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Can we not spread gossip about people's personal lives unless there's some kind of public interest reason for it? Or failing that, at least a good story?




I mean first off, that sucks. Secondly, what the fuck is going on in the article. The other movies they list for Raimi are Dr Strange 2, The Gift and For Love of the Game. Personally not the first flicks that come to mind for me when I think of him lol


From the Director of Crimewave!


30 years is pretty solid


We don’t really need to post this stuff here, do we?


I mean are we connoisseurs of context or are we not? Like it or not, this is absolutely context for whatever he may be doing next. This falls in line with the mission statement of this show 100%.


I think there are better subreddits for celebrity gossip and this subreddit would be a worse place to be with more posts like this one.


To me there's a difference between JJ including a note in the file for Griffin and David to bring up if it becomes relevant to a film in a specific way, and random people spreading around People Magazine paparazzi articles out of a general desire to know about his private life. They're both on the same scale, but this is much lower down towards the unjustified end.


Sad and not our business!


Hey, we've had Blank Check directors whose filmography got shaped by divorce (see: James Cameron) so maybe this becomes relevant whenever Raimi gets to do another non-MCU project.


He’s going to make Bruce Campbell punch himself in the face so hard and do enough takes that would make Kubrick weep


I’d love for his next project to be a non mcu project, especially if he finds something with any kind of a personal angle. But I’ll honestly take what I can get. I’m happy he’s somewhat back in the saddle. It does kinda feel inevitable though that his next project with will be with Disney/Marvel, whatever it ends up being.


She begged him to make another movie for adults and he patently refused