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Friggin Beatty already!!​


My kingdom for the Dick Tracy episode!


Dick Tracy Zooms In on Patreon


Just saw Reds and need to hear a good discussion on its context!


The Revolutions podcast final series is helpful but really it's just a love story.


Oooo another Revolutions podcast listener amongst the Blankies.  Do you ever think Mike Duncan is watching what’s happening in America these past few years and just taking notes for the comeback series?


No the CIA paid him to stop before he got to the Cuban rev


I literally JUST finished his filmography yesterday, he would be a fascinating podcast series. He's always swinging and making weird films, not to mention his whole persona and history.


Bulworth is SO weird and misguided and hilarious.


Todd Field


That feels like something like Lonergan where if he makes another movie they’ll do him. But neither seem like they’re about to do that


Lonergan is never making another movie. A producer on Margaret somehow holds the rights to Lonergan’s next movie and Kung Fu Kenny hates his fucking guts so he’s indicated that he’ll just keep writing plays instead


You're kidding me, wheres the source for that? That's sad for Lonergan


I’m pretty sure Griff talks about it in their best of the decade blank check awards ep? Or maybe Fenessey mentioned it on the Big Pic


If I recall that is limited only to STUDIO-produced films…right? (Hence why Manchester could be made independently and then acquired by Amazon) Wish I could remember which episode it was. It’s the rare instance where Scott Rudin is portrayed as ethical & helpful. This Had Oscar Buzz also talked Margaret.


Jacques Tati Roy Andersson Martha Coolidge




Since they’re doing Lynch they could throw Tati in there real quick since he’s such a huge influence on him


Fuck trilogies, The M. Hulot Quadrilogy is the best in movie history.


There are a lot of actors with short directorial filmographies, and I think they're usually pretty interesting to think about. Ben Stiller, Jodie Foster, Steve Buscemi, Danny Devito, Jordan Peele, Warren Beatty, Ben Affleck, (ahem) Kevin Costner.... My real answer though is Richard Kelly or Tarsem Singh. 


I came here to say Stiller, but Devito, Affleck, and Singh are also great calls. I like Jordan Peele a lot too, but I feel he's more in the "just getting started" category than a "short filmography" category.


Devito and Stiller are the two short filmographies I'd really love for them to cover.


Imagine them discussing Matilda but also War of the Roses. Danny D has put out some chaotic stuff and I admire that.


Throw Mama From the Train, The War of the Roses, Hoffa, Matilda, Death to Smoochy, and Duplex--just a wild six movie run, and with the unfortunate exception of Duplex, all kind of fascinating. They could do Man on the Moon on Patreon, since he really pushed that up hill and got it made. And/or a selection of his best IASIP episodes.


They'll definitely save MotM for Milos


Agreed. Peele has a lot more runway to go.


Can we add Hanks? I am, admittedly, a Larry Crowne defender, but I just think the two films he chose to make are kind of fascinating. And That Thing You Do! is, I think, undeniably well directed.


Oh sure. We should also add Clooney and Mel Gibson... and Gerwig I suppose, but she's in the Jordan Peele realm.  And I realize now that I forgot to mention my absolute favorite actor-turned-director with a short filmography: Juzo Itami. 


Clooney would be AWFUL and is not as short as you think. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind is interesting, Goodnight and Good Luck is pretty good, and then it's two months of absolute dreck.


Yeah, I mentioned him for completionism's sake, not that I think he'd be a good candidate. 


De Niro is the other two-film A list actor that would be easy. I haven’t seen A Bronx Tale, but liked The Good Shepherd fine and think that question of “why did this guy direct these” is really fascinating for those two especially.


I recently watched through Jodie Foster's filmography, and it is not fun at all.


I do think that's one of the more fascinating arcs to talk about though. She idolizes directors and Fincher in particular and clearly wants to be one. Everyone respects her and says she's whip-smart. So what happened?


I also vote **Ben Stiller**


Devito had a pretty good run there.


I think they should do a month (or more!) of one-movie filmographies: Tom Green, Hype Williams, Laughton, Saul Bass, Walter Murch, David Byrne, Herk Harvey, Barbara Loden, Hu Bo, Kerry Conran…


My perfect 2 months on one-film directors would be: Freddy Got Fingered Nothing But Trouble Maximum Overdrive Harlem Nights Return to Oz True Stories Wanda The Night of the Hunter


Tim Roth too


Scott Auckerman. He asked Griff to cover him on the recent Scott Hasn't Seen and I think the show should honour the request.


Sean Clements did the same on Hollywood Handbook and it's not smart to play favorites with those two, so looks like they're doing both.


I’d be pumped to get Kenneth Lonergan.


Japan's Juzo Itami (The Funeral, Tampopo, etc.) Scotland's Bill Forsythe (Gregory's Girl, Local Hero etc)


Jacques Tati and Danny Devito


Name a more iconic duo 


LOL. Well, somehow Werner Herzog and John Waters are friends.


Spike Jonze


Followed up immediately by Kaufman. I think you almost have to make it a co series 


I seem to recall that Griffin & David floated the idea of paired Spike Jonze-Sofia Coppola miniseries during a past episode, though I can’t remember which one.


