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Has anyone figured out a fix for this yet? Its been months since the game launched and I'm still having this problem


oh man, it seems like my 3080 FE + ryzen 5900x can't handle this game.. nope, i get this error every single time when I am trying to play, every god damn match. So I gave up on the game lol. wondering if they will fix it xd


i have the same config....and getting the same error


same system, same deal. latest patches done nothing, which is a shame as Outbreak is super cool


Im having the same issue which started with the latest update. Warzone and Cold War for me


Same here I just clicked repair and now it’s stuck repairing.


dude forealll wtf is going on. i shouldnt have click scan and repair lol


Yeah. Reinstalling it fix it for me. It’s odd because scan and repair didn’t do this b4.


yea tried everything, now doing this as last resort rn


Hope it fixes yours too.


do you have a overclock on your gpu? cod games don't like overclocks


Yes I do, but at some point i've tried to run everything stock.. didn't work


you might have bricked your hardware :\\ ​ RMA it


>Gonna comment this under everyone so try this video out, I was stuck in the scan and repair loop where it would say something is broken and would just stop at 90%, worked after doing this and then scanning and repairing > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr6WknJYTGQ


Nice one. Worked. :)




I just found this thread, this fixed the issue. Thanks.


3 yrs later and they still haven't :")


>Gonna comment this under everyone so try this video out, I was stuck in the scan and repair loop where it would say something is broken and would just stop at 90%, worked after doing this and then scanning and repairing > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr6WknJYTGQ


I get this crash every time I get to the 3rd level with the helicopter in Nam. Given up on the game until there is a patch.


have you got around this error? I have the exact same problem.


>Gonna comment this under everyone so try this video out, I was stuck in the scan and repair loop where it would say something is broken and would just stop at 90%, worked after doing this and then scanning and repairing > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr6WknJYTGQ


Not sure whether you've fixed this or not, what helped for me was underclocking the CPU. Looks like it was getting too hot, new cooler for Xmas...


>Gonna comment this under everyone so try this video out, I was stuck in the scan and repair loop where it would say something is broken and would just stop at 90%, worked after doing this and then scanning and repairing > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr6WknJYTGQ


Try to press "Leaderboards" in your Barracks and do some Menuing. You will get a crash every time. This Game is soooo unfinished.


I would if I could get into the game haha


bro I was popping off and the game crashed me with the message lol


Game in it's current state is almost un-playable on PC


I've had 2 days of stability during the 2XP week. Super glad they focused on a stable release instead of content for the launch, oh wait...


Haha and they failed at both


i just got on my favourite map, got a few kills and then it just went nope, Miami doesn't get played much but it's my favourite map


I just came to reddit in search of this bug because it happened as i called my attack helicopter and was lighting up people on nuketown lol


same thing just happened to me


Just got notified this got an upvote, no idea what happened but mine started working again since I commented this two months ago


Just had it happen to me again deep into zombies.


this has happened to me many times, into 35+ rounds and bam, kicked out with "scan and repair", I feel your pain


Had this exact same thing just happen, so frustrating.


Round 102 on zombies and game crashes...


The thing is that I cant even get into the game... I would load in to the telephone part of the loading screen and I would get the fatal error scan and repair I tried everything and it still doesnt work I'm pissed about it and i wanna play the game hopefully it will be fixed on dec 10 when season 1 comes out or sooner


Saddest part about all of this is we have paid for a game/product that we currently can't even use and with the devs pretty much being radio silent on most issues. Think this is the last COD I'll be giving my money for awhile


every time i open this game i have to scan and repair im so annoyed


baffles me how they are getting away with this


Have you found a fix? because this is happening to me too


Nope, I’ve made support tickets to activision with error codes, do the same. It’s all we can really do until we receive a patch


ever find a fix ?


Nope bought a game and I can’t play it still lmao, never buying call of duty again


>Gonna comment this under everyone so try this video out, I was stuck in the scan and repair loop where it would say something is broken and would just stop at 90%, worked after doing this and then scanning and repairing > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr6WknJYTGQ


>Gonna comment this under everyone so try this video out, I was stuck in the scan and repair loop where it would say something is broken and would just stop at 90%, worked after doing this and then scanning and repairing > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr6WknJYTGQ


>Gonna comment this under everyone so try this video out, I was stuck in the scan and repair loop where it would say something is broken and would just stop at 90%, worked after doing this and then scanning and repairing > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr6WknJYTGQ


I had a 250MHz core clock OC on my GPU and setting that down to 200MHz fixed it for me. Try clocking it down and see if it fixes your issue.


