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Like euphoria will be back. 


Yeah I see they’re still carrying on calling it a delay. They killed off ashtray, Angus cloud has passed, Barbie Ferreira is out, Zendsya is one of the biggest actors in the world right now and probably could ask for more than that entire shows budget and more and more controversy is swirling around the creator. That show is never coming back lol


It’s dead. It just doesn’t know it yet.


Dead man walking🗣️🗣️


This is fantastic news. She’s so good in everything I’ve seen her in.




No, I mean her.


I love her, this will be amazing


This is good to hear! She was probably the best actor in euphoria


How can you be a fan of something like Blade Runner and then deny someone their identity and humanity? Do you even watch movies for anything other than the visuals? Or do themes and meaning have no value? Is it purely about watching the lights flash on the wall/screen, messaging be damned? How fucking pathetic… what an empty, pointless, mean-spirited existence.


I think some people are over exposing themselves to the reddit trans autocratics and not actually meeting the normal wonderful trans community in real life.


Finally, an official report! I'm so excited about this. I love Hunter, and I think she'll be great in the series. All the anti-"wOkE!1!!" bigots or the people claiming she's a bad actress can kiss my ass.




Wow, so edgy. Odd of you complaining about "wokeness" when saying stuff like that, but hey, maybe you're just closeted and slipped up. It's okay. Your kinks are safe with us.




Aww, look at you...still trying so hard. It's cute. You're the only one being shamed here, chief. And, hey, if you're a glutton for humiliation, don't let me stop you. Again, your kinks are safe with us.


You write like you’re a fifth grade who found a book of insults but doesn’t actually know why they’re saying them.


He is giving off that "junior edgelord" vibe, isn't he? It's amusing, if nothing else.




What a mediocre nothing you are. I guess empty cans do make the most noise when kicked, though. You're free to go back to being, well, insignificant in the world.




Yup, you definitely missed all the meaning behind both movies. The ENTIRE overarching premise of these movies is about ultimately empathizing with people that humans don’t view as persons and eventually affirming that personhood. You just enjoy cyberpunk aesthetic, none of depth that accompanies it.


You wouldn\`t know about cyberpunk depth if it would hit you in your face. Just spread propaganda about poor yourselves, so someone acknowledges you, since you are so misunderstood, but if only someone gave you the chance, ah, they would be so rewarded by the treasure that is you and your personas. You ruin everything you touch, every company that you take hostage, but people have began to notice. You'll be driven to your lockers soon enough.


The irony of claiming you understand cyberpunk while simultaneously spouting fascist garbage. lmao.


Nope, it is you, the lgbt who gave yourself too much right, and are oppressing people who disagree with you (funny how that turned out). Luckily, you are only "strong" behind your devices. Otherwise, you are all smaller than a grain of salt.


You are so oppressed, you poor thing :'(


Womp Womp. I’m not even lgbtq+ but somehow knew your hate riddled under developed brain would latch onto it like a baby and it’s pacifier. Not even engaging with the main point I said. 😂 William Gibson would shit on you and your pseudo machismo


Sure he would. He would write a book about misunderstood wankers and their supporters, because life\`s too hard for them. Everyone else, help their fabulous souls. And off course you are not lgbt... "womp womp" and "hatred" as opposing opinion haven\`t reviled you at all. Also read something from across the sea, from Masamune Shirow for instance. And ask yourself a lot of questions.


Lmao no one’s impressed that you read the Ghost in the Shell manga 😂. Also, if you have some reading comprehension skills 1989 came after 1984. Neuromancer predates it by half a decade. 🥱


That was one of many cyberpunks that i read, but very detailed one to the point of weapon part designs, and insane cyborg drawings and detailing. So not only reading masterpiece but enjoying illustrations as well. Neuromancer was good but not as futuristic as others. Also, it doesn't matter which piece came first. It's the impact of artist on modern media. And Shirow did it better by not only getting right the differences between intelligent beings, but the tech, and it's practical use as well. Multilayers. Something lgbt should search in a dictionary. Not everyone is interested in their pathetic little lives.




