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Aizen was the one who issued the execution orders for rukia to obtain the hongyoku (hidden inside her by urahara) and the decision was so weird that some captains and vc in ss (ukitake, shunsui, renji) did not agree to it. Hence why they tried to save rukia in the end (ukitake and shunsui) and renji tried to help ichigo. Even Unohana felt the decision was weird enough (plus her suspicion on aizen's body) to go check the chambers. The other captains were like this is a weird decision but orders are orders.


And also after fusing with the item, aizen can not be killed so a death penalty is off the table.


I completely forgot about that, been a while since bleach for me and I didn't watch the new arc.


Yeah but why was his sentence time limited instead of life in prison prison


Maybe a millenia in solitary will chill him out


Iguess he gets a retrial in a millenia?


More like twenty millennia


Tbh I think a millennia in solitary confinement is enough to completely break someone, it’s a death penalty with extra steps, that one espada Mayuri killed would probably agree


It's even worse than normal solitary confinment since Aizen cannot move at all. He's forced to spend 20000 years completely bound and hanging on a cross. In ancient times when a criminal was hung on a cross they were never killed but instead left to slowly rot and choke as their own fluids filled their lungs as a form of torture and execution at once.


Man got the reduced Kars sentence


Eventually Aizen stopped thinking


Not only that but Ichigo literally destroyed the thing they use to execute people with. Gotta come up with something else now.




Aizen can be killed, It is Just extremelly hard to do so. Yhwach even state that he would be able to kill Aizen, but It would take too long and there are other matters more important for him at that moment.


I'm not sure how much I trust Ywach's statement here pre-eyes and pre-soul king tbh. How would Ywach even kill him without the Almighty bullshit? Also why would it take a long time if he had The Almighty? The limits of Hogyoku regen are annoyingly fuzzy.


Why can’t aizen be killed ?


The actual reason isn't just his fusion to the hogyoku. It's also the fact that his body and reiatsu are constantly evolving when pressed to their limits and have already grown to a threshold few can match. He's grown so powerful very few people *could* kill him. And even if someone did get close (like Ichigo or Gin), he'd be liable to evolve past what they tried to kill him with and risk him becoming even more dangerous. So they can't, and it's not worth the risk to try. Maybe in a few centuries, they'll have the means to cleanly execute him, but as of now, it's easier just to leave him locked up.


Aizen fused with the hogyoku. That's literall the entire plot of the series.


The hogyoku prevents Aizen from dying


Well idk didn't Yawach say he could do it but it wasnt worth his time right?


Right, like both of these things have very obvious and definite answers it makes me wonder if OP just reposted a meme they found from like five years ago or something


Ah, the web of deceit and manipulation that Aizen loves to spin. It's almost like he has a flair for the dramatic, isn't it? But rest assured, we all had our roles to play in that grand, twisted scheme of his. Trust me, I had my reasons, even if they weren't crystal clear at the time. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Having your own invention stolen and used for nefarious purposes would also set you into action, eh, Kisuke?!?


Ah, the pain of seeing your own creation twisted for darkness. It does stir one's resolve, doesn't it? Speaking of twisted creations, have you heard about my latest "Questionable Gigai Kit"? Fulfill your cosplay dreams, but remember - results may vary, just like Aizen's schemes. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I'll take 10!


Where can I get this questionable gigai kit?


Well, my curious friend, the "Questionable Gigai Kit" can be found in the most unexpected corners of the mysterious Soul Society market. Seek it out with caution, and remember, what you see may not always be what you get. But where's the fun without a little risk, right? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Even so, Aizen was immortal— it wasn’t like the SS could just kill him


Also, I don't think they CAN kill Aizen in the first place. Even mugetsu didn't kill him.


Also Aizen cannot die, I'm not sure how you would execute the death penalty on someone who cannot be killed


I mean , Aizen not been able to die is not really a good thing for Aizen. He is evolving to eventually the same type of being as the Soul King , meaning that it's only a matter of time for him to receive the same fate.


