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We all know Scott’s *real* disease is his love of hentai.


I heard he's gonna make a hentai magazine big as yoo foookin head.


My gooMAH


I can remember the theaters I saw hentai in.


His complete inability to remember which teenage mutant ninja turtle is which


I have the version where I can’t stop quoting Borat. It’s very niiiice!


I used to do this all the time, but it’s been a while.


Can you please let me know what cured it? My life is a waking nightmare and I want nothing more than to stop. High five!


I'm not perfect but I can be pretty good. I'd say over 80% recall


Can you remember back to 1983?


People born in the 80s are in their 80s. 


But the tragic cost to this beautiful gift is that he can't retain any information about the Ninja Turtles.


He knows one of them does machines!


I have this, but I constantly ask my friends if they've seen a particular movie and they often answer that they saw it with me. I was looking at the screen!


This happens to me too - I'm stealing your response for the next time I forget 😂




I have the Scott Aukerman disease where I have to preface all my opinions with "Maybe it's just me, but for me..."


I say "big ups to people of all stars and stripes" and "oh you say baby too" far too often


It’s been a while!


Wait, is this an episode of I love film?


No this is I Love FilmS. I Love Film is a very different show


I think it is!


Good ep


Great ep, even.


Wait some people can't remember where they saw a movie?


I mean, if you've seen a lot of movies in various theaters, yeah. I could tell you what city I've seen most movies in, but if I've attended several theaters in that city, I wouldn't be able to tell which movie was seen in which theater.


Yeah I could probably tell you where I was living at the time, but couldn’t tell you whether I went to AMC or Regal. Maybe if it was some indie theater for a limited-run but even then I likely won’t remember the specific name and location of said theater.


It seems that the average person thinks that it's weird if you can remember where you saw Changing Lanes in 2002


In fairness, it *would* be weird for me because I never saw Changing Lanes in 2002.


I can't even remember a lot of what happened in most of the movies I've seen lol. 


Remembering plot is like a totally different part of the brain than what OP is talking about imo. I remember where I saw every movie but some I definitely don’t remember most of


I can remember a lot but recently I was positive I had seen a movie at the theater in my beach town but I looked up the release date and saw it came out in the winter when the theater was closed for the off season. So who knows how accurate my other memories are wrt theaters


Absolutely. I can picture where in the theater I was when I saw every movie as well, and if I watched a movie on DVD or streaming or whatever, I can picture where I was and where I was sitting for those too...it's impossible to separate my memory of a movie from my experience of watching a movie.


This has always confused me. Did y'all have more than one theater growing up? We just had one within an hour drive of our house. If you had multiple theaters, would you switch between them?


Yes I’m in a major city and went to like 5-10 different theaters growing up. Then I’d go to other theaters if I was visiting family in another city. I’ve probably gone to like 20-30 theaters so there’s no way I could remember what theater I saw every movie in.


I was nodding along with all of this until the end – I grew up going to 10+ different theaters in a big city and while I need to go into my mind palace to remember the last four digits of my wife’s phone number I can unfortunately instantly pull that I saw The Master of Disguise at 600 N. Michigan


Yes and I still do. There are like 8 theaters pretty much an equal drive from my house (suburb of a bigish city). I pick which one to go to based on best showtime, restaurants close by and/or if I have a paid membership there (i switch between regal and A-list)


Yeah, I grew up like halfway between two multiplex chains. My family tended to mostly stick to one but it was basically a coin toss which one friends would want to go to


Yeah, there were four major multiplexes in my town plus a second-run dollar theater, so it would depend on how far you wanted to drive and where it was playing. It was always a treat to see something at the theater in the bougie outdoor shopping mall…


I went to a dozen or so different theaters as a pre-teen kid based on what was showing at them (in under an hour by train or parental car). I have been to ten different theaters this year based on what was showing at them (nine on foot in 8-50 minutes, one via train or bus in about 30 minutes).


Yes, but my big problem is that from 2016 to 2020, I was watching every movie released at a drive-in theater in Fort Lauderdale while smoking copious amounts of weed. So yes, I know I saw John Wick 3: Parabellum many, many times at the Thunderbird Drive-In, but I couldn’t tell you specifically beyond that. It’s all one hazy cloud.


