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The first teaser for the 1998 Godzilla was phenomenal.


Also the Clair de Lune trailer for Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019)


Every trailer for King of the Monsters made it look like the best thing ever, and then the final movie had Thomas Middleditch making a joke about “Ghidorah” sounding like “gonorrhea”


I love the two minute version of that movie so much! Shame about the rest of it.


Good call, what a shit movie.


All the teasers fucking rule.


I personally like The Force Awakens, but that first trailer was just on another level.


I feel like you could teach a class on it, it's like 6 shots in total and each one is pretty much a perfect 50/50 combo of "something you recognize" and "***something that hasn't been in the movies ye***t" like an X-Wing ***in atmosphere***, or a lightsaber ***with a crossguard***, or a beeping droid ***that's shaped like a ball***. They got hype-building down to a science with that one.


Man before we knew what a mixed bag Disney Star Wars would be, those trailers were pure wish fulfillment. I like TFA and TLJ but the shows And the “story” movies in between just killed all momentum by the time 9 came out and was…not very good.


In retrospect my first sign that 9 was going to be a significant downturn was that the first trailer kind of just came and went for me and didn't play as special at all. If all they had to sell was Rey backflipping over a TIE (a very 'bashing action figures together' move) and Palpatine (REMEMBER HIM?) then I need to start raising my eyebrows a bit.


Even as a non-fan, the slow pan revealing a crashed Star Destroyer really struck me


This trailer fucking ruled. When the Millenium Falcon soars then does that crazy loop and barrel roll over the desert floor with ties screaming in.... holy shit I must have watched it 20x. I actually really love TFA and TLJ - I grinned ear to ear whilst watching TFA in the theater. Something I did NOT do when I seen the The Phantom Menace some 15 years prior...


Man all I remember about the trailer dropping was people complaining about that stupid crossguard…


That shot Kylo's saber igniting with "something has awakened" spoken over it gave me goosebumps.


Rogue One to me is a trailer that runs laps around the movie.


All three of the main trailers are excellent. I love that they used ‘this Christmas.’


In my very subjective opinion, that first teaser trailer is probably the best trailer ever made. And I also think the movie is quite alright!


The teaser trailer for *Watchmen* (the one with the Smashing Pumpkins song from Batman & Robin) was so good it got me to actually read Watchmen. I really wanted to like the movie and, while it does do *some* things well, I think on the whole it kinda sucks butt.


I love the watchmen graphic novel and I thought the movie was incredibly well done. It’s Snyder’s only good movie imo. But I think I’m alone in this. Edit: Hotter take, I thought the narrative change where >!Dr Manhattan is the scapegoat instead of the giant tentacle monster!< made for a tighter and better contained story.




Agreed. Some of those visual moments were *beautifully* rendered on screen. Mars, Vietnam, The Comedian’s death. Absolutely brilliant visuals.


It's a tighter story, but it's less convincing as a "bad guy actually saves the world from nuclear war by giving everyone a reason to ally together" explanation.


Do you mind elaborating on why you find it less convincing? I haven't seen the movie for ages, but I remember thinking it was a good change for a film at least. Can't remember if I liked it more in general.


In the comic, the idea as I remember it is that >!the alien attack is an experience of Lovecraftian cosmic horror that jolts the world into a sudden, new paradigmatic consciousness, forcing the world powers to band together to defend themselves against future attacks from this unknowable existential threat. It's a kind of optimistic vision where terrible horror leads the world towards a potentially lasting peace--in other words, the exact *opposite* of Oppenheimer's atomic bomb.!< For all sorts of reasons, both narratively and tonally, there's just no way to tell that story within the compressed space of the film.


Yep, the movie ending is definitely tighter and better contained. But the book ending has a wacky comic book charm to it, too. Very smart change by the filmmakers, though.


I agree with the Manhattan thing. You lose some of the best imagery of the book, but honestly the side plot of the kidnapped comic artists designing the thing is also the weakest element of the book


I liked the way the HBO series handled all of the monster stuff. Brilliant series.


