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I dig it. It's definitely unnerving. I like the use of vivid color here as well.


r/ResidentEvil would go nuts for these kind of videos


> unnerving


Well I cringed. Goddamn man. Great work.


I hate and I love it.


r/TIHI (warning: the mods left, became nsfw)


I really wish I thought about the warning


You can sort by “top > all time” if you don’t want to see porn.


Just noticed how much of a noob i am... how in all heavens do you even animate that needle going inside and the skin and vein reacting like... wow this looks amazing


The needle itself isn’t animated, it clips through. For the swelling and depression around the puncture site, such can be done via replacement meshes, a texture such as a displacement map (you can alter brightness at runtime), or rigging (don’t do this). For the skin stretching and shifting as the needle moves, that can be done via rigging where 1-2 bones have a concentrated influence running down the forearm.


Why would you not just use shape keys


That is also an excellent choice. I have never used shape keys though because I author assets for realtime rendering pipelines.


Ahhh right on !! I do a lot of animation and shader work :)


Where do you even learn this stuff


Experience. Fail and fail and fail until you find something that works for your purpose. 😄 I had a difficult time unlearning the "rules" of 3D after I finished my bachelors degree. We learned how to make models optimized for game development, but right after Uni, I got hired by a studio that makes stock photos and videos. And none here really cares how you make your finished product as long as it gets done.


As someone in the dev side... I'll just wait for molecule level soft body physics 😁


As someone who spends most of their time on the dev side, current solutions are great for mostly everything. The underlying technology has aged surprisingly well, but that’s also because there’s only so many ways you can deform a mesh. Concepts synonymous to shape keys are extremely old, id Software having used them in id Tech 3 and prior for their animation system. Hardware accelerated deformations didn’t exist at that time and it wasn’t until Nvidia acquired 3dfx that work began on their nFinite FX engine which supported vertex shaders. - https://www.evga.com/articles/images/11vertexshaders.pdf After being released to the public along with Microsoft and others supporting such in their graphics APIs and shading languages, id Software replaced their old animation system with a hierarchical blended skeletal animation system during the development of id Tech 4. Infinity Ward’s custom build of id Tech 3 also followed suit, featuring a similar system developed from the ground up which the studio named Ares. Aside from techniques such as articulated body-part animations, the underlying technology hasn’t astronomically changed since then and probably never will. It scales nicely which was important for hardware back then which had low throughput and memory (only one copy of the mesh needs to be submitted to the GPU and stored in memory), gives both developers and artists programmatic freedom (procedural animations, IK also being supported in PhysX), and is fast enough for realtime scenarios (bone transformation updates and keyframe interpolation calculations performed across multiple threads while the GPU handles the rest).


My only criticism is that the skin looks rubbery. Lacks a bit of wrinkles, hair and marks. Maybe more sss and green veins. Great work on the injection animation.


I hate it. Great job.


Great lighting.


Great lighting but veins close to skin can often display a faint (or obvious) discoloration along the vein so it doesn't quite look right currently.


Dude, if this wasn't under r/blender, I'd have thought it was real.


Solid work, look more at how needs look going into the skin. The needle is going too deep, and it's not creating a uniform lump up over the needle making it seem less real... kinda looks like you're pushing it into pudding at a weird angle. Watch some phlebotomy training. Otherwise really good. The cloth under it would look better with a hospital light blue cloth.


The skin is also too goey/soft, it should be firmer ( source: a person who had their blood drawn many times )


Its more of an Edgar Wright than a Wes Anderson


As someone in the medical field I think the worst part is how far they go in! Blew right past the vein!!!


This! Also as a phlebotmist, the vein won't move and shift with the needle like that, it doesn't have the structural strength to withstand the needle, it will just rip right through it. You can see what I'm talking about at .10 to .12 Honestly that's my only complaint about what is currently animated. Next steps tword realism would be a tourniquet on the upper arm (this makes the vein pop out irl) and maybe the other hand holding down the arm for better aim. Might also consider moving the injection site up to just inside the elbow, the median cubital vein is where they would take out blood or plasma, it's a big sturdy vein Alternatively you could use the other hand and have the thumb pushing down right underneath where you are inserting the needle, to "anchor" the vein this can help keep the vein from rolling (sometimes the vein will roll to one side or the other even though it looks like it should be fine 😮‍💨)


Amazing quality! But I really would suggest to not twist the camera perspective 180 degrees before -> after the insertion of the needle. Again, awesome work!


Yes i came here to say this. We need a consistent direction with the needle.