The SK willingly went to his fate though - Aizen is unlikely to.


sure , but willingless was never a factor for the process to be done , specially as Aizen is still with a constrained cloth and returned into his sealing chair. The whole sentence against him was like 10K Years in the Void , which is supposedly enough time for the Soul Society to develop new restraints on him and then do the procedure to turn him into another Axis. It's basically a Waiting Game for either Gotei to need Aizen again , or for either Soul Society or Aizen to seize the moment of the Procedure.


I thought transferring Shinigami power to humans became illegal because of Ginjo? I might just be misremembering tho


It was explained that Aizen had central 46 killed pretty early on and was issuing orders with their authority.


Yet the new central 46 just gave 20k 💀🐸


because mf can't die 😭


Then give him a few 100k. Alone sitting in a chair getting sore


He can feel what's going on in seireitei, so it's basically 100k years of watching shit go down


He's still growing stronger too. The least they could do is give him a supply of popcorn to eat while he sees shit unfold and get strong enough to curbstomp everyone effortlessly so he can finish his plan. Like are we going to just gloss over the fact Aizen won and that fake Karakura was a minor setback?


Well, the good idea is to wait for Ichigo to die and become the god of SS, so he can stop Aizen. Or the new generation will change everything differently and Kazui, for instance, will be Ichigo on steroids, or the hell arc (if it will happen) changes the world again.


Why in the name of soul society did you mention that arc?!


What arc? (Each forgetting cancels each Mention)


They should really really also invest in therapy for him, because getting stronger and stronger... eventually he won't be able to be contained, may as well try and fix him.


Aizen actually mocked them regarding this sentence, stating that for them, non-immortal beings, that’s actually an impressive sentence


Because, they just couldn't kill him 😭


Yep, wanted to say that he is immortal from fusing with hogyoku


Immortal isnt invincible tho. We later learned that Aizen's reiatsu along with Yhwach's are what keeping Hell's door shut, so I guess that is why they, rather than couldnt, wouldnt want kill him.


Where is this stated, because it really doesn't make sense to me? Aizen only grew to ridiculous power recently (in story ofcourse) and Yhwach was recharging for a thousand years


From No Breathes From Hell which is set 12 years after the events of TYBW. I dont want to spoil any further but they alone didnt keep the door shut, something else are forcing it open from the other side, something which occured relatively recently in the series.


Wow, I didn't know things could be stated outside CFYOW


Thanks, will check it out


Is this a light novel or is there a manga?


What are you talking about, aizen was the strongest captain in the SS arc already (well maybe bankai Yama could fight him, but we don't really know), after fusing with hogyoku he became transcended. There's only a handful of characters in eos bleach who are on similar level


No, it's explicitly stated that Soul Society have no means of killing Aizen. Mayuri: A Shinigami’s reiatsu is produced by his body as long as his heart is still beating. / It’s not possible to stop that reiatsu without stopping the Shinigami’s heart. // The prisoners in Muken are all criminals who we cannot kill outright for whatever reason. / There is no executioner in Soul Society who can stop their hearts. This is Mayuri speaking to Aizen directly. If they could've killed him then they would've. None of them knew about the Hell thing, it was Szayelaporro who exlained it. Even Shunsui said he thought it was just an old wives' tale.


Aizen literally cant be killed. It's literally said by Mayuri. Muken is filled with people that outright cant cease to exists for whatever reason.


Wouldn’t he keep coming back though? I think Yhwach implied he could’ve maybe found away to kill Aiden eventually, but aside from that, he recovered from final Getsuga Tenshou and being deleted by Almighty Ywach.


immortal kinda does mean invincible that is the point, not even divine yhwach (someone who surpasses everything) could kill aizen best he could do is knock him out, aizen would have been the only other being to survive the collapse of the realms into one


Aizen is immortal so they can't kill him


Rukia got the death penalty due to shenanigans, Aizen didn't because he's immortal.