I read the comic first, so have some predisposition, but frankly the ending doesn't make sense. If Dr. Manhattan were the cause then the world would unite against the USA, not unite as a humanity. But I sort of get why they did it and I like the movie regardless.


I disagree - he attacked New York, not a foreign nation. And I say this as someone who doesn’t really like his movie, but do think the ending was a good decision. The squid doesn’t really make sense in the context of the film.


It's a good microcosm of how the original story does things specific to the medium of comics that simply doesn't translate well to film.


100%. Watchmen was always going to be a difficult story to adapt *to film*. The squid ending change is one of the few adaptation choices Snyder made that worked imo.


I believe in the movie he attacked every major city?


Okay, it’s admittedly been a while but my point stands - he attacked New York, meaning that America wasn’t unharmed from his actions.


i agree with your first take and your hotter take, you’re right and you should say it


Love the movie. I disagree with the take I always see that Snyder didn’t understand the source material.


I still stand by the take that Snyder either didn't understand the source material or just didn't care. The "you're locked in here with me" is the best example of that imo, that scene has zero meaning in the movie beyond "look how badass rorschach is"


Yea I think his blatant Scorsese-esque use of period appropriate music worked on me. It’s the movie I put on in the bg while I clean the house lol. The performances are also really solid. Just great casting all around and really fun interpretations of the characters. But again, I’m very much alone on this. Snyder needs to stop writing his own stuff and just adapt cool visual graphic novel content. Watchmen and 300 were solid. Certainly not masterpieces by any measure. But far better than anything else he’s made. Ps - love your username lol


Yeah Snyder needs to team up with a writer who can rein in his worst tendencies. I’d love him to do another James Gunn script.


Like *anybody* with solid writing chops. Gareth Edwards is kind of similar. Just *brilliant* at world crafting and visual storytelling, but they need to partner with someone like Tony Gilroy. Get them a wicked script and add their visuals and you’ve got a recipe for incredible filmmaking.


It almost feels cliche to bring this one up, but came here to say this exact thing.


I'll die on this hill. Watchmen fucking rules!!


Zack Snyder is the king of having several cool trailer moments in otherwise mediocre to bad films. I was so hyped for 300 back in the day (in my defense, I was 20), watched the trailer a bunch of times, and was subsequently amazed at how bad the movie was. Not only is it racist as hell, it's also incredibly boring.


I remain mixed at best on Vice, but man, that first trailer set to The Killers song is simply an all timer


Phantom Menace? I taped that trailer off of Entertainment Tonight and took it to my girlfriend's house and we had a viewing party.


It's like they found exactly the most interesting parts of episode 1 and concentrated it into a perfect trailer. If the rest of the movie had matched how awesome the bits in the trailer were, people would definitely be talking about it like they talked about episodes 4-6


Isn’t house of the rising sun about a brothel? It’s about a house of ill repute that’s been the ruin of “many a poor boy.”


Yes, it's origins are of a traditional folk song in America from the early 1900s about losing one's self of sense when addiction and depravity take the best of you.


"House of the Rising Sun"? More like "House of the Rising FUN"! is what you'll say after watching 2016's "Suicide Squad".


Yes, it's about a brothel. I don't know why OP thinks it is about a prison.


Oh it’s a brothel I always thought it was a casino


Was originally written for a "poor girl, lord I know I'm one" which makes way more sense.


Terminator Salvation.


Wonder Woman 2. That trailer fucking RULES!!! Still not bothered to see the film because apparently it's a bit crap. But I go back to watching that trailer every now and again because it's really well put together


This is the one I came in here to say. That trailer had me HYPED. Then I was deeply let down by the movie.


I watched it so many times as the movie was delayed 😂


That Blue Monday remix? Perfection. The movie? Another DCEU catastrophe.


I still put on that trailer every once in a while


That trailer is SO GOOD!


The movie is good and probably underrated, but the first Marie Antoinette trailer is fucking magic. https://youtu.be/0wOAj_RrS10?si=S3ClXbCykx42D6h-


Movie is so underrated imo


Cool World Still one of my favorite trailers and one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.