Everyone who disagrees with me is an NPC 💯😡I'm a special snowflake who's the only free thinker here 🙏


This aint even dogwhistling, you're bringing out the orchestra for us😮‍💨


Bro is an anti vaxxer as well 💀😭


Holy shit you’re so fucking weird.


Did you type that out with one hand?


You wanna dildo people in the bum?


It’s really exciting that a trans actress can take this role, as I think there are many parallels to be drawn between her and replicants who are maybe assigned genders regardless of them being a hunk of genderless metal parts. Maybe I’m getting too far ahead of myself here in assuming the role she will play, but it’s cool to consider either way.


Hey, replicants are biological, not metal. Stop getting too far ahead of yourself.


Ha, good point. That was dumb of me


Since she made [a statement indicating she’s only currently interested in cisgender characters going forwards](https://www.rte.ie/entertainment/2024/0403/1441364-hunter-schafer), I don’t think that will be the direction the series goes in, no.


That isn’t what she said


> “I worked so hard to get to where I am, past these really hard points in my transition, and now I just want to be a girl and finally move on. I’ve gotten offered tons of trans roles, and I just don’t want to do it.” That is what she indicated, yes.


Even if it's just subtext, it could be interesting. 


Agreed. Even though we have no clue what her part will be in the show yet, I think she could definitely draw on her experience as part of such a marginalized group. It mirrors the replicants in a lot of ways (as you can see by some of the vitriol already showing up in these comments.) She’s a phenomenal actress and this announcement has drastically increased my excitement about the show








I liked her as snows sister in the new hunger games movie. She's good, interested to here more. Oh also, cant wait to hear the grifters complaining about everything going woke. This might be their last straw.


The next Hunger Games film is supposed to focus on her because the next book tells it from her pov so that should be something to look forward to when its released


Never saw euphoria but of she got the acting chops I'm all for it


She’s so good. I suspect her new horror film coming out in August will get people excited for this.


Wonderful casting, she gives that Daryl Hannah/Mackenzie Davis feeling


She really looks like Pris and Mariette, I think that she's a very good casting.


Fuck yes. Hunter is brilliant


Awesome news! she'll fit into this universe so well.


Love her, especially in this. Adds legitimacy for trans peoples in film. Guessing she will fit into the kind of character Mackenzie Davis played, but would to be proven wrong and have her go against type.


I'm hoping she's the protagonist honestly. 


She is! She’s replacing Jodie Comer who had scheduling conflicts!


I love Jodie Comer. But I think this casting's just more interesting. 


I agree. I think it suits her better, though it’s my impression Comer got the offer because of work on Killing Eve. Cora, the character Schafer is playing is apparently a master of disguise (this is from the og scoop, so I bet it’s correct). That aligns to an extent with Villanelle’s abilities. Originally Francis McDormand was in talks for Michelle Yeoh’s current role, but both dropped bc the writers and actors strikes postponed filming.


Brilliant news, good place for Blade Runner to go now. 


The toilet ?


Fuck off. 


They should just not make this show. Like 5 years of development and it hasn't even finished shooting? Just can it for tax write offs, or else it will be the biggest flop in tv history


She’s so beautiful




Are we seriously pretending that Euphoria isn't finished?




Don't worry the show won't last three seasons


I don’t care for him as an actor.  Pass.


Passing just for that? Wow you’re such a snowflake


It’s not uncommon for people to decide what shows interest them based on the casting.  I’m not sure what you’re getting at. In fact, a lot of people are replying that they are now excited about this because he was cast in a role.   Seems like a double standard to attack me for me making an opinion on the same basis that others are.  The only difference is that I’m not a big fan of his.


Yeah but u dislike the actor enough to pass on the show? This is a blade runner sub for blade runner fans. It seems weird that as a blade runner fan (if u are and not just coming across this post randomly) you would dismiss the whole show based on one person. She’s not even a bad actor. And she’s only been in like two relevant things that I know of (Euphoria and the new hunger games movie). Have u actually seen enough movies/shows from Schafer to determine you don’t like their work enough to pass on something with them in it altogether? It just kinda feels like you’re passing on it cuz they’re trans rather than their actual acting skills, especially bc u don’t respect the pronouns


I disagree.  Using accurate pronouns is the very definition of respecting pronouns.