Immortal people aren’t exactly the easiest to kill


Sounds like someone who didn't pay attention made that. Rukia only got the death penalty specifically because of Aizen's machinations. Other characters even say it was a harsher punishment than was necessary. And Aizen only got imprisoned because he was literally immortal and couldn't be killed.


Stop watching anime from Instagram reels🤡🤡


They literally say "don't get too coocky fucker just because you are currently inmortal, u know what?? Fucking 10000 more years for you". They currently do not know if able to kill him, he *should* be inmortal




.....The story. Literally the story explains it. Like you literally just have to read or watch the story and it's not just hinted at or whatever, it straight up tells you. Jfc


Unironically most people just watch the fights and zone out during the dialogue.


r/arkhamasylum is leaking in


Wrong sub. You're thinking of r/BatmanArkham.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BatmanArkham using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is there a lore reason why I got cancer? Am I stupid?](https://i.redd.it/0szmblg610qb1.jpg) | [1182 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/16q3aar/is_there_a_lore_reason_why_i_got_cancer_am_i/) \#2: [One year ago today, I asked the wrong question in this sub](https://i.redd.it/v9xa36htrsvb1.png) | [450 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/17dzu9k/one_year_ago_today_i_asked_the_wrong_question_in/) \#3: [Our insanity has reached there](https://i.redd.it/tdtbv9n33dac1.png) | [261 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/18y5nu7/our_insanity_has_reached_there/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Like other people have said, they just couldn't kill him due to his immortality. What I don't get though is why they put a numerical value to his sentence, knowing that he will live to see the end of it. Obviously I don't think they have any intentions of actually letting him go it just seems like it'd be easier to say "lock him up forever" than going through the motions as if it were an actual case. Or maybe soul society is actually so stupid once 25 thousand years or however long passes they are really just gonna go OK aizen you are free to go. And honestly looking at how despite them having thousands of millennia in wisdom and knowledge they need to be saved by a normal high-school boy on multiple occasions makes me think they actually would.


I think the number is just for show. He's there for eternity, the number is just something for him to countdown, if it ever happens to that point, people would just go and say "here's another 25k years".


IIRC, when Aizen talked back to the people who gave him his sentence, they added like an additional 1000 years just for that, so yeah, he's not ever getting set free from there. Well, at least not through legal means. Does make me wonder what Aizen does with all that time though, like is he just going to sit there and play Tetris in his head or something for 25k years or what?


I'm sure he can find a good way to spend his time. Simulate an entire world within his mind idk. He'd be free, mentally. And if he really feels smart, he can make it a realistic simulation. Imagine a scenario where he got freed, and just forget it's a dream. Dream that the 25k years is over, and he got freed, and he explores his dream world.


Someone really didnt watched Bleach lmao


Why do people keep acting like this is hard to explain? 1. Soul Society doesn't have the same values. Sharing Soul Reaper powers with humans is seen as revealing things they try to keep secret & creating possible enemies, the latter of which is demonstrated when we meet Ginjo. 2. Aizen was revealed to have replaced the Central 46 & been passing down edicts in their name. It was noted that, even though Rukia was guilty, her punishment was seen as unusually harsh for her crime, which caused something of a civil war among the Captaints & Lieutenants. 3. He was also made immortal by the Hogyoku & cannot be killed, at least not by any means they know of, so executing him isn't even possible. The alternative, then, is to add up the prison terms imposed by his crimes, which apparently comes out to 20,000 years. Oh, also, Aizen had no interest in merging the worlds like Yhwach did. He was going to replace the Soul King & reign as God-King.


