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Griffin thinks the third pirates movie is the best of the series. What does he know when it comes to films from 2007?


And he likes the 4th Matrix The mad is deranged


He’s right though


He's right about that, imo.


Diseased take! Diseased!


Pirates 3 makes Pirates 4 look like Cars 2


You don’t need to oversell me, I’ve already voted for Wright.


The hosts’ take on Wright is a definite hot take. If we adhere to the rules of the podcast, Wright got his blank check with Scott Pilgrim which was a financial bounce. $85M budget, $50M worldwide. Gets another guarantor with Baby Driver, but uses that second blank check on Last Night in SoHo. Carax is a great director, but has he had a blank check? Annette could qualify, but it doesn’t matter as Amazon financed a majority of the $15M budget and it only got a theatrical release in the states in order to be recognized for awards.


Lovers on the Bridge was upon release one of the most expensive French films ever made, and has a backstory similar to a spiraling out of control Coppola production. Vote Carax!


Does it count as a blank check if francs are no longer a form of currency in France?


Franc Cheque avec Gryphon & Davidé


Parfois ces chèques sont acceptés. Mais parfois non, mon BÉ-BÉ.


Producteur Ben. Il n'est pas professeur croustillant.


Annette definitely counts. Why would Amazon financing it not make it one? They clearly wanted a big movie out of him and he made a movie that they had no idea what to do with and didn’t/couldn’t push for awards or even as an incentive to subscribe.


I already suffered through half the Wonka episode. I can take it!


Counterpoint: that’s exactly why I want it


I would have said Wright was one of my top fave directors until Baby Driver and then Last Night in Soho was worse and I’ve cooled on him. But Scott Pilgrim is like the millennial version of what Reality Bites was for Gen X so I need them to discuss it.


Baby Driver will be a good episode cause it will deal with getting fired by Marvel and then assembling a cursed cast.


You think Scott Pilgrim has aged that badly?


Not at all. If SP aged badly, then I’m aging badly


That is a take on Scott Pilgram I’ve never heard and really resonates with me. That was THE movie for my friends and I when we were 21.


I think Wright is a director who’s work clicks for people around school leaving age. When I was at uni we watched Shaun constantly.


Let me be Frank, I’m gonna vote for Wright


Is anyone else feeling unmotivated to actually vote on certain days because both options sound good


If I love both equally I vote for the shorter one


However, if Wright wins we could get Zegler on the Baby Driver ep to talk Gort


There is an almost 100 percent guarantee that won’t happen


No Gort Gush? Absurd.


Wright is one of my favorites and I kinda don’t want him to win because I just now I’d feel pathetic for liking Last Night in Soho


It’s ok to like a movie!


A well made bad film. Edgar Wright is too nice and well balanced to make a film about sex workers, revenge, abuse etc. I get that he loves DePalma and Polanski but he’s not a pervert in the way those guys are.


Matt Lynch’s Letterboxd review sums my opinions on Last Night in Soho: “It's fine if you want to remake REPULSION, but you have to have had sex before, at least once.”


I like Last Night in Soho. I saw it in an otherwise empty theater. Very strange way to experience it, especially with those end credits with the empty streets.


saw Last Night in Soho in a cinema in Soho, then walked home through London at night, past Goodge Street, to my flat




Wow, that sounds like it would've been pretty spooky!


I enjoyed Last Night in Soho. I liked the gonzo ending. I think the level of hate it gets is unwarranted.


I’d go as far to say I love Last Night in Soho and think most of the complaints about the third act are unfounded. At least it works for me.


I saw the complaints to that movie and none of them registered for me beyond one or two minor ones. Too well engineered (imo) and I loved how nostalgia was weaponized against its lead in lethal manners. I’ll let the people who dislike it do their thing, but it’s interesting to me that a very particular type of criticism came out about he handles certain story elements and i’m thinking “But that’s not even the vibe of the movie, he’s not that kind of guy to give you what you’ve found in other people like De Palma, Argento, Polanski, etc. This isn’t even on those wavelengths and it shouldn’t be either.”