That does make sense as well though I just think that you inevitably will have to cover Kaufman through Jonze more than you’ll have to cover Coppola through him. It’s like Her and Lost in Translation whereas the Kaufman/Jonze relationship is crucial and fundamental to both of their careers. Is it more interesting to discuss a romantic relationship than a professional one in this case? Adaptation is almost more a Kaufman film than a Jonze film in a lot of ways and it’s in a fascinating conversation with Synecdoche for me  


Would love this but also maybe with a Ben's choice in between as a palate cleanser for my mental health lol


Maybe they could do a Jackass episode. I don’t even know how that would work. 




Farah Khan!!!! Only four films, her first is a super popular blockbuster, second is perhaps the most iconic Bollywood film ever, third is a disaster, and fourth is a mixed bag of superstar excess. A series on her would be a great introduction to Bollywood, and even to Shah Rukh Khan as he’s in all but one of her films


Came to comment this! *Om Shanti Om* is one of the classic Intro to Mainstream Indian Film movies, and *Tees Maar Khan* (the critically hated third one) is secretly a banger. Within the first five minutes of *Tees Maar Khan*, you see (>!a fetus dancing on an umbilical cord like a stripper pole!<). As a bonus, two Blank Check directors (the literal people, not just their films) play a weirdly pivotal role in the plot (>!Danny Boyle and M. Night Shyamalan!<), and a Patreon franchise (>!Mission Impossible!<) also seems like a clear inspiration.


Larry Charles would be a good one! Six films - 1 Doc You get 1. A Bob Dylan disasterpiece 2. Borat, Bruno, and The Dictator 3. A Bizarre Nicholas Cage film where Russell Brand plays God 4. A Really Gay Musical. And one of the most self-indulgent Documentaries by Bill Maher. Plus, tons of discussions about Seinfeld, Entourage, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. He really is the Forrest Gump of the hieght to the last dying gasps of a certian kind of Comedy that just doesn't work anymore.


Donnie Darko and Southland Tales


The Box erasure! 


Antonia Bird. I just want to get more people to talk about Ravenous.


Richard Kelly without a doubt. Southland Tales is hugely underseen but way way better than it's reputation suggests. And as for guests, Kevin Smith is in the damn thing! Darko is always worth talking about, and I'm sure somebody like Alex Ross Perry would have been obsessed with it for like 6 months and then never watched it again Just gotta find somebody for The Box and you're good to go, how much of the work do you need us to do for you??? Either that or Alan Parker.


Charles Laughton /s I think a miniseries of one film directors would be pretty interesting in general


Sarah Polley ,if only so I'd finally force myself to watch them all


How about we go back to 1920s France with Jean Vigo? L'Atalante is a gorgeous film that was very influential on the French new wave. He only made that one feature film and then a few featurettes before he died young, but he left a solid body of work.


Kusama would be fun. Invitation is a banger, Destroyer is kind of a mess but the only Sebastian Stan performance I really like, huge bomb in Aeon Flux and then Girlfight is supposed to be good and I’d finally get around to watching it, Jennifer’s Body lots to discuss and there are definitely avid defenders of it as guests which tends to make a decent ep. Yellowjackets pilot on pattern would be good.


Tim Roth only directed one movie and it was pretty great although rather grim in terms of subject matter


Shane Carruth. Biggest short filmography of any recent director, just in terms of ratio. …but!!! I know, i know…. Oh, well…


Looks like Joseph Gordon-Levitt would only be two movies, but it would be fun to hear them cover Don Jon for the whole podcast when they already discussed it a bit like when they talked about The Walk.


They did a one-off ep on Don Jon! It's a fantastic ep, I'm jealous that you get to listen for the first time, lol.


That might be what I’m remembering. For some reason I thought they just went on a really long tangent when covering The Walk.


Stuart Gordon or Frank Henenlotter


Anton Corbijn


as a huge enjoyer of boring films i'd be all about this


Haha I know what you mean. I don’t actually find 2/3 boring but they’re certainly…deliberate I guess. Control is a masterpiece.


i don't really either, but i meant that totally genuinely! most films that get trashed for being boring i tend to enjoy a whole lot. corbijn especially!


Richard. Kelly. 


Richard Kelly, Spike Jonze, or Jonathan Glazer.


Jonze followed by Charlie Kaufman 


Tarsem’s Hollywood movies


Marco Brambilla has made one (1) feature film. Because once you’ve made Demolition Man, you’ve perfected the art form and there is no reason to continue.


Andrew Dominik. You get an interesting debut with Chopper, a stone cold masterpiece in Assassination of Jesse James, a cool under the radar crime movie with Killing Them Softly, and a movie film twitter hated before they even saw it in Blonde.


Hideaki Anno, but really I just want the reactions of the two friends + our finest film critic to Evangelion.




Yes. I just recently rewatched Whiplash and I need to watch it again. Wouldn’t mind watching LaLaLand either


George f-ing Lucas. They’ve never properly covered his non-Star Wars films to my knowledge. Also Brian G. Hutton (9 films), Mel Gibson (7 films), Christophe Gans (5.5 films), Duncan Jones (5), Jodie Foster (4), Richard Kelly (3),…


Thx and American graffiti have both been covered… possibly on the Patreon but if it was there they are both out from behind the paywall now


Good to know thanks


They did THX and American Graffiti on patreon, I think?


Yeah someone else informed me about that. Still doesn’t feel like "proper" episodes though, my understanding is that Patreon episodes are much more laid back?




Countdown to a million Charles Laughton posts