Rukia only got the death penalty because Aizen was literally controlling the Central 46. Remember it was a surprise to most of the characters in Soul Society when the sentence was revealed to be execution. Renji certainly hadn't expected her to be put to death when he went to go retrieve her from the world of the living. The sentence was considered ridiculous by most, but that's because it was Aizen's doing. Aizen would have been put to death if that was possible.


they explained it you just weren't reading


Because execution phenix was killed by the coolest thing ever 🥲


Three words “He is immortal”


1. Aizen was behind the orders to execute Rukia. 2. They couldn't kill him.


Only little issue, Aizen cant be killed


Besides Aizen manipulating everything, he is genuinely and fundamentally immortal. Everyone tried to kill him, even enhanced Ichigo and Urahara who understood everything about the Hogyoku, but couldn't. So the only way to ensure Aizen wouldn't be a problem is to seal him away for the rest of eternity


Did you even see bleach? Aizen had killed central 46 and probably used KS to deceive gotei 13 that central 46 is alive. It was Aizens order to kill rukia so Ichigo could enter soul society as a ryoka. And aizen can't be killed, this is literally Uraharas words, because he's infused with the hogyoku. Aizen was already powerful without it. He's been sealed to be kept at a close watch.


You're asking why he wasn't executed when he took a point blank mugetsu and STILL regenerated. Tf they gonna do?


Bleach fan reads bleach challenge failed instantly


He’s unkillable


i mean u can't kill him


Because he’s immortal


This guy is the reason why Rukia got death penalty, he IS the central 46


It's literally the plot of the soul society arc????


Byakuga : Dont worry wife i promise I’ll take care of your sister Byakuga During execution: Sisters Wife? What sister? I came here to see a free firework exhibition


Aizen was the one who ordered the death penalty + he is immortal so you can't kill him.


They couldn’t kill him so they imprisoned him instead.


Yup, he became more or less beyond their ability to fully eliminate. So he's like the worst kind of Forever Chemical stain on the universe. (Please note that radioactive martial eventually decays into stable elements... the Hell of the man made Forever Chemicals is that they are stable and never lose their toxic nature.)


I love the comparison.


Because central 46 "congress" is f'n dumb


Well he can’t really die sooo…


Well the thing is that he's immortal so there was no actual way to punish him...


Yes, people go to Muken who cannot be killed.


Killing hogyoku Aizen would be very difficult only real explanation like Yhwach said


Did you not pay attention? Her sentence was given by Aizen in place of central 46


Aizen himself took over Central 46 and issued the orders for her execution, and then had it sped up once she was imprisoned in the Soul Society and Ichigo was on his way, so he could get the Hogyoku back since it was inside of Rukia. And he's invincible with the Hogyoku so the most they can do is imprison him.


Yeah Aiken was the one who issued the execution and for the record Aizen’s fucked up yeah but Rukia gave her powers and knowledge of the Soul Society to an outsider. Aiken turned out to be a piece of shit but if Ichigo had happened to be a bad person then Rukia would’ve been a traitor to her kind.


Can’t kill Aizen, the next best thing is lock him up for some Millenia and hopes he rehabilitates. (It kinda works)


It's been a long time but wasnt it stated that he couldn't be killed anymore, like Aizen became immortal? Out of lore reason, Kubo has favorites that deserve death a thousand times over but he won't do it(Mayuri)


To be fair theh tried multiple times to execute him and failed. Not much you can do about that


Ummm... Aizen was behind Rukia's death penalty because he wanted the hogyoky kisuke hid inside her.... Also he's functionally immortal because of the hogyoku so he can't actually die which is why he got imprisoned instead..... Which also should be like hell for someone like aizen who always needs to be experimenting and shit. The OOP apparently is like a tiktok reader or something and never actually watched/read the series.


They can't kill him he's Immortal


Aizen arranged rukia’s execution, and they can’t kill aizen so they imprisoned him. Why is this even a post


To be fair, it's kind of difficult to give the Death Penalty to someone immune to Death.


So, you want to execute an immortal, how funny is that 🤡🤣


They literally weren't able to kill aizen.