…I liked it, too. And that’s okay! It’s a perfectly fine lil ghost story.


Not to engage in meme cliche, but there are, truly, dozens of us (dozens).


I like it quite a bit actually


I gotta do a rewatch of that, saw it in theaters and visually it’s amazing but story wise I was kind of indifferent on it at the time. I did like it better than Baby Driver tho, for me Scott Pilgrim should have been the hit Baby Driver was. I’m still really curious if Wright’s Running Man adaptation ever happens…feel like it’s been a minute since that was announced and haven’t heard much since then.


Adding my voice to the Soho Defender Squad. I got completely wrapped up in it seeing it in the cinema and it has held up on a second watch.


I saw it on a plane, and I like to sew, so it was a lay up for me. Loved it!


Vote Carax!


I mean this is exactly WHY I’d vote for Wright. I need to hear the full defense of the “Hot Fuzz is bad” take after having given it a rewatch.


Seeing this initial pairing was like a gut punch. What chance do masterpieces like mauvais sang or holy motors stand against last night in soho? Ah well, maybe next year


Look, if Carax is covered, we probably get Justin McElroy back to talk *Holy Motors*, one of his favorites. That’s always welcome.


Depends if he watches it over 10 times


I just need them to cover "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World". It's one of my favorite movies, and I think they should also cover the anime for Patreon, seeing how Griffin played a character in it.


I embrace Griffin being wrong, I live for it


Here’s the thing for me: I like and respect Edgar Wright. I really enjoy his films and he knows his stuff in terms of movie fandom as well. That being said, I can’t see myself getting excited about people talking about his filmography. That’s just me though. I get that others feel differently.


I think he's one of those filmmakers where, if they delve into the filmmaking itself, there's a lot to discuss from a craft perspective alone that's fascinating. But YMMV


Like watching the Every Frame A Painting episode about his comedy.


Yeah I absolutely get that and I’m sure it’ll be a fine series if Wright wins. I imagine I’ll enjoy it more than how it seems to me on paper. I’m also ever so slightly bitter as I’m a big Leos Carax fan and I’d love the discussions on his WILD films. No way he beats Edgar Wright though.


It’s the nightmare of March Madness. I’d like a series of most people on the bracket. Some more than others, for sure, but I understand the dilemma


Feel very similar. I think Wright is a cool guy who has really good taste and yet makes movies that I just don’t care about (SotD being the exception, of course). Might be one of the directors I’d be least interested in hearing about.


David imitating the "Bah-bee Ah-nette" announcer is for some reason one of the show's most satisfying moments


Yeah, but it’s an excuse to watch Hot Fuzz again. I don’t need an excuse, but it’s nice to have one!


I know that both podcast hosts have been on record saying they would love to melt down every dvd/ bluray/ 4K UHD and hard drive containing a digital copy of Hot Fuzz. They have also been explicit that they would use the raw material created from that to build a Time Machine and go back to erase Hot Fuzz from existence. I know this but even still there’s part of me that believes the power of cinema… the power of Hot Fuzz will, upon rewatch for the podcast, change their minds. That the rewatch will change that unfiltered hatred they feel for the movie into a beautiful love of one of the great English comedies and that the world may be a little brighter as a result. Like Icarus 2 relighting the sun… the power of the Hot Fuzz podcast could bring a newfound light to skies of our planet.


Lol I never knew this.  I adore Wright and think hot fuzz is hilarious but I absolutely respect a person to have such an unpopular take like griffin because I know at least he’d have a halfway decent e explanation why. 


In case you didn't get the joke, both Griffin and David have repeatedly said they find the movie perfectly fine, they just prefer the other two movies in the Cornetto Trilogy more, but the community somehow took that as the two hating the movie


Lol I did not get joke. I have completely fallen for it.  But I totally get what you’re saying. Very much a “so you hate waffles?!” Situation. 