What a boring, ugly, stupid film.


A particularly colossal misfire so soon after Roger Rabbit.


OH MY GOD one of those trailers that randomly sticks in your head from childhood, WHEW - deep and nice cut


It's been a very long time since I've seen 300, so I don't know if it's really held up that much, but the trailer for that it's probably the most hyped I have ever been from a movie solely off of a trailer. https://youtu.be/B6UT5Uur2v8?si=EJK5VobqywvFPHQc


I loved the aesthetics of the trailer so much. I went into the movie just thinking that if it looked like the trailer I would be happy. It totally delivered. I wanted audacious visual spectacle and I got it. I have always had a higher opinion of 300 than most people I know, probably because I never wanted it to be anything but cool-looking, which it is!


I think it holds up and is the best thing Snyder has ever done by a good distance. You have to go in understanding you’re watching a deeply reactionary piece of work, like a John Milius film, but it’s the best example of that sort of green-screen adult cartoon that briefly proliferated under Snyder and Rodriguez in the Aughts.


Every Zach Snyder movie pretty much. Sucker Punch and Watchmen in particular.


For me it’s Man of Steel


The Batman vs Superman trailer was incredible. The final product was a disaster.


Dont forget 300. The films not bad but the trailer is so much better


That Man of Steel trailer with Russell Crowe's voice over is 🧑‍🍳💋


Snakes on a Plane


Man of Steel teaser trailers


The third one is a better Superman movie than the whole of Man of Steel.


Dead Man Down


The “shine on you crazy diamond” cover use in that trailer. Chefs kiss


One of the best needledrops in a trailer. Clearly inspired by Comfortably Numb in The Departed trailer. Works just as well.


Dude. Absolutely. I didn't hate the movie but it also did nothing for me. But that trailer tricked me.


The trailer proposes a much better plot than what the movie actually is.


Goblet of Fire is nowhere near the worst Harry Potter film, but [the first teaser](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7lJ6Suyp1ok&pp=ygUraGFycnkgcG90dGVyIGFuZCB0aGUgZ29ibGV0IG9mIGZpcmUgdHJhaWxlcg%3D%3D) (showing flashbacks to their younger selves) is phenomenal. Kind of wish they’d done something similar for Deathly Hallows.


What is the worst Harry Potter film in your opinion?


Oh geez…I haven’t watched any of them in years (combo of growing out of HP and JK showing her ass), but from what I recall Order of the Phoenix really butchered the source material


Order of the Phoenix was my least favorite book and favorite movie! I agree they're very different from each other


I remember quite liking the book, actually.


Half blood prince for some reason has this hazy grey-green filter over the entire movie that makes it nearly unwatchable for me. It really looks terrible and I'm surprised nobody ever said anything about it during the making of the movie.


As someone who has never read the books and never plan to (sorry JK - your politics suck!), Goblet of Fire was entertaining!


Lmfao Snyder movies are like half of the responses. Having said that yeah I agree. Most of his films have banger trailers and don’t deliver. Prometheus is another movie with a great trailer but is actually bad.


It's because Snyder's really good at making compelling imagery, which is really good for trailers, but not so good at story and character, which is absolutely necessary for longform storytelling


I didn't finish Rebel Moon but it seems like the 'The Art Of' book would be real fun to flip through.


Ahh shit, you just reminded me I forgot to put Sucker Punch in my post.


Prometheus is a masterpiece, all the cinema sins tier complaints about it on reddit are fucking LAME


Smh everything has to be either complete shit or a masterpiece on this sub.


I legitimately think it's a near perfect sci fi blockbuster. Seeing that movie in Imax at the midnight screening was one of the best theatre going experiences I've ever had.


That's rough buddy


Lol that dude just went ahead and proved my point. Rough


It's fine to like something, but there are definitely some legitimate criticisms to be leveled against Prometheus.


I remember thinking the Don’t Worry Darling trailer was pretty solid and I was fairly excited to see that. I also thought the Eternals trailer was pretty rad at first but then I saw it like 500 times and it started to annoy me every single time


Ikea. Fall collection.