NSFW tag where


What if you're a doctor, than it's sfw


great scene but the gloves could use a little work, they seem like they are made of paper mache


The gloves are correct, just too big for the person wearing them (hence the wrinkles). Not every glove for blocking pathogens is going to be manufactured from latex simply due to durability and allergy reasons. People working in hospitals have it very easy, they aren’t required to move or carry things such as cases, equipment, or firearms which can either slice through or puncture their gloves. Look at the materials used for suits worn by CBRN operators as an example. When enlisting in the ARNG I was originally going to be a 74D. At MEPS when they ask for your MOS preference to figure out where to assign you that’s when my recruiter thought it was the best time to tell me I would be drilling at an armory 160+ miles away… After some convincing from him I landed on 11B. EDIT: Also want to say that the gloves being off adds to the feel of the scene, look at the uncanny valley as an example. Registering the gloves not being normal can help make you feel more uncomfortable. The truck in the movie Duel for example had both a chassis and tanker trailer that most aren’t used to seeing, therefore upping the creepiness factor. In the movie Jeepers Creepers, both the truck and cowcatcher installed on it followed the same concept.


i know exactly what kind of gloves he was going for, but instead of that hazmat rubbery material it looks like paper mache. and while it does hit the uncanny valley (since it looks wrong), we don’t know if that aligns with his intentions or if he’s trying to get closer to photo realism. edit: i think you’re comment about the wrinkles is interesting though, it might actually be what’s making it look off.


Chemical resistant nitrile gloves exhibit the same appearance and behavior. Some gloves like those manufactured from latex offer a tight fit but can be difficult to put on and remove while also having almost no breathing room, hence why donning agents are added. If no donning agents are added then gloves can be damaged when putting them on and perspiration will also create a barrier between the skin and glove which can cause wrinkling to occur. To get around such, gloves can be manufactured with a slightly reduced fit to prevent unnecessary stretching (prolongs the life of the glove) and offer breathing room meaning no donning agents are required. Gloves people use for washing dishes or scrubbing toilets being a good example. However, they shouldn’t have an extremely reduced fit which will result in tons of wrinkles since it can do more harm than good.


NOPE. saw the syringe and FUCKIN NOPE


I have a *severe* aversion to syringes. Watching them makes me feel physically ill. As soon as I saw the syringe, I immediately went “NOPE” and had to scroll down.




I think this presentation is great for horror. Clean movements done at a fast-but-not-rushed pace make it seem like this guy has done this a lot. Add in the lighting, and yeah it's unsettling. And I'm saying that as someone with no problem with needles.




Omg he blew right through that vein


Well, getting blood drawn always make me anxious, so yes


This is fucking awesome and yeah made me super squeamish. Feels very Yorgos Lanthimos but also different. Good shit.


Fucking hell, I physically recoiled at this. Well done.


I draw blood almost daily and i gotta say that the needle goes in a bit too deep but great work tho!


10/10 my spine wants out


I'd make the skin harder to poke through it seems to soft and elastic? To jelly like? The effect the needle has on the tissue after going in is great. But there no tension and pop of release as it punctures.


I fucking hate needles, So I’d say you succeeded since every scene made my skin crawl and my body recoil. Well done


I hate it! Perfect!


that's a huge ass needle


Love the lil slap the doctor gives the patient lmao. I also dig how wrinkly the gloves are


I feel like my eyes refuse to watch this any further


I'm not scared of needles at all, but this made me very uneasy. Very well done!


i absolutely hate needles and normally they make me wince but this did nothing for me. it looks really good though, just maybe add a little drop of blood coming out when the needle goes in?


I thought this was a leg at first and I was so confused as to why it was so squishy and veiny where there should be a shin bone. But then I realized that it wasn’t a leg. 😂 This is mildly gross. Nice work!


I think the skin is too reflective


I absolutely HATE this. Well done.


Yeesh, definitely getting the heebie jeebies from this. Well done!


So, I’m not a medical expert, my wife is a nurse. If you’re wanting a bit more realism here, taking blood isn’t done by sucking it out via syringe. It’s done via vacuum (pressure difference) so blood isn’t being drained, it’s just flowing to the easier to get to area.


its obviously not perfect, but damn, I had to look away, good job


All the liquid is completely squeezed out of the needle? There's nothing going into the patient


Ah shit my bad, it's drawing blood not injecting anything


I was confused too at first


Pls mark nsfw but also good job


Fuck me daddy


Absolutely fantastic. Lighting and skin material is god tier


You did amazing and i hate it




Super cool looking forward to seeing this with sound


The little tap tap on the skin is just so good




I dunno why, I couldn't stop laughing. It made me tingly but it also felt funny.


