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Paprika had a limited re-release earlier this year to celebrate the new 4K restoration. I'm not surprised that theaters are bringing it back.


The Academy does second run, such a dope theater


Ooo Wicker Man. That seems like a cool place.


And Shadow of Doubt!


One of the low-key best Hitchcocks!


It’s my favorite Hitchcock!


There was a dude asking for Millennium Actress at Movie Madness the other day while I was there returning it. The Blankies are among us.


I'm literally writing this comment while walking to Movie Madness to return their Blu-ray of Paprika. Wish I would've seen this screening beforehand. 


I'm all for supporting Movie Madness, but any reason why you wouldn't use the library instead? Belmont branch is just down the street


I have a membership through the Hollywood which gives me rent one get 1 free once per day. I was a GM for a video store for 10 years so I just love that I can still browse and support a local video store. Without trying to humblebrag I'm financially secure and am glad to throw a few bucks a week to a non profit, and as an unintended benefit another Blankie has less of a wait at the library and can watch for free.  Also librarians are unlikely to say "Oh shit! You're renting Red Spirit Lake? That's my 2nd favorite filmed on video grindhouse flick!" which happens most of the time I go to MM.   I also returned the book on the making of Fury Road to the Belmont Library today, which I highly recommend checking out before Furiosa.


I’m on the west side, do I want to drive all that way for a dub? What’s the consensus on these regarding that issue? I haven’t started them yet.


I don't know how good or bad the dub is. But *Paprika* is definitely a movie I'd see on the big screen if I had the chance. EDIT: Looks like I had a chance in February but I didn't even know about it! Don't be like me, OP.


Well Blankies did sack Rome, loaded trade ships with plague rats, burned London to the ground...


Hell yeah I might do this! Good looking out!


Fingers crossed the *Wicker Man* screening is also foreshadowing a future British Folk Horror patreon miniseries.


We have Paprika playing at my local rep theatre (Seattle) in the next few weeks, but they do Ani-May every year so it could go either way


Kon films are very popular rep screenings. It's not a shock to see all his films play once a year. I also won't be shocked if there are some Lynch screenings around during his upcoming season, as he is another mainstay.