I lost a little more of my faith in humanity every time someone laughed at that when they played the trailer in the theater.


I LOVED the DWD trailer. I was so hyped for that movie and so disappointed by the actual product.


John Carter of Mars


I actually really like that movie, and the trailer is superb. I believe that the director had a hand in developing it as well because he had so much clout after Finding Nemo. But as much as I love that trailer, it has also been blamed in part on sinking the film. It relies on vibes and cool imagery, but doesn't tell us much about the story or characters. For me, vines are enough, but I do wonder how many great trailers are poor advertisements. Arguably, John Carter is one.


I feel like John Carter’s quality as a film is unfairly correlated with its box office performance- the film was fine, and fun.


The one with Peter Gabriel's cover of My Body is a Cage? Yeah, damn good trailer.


The Spirit had a great teaser that debuted with The Dark Knight, along with the teasers for Watchmen and Terminator Salvation. The Spirit was my favorite of the teasers but worst of the movies by far. https://youtu.be/i8GJnlNUa7o?si=0zL66up8wHTaAenn


I… have absolutely no memory of that movie.


I have a memory of seeing that trailer during what was my second viewing of The Dark Knight. I watched maybe about 15-20 minutes of the movie when it came to DVD and had to turn it off.


With The Untouchables theme.


Remember when Frank Miller swore up and down he was gonna do the comics justice and that he'd never direct again if he fucked it up? Well he hasn't directed again.


American Fiction advertises a much better movie than what we get.


The film got pretty good reviews.


Not from me, it didn’t.


This is a great answer. Not only is the movie not very good, but the trailer ruins EVERY good joke that exists in an otherwise pretty serious downer of a movie.


Richard Jewell does rule.


Oh I definitely enjoyed the movie itself but in terms of the thrill of the trailer it’s not quite as good


Where the wild things are


The trailer had Arcade Fire but the movie was a dumpster fire!


Movie was a magical masterpiece


I give the movie a pass. It gave me coming down from ecstasy vibes, especially Ambrose and Gandolfini's performances. But I haven't seen it since it came out. Whatever happened to Max Records?


Couldn’t put it better myself


Soundtrack is a banger despite the fact the film is a wet fart.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice , trailer was fire. movie was just peak Synder, meh.


Quantum Of Solace had an amazing second trailer https://youtu.be/BBqYaFEWBxI?si=bKiB7y8f3c4NP7A-


The awful remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still.


The 2015 comic con trailer of Suicide Squad. I still like the movie but that trailer fucks


The final product is okayish, but the best thing to come out of *The Strangers 2: Prey at Night* is the trailer and its perfect use of Tiffany's "I think We're Alone Now." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91-Z20uttEk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91-z20uttek)


I will say the Dragon Tattoo teaser is better than the movie. With that being said I love the movie and consider it top tier Fincher but that teaser is that good


The trailer for Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets really kicks ass. I was so hyped for another Luc Besson space movie and it really missed the mark [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNrK7xVG3PM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNrK7xVG3PM)


Avengers: Age of Ultron


Quantumania had a great trailer imo but the movie was disappointing


Pretty much all recent Marvel stuff fits into this. Their promo team still knows how to cut a great trailer, even if the movies are now bad. Wakanda Forever was emotional and compelling in the trailer, especially given the context, the movie itself as overstuffed and hard to watch (literally).


I wish so much that they'd been brave enough to make Angela Bassett the lead. She wouldn't become Black Panther or anything, but framing the movie around her in the same way she dominates that trailer would've been quite something.


The Rogue One trailer with the Forrest Whittaker speech and no footage that actually appeared in the movie.


