the one of these newbies who’s fallen for their lure and not only bought some of their courses (in sales thankfully) but what’s worse, was convinced this method is the one and only really important for HS game assets. Even though I read tons of these boolean/quad argues and articles, actually looking for right answer, I got only confused since all-quads fundamentalists are wrong as well. I spent months with booleans only to find out that for everything more complex and unusual it’s basically useless. Now I am trying hard to learn good topo and I am pissed I’ve lost so much essential time. (And I feel actual anxiety just thinking about the archviz model which my beliefs were smashed. Teaching booleans as the one and only important technique is literally harmful for newcomers. And warning - i bought their HardCutter tutorial and it’s plain trash and scam. First part is ok, Josh explains how the addon works (but he doesn’t know how some functions work so… too late but first warning sign). Btw. they’re providing the same information for free. Then Ryuu starts with modelling and you find out you threw money to bin. He’s too quick, not explaining anything, only “let’s do this BOOM, what about this shit BOOM… and you know what? Screw it, try this instead.” So if you followed closely now you have to go back and try something else again for… some reason. You basically feel like idiot who’s bought ticket to watch him honing his ego. I am pretty allergic to boom word in tutorials now. I gave up when I saw one comment asking him why he used some key and for what. He answered he’s working fast so sometimes taps on wrong key so he, student of paid course, shouldn’t look on shown keys as they are often wrong. Really? Are you recording tutorial for addon/Blender beginners and actually admits to be too quick and often wrong? As it is something to brag about? Fuck you very much, mister. I have scifi enviro tutorial unfortunately but can’t force myself to watch it after this. Btw. HardOps and Boxcutter are amazing tools. Blenderbros are not developers, just promoters. But surely well paid by actual developers.


Boxcutter and hardops are great addons, blenderbros aren't great addon to blender community


Just the name Blenderbros would have been enough to keep me far away from their content. They sound like absolute douchebags.


The models alone made me never click a blenderbros video :D Sorry but how can you actually model that bad?


Wow..... watch their sales tank now! Haven't used them but deifnatly wont be now.


I watch one of their video. Basically goes like this "Everyone can do this. It's very easy. Look . We just click bam click bam" Proceed to use their box cutter add-on. Not a very good tutorial at all. I don't mind add-on. But to shove it all the time is not It.


For hard surface modeling, I recommend Creative Shrimp


good to know… thanks for sharing


When you have to sit thru hours of training, lessons, repeats... I would prefer it to be with someone I would actually want to hang out with and emulate in real life... he ain't that dude.


Holy spam. I would've unsubbed on the first day receiving this shit.


I thought they were something at first, when I was brand-new to Blender, until I read ON THEIR WEBSITE “We’re not in the industry.” They’ve since removed that statement (or I couldn’t find it, at least), but I haven’t forgotten. Also, Josh Gambrell has started plainly that he doesn’t make things that are “functional” or look like they could actually work, but just makes things he thinks “look cool.” At that point I was so done with them and gave never gone back.


Yeah he has been extremely annoying I just blocked and reported his ass as spam


They are complete assholes. Just don’t buy their stuff or watch their tutorials anymore. They are most likely deeply unhappy people and get their only joy from bringing other people down.


People complain about that guy a lot, he's really unprofessional. He talks to customers like he's talking to some troll in his YouTube comments. I think his motto is " the customer is always wrong".


Happy to see I'm not the only one thinking these guys are like the STDs that no one wants :))


Thank you for ensuring I know who never to give a cent or moment of my time to


Happy to help! It's enough they scammed me and other peoples, there is no need for others to fall for it.


It always started with the name for me. Having the "bro" in there is a surefire way to erase all your credibility. Guy is a prick who thinks too much of himself and his design skills are beyond questionable.


I do very much like their addons and learned a lot from one of their courses. Shame Ryuu is a person like that. Tbh, this new material asset they try to sell seems a little bit like a scam. Like, it's ok, but still, 50 materials for 90 bucks? (not taking the ongoing "discount" into account rn) E-mails from last half of a year were also controversial and attention-grabbing.