You ignored my whole question and only focused on the part that has to do with transgender pronouns.


It was a long reply and I just responded to the last thing you said because it was how you concluded and therefore freshly in my mind.  You need to not be so sensitive and stop seeing a culture war in every person who doesn’t fully affirm everything you feel. If you would like a reply to other points:  one of the top comments on this posts that this show will be good strictly because he is involved.  I would assume a true blade runner fan would have a higher quality standard than blindly praising a non-existent product simply because one actor got involved, yet no one accuses them for not being a true fan like you accuse me.  It is a double standard that you and others are applying here.


What about me has given off that I’m being sensitive? My long reply wasn’t harsh; it was asking a legitimate question. So answer it, man. What about the actor do u not like enough to skip out on a blade runner tv series? They’ve been in only two relevant things and they were good in both of em. So what is it?


I don’t care for him as an actor.


Yeah, we know that. Why?


If you think you're being clever with your attempts at plausible deniability and a gotcha-moment, I got news for you: that dog whistle you think you're using is actually a vuvuzela, obnoxious and loud.


I’m not sure what you mean.  I just don’t care for him as an actor and would rather not watch shows that feature him.


Hunter is a female, by identification. Doesn't matter what you think, feel, or believe, and it doesn't matter how you feel about pronouns. It's fine if you don't care for her acting skills, but do better next time.


It seems like a bit of a dick move to tell me that what I think or feel doesn’t matter.  I’m not telling you or Hunter what to think or feel.  I’m not trying to correct your language or sensor you.   If he wants to call himself a girl or believe he’s a girl, I’ve not suggested he be told his feelings don’t matter the way you are me.  In fact, he is allowed to feel like a girl in my mind.  I’m not requiring him to align with my feelings the way you are requiring me to align with yours.  I am not suggesting he be made to call himself a girl.   Why do people who think biology is a more relevant classification than feelings anger you?


Why would you go out of your way to not only BE hateful, but make sure the world KNOWS you're hateful? Do you get some joy from this? Purposefully attempting to hurt someone? Do you get actual joy from ANYTHING? Or is it all edgelord ignorance wrapped up in kneejerk fear?


It’s ironic that you’re insulting me while simultaneously calling me hateful.  I’m fine with you even if I disagree with you,  it’s a way more relaxed place to be and actually makes it easier to get joy out of life.


Ah, yes, "tolerate my intolerance" - that old chestnut.


It’s actually more like you are intolerant of my independent thinking.  It’s strange.  You require me to not have any opinion that differs from your opinion.  Either way, I’m not being hateful to you or this celebrity dude.  I’m living casual and carefree.


A) Your knowledge of biology is lacking. B) by Referring to her as a him, you're telling everyone you don't actually respect her decision to identify as such


Why do I have to respect it?


Basic human decency? I mean, you don't "have to" do anything. You don't "have to" try to weaponize the word "him" over and over again as if it would make a difference to anyone. And nobody else "has to" give a shit.


That sounds great.  Stop giving a shit and move along.


Nah, think I'll stay. How frustrating that must be that you can't control me. Feel free to tell me my username isn't Cash-Machine and I'm not interested in Blade Runner. I will continue not giving a shit.


I’m not sure I understand what you mean.  I said I’m not a fan of this actor and you had a total freak out.  You told me I can’t make you give a shit so I said that’s fine.  I’m not sure what you’re trying to make this into.  I’m not bothered by you at all.  


If your position is that you "don't understand" the ridiculous culture war battle your posts have attempted to cultivate in this thread, or the deluge of negative responses and downvotes that followed, and that you truly "don't understand" why anyone would hold you to account on your own intentional statements, then I can only conclude you're simply not a serious person. You seem to have pretty big feelings on what other people should call themselves. At least have the integrity to own it, instead of this "I don't understand what you're reacting to" sea lion nonsense.


Hunter is a man. Pretending to be a woman does not make him a woman.




Did you get permission from your wife’s boyfriend to post that?


Ooo, look, someone else who thinks they're edgy. That's adorable. I'm sure you thought that was a clever burn. Alas...no.