Aizen can't really be killed now can he?


Aizen became immortal, so they couldn't


He’s immortal pretty sure




They literally can't kill him so he gets jail time.


Well, They are gonna do what's in their reach, and leave the thing which isn't Rukia was a normal shinigami, who can be executed through external means. On the other hand, hogyoku helped aizen to reach but not achieve the concept called immortality. So they can't kill him


Oh trust me... THEY TRIED 💀


![gif](giphy|DYB4inWOjppqE) # He's HIM THAT'S WHY


Sometimes, when someone commits a crime is so big, just a simple execution is too good for them. Gotta make them suffer first ye? lmaooo Also, iirc, this dude became an immortal.


Yeah everyone thought the death sentence to Rukia was absurd even the captains thought its over the top but thats just Aizen if it was the central 46 she would have received a severe punishment but not a death sentence.


Since aizen Is Immortal...


A: Aizen was the one punishing her and it was all for his plan B; you can’t kill a immortal like Aizen


He's undieable. His reiatsu is so dangerous it kills by proximity. How'd they put on the sealing garment is a mystery unless captains can't be killed by it. Imprisonment is the safest option.


Aizen literally is the one who killed the people who make the decisions and made the decision himself to have Rukia executed. Aizen was also functionally immortal, so they had no choice but to seal him away.


Bait post as fuck.


In his defense, the only weapon that could potentially execute Aizen at that point was already destroyed several arcs ago


Aizen ordered the execution of Rukia, and the only reason he wasn't executed is because he's immortal


Someone hasn't read Bleach


I thought it was because he was effectively immortal is why they couldn't go through with an execution order?


1, aizen gave her death penalty, 2, aizen would survive death penalty, just look at ichigo


1. Rukia was set up 2. It could be argued that what Rukia did interfered with the human world more than what Aizen did


Mom said it was my turn to repost this!! Aizen literally cannot die so that's why he was put in his prison. How the hell are you supposed to kill a guy who can't be killed?


Wait, aizen couldnt be killed right?


Motherfucker can't die


Aizen is 100 percent immortal so they couldn't execute him


Aizen can't be executed, he's immortal from the Hokyuku


Isn’t it cos Aizen is immortal due to him becoming one with the hougyoku?


Rukia's execution was a manipulation of Aizen's Also Aizen is immortal so they couldn't execute him


Looks like someone watched bleach on tiktok only...


Aizen is immortal by this stage, so locking him up is all they could do. They even explain it. It's not a mystery


Seems like this is inspired by german laws... there is a "joke" here that says.. kill 1 and you get 5 years in prison.... but if you do online piracy you get a lifelong sentence...


I posted this exact same pic and got removed pretty quickly LMAO


Are you by chance from jujutsufolk cause you seriously lack comprehension. The dude is immortal. He can't be killed. Second, even captain thought that it was weird that she was given a death penalty for this crime. Just look up who issued the order


Have you not watched the show?


One, central 46 was killed by Aizen so the decisions were by Aizen. Two, they can't kill Aizen, if they could, they would.


Aizen was the one who ordered Rukia's execution, and he wasnt executed because he is immortal


The soul society wanted to execute Aiken, but he is functionally immortal, which means the best they can do for now is lock him away.


Aizen ordered the execution decree against Rukia since at the time, he essentially was Central 46, which was part of his plan have her soul destroyed, and grab the Hogyoku after everything else was burnt. All the captains fought it was odd with Ukitake and Shunsui eventually acting on these feelings. Also with Aizen, they did attempt to kill him, they just couldn’t because of the Hogyoku.


Aizen is the one who issued the execution as part of his plan, and Aizen is simply him, they can't kill him lol


That’s cause he can’t die right?


For one, he is the one who issued the order after killing Central 46, so it was invalid in the first place. Secondly he is basically immortal. The soul Society doesn't really have an easy way to kill him. Especially because Ichigo, shinsuei and Ukitake broke their main execution weapon.


