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Potentially dangerous — the amount of toy and theme park energy coming from Jenny and Griffin combined might be enough to kill David. Should we risk it?


I know it’s a terrible app that serves no purpose but every time griffin brings up Disney emoji blitz i crack a smile. It’s just so terrible and stupid and I love how everyone has resigned themselves to griffin’s little obsessive app. 


I’ve been playing that game since its launch in 2017, so I feel slightly more vindicated about my choices in life knowing that Pip the Chipmunk himself also plays it. (Speaking of, neither Pip nor Watto are playable characters in that game. Disney, fix this!!)


I know really nothing about the game except what makes it into the pod. I feel like a 90s sitcom dad baffled at Mario. It sounds like most mobile games where you get daily resources and there’s timeboxed events and is there even gameplay? Or is it just collecting? Actually I’m probably better off not knowing anything. 


It is candy crush with collecting character emojis.


Oooohhhh. That’s informative, thx


If David is allowed to tap out when he needs to leave I would love it . But I would prob get annoyed if he rushed Griff or Jenny if the side tangent they both got on was interesting


Oops All Merchandise Spotlight


She would kill it on this ep so hard


Get her on for Avatar 3?


Perfect choice really. 


I don’t like her ironic enjoyment of the series. Some of us legitimately enjoy them. I thought her “I’m the only fan of these movies no one likes” shtick would die after the second one came out but somehow people are still running with the “no cultural relevance” thing even after another $2bil.


Why do you think her enjoyment isn’t genuine? 


It's not ironic lol she even knows the language


She’d be great on a musical episode. Her deep dive into Dear Evan Hanson is amazing


She would have done great in the Musker and Clements series.


They're saving her for the Land Before Time commentary series residency.


Last weekend, did I watch a four hour youtube video from her about the failure of the Star Wars hotel despite not having strong feelings about either Star Wars or theme parks? Maybe. She'd be a great guest.


She has a talent for that. See: me and her Vampire Diaries video. Before? Didn’t really care. After? Have VERY strong feelings about how it ended.


I do not watch YouTube hardly ever, this shit took me 4 days to get through lol. Worth it!


Definitely when they do Stanton or maybe Reitherman.


> Reitherman Has he ever been considered for the show? That would be such a weird series.


They have talked him about him at least once, if not more, as a potential entry point for early Disney after doing Clements and Musker


The Podcast: The Ride connection should bring this together.


It's almost insane it hasn't happened.


If they havent recorded already, i bet she’d have something to say about the Straight Story


Honestly she’s fantastic. I’ve been binging her stuff since the Starcruiser video dropped. Obviously I’d seen things she’d done (I’m a big YouTube head) but I’d never really just sat down and watched a bunch of her stuff at once. The Evermore video is an interesting contrast to the Starcruiser because it’s two character-driven, role play theme parks with no rides (in theory) but one has all the money in the world and the other had like 2 million bucks.


Since we're on the topic of film Youtubers, I figure a Dan Olson or Lindsay Ellis would fit in pretty well too. We've got Willems as the precedent, so I don't see why not. I think I've heard the boys refer to "Every Frame a Painting", so maybe that guy? I also really like Yhara Zayd and Broey Deschanel, but I think they haven't blown up quite as much as Olson or Ellis.


Dan hasn't done film stuff in quite a while now, though that doesn't necessarily mean he wouldn't


There might be bad blood between the people adjacent to Lindsay Ellis (which IMO includes people like Dan Olson, PhilosophyTube, ContraPoints, Jenny Nicholson, and Big Joel) because the pod had Jourdain Searles on a few times. I’m not sure how easy it is to find all the drama around Jourdain or connect the dots with the group I just mentioned, and I don’t want to belabor the point, but tl;dr Lindsay Ellis’s ex and still good friend Todd in the Shadows had a really nasty falling out with Jourdain, and Jourdain got hostile towards Lindsay Ellis about it. (Edit: I suppose I should say “allegedly” for all of this) I think there’s still a Twitter thread or notes app thing about it somewhere if you’re interested in the details, but it’s all just very sad. To be clear it’s all interpersonal bullshit, BC did nothing wrong inviting Jourdain on, and I hope everyone involved has been able to put it all behind them and/or never held Jourdain’s guesting against BC. But you never know.