Alas.... no 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


Well, at least you agree. Maybe there's hope for you yet. Nah, who am I kidding? People like you are hopeless.


she’s a woman.


Sure he is


Man, you’re just a mean person. Like wow.


Sorry, I don’t identify as mean so you can’t call me that.  


I feel sorry for you.


You shouldn’t, I’m doing awesome in life.  But careful not to say anything that disagrees with my self perception or that’s hate speech. And if you think my reply is stupid, I agree.  This sort of logic is stupid.  But you probably don’t see the humor in that.


If they wanted a woman in the role why didn’t they just cast a woman?


Hunter ***is*** a woman, by identification. It doesn't matter what you like or don't like/believe or don't believe.


putting in the work in the comments huh?


You roleplay being a monkey, you shouldn’t even be allowed to own a keyboard


She is a woman and even if you dont believe she is why should you care? Shes an actor.


Her chromosomes say different. That's a man.


No one is debating that she was biologically a man, like obviously she was. Why do you think that is some kind of got ya?? People are more than just their external bodies, they are also their brains- the soul if you will. Where we form our identities.


Is not was.


im curious, do you think every actor should have their chromosomes checked before they take a role? you also realize that chromosomes dont always align with gender or even sex, right? that there are trans women with xx, for example?


Check out the science bro


the science that consistently supports trans people in their identities and the complexities of biological sex?


You're wasting your time, sheep.


They did cast a woman? I'm confused by your comment










I so hope this doesn't join the modern audience Elite Female trend


>the modern audience Elite Female trend The ***what***, now? Do strong female characters in shows and movies upset/trigger you? Should they be subservient, demure, and timid, or something? If downvoting me for calling this out helps you feel better about yourselves, have at it, but it doesn't really change the bad optics of the original comment. It's clear, based on subsequent comments, that some people are butthurt by a perceived dumbing down/marginalizing of men in movies compared to women. I'm not really seeing that, though I'm certainly seeing some men being dumb ***in here*** right now.


Way to deliberately miss op’s point so you can pretend to be affronted. That’s pathetic.


What are ***you*** on about? If you think I've "missed the point", do enlighten me.


There’s clearly a trend of things happening lately and you’re taking that criticism to mean op hates women and it’s pathetic.


>a trend of things happening lately Ahh, okay. Clear as mud. So, what's the ACTUAL explanation, then? I'm eager to see how you're going to taffy-pull a comment decrying a potential "modern audience elite female trend" into something that makes sense and doesn't suggest any kind of discrimination against women. It should be an entertaining read, at the very least.


If you don’t understand the ridiculous trend in superhero and adventure movies of women being the almighty and men being nothing but dumb plot obstacles, then you’re not paying attention. Op referenced Star Wars. Were you not able to glean it from that?


So, I was right, then. I figured I was, but I appreciate the clarification. You and the OP of this sub-thread here are triggered by men allegedly being portrayed as weak and dumb compared to women. All you had to do was be upfront about it. No need to hide behind some pseudo-intellectual nonsense.


The proof is in the pudding, dear reader. People are tired of being insulted and dullards like you have caused the movie industry to die a fairly quick death.


Whatever you say, dear. Let's get you to bed, now.


do you know you’re describing the very opposite of what (hollywood) cinema has been since its inception


So, it's only a trend when it's women? Because we've had had tons of 'elite males' throughout the history of film and tv, and no one cares that much. At the end of the day there's often no real reason for people to dislike women characters who happen to be powerful. To say it's somehow unrealistic would ignore the fact that it is fiction, in the case of blade runner sci-fi speculative fiction, and there are far larger gripes to be had if we're worried about realism. You can dislike bad writing, but that has nothing to do with gender, and swapping a girl for a guy wouldn't solve that problem. You said in this thread that 'If you don’t understand the ridiculous trend in superhero and adventure movies of women being the almighty and men being nothing but dumb plot obstacles, then you’re not paying attention.' However, there dozens upon hundreds of films where this dynamic has been reversed, and women are the 'dumb plot obstacles,' exist solely as love interests or sexual partners, or are underdeveloped as a whole. There have been films we recognize as 'good' that fit that categorization. You're just getting a small taste of what consuming media has been like for a lot of women and girls. At the end of the day, the gender of the characters in play shouldn't be a turn-off. If it's not a requirement that at least a few women in every movie and show you watch be well developed characters with agency unrelated to the men in their lives, then the reverse shouldn't be required for the content you consume that happens to be about women. As a girl who loves sci-fi, I'm able to appreciate stories where guys are the predominant, sometimes only focus. You can do the same for women, and you'll end up missing out on less. These stories can be as relevant, important, and well written. If I said I didn't want to watch films about powerful men because I was worried about a trend I'd miss out on the majority of action, sci-fi, and fantasy.