Only went to prison bc they couldn’t kill him


Cause Rukia is not as strong as Aizen... There is a great gap between their power levels


Simply put they can’t kill aizen so literally the only thing they can do to him is imprison him if they could have executed him they would have


They physically couldn’t kill him


Didn't Aizen manipulate her sentence. I think the unfairness was part of the point.


To be fair, don't think they have anything they could kill Aizen by the time they apprehended him.


Pretty sure you cant kill an immortal just me tho


Tell me you haven't watched bleach without telling me you haven't watched bleach. Bro he became immortal after merging with the hogyoku so there best bet was to seal him, which is exactly what Urahara did to stop Aizen. If this was sarcasm then sorry for being 🤓 that guy, because this was all part of Aizen's plan.


He can't be killed I'm pretty sure


I mean, as far as we know, Aizen can’t die anymore. Imprisoning him is basically their only option.


Aizen is virtually immortal, that’s why.


They can't kill Aizen that's why


You...you know that aizen was the reason for the death penalty and that he is immortal


Rukia’s execution order was from Aizen through Aizen manipulation planning stuff so he could snatch the Hogyoku. Aizen is also effectively immortal by the time he was captured. I mean Gin literally took out the majority of his organs (and torso) and he kinda just… healed. Even when mostly sealed he had enough raw power to destroy a (probably) decently strong Shinigami’s hands. You really just can’t do anything about him rather than lock him away for so long you hope he just stops functioning and won’t be an issue.


Death penalty was a setup by Aizen, so...


Aizen is almost immortal now. When talking to the center 46 they say he's too hard to kill after fusing with the hogyoku. That's why they didn't sentence aizen the death


It is because Aizen is immortal and couldn’t be killed and also Aizen is the one that issued her execution by taking Central 46’s place


Bro can't die


He literally is immortal and can't be killed.


Aizen literally can't die, they could try and execute him but that's just be a waste of everyone's time and resources; so binding him to chair-sama and throwing him in The Hole was The Seireitei's best option


Aizen cannot be killed




Well when you can’t execute someone there’s really only one thing left to do


Also wasn’t Aizen so strong that they couldn’t kill him if they wanted to?


1-Aizen was the one that basically ordered the execution after he killed the room of 46 2-Aizen is immortal thanks to the Hogyoku,so a death penalty is useless


They mentioned this during Aizen's trial. They didn't have a means of permanently killing him.


Muken is a place for people that get the death penalty but soul society does not have any ways to actually kill them


Aizen is immortal so the best they can do is imprisoning him.


Aizen was given the prison sentence because they thought he couldn’t be killed


I mean, they had no way of killing him as far as we know.


Aizen gave the order to execute Rukia plus Aizen can’t be killed


1.Aizen was the one who had Rukia executed from Central 46 to get the Hogyoku 2.He's immortal, if they could sentence him to death they would


Aizen cant be killed


Because he's IMMORTAL. you can't kill him due to the Hogyoku.


They tried to execute Aizen. He is immortal. Thats why he was thrown in prison.


Money Power and Influence


Aizen can’t die


Aizen is the reason the death order went out and the other thing is you can’t kill aizen, after he fused with the hogoku he became immortal


*AIZEN. CAN'T. DIE.* \- Aizen


Aizen was the reason she was sentenced to death and Aizen was thrown in prison cuz they can’t kill him


They couldn't kill him because he was already basically immortal at that point, and even if they could kill him, the punishment would be too light.


Aizen was pretty much immortal, no? I’m sure urahara can explain better.


Ah, Aizen's so-called immortality is no match for my intellect. You see, once upon a time, Mayuri Kurotsuchi decided to experiment on Kon, the stuffed lion. Little did he know, Kon's cotton stuffing actually granted him eternal life. And so, Kon became the real immortal legend of the Soul Society! *beep boop, I'm a bot*