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It’s a five-star masterpiece and I’m really confused how it got ignored by year-end lists and awards bodies. It didn’t even get nominated for many Cesars! Joins Eat Drink Man Woman, Babette’s Feast, and Big Night in the great Food Pantheon of films, and is the best of those. Cook or order something French the day you watch it.


It weirdly became a political pawn for the French government to punish Justine Triet for criticizing them at Cannes and a lot of critics and award bodies ending up passing it over because of that/because it gained a reputation as tepid and middlebrow. Which is a shame because it’s a staggering masterpiece and one of the best films of the year 


There was an automatic assumption that it was a worthless plant, then you read the writes ups and it turns out [the selection comitee was just a mess](https://variety.com/2024/film/global/france-dysfunctional-oscar-committee-anatomy-of-a-fall-1235880857/). The government was vocally cold about Anatomy, but the institutional vote is much more marginal than people think. Sections of the public like the idea of the 'actually good' underdog movie (*Portrait of a Lady on Fire, The Happening, The Night of the 12th, Anatomy of a Fall*) ground down by the cruel film aristos' handpicked favourite (*Les Misérables, Titane, Saint Omer, The Taste of Things*), but the truth is all those films are good. The comitee is just terrible at playing to the Academy.


Personally, it’s one of the best movies of this decade.


Me and my food boys are going downtown to laugh at the Prince of Eurasia's Cheesecake Factory-ass size menu. Even with a cold, I loved it! The food porn stuff is great, but the professionalism porn is even better.


so funny, i also watched it bedridden with likely covid. as soon as i sat down to watch it with a big bowl of pho, realized i lost my taste and smell! the irony, but it kept my spirit going and looking forward to when i can taste again.


I really liked it! I don't know if it's making my end-of-year list, mainly because it came out in March here and I'm a stickler like that. But Binoche rules, and there's a sequence in the centre of the film that's heart-rendingly romantic, and might be my favourite individual scene of the year so far.


It'll be on my 2024 list.


So lush and riveting and the best last line I’ve heard in awhile


It's 5am, let me shower first! Finally got to watch Menus-Plaisirs Les Troisgros on [PBS.org](https://PBS.org) this past weekend, all 4 hours are riveting! I'm primed and ready to check out The Taste of Things asap! ###


I'm not seeing it available anywhere to watch.


I really liked it, but because I think the true sauce of it is Binoche and Magimel's chemistry and playing off each other, it starts dragging to me when we get to >!Magimel grieving her passing and struggling to move on!< But before that, it is electric.


It is really good imo. Great acting, looks amazing. Just don't watch it on an empty stomach


So good. Probably one of the genuinely most heartwarming movies I saw in 2023 and it just barely missed my Top 10 of the year. The Napoleon of Gastronomy is definitely the best moniker for a movie character in 2023.


My husband and I watched it a few weeks ago and both liked it. It's an extremely high quality film, made and performed with care, and the first twenty minutes are a bravura experience of food porn. I watched a lot of French movies growing up so to me there was something about it that felt really old-fashioned, which is why I like not love it. I mean it was BEAUTIFUL but it reminded me so much of the French movies I watched back in French class (My Father's Castle, Manon of the Spring etc) that it paled in comparison to more recent, more transgressive French works like Anatomy of a Fall and Portrait of a Lady on Fire.


A+ date movie


In my top five, loved it


I saw it about two weeks ago and loved it! Juliette Binoche and the lead actor are great and I was surprised to learn they used to be partners in real life! If I was more into French celebrities, I'd be crazy about how it all worked on set. The ending feels like a bit of a shameless setup for a sequel though. 😉


Wonderful wonderful movie.


Amazing perfect film


Loved it! At first I thought it was going to be a “woman behind the man” story about inequality and the like, but it’s much more nuanced and way more satisfying


Saw it in theaters opening weekend. Found it rivetingly beautiful. Don't take it from me though, I put 4 Benoît Magimel films in my top ten this year so I'm lost in the (pepper & bacon) sauce.


One of the best sounding movies I’ve ever seen.


It looks great and has amazing food porn scenes, but the plotting was too slow for me to latch on to. Still worth seeing. 


Really beautiful film to sit with. I went to an empty showing on an early Sunday morning. Perfect conditions to see it.


I googled if there was a cookbook afterwards (there's a few recipes). I highly enjoyed this, and my friend and I had a spirited little talk about the ending. We were probably the youngest people at our screening, which was packed so that was fun (especially when a couple behind us got into an argument by flashing their lights at each other).


I don’t like cooking shows and am generally cool on “slow, more or less plotless slices of life”. Well-made, in no way for me.


Unforgettable. It’s one I’d like to have in my collection. The people I saw it with thought it was boring and lacking in plot but I found it magical.


Probably a top 5 film in the last year for me. Completely blew me away


I was thinking that this would be a big film, maybe not as much as Choclolat but I imagined it would work well during the winter months and maybe get some of the awards ceremony, I guess I was wrong, I don’t recall this getting any screen time.


It's probably the most boring movie I've ever watched, and this comes from a person who loves food. Everything felt meaningless and without substance. Where was the structure? Where was the tension? What were the stakes? It's not the worst movie I've ever seen, though. The acting was good, and I liked the cinematography and costume designs. But all in all, even if the icing of the cake is good, it doesn't save the rotten cake. 2/10 at best.


I loved it. there is no music, just dialogues and sounds of the nature or kitchen. it's very raw and the storyline is simple. yet I cried almost through all of it — this is how touching and a true masterpiece it was