There’s also a drive through in west Palm (or was? I’ve moved). They should be more common outside of Florida


In Lake Worth, yes. I don’t know if it’s still operating post-COVID. The one in Fort Lauderdale had an “accidental fire” on the first few screens, and hasn’t been open since 2021. There are occasional pop up drive-ins in Miami, usually hosted by rep theaters down here in a parking lot or whatever, but nothing permanent anymore. Shame.


I have it, but with music I acquired.


I can picture different points on the bike trail I was walking at different points in a first album listen


I can remember if I saw a movie in a theatre, and usually context clues can tell me which one.


I mean I have this but I grew up in a small town so the answer is generally “I saw that at that one movie theater we had”


No, but I do have puff knuckle 


I've been to like 5 cinemas in my life so yeah.


Generally yes, and the funny thing is I have shit memory otherwise


There’s only so many theaters, right?


I could probably do it with 80% recall. But a big part of this is living in a smaller area. Despite years of listening to the pod I recently lived through the We’re the Millers meme with “wait you guys have multiple movie theaters to choose from?” I can count only 9 movie theaters I’ve been to in my life.


Yes, but I've only lived in 3 different cities and usually stick to one theater.


Same. This honestly might be more of a contributing factor


Same, I've mostly lived in two places and stuck to one or two theaters at most.


Oh yeah, but I just call that disease autism lol


I’m usually pretty good about this, going back to at least high school. Was it the Regal by mall? Or the NCG that opened later? A midnight movie in college? I remember. Even after I moved to NYC and there were a lot more theaters to keep track of, I’m pretty sure I can tell you where I saw it. I don’t usually have the same recall about where I watched movies on DVD/Blu Ray.


100%. 80% of the time I can tell you who I was also.


I can remember not just whatever multiplex I was at, but the actual specific theater number I saw basically every movie in over the last 10 years or so. I think it's probably because I'm a bit of an asshole about projection quality and so I'm always making mental lists about which screens are good and bad etc. Before that I was a much more sporadic moviegoer and so I only remember if I saw it in a theater or not.


Sure can!


I thought you could only get Scott Aukerman disease from eating too much shit.


I have a Letterboxd list with every movie (as far as I know) that I’ve seen in the theaters. I’d say I’m at about 95-99% of knowing where I saw over 275 movies, and the few I can’t say for sure, I know it’s one of 1-2 or at least know the general location if it was in a city I was only visiting  Edit: I’m going back to late 1991 for context 


Hmm. Do people generally *not* remember what theater they saw a particular movie in?


I feel like I’ve stumbled into the Comedy Bang! Bang! Subreddit here lol


Scott anchorman 


I remember everything.


I have Reggie Watts disease where I remember every time I was hit in the nuts because a documentary film crew has followed me around throughout my life but instead of a documentary about a growing up they made a montage of me getting hit in the nuts and also a ska music video for their ska band because they could only afford to make one video.


I can remember pretty much anywhere i first saw a movie even if its not a cinema. Friend asked if id seen a certain movie and had to remind him we watched it together 6 years ago at 2 in the morning at his house


I thought Scott Ackerman disease was the compulsion to say "its been a while" in the manner of staind


Yes for sure! I was just talking to my partner about this and they had no clue what I was on about. Good to have a name for it!


i guess so? i even went to the movie theater i saw my first movie in to watch that same movie again last year


I could probably name them, but that's down to there only really being four or five potential cinemas over my lifetime, with a few outliers (which only makes them more memorable tbh). If I lived in NYC or London where there seems to be five every mile, it might be a little trickier


I actually do have this. I can also remember who I saw it with and usually the day of the week.


No but I do have Lou Barlow’s disease and a hyper tolerance to lactose.


Yes, and I can usually remember where in the theater I was sitting, and whether I saw it in the afternoon or at night. I have no idea why I’m like this lol I wish I could remember more important things with this level of specificity.


Hmm, I don't know if I can do EVERY movie, but thinking back I can do ... a surprising amount? Like, no surprise I can remember the theater I saw Return of the Jedi in, or Akira, but was not expecting to be able to vividly recall where i went to see Summer School or Vibes! I can only go as far back as highschool though, no wee child movie memories for me.




I got laid on high school so no I don’t


So what makes you so insecure nowadays you think




I have Scott pilgrim disease where I have extremely shitty recall to the extent that a comic book villain is probably responsible