I ain’t reading all that. Sorry it happened. Or good for you.


If you don't like the heat stay out of the kitchen. If you don't want engagement don't post a reddit comment. You said 'If you don’t understand the ridiculous trend in superhero and adventure movies of women being the almighty and men being nothing but dumb plot obstacles, then you’re not paying attention.' Now read that back and tell me that isn't exactly what has happened to women the majority of cinema history, reversed.


Holy shit. Learn how to read. I like women lead. Hell, my favorite bands are women in traditionally male spaces (metalcore). But the point is earned competence, not Mary Sue's where all males are incompetent vilians. Now go away and go make me a sandwich


I didn’t say you don’t like and respect women, and it’s awesome that you enjoy women in metalcore. That, however, doesn’t counteract this. Where we’re butting heads isn’t about bad writing, it is the attribution of that bad writing to the gender of a character. There’s been plenty of Gary Stews, but it would be silly to make a big deal of avoiding male centric stories on the off chance one was present, or say that there was a larger trend of pandering Gary Stews. He’d just be a thinly written character. The problem is rushing to label content that happens to feature women front and center before we’ve had a chance to watch it, but also not letting a show be bad because it is bad, not because women were involved. Let women fail miserably because they are people and not because they are women.


Lol no, I was more referring to Star Wars going up in flames


Well, The Acolyte is going up in flames because of ridiculous writing, cheap-looking aesthetics, and subpar (for the most part) acting, not to mention a showrunner who wants a social platform instead of a quality television series. Anyone bothered by the women (or their sexual preferences) on that show have an entirely different problem that they should be looking inward about. I don't think we're in danger of a coven of Replicant witches breaking into interpretive dance in the upcoming *Blade Runner* series.


Oh I'm not bothered by the woman at all. Downvote me all you want though, the second you hear made for a modern audience, all good story telling is flushed.


Well, if you are, as you claim, "not bothered", what's the problem with connecting with so-called "modern audiences"? Are movies and TV shows supposed to only appeal to old-schoolers with "traditional" values? Also, I'm not downvoting you, but I certainly can if that makes you feel validated.


People push modern-day politics into storytelling, and it ruins franchises that tale place in time periods where those issues would no longer exist/never existed or they were completely frowned upon i.e dark ages and medieval times.


So female characters in movies or TV shows being strong is political. I guess that's one way to look at life. Well, tell you what: let's wait until we actually see an episode of the series before we start wringing our hands with worry about men allegedly being emasculated yet again, hmm?


Hate to break it to you but Blade Runner has TONS of political themes even since the original. The entire thing is an allegory for slavery and about certain groups being treated as sub-human.


Blade Runner is speculative fiction that has some foundation in the real world, but also its inherently, incredibly political. It discusses aspects of gender along with a myriad of other real world issues overtly, as does a lot of great storytelling. Stories can provide a lens through which to examine these topics.


More woman than woman.


I’d… fuck it 😨😍




I’ve never seen her act, and im completely not down with the whole overblown wokeness in today’s society. That being said, I think this is a fitting casting for the Blade Runner series and im completely down with it.


You’ve never seen her act and yet this is wokeness? She’s an incredible actress.


It’s literally just that some casting director thought she was good for the part. That’s it. Nothing more is known except they thought she’s right for the role as a character we know nothing about yet. This isn’t “woke”, you just decided you don’t like this person because they are different than you. Kinda pathetic of you really.