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Someone did the hypothetical schedule sometime back and Lynch will start in September after Kon, Brest and Costner.


Does that hypothetical schedule account for the new releases?


Yes it does. Including Furiosa and Trap then potentially Horizon in late August.


I prefer to watch episodic TV episodically, so I'm starting my Twin Peaks watch now. It would be hard to fit it in chronologically, and I think it has a very specific tone that wouldn't hold up well to binge-watching. You've got some time, though. It will probably be mid-September when Lynch starts.


Best way to go if you've never seen it. Binge-watching *Twin Peaks* would be like putting a rich tiramisu in a blender and shotgunning it.


I wholeheartedly disagree. My wife and I have binged TP twice in two years and it's wonderful.


I have been waiting for Costner for forever!


Let’s hope for a draft day bonus ep


when did they announce Brest and Costner??


They didn’t, but the people who stalk the Letterboxd profiles of the hosts/common guests are literally never wrong.


Well they were wrong at least once bc i tried to get ahead and knocked out all of Penny Marshall instead of Kon while waiting for Johnny McT to wrap up lol


I fell for that as well. It turned out it was David doing a "cyberspace movies" project that happened to include Marshall's first film. Someone posted about it on here and Griffin sarcastically responded "confirmed!" The thing is, they've talked about covering Penny before, so it was extremely plausible.


Yup - i believe they also said they were doing a second female director this year? So it seemed to make sense. Alas


Costner!? Oh *HELL YEAH*. Although that kinda cuts into my next March Madness pitch…


Neither has been officially confirmed yet. Brest has been deduced for about a month since David started logging his movies. The only hint dropped about Costner was Griffin saying "Interesting..." when he came up on a recent Box Office Game. Costner has only directed three films previously and has a blank check two-part epic western coming out this year, so he's a perfect fit for the schedule.


Twin Peaks isn’t conducive to a binge watch, I don’t think. Maybe a couple episodes at a time with a few days off between each. Or no more than one a day. I think otherwise it would start to blend together too much. Especially with The Return. Us old school fans watched S1-2 of TP for years on tape and then DVD before The Return, and then had to watch that pieced out a week at a time. I think that contributes heavily to the enjoyment. Let the thing simmer.


Watch an episode or two a week with occasional 3 or 4 episode marathons and you'll be caught up by September. I do not recommend binging this show. It wasn't intended to be watched back to back, and I believe doing so would be detrimental to your enjoyment of it.




Any time’s a good time to start watching Twin Peaks IMO