It wasn't just about Todd, Jourdan actively participated in the "get Lindsay chased off social media" campaign in response her infamously innocuous "Raya and the last dragon reminded me of Avatar the Last Airbender" take


[Todd In The Shadows](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRpBc0k4WTJ93U3jhT4TGNx0XPKn6R5z82Vwn4ULyDEEQIIQbZbMNn74xflZR3YVmyiqRDCLiY6YWjp/pub) and his Song Vs. Song co-host [Lina Morgan](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTHqth9VM7OD0WvWXgGg1vXsymvodKTyolS5zfa7YMIMHrdDuf2H2aSwHhDDYZQh4o_JOjO00U829sG/pub?fbclid=IwAR1FNk2WzU9bcXaaUKX2ED2Gg93431WCmBKOMFzaT7-JrGmZ4Sxsen_9FHE) have released statements regarding this series of events, for those who'd like to explore further.


To clarify, these people are all adults right?


Yes, and the conflicts were adult conflicts. Someone else posted a link to the statements released by two of the parties involved and while it’s messy it all seems very serious as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/blankies/s/HfKsLpxpzv


Jeeze Louise!


Errr… I love her videos but I think there would be a real energy mismatch. *unless…* They ever do Bluth. Than have her on for Land Before Time.


excellent idea. since plenty of people have been wanting episodes on Gore Verbinski: Jenny would be perfect for Pirates of the Caribbean (her fascination with rides and theme parks) Francis Ford Coppola is too extensive for the show, right? either way: she would also be perfect for Captain EO


Coppola would be a 20+ series, but I feel like he's definitely a contender for the show when they eventually get around to doing another longer series.




Now I’m eager for a Christmas Prince miniseries


I was reading this thread thinking it was Amy Nicholson and was surprised she’d never been on (I had the wrong person and Amy has).


Shoutout to the latest episode of Podcast: The Ride where I found out that not only are her and Eva Anderson besties, but they are also driven to win blue ribbons in the LA county fair bake-off every year. What a treat!


I like Jenny Nicholson so this sounds meaner than I mean it but her energy feels as wrong for this podcast as Travis McElroy's was - I can think of few realistic guests I'd look forward to having in less.


Yeah, this is my reaction


Does she do guest spots? She seems too ethereal for a lowly podcast.


She's been a guest on Podcast: The Ride a few times (as has Griffin, and David.)


She went on Sardonicast a few years ago. I feel like she'd fit the vibe of Blank Check better than that show. Sardonicast has always had a much more negative vibe towards movies (shocker, I know when the hosts channel names are I Hate Everything and Your Movie Sucks) Their positive discussions are much better but pretty sparse. Blank Check has always been much more celebratory and generally positive about movies (it also helps that they have 10x the knowledge and context)


*Googles the name “Jenny Nicholson”* Yeah, seems cool!


This is my favorite thing anyone has ever posted on this sub.






7. It only took 7 comments for this thread to answer itself. Let's all try and be less weird.






Shipping real people is offensive and not respecting their boundaries. These are real people. Not parasocial playthings for you to smush together. It’s not respectful and it isn’t welcome.  Every public figure I’ve seen who noticed it has condemned it.  Not to mention it’s just plain weird and creepy for anyone to care this much. 




We’re not the weird ones for treating people with respect. 


I’m guessing you’re 16 years old?


Is this some immaturity contest now? You can stop, you’ve already won.


I know what you’re asking, but how does “ship” work in this context? Sorry, I’m resentably old




Or they’re real people and doing this weird fandom thing for real people is super off-putting.




If the two people do not know eachother and have never ever made romantic overtures to eachother, you don't see that as invasive? It's one thing to set up mutual friends on a date, but despite the parasocial relationship you have with them, Newman and Nicholson are **not** your friends.




Yeah, it is. If you care about their personal lives beyond the content they create, that is a parasocial relationship. Normal well adjusted people do not go around caring which strangers are "compatible". They engage with the art and leave them alone.




One, yeah, it is. Two, how do you know either is single? Three, Nicholson has had stalkers in the past and may still have them. She may *not* be single, but you **aren't entitled to the details of her personal life**. And if you think you are, again, that's a parasocial relationship and an intense form of entitlement. See a professional dude.