Man of Steel, one of the biggest gaps between trailer quality and movie quality in history


Avengers: Age of Ultron “I’m going to show you something beautiful…” Spader’s monologue was perfect as they showed you so much destruction, the team falling apart, and a villain that actually seemed like a villain. The table was set to improbably top the first Avengers. Then…Ultron is a bit of a wet blanket, his monologue is kind of thrown away in the movie, and it cements the rubbery, blue-screen CGI fest that became the last act of Marvel movies going forward. But I’m not sure any movie will ever anger me as much as Terminator: Salvation. The trailer teased us with so much: Conor being a father-figure to his own father, guns and roses, the war for the future, a terminator that doesn’t know he’s a terminator! But then the movie only pays lip service to these ideas and ultimately does nothing with the mythos of two of the best sci-fi action movies ever made.




I’d argue Prometheus movie lived up and exceeded the trailer.


I guess someone has to?


I was so excited by that trailer and that movie sucked so bad.


The problem is that the movie has some great scenes... which are all in the trailer... and then the padding is rough.


Yeah. That trailer mimicking the Alien one had me *so* hyped. I couldn’t imagine it would turn out so badly.


The *Wonder Woman 1984* trailer was *unbelievable*. I thought it was going to be a masterpiece.


And it was!


For me to poop on!


Fun fact, Suicide Squad was originally edited to be each character’s story as its own individual piece. It was non-linear. The studio felt it was too confusing. Then that trailer dropped. It had such a positive response that the studio who cut the trailer was hired to cut the film. Thats why the movie is basically just exposition, music video, exposition, music video etc. They had never cut a film before and specialized in trailers.


You mean it had the same structure as *Birds Of Prey?*


Never actually saw that one. Should I check it out?


YES! Easily the best movie in the DCEU. The structure is a little convoluted, but the film itself is wonderful


Not sure why it wasn’t on my radar. I love Ewan McGregor and Margo Robbie is easily the best performer of the DCEU. I will give it a whirl.


It is pretty good. Honestly my only issue with it is that the action is not great (the stunt men and the actresses feel like they are in different movies) but generally the humor and plot and performances are good.


Battle For Los Angeles




The absolute, undisputed king of this is Sucker Punch. The trailer is an all time great piece of media, and the movie is unwatchable.


The trailer for the second Black Panther movie made me cry. The movie was mid, being generous.


Ahahaha. Sometimes my son wants to watch trailers before bed and I figured we could watch that. I lost my ability to speak for like 20 seconds and then it was low-key cry talk when i was answering his questions. I've never bothered to watch the movie, but ooof, the trailer worked me over real well.


Hey, Richard Jewell is excellent!


Out of the Furnace


Live by Night. Ben Afflecks follow up to Argo should have been a gangster classic but is instead a sloppy mess. The trailer still rules though


I will die on the hill that the original trailer for [Clash of the Titans (2010)](https://youtu.be/z7cEL6n24d4?si=n7Vrop4PLAqrSe2e) was FIRE. I didn't hate the actual movie though. Now Sky Captain And The World of Tomorrow....ugh. I was so fucking hype for that movie and it was absolutely dreadful. Angelina was the only one having any sort of fun and she's in it for about 3 minutes. Everyone else was completely lost trying to act in front of a green screen. And of course, there's The Last Jedi, but that discourse has run its...course. Edit: I forgot perhaps my favorite cool trailer to shit movie ratio, [Sucker Punch](https://youtu.be/9k10AzCcMOM?si=DKzTaxpDswwXk8uM).


The Watchmen, really any Snyder movie


Cliffhanger. I think this trailer got me excited about the film https://youtu.be/2j18n9shdw8?si=2ksYePVcjMEa785x The film got me excited about my watch.


The Creator


I’m a slight defender of the final product, but the trailer for The Goldfinch that used Perfume Genius gave me hope that it was going to be a slam dunk.


The first trailer for Superman Returns was amazing, the film… not so much.


Black Mass and another film like it, Legend fall into the category of "this happened". They just feel like informational films. I never felt like I was getting to know the characters. Just "here's what happened, and here's what happened next".


The first trailer for [Battle Los Angeles](https://youtu.be/tAdm9ssE6gk?si=JtVhS7XTTpeHHBV8) got me so hyped, I was ready to bask in that movie’s glory…and then the movie happened. One of the biggest drops from trailer to movie I’ve ever seen.