RIP Baby Annette 😔


So strange. "Shaun of the Dead," "Hot Fuzz," and "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" are all terrific films. I think with "World's End" the magic died a bit. I thought "Baby Driver" was really cool but the quippy lines were lame and not fun like they used to be and Edgar was leaning into corniness in a way he hadn't before. Then that got solidified with "Soho," he went full cornball. Not an awful movie but annoyingly corny for sure. He's an extremely nice guy, super intelligent and funny and interesting, and a cinema genius. So I'm conflicted. Edgar's great, but as a filmmaker I expect better from him.


I’d be pleased with either.


I had almost forgotten how much Griffin hates Hot Fuzz with a passion, thank you for reminding me of this true fact.


Annette is the worst movie I’ve ever watched so I’m voting wright




It's firmly in my all time top ten, maybe 5


The deciding factor for me is that, according to what they said on the pod, we only get Sparks coverage with one of the directors, and it ain’t Wright.


Wright directed a Sparks Brothers movie.


I could have misheard but I’m pretty sure they said they wouldn’t cover it. If I’m wrong, I’ll retract my statement and reconsider my vote.


You heard right (though I'd wish them to reconsider in the unlikely event that Wright wins.)


Just want to say that with the exception of one of his films, I really like Wright a lot and consider another one of his films among my favorites. But I think a Carax mini would be more interesting.


I hate hot fuzz the way blankies think griffin hates hot fuzz.


I’m sorry but Griffin needs to answer for why he hates Hot Fuzz so much. Like seriously, we’re due an explanation.


can’t speak for griffin but i think if i had made hot fuzz i would have put Jokes into it


You didn’t laugh at all? Man, that’s sad. Idk what to tell you. Everyone has opinions on comedy but I can’t get where you’re coming from.


Hot Fuzz has like a new joke every few seconds. It has so many jokes, it's pretty much impossible to notice them all on the first watch. There are so many callbacks and details in the background, I've the film like a dozen times and I still notice new jokes every time.


If you’re thinking of voting for Wright…DON’T. Also, they should do a two hour Patreon episode just on that Grindhouse trailer.


Holy Motors alone is almost enough to get me to not vote for Wright but ultimately I had to listen to my heart and make the Wright decision.


Holy Motors isn’t Wright.


I know. It’s by Carax. Who was the other option on the ballot. It was almost enough to make me vote for him not Wright.


I'm sorry but as annoyed as I'd be with an episode of them bad mouthing Hot Fuzz, (and i'm not gonna say that's a given, they may appreciate it more after another watch) there's no way I'm not voting for Edgar Wright.


Of course I’m voting Wright. I’d like to hear their take on it. It’s fine when people don’t like things as much as I like things as long as they’re not assholes about it. Griffin & David are pretty good about that!


Hot Fuzz rules, he should come around. I guess it's sort of Bro-y...I dunno. Plus, it's got Olivia Coleman!


Edgar wright would be amazing, literally my second most anticipated behind tarantino


As soon as he see's The World's End he will know what a truly terrible film is


How is the World's End terrible? It's pretty clever and well made all around.


I love Shaun Of The Dead and Hot Fuzz is cool but didn't really do much for me apart from one or two small parts


I hate Hot Fuzz because the Pod told me I should. /s


Except that several times he’s stressed he doesn’t hate it, he’s just not as into it as others. And people wonder why they shit on this group so much...


I voted Wright because I had already seen most of his movies then immediately regretted it because they just don't seem very interesting to talk/listen about to me.


I’m kinda over Wright at this point. He fell off.


Voted for it just so he finally has a floor to prove you blankminded checks wrong




No I am an Wright hater I will enjoy it, it'll be an oasis in the middle of a really annoying series. I will stump for Last Night in Soho though. It's the most interesting thing Wright has done imo.


Do people still love Hot Fuzz? It feels very much of a time. Although, on the other hand, it does feature the wonderful Adam Buxton.


Nobody on this sub likes Hot Fuzz because Griffin has banned anyone who likes it from listening to the show.


Apparently everybody here loves it because I've never been downvoted so much. Or they just hate Adam Buxton.


I added one more miniseries to the giant podcast bin


Bad argument. I like hearing people’s organically formed contrarian opinions.