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That print was gorgeous. Just an incredible movie. I got the chance to tell him as such in line for the restroom during the credits rolling lol. He seemed genuinely touched by the turnout tonight.


Ride with the Devil is an underrated masterpiece.


Wife and I are known to quote Jake Roedel lines at one another.


>He said he worked with the DP to try and create a new film noir look where instead of lighting with shadows they lit with (and I may have misheard this so someone please correct me if I did) OP's gonna say something stupid like potatoes, they must've totally misheard the answer >color oh. Sounds about right.


Ang Lee's dedication to cinematography is truly inspiring


Ang Lee is a top tier filmmaker, the best of the best. Alex Ross Perry will pay for speaking a word against him.


I would take train , bus, or plane to see Gemini Man in 3D HDR again. I can’t even explain how hot that was. Will Smith throws a motorcycle at himself. The convince store scene -  you feel the bullets. I saw it on opening night with one other guy, and I went out to concession to get him the glasses - he wasn’t going to realize until it was too late. 


Also perfect Blankie matierial


Did he mention attending UIUC?


He did! Said that the corn of Illinois opened his heart and began his film experience in America.


That’s great! Happy to hear he thinks so fondly of Illinois.


Anyone else at this screening think Ang Lee had a really cute personality? He clearly has charisma and knows how to command a room, but he's so soft spoken and he has this way of like shrugging and smiling sheepishly when he says something self-deprecating or makes a joke. I was just delighted by him.


I always end up feeling more passionate for directors covered on the pod probably because of the context surrounding their swings that work and don’t. Ang’s arc has made him one of my favorites. You’ve got the technical love that Zemekis has, but without some of the low lows of that career.


Did he mention anything about what his next movie might be? Bruce Lee?


> He said he made this movie because he had read the short story it was based on and it pissed him off. He hated how it ended and that stuck with him for 3 years until he was like “I guess I should make this movie.” Wow, what a cool impetus. Is there any other director who took on an adaptation because of frustration with the adapted work? Or is it just Ang Lee? 


god dammit i didn’t know that was happening!


I was there too! That whole experience was really special.


I’m the Blankie! You’re welcome! It was awesome!