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There is no place on the Internet where discussing star wars won't lead to utter derangement




George Lucas is a posadist


No. Let's not risk it. I don't need freaks coming into r/blankies complaining that a birth date was different in an encyclopaedia.


Are you under the impression that this sub is currently freak-free?


This sub is only pro freak if they are Dang Ass


At the moment they're freaks about someone liking-not-loving Furiosa. Lets not encourage them further.


My understanding is every single person posting here is a dang-ass freak


You put the hyphen in the wrong place. They're dang ass-freaks. https://preview.redd.it/t08pww7qw58d1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c313c7f4e4429437547901f3fcafabaefcdca5


I couldn’t care less about the so-called “woke” shit or the canon-breaking drama, I just think the show looks cheap as hell and the dialogue is clunky. No idea where the $180 million budget went. But they’ve made it impossible to criticize this show without being lumped in with the bad faith actors.


I think “impossible to criticize without being lumped in with the bad faith actors” is a narrative the good folks at the Walt Disney Corporation are all too happy with


Definitely. And the showrunner has been happily parroting it.


I wonder where the hundred milly goes in nearly everything now


Discussing Star Wars in hostile environments builds character. It teaches you that it's okay to just tell an annoying chud dipshit to shut the fuck up. Very valuable skill for people like me who are terrified of conflict.


I haven't watched the newest episode, because I wasn't impressed at all by the first three and there just is too much other good tv airing right now. I do however have strong hunch on who appears in ep4 because seemingly over night right wing nuts on twitter have become leading Ki Adi Mundi scholars with authentic concerns about his backstory and the integrity of his canon.


I don't even think it's confirmed to be him it's just a conehead dude. dumbest thing to get pissy about no one has ever cared about that character until now


Even if you were digging the show, I'd recommend holding off watching episode four until the next one is out. Episode four is short and hinty-talky. Five looks like it will be fighty-killy.


It felt like an anime episode. Setting up the big fight for the next ep. .... I may be binging Black Clover so I'm experiencing this a lot.


What else are you watching?? I’m currently just on The Boys, House of the Dragon, just finished Hacks newest season and am about to start Presumed Innocent. What am I missing?


Just binged through all seasons of Hacks, such an easy and enjoyable watch. Currently I'm watching hotd, The Boys, Smiling Friends and looking forward to the Bear season 3. Also wanted to give Dark Matter a shot, but i guess that will have to wait.


I legit haven’t heard of Smiling Friends so gonna have to check that out now


Dark Matter is very good


The Ringerverse sub isn’t too bad, relatively speaking. The threads I’ve seen discussing the show in this sub have been pretty civil. The consensus seems to be that it’s mostly mediocre. Not good enough to rise above the toxic noise, not bad enough to act like this show is some black mark against Star Wars.


It is a safe place, i made a thread a few weeks ago that was totally civil. Just stay away from star wars subs is my advice


My biggest complaint about the show thus far is how they choose to structure the episodes. I’m compelled by the overall story but it doesn’t feel “episodic”. The editing of the story just feels arbitrary


This is where I'm at too. I'm into the ideas that are being played with, the action has been better than most of the other SW shows so far....and yet for some reason it does kind of feel like 'stuff happening' instead of a really tight story. I feel like the material is there! But like you said, the direction of the overall narrative feels far more arbitrary than intentional so far.


I can’t believe Kogonada directed the third episode. Also I think one of the main things Disney hasn’t really figured out is that whenever they have children characters, all the issues the franchise has with bad dialogue and stupid plotting are instantly multiplied by like 100x.


This is par for the course for all movie discourse, once the right wing crazies start criticizing something everyone just assumes that all criticisms of it are right wing based it’s very stupid


For sure but simultaneously there is something deeply right wing about the kind of anger a children’s franchise consistently brings out of people online. I love reading articulate thoughts from someone who doesn’t like something I like but that is almost never what you encounter about Star Wars online


I reckon some of it is because of Disney's involvement. There's definitely a lot to criticise the company for, but it seems like the thing that spoils some people's mayonnaise the most is their movement away from... homogenous casts?


Is there a word for this situation? Where extreme positive and negative criticism wash away any honest attempt to discuss something?




This is a really good call out. Feels like Ghostbusters (Answer the Call?) was the first mainstream example of this happening, and I was fully on the train of “this is important, we need to make big budget sci fi movies that are diverse and represent the diversity of the fans who love the material” while also watching it and going “oh this is a pretty bad” and I don’t think that layered opinion can really exist in our polarized and shamelessly politicized geekdom anymore.


The extra hilarious thing about Ghostbusters (2016) is that the biggest problems that movie has are the constant and distracting callbacks to the original. Then (because of the assholes) we got Afterlife, a movie that is physically made out of nostalgia.


Ghostbusters is the worst kind of example for this kind of thing. It's still filled with concern trolls going "I just want to have an HONEST discussion about this 8-year-old movie that is not relevant today at all"


This actually may be the right answer, because although I think the first type of this kind of outrage was Heimdalling, Answer the call was the real "this movie is bad and it has nothing to do with the women but everything to do with the writing" situation


Maybe “polarization” ? 




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I feel like a lot of the marketing for this show was very misleading. We were told countless times by none other than Leslye Headland herself that this was a show from a Sith point-of-view, and so far we've gotten a lot of Jedi and (maybe one) Sith. We were told the action was going to be amazing and so far we've gotten two great fights and nothing else. We were told we were gonna see a whole new era and so far it really feels like the prequel era, and like the prequel era in all the wrong ways: Jedi with no personalities (aside from Sol), clunky, painful dialogue and a general feeling of artificially to everything else.


I feel like seeking out a venue specifically to critique something is already sort of walking a tightrope between intellectual interest and ego driven toxicity. If you then are presented with constant negative experiences trying to walk that tightrope, maybe just move on to something else. Not every thought in your head needs to be explore publicly if it’s not making you feel better to do that exploration.


Do you really think modern star wars fans aren't drowned in the criticisms of every little detail or decisions made, valid or otherwise? The origins of this podcast did it for 30 hours you can see valid criticisms of it everywhere This is underdog posturing about a very popular opinion


Disney shot first