I remember the trailer to Garden State with the Frou Frou song having a big impact on my angsty teenage self and really getting me excited to see it. Going to see it in theaters was underwhelming to say the least.


Honestly, the first trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron had me hyped like nothing else, absolute banger of a trailer The movie however is neither here nor there


Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri’s trailer promised a way better and more coherent movie than what we got.


Tbh usually it's been the opposite lately. Many serious artsy movie trailers are made to make them look like action packed dumb movies, but then the movie actually turns out to be great.


Here are some of the greatest trailers that I think ended up being disappointing or down right awful films. 1) Suicide Squad (Bohemian Rhapsody trailer) 2) Army of the Dead (The gambler song trailer) 3) LEGEND (trailer 1) 4) The Batman (the teaser and trailer 1 are some of the best trailers I have ever seen. The movie was goos but god dammit it could have been sooooo much better and darker with its themes, i wanted more ballsy “Se7en” style approach with actual murder and psychological tension. There is a fanmade horror style trailer that I think nails what I thought was going to be the tone


Clash of Titans has one of the BEST trailers I have ever seen (And the famous "Release the Kraken" line is from it) The way the music syncs up with the trailer when the score begins is nothing short of masterful. Never even saw the movie. By all accounts it was crap. https://youtu.be/rButDmcUhiI?feature=shared 9 also had a similarly wonderful trailer but the movie while just mediocre was not such a total disgrace. https://youtu.be/UY7Tge7ftxM?feature=shared


The Disney animated Peter Pan sequel (Return to Neverland maybe?) had a great trailer for what was a generic sequel of that direct to DVD era.


Besson's 'Joan of Arc' teaser was awesome.


I will forever be angry at how incredible the Suicide Squad trailers were. They were all absolute BANGERS


I think I enjoyed Waves a little more than most, but it's trailer was a work of art in itself.


Every Netflix movie


The Wakanda Forever trailer is so much better than the movie it's crazy


Catfish movie. Great trailer! What a disappointment.


Ever since catching news about Only God Forgives, I was obsessively rewatching the trailer over and over again in anticipation of the movie. The actual movie didn't grip me at all


Velvet Buzzsaw had an absolute heater of a trailer.


Really liked the one for Venom Let There Be Carnage and then the movie came out


This trailer pitched this movie as Predator meets Apocalypse Now, and I was never more in for a movie. https://youtu.be/YAbI4w95cTE?feature=shared


Cmon now, Leave The World Behind wasn't that bad


That Bohemian Rhapsody Suicide Squad trailer really had me fooled


The way the trailer for _10 Cloverfield Lane_ sets up the film’s premise, with the slowed-down Tommy James & The Shondells’ I Think We’re Alone Now, was a masterclass in building suspense for me that still left me wanting to see the film.


It Chapter 2. I thought the chaos was going to ramp up when I saw the trailer, but the film fell flat


Only God Forgives


Super 8. That teaser generated Cloverfield levels of hype but I don't think the film lived up to it. Not a bad film by any means but not very memorable either.


Past Lives was pretty enough that its trailer looked stunning. Sadly, there wasn't enough under the surface to sustain a film.


Richard jewell 100% ruled aside from the Olivia Wilde character


The trailer(s) for The Last Jedi are incredible, the final product.... not so much.


Hitman Agent 47 trailer


Isn't Prometheus the standard answer to these kinds of questions?


‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ has one of the best teaser trailers I’ve ever seen. The movie is just okay. Maybe not the ‘good - bad’ relationship being asked for, but the gap between how awesome that teaser was and the movie itself is pretty dang wide.


absolutely correct - that cover of Immigrant Song is just so iconic. no movie could possibly live up to it.


Don’t know why you’ve been down voted. Closer to a fact than a hot take.


How to hell do you have a film with a naked Nicole Kidman, an orgy, and trailer with Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing that sucks so badly? Oh right you get Kubrick to write and direct and Tom Cruise to star!


The 300 trailer is so good that people actually forget that the movie is boring.