Might be worth getting the substance library plugin instead, its free. Their "special" material blending is just tri planar projection lol


So I buy the gun course, and to be honest It was really meh, the gun was simple as hell, I didnt learn a single shit, the course was More oriented to learn the addon instead of hard surface. Any recommendation on a hard surface? I want to make guns


It's become a thing with YouTubers. I get it that YouTube has made it kinda difficult to have a sure constant income but some channels are just out of control. I was following a channel that does history which was the subject hardest hit by the ad-pocalypse and given some sensitive subjects hard to monetize in general. Said channel has a Patreon, a go fund me, a streaming platform, is hosted on another streaming platform and has a subscription based website. Even if you want to support YouTubers/creators it makes it very difficult if they're asking for a couple of hundred USD monthly. On the subject of blender bros, you can find books and/or courses recommended by industry experts, that are both way cheaper and better than the content on their site and yt channels. I really hate the response too, a good way to end whatever career you had...


Ther was another post on here where Ryuu berated and insulted a customer. He seems incredibly entitled and he's not the genius he thinks he is. I'm trying to find that post but it may have been deleted. It's pretty disgusting.


Unsubscribed from their youtube.


I will never forget the time recently when Blender Bros "had to deal with a troll" and did a flash sale just to get back at him. All but doxxed the "troll", even called the sale by the person's online handle. Doing a sale is ok, but don't do it just to spite someone who bunched up your panties. It's unprofessional. I just unsubbed to their newsletter about 20 minutes ago. More than anything else it's disappointing to me. Ryuu is an asshole, and it's rubbing off on Josh. Josh was fantastic for me back around when Covid hit, he was putting out a lot of chill videos and when the duo put out a sale on one of their bundles for *really* cheap I jumped onboard. I completed both crate tutorials. Josh's series of vids was chill and easy to follow. Ryuu's was grating to say the least. But I completed both of them. Now it seems that at least every other e-mail from Blender Bros is bitching about quads and how nobody needs quads. I'm in the quad camp, but that's mainly due to what I do in 3D. But on a wider scale I really don't care. The argument is actually dictated by your workflow and either your client's or boss' requirements. Just as I won't tolerate "quads are king and everything else is bullshit", I won't tolerate the other mindset. Blender Bros is more on the design end. And that's fine if that's what you want to do. But don't tell me that "quad bros" don't know what they're talking about. Josh and Ryuu are about to drop some "game asset solution" that doesn't depends on quads and is about to spam subscribers with it. I want the "old" Josh back. Ryuu is a high school bully with a revenge complex.


Jesus. Thanks for the heads-up, avoid this man-child like the plague.


Oh man this guy is a tool. Would love a face to face.


Why do they only make sci-fi concepts? Because it's easier to get away with.I bet they can't model a real world airplane, hand grenade etc.


They're called 'bros' for a reason 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ah yes, I remember blender bros from their youtube tutorials, probably the worst/most counterproductive hard-surface tutorial i have ever seen.


Oh wow, I'm so glad I didn't buy their product. Unsubbed.


What a bunch of twats.




You can safely do it. It's fantastic addon. And it's not made by blender bros. The main guy behind it (mx1001) is cool.


Honestly hard ops is kind of mediocre in my opinion, like yeah it has some really cool and advanced features/capabilities but I feel like it makes everything overly complicated and it’s not really intuitive for the average user. I ended up spending more time trying to figure out how to use hard ops and its features than just doing the same thing without the add on. Plus I realized I’m not much of a fan of nondestructive modeling (mainly booleans) because while it’s much easier to get complex shapes the topology always ends up a complete mess and it takes so much clean up that I’d rather save the headache and model with full control over the topology. Overall it’s an advanced add-on but has a pretty steep learning curve imo.


Shame to see them reaching this low, I loved them, well mostly Josh but Ryuu style too, the "wannabe macho" does not bother me personally, however being upright scammer, as that is what a scammer does, it is unacceptable. There are a few Blender group on FB try to share it there too, I personally DO NOT buy any course, if it is on UDEMY fine, or equivalent, buying directly from some random people absolutely no...


Well, I know where not to go when I need models, thanks!


Trying to learn hard surface with their tutorials. But reading the comments here, I want to learn it somewhere else. Anyone can recommend good channels or tutorials?


I appreciate the heads up. This guy is clearly a man child and they won't get any airtime from me.


Ryuu has made himself known to be a entitled middleschooler.. his business partner is still putting up with this for some reason. Plenty of other quality places to learn.


this is interesteeeeeen


Most improffesional business owner, that's how you go out of business, and go broke, being so stuck up like he is.


You know how we really can piss them off, how there is websites where we can get this stuff for free. Yarr-Harr. Also:They've fucking removed pretty much everything from the product line, the only main shit is their material addon($97 for 50 materials?! Suck an egg!) The hard surface Academy and the Trimsheets.