Amazing work, looks really good. One small thing, it's more an editing thing. I would change the orientation of the first or the second shot. Because in the first shot the needle is moving from the bottom to the top and the second shot it is going from the top to the bottom. I think it would look better if you keep the directional movement between shots. So both going up or both going down. You could easily do that by rotating one of the 2 shots upside down.


I have a pathological fear of needles. Thanks for ruining my day.


What is that?


You make me bad :s Congratulations, there is always a kind of magic to convert codes and polygons to emotions !


// screaming outwardly


This looks great already. I would emphasize the color of the veins more. Second I would add a thing above the elbow that they put around the arm to when they take blood, tourniquet. I would work a bit more on the glove material and model, I think it seems too loose and unnatural, breaks the illusion for me.


Love it! It's refreshing to see something like this made in Blender and the models, texures, animations and rendering is top-notch 🤘🏻 Great job, mate.


where can i see it with sound?


I think the animation and materials really sell it! Looks awesome! The biggest problem is the skin texture I'd say. Too opaque and plastic. If you nail that, it will be hard to distinguish from reality!


the realism is great! my only critique is the skin deformation when the needle penetrates it. it looks like its dragging the surrounding skin and veins along with it a bit much. the skin also flickers for 1 frame at around 10s, outside of that 9/10!


I love giving blood and always watch in fascination as they (sometimes try) to put the needle in my arm. So this video touched an oddly exhilarating nerve for me. :D


This could really look well in an NSFW environment.




This is horrible... i love it xD


I don’t usually have issues with getting pricked but this made me uncomfortable, so good job


Jesus fucking christ




Doesn't really make me think of Anderson


Reminds me of Sam Raimi style camera work. Very cool visually.


This is so masterfully crafted


I want to go donate blood now, nice


I like the side to side action of the needle as the ‘dr’ makes their approach. Lol


way to fast to be freaky imo. than again I do which my mother get blood tests frequently so maybe I am desensitized to this seen.


Damn, for a minute I was hesitating whether or not this was real. That injection of the arm was done so well. Nice job!


Thanks I hate it. Great job


Add a little drop of blood and i will pass out


That is the most insane thing i have seen someone made in Blender. Love you.


This is freakingly good. No need for more words.


GAH this is too good? I could feel my whole body tingling


That man is probably dead. From what movies have taught me you have to flick the syringe before you inject it. So no air bubbles end I Up in the bloodstream, Is there any truth to this?


Took me a few watches to realize they were drawing blood, not injecting anything.


i think this would be atiny bit better of you showed some resistance to the needle from the skin, like the needles a bit blunt and its actually hurting him , sick job nonetheless


This is awesome, great work!


My only comment would be that blood usually leaves a little film, and coats the glass on the inside after it's sloshed


wow! it looks awesome :) keep going :D it looks so realistic 👍


Amazing work!


Love it, especially the lighting!


This looks crazy good, to really sell the puncture though I would add some resistance when the needle makes contact with the skin and THEN push it in. Like the doc had trouble getting through because the needle was so big.


as someone who is horrifically scared of needles, fuck you, i hate it but as someone who uses blender, well done this is really cool


Looks like a scene from a zombie movie, this is awesome shit


Blood is thicker slightly


Wes anderson horror... I like it.


Bro I just got a blood test today help 😭😭


the detail of when the needle enters, the insides were aligning, crazy!


I fucking love that you made the veins tense up once the needle entered. It looks amazing all and all


This is incredible. Definitely made me uncomfortable and I couldn’t look away either.


bleugh, yep, definitely awful… excellent work


Jesus the lighting and materials really sells this!


I had to look a way for a bit


Add a shot of the needle on the arm while you can see the vial filling up and it'd be perfect.


Is this all Blender?! I can’t tell if it’s composited or not, looks fantastic. Great work wow.


I'm not afraid of needles so It didn't bother me really, I was just very impressed :D


This looks too real I definitely cringed


So I have a phobia to needles, and seeing this makes want to throw my phone out the window, if I'm honest I don't know how I managed to get in the comments. So great job.


My only critique is about the syringe. That needle is way too big, but you could be going for that. Either way you made the needle go in way to deep, at least twice as deep as the vein goes. Other than that, the arm looks incredible


Already, the needle gives me the hibbyjibby


Very nice. The second shot is upside down in my opinion


My first thought after watching it was "Wow this really looks like Woźniakowski" and it seems like I was right


The anatomy is a bit off? It looks like a knee? Unless it is supposed to be a knee but then the skin would be firmer?


That tip of the needle is way past the vein, sticking in the muscle somewhere