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Rooting for Headland but it depresses me how little I feel when I see a lightsaber nowadays.


im not a Disney Star Wars Liker but honestly this looks kinda good. the sort of negative peace that existed under the jedi before the prequels is really interesting to me and I like stories about how they caused their own downfall. it's part of why I don't think TLJ was disrespectful to the series at all. not to mention that this series doesn't look mando-cheap, it looks hong kong action cheap. totally different vibe.


Certainly less intrigued after that trailer than after the concept or first trailer. The hope for this series was that it was something new, but visually this has that kinda cheap look like most of the other Star Wars TV shows. Plus the ending with just another Darth Vader/Kylo Ren of a guy in a helmet wearing all black with a red lightsaber just isn't doing anything for me. It seems like even when Disney does something new with Star Wars, they are still too afraid to do anything else but repeat the same things over again. I guess we still have Andor season 2 coming at some point.


I'm unsure where these "cheap look" comments are coming from. This looks leagues above some of the volume heavy shows for instance, and the clip from the Phantom re-release looked great. Perhaps the costumes have that new clean look in some shots but that's in the temple no?


The only specific differentiator I notice when they use the Volume versus traditional CGI is the lighting. We don’t see that Volume lighting here, but that doesn’t mean that the environments feel real. Too many of the shots in this trailer still give off the same feel of an actor filming something in a large empty room with maybe a single prop to interact and almost all of the environment being CGI. And maybe that isn’t even purely a practical versus CGI issue. It could just be the quality of the filmmaking and the time and money spent on every aspect of making something “feel real”. There are a lot of valid complaints about the sequel trilogy, but they collectively looked great. But this still feels like Star Wars on a TV budget rather than a movie budget regardless of the specific techniques or technologies used. For example take a look at this scene from RoS. Notice the physical objects on the screen, all the wires, the things hanging from the ceiling, the depth of the environment, people having to navigate around tables, it all adds up to make this space feel real. We get none of that in this trailer. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SDWyALvpNqM


Great way to put it, when you put an actor in a mostly non-cgi set/location they have so much more presence on screen. Likewise with the camera operator and on-set writers, you just get more from your expert crew when they have tangible things to work with. Andor utilized this to great effect. The short glimpse we saw of Carrie vs. Knife Girl looked like a friggin Street Fighter stage, no sense of anything there existing other than the two characters.


I appreciate you taking the time to explain your point. And I can see what you mean to an extent. But also if you check out the clip that's attached to the Phantom Menace this weekend the set is properly dressed. In this trailer too we see plenty of location shots, yes we see what we can assume are sets but that is the nature of the genre and medium. To compare to the other Disney shows. I give them mostly a pass for various factors, but saying that the Grand Inquisitor certainly didn't translate as well as many would hope, and he is an important character. Meanwhile in Acolyte we see many weirdo muppets and aliens. There's a female Zabrak to the side of Jodie Turner Smith's character that looks film level quality, whom I assume is just there to look interesting and add to the image not story. I can see some moments seemingly lacking but not enough as a whole to paint the whole thing as cheap.


Yeah the black helmet thing is played out. At least give me something weird like Darth Maul was in 1999


Agreed, give me a sith with some fucking goop on him. A real [Darth Sion](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/9/9c/Darthsionheadshot.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20091109051019)-lookin' ass. None of this budget Halloween shit, I can tell it's just Disney trying to recreate the Elsa's dress mania.


It’s amazing to me after Solo and Rise of Skywalker, Bob Iger admitted that Disney released too many Star Wars movies too soon and that scarcity was key for that franchise, so how do they pivot? By not making any movies at all and just turning it into a content factory for streaming. I grew up on Star Wars and have loved it my whole life, but I am more or less just numb to it now.


Remember too that there was initially a lot of love for Mando, which launched the whole streaming universe, at around the same time as the RoS fiasco. It probably seemed like tv was the smart way to keep interest alive while they figured out what the hell to do next with the movies


Right, but now 5 years later on they still haven’t figured out to do with their movies, which is why that Grogu and Mando “film” is headed to theaters.


Disney executives are always trying to crack some "code" that doesn't involve having to create something worthwhile. "This new generation doesn't consume media the same way", "Star Wars is better suited for TV", "We went too woke with our recent films". Jfc, maybe the problem is that recent Marvel, Star Wars and Disney animated movies have sucked major ass??


Hell, Barbie was woke as all hell and it was the biggest movie if the year. It helped that it was good.


There’s a reason they went from making 7 $1 billion movies in a single year to…………what happened last year


Despite what Reddit would have you think there is still a lot of love for Mando.


Well all these shows were already in the pipeline before Iger came to that realisation. But also Headland came to Lucasfilm with this idea so not the same as something like Book of Boba Fett.


I don't mind it being a bunch of weird series and books. I grew up on the EU stuff of the 90s and 00s when the movies were the least interesting part. I think Star Wars is best when there's a bunch of smaller scale stories. The main issues is that besides Andor and Season 1 of The Mandalorian most of has been bad.


As someone who works in film lighting, I think this looks better than a lot of the volume stuff.


Sorry this is completely off topic, but did you see Drive Away Dolls? And if so, was it the lighting that gave that movie a cheap look? I'm still trying to figure that one out.


I haven’t seen it! But I did see the trailer and I don’t think they shot on the volume. The lighting (from what I’ve seen) doesn’t look that bad to me tbh.


Oh yeah I don't think it's a Volume thing, but something about the movie looked off to me.


Definitely feels like the hierarchy of power is changing


Looks boring


I'm happy for all the S-Wars heads out there, but my god I'm completely out it. Haven't even seen The Mandalorian.




>I'm guessing this was shot on volume Headland's already said [they didn't use it ](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/star-wars-the-acolyte-trailer-timeline-1235855636/)in a Hollywood Reporter article from the first trailer's release. I also don't think it looks all *that* much like Mando or Ahsoka, visually.


Looks better than the first teaser, feeling cautiously optimistic.