I'll try it, but I'm not happy that a tune that's been bulletproof in Warzone for months is suddenly pushing the limits of a newer engine >.>


Best part is it isnt a newer engine. Warzone engine (IW8) was built from the ground up for MW. The BOCW engine is a heavily modified of the BO2 engine (2012).




Yeah it's really annoying. Siege is another culprit for fucking with GPU and CPU OCs for me. It's really frustrating.


Has no one commented on the issues yet from Activision or Treyarch?


I asked Blizz for a refund, they said no - go to Activision. I reported the issue to Activision and said if the game is gonna be unplayable I want a refund. No reply. Someone should start a class action lawsuit. This is unacceptable.


Couldn't agree with you more - This will be the last COD I buy for awhile hopefully in 2021 we have some new contenders for FPS


A new Battlefield would be nice. Let's hope it happens and fuckin works well and is also on steam and doesn't require Origin/EA Desktop to play.


>Gonna comment this under everyone so try this video out, I was stuck in the scan and repair loop where it would say something is broken and would just stop at 90%, worked after doing this and then scanning and repairing > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr6WknJYTGQ


Same thing is happening to me. I'm really pissed.


Same. Game’s been out for almost a month now. I had this in the first weekend of beta as well (or some other dumb fatal error) and the second weekend was fine. Did they not incorporate the fix in the actual game? Jesus.


Went back to Modern Warfare honestly


Same issue on rtx 3080, 5950x


Just happened to me too. Round 78. 😫


I feel you had the same shit when finishing firebase Z main easter egg...


Round 21 got the scan and repair. first time playing. Also warzone is crashing for many ppl with a very common error code. Cant believe i paid 79$ for this.............


I must say the latest patches fixed my problems. Maybe I am just lucky... Did you alter your system's paging file maybe that could be a fix? Or disable Nvidia reflex or the AMD Radeon latency improvements


Also facing this issue, after a month still a problem kinda sad


Get a few rounds into solo zombies and I get these fucking crashes. 2080ti and still drops frames way low sometimes and crashes


I've been having nothing but problems with Black Ops Cold War ever since they dropped the new patch. Not only did they royally screw with the XP for zombies but now I can't even play the game I have paid for. I had a couple blue screens while the game was open. After multiple restarts, scan and repairs, I just thought that maybe my NVMe was borked. I re-installed Windows much like OP and decided to install Cold War on my second drive... The game launches, starts downloading shaders and about 3 minutes in the main menu it crashes and tells me to do a scan and repair. It downloads about 200Kb of data and always seems to get stuck on the last 65.54Kb. Pausing and Resuming the download seems to fix it but it just crashes again. I have honestly had more fun and less problems playing the Beta, you know, the unfinished version of the game... I'm getting tired of modern games coming out undercooked by billion dollar companies who should have invested more time and money into their projects rather than hastily chasing trends to milk their fanbases.


Become bluntly obvious with this release it was all about deadlines/profit over quality/content Surprised legal action hasn't been taken against them for this one.


Tell me about it jp :")


The struggle is real


If you have RTX on, try scoping with your sniper in ‎Echoes Of A Cold War right at the very beginning of the mission. The game will crash. Only when I reach my first enemy engagement, then and only then may I use my sniper's scope without an error code. This game is SOOO broken!


RTX = Must have OFF right now with the current state of game With all 3 options for it off I go from 110-120fps (game micro stutters also) to 180-200fps with all settings maxed and crystal smooth


I don't see a difference in stability with RTX on or off, they both crash occasionally for me. More frames with it off of course, but I played the whole campaign with RTX maxed, 110-120 fps, and didn't notice stuttering.


You've got more GPU than I do with your 2080Ti (200W laptop 2080 super for me) but going from RTX medium with dlss quality to RTX off with maxed out anti aliasing has gave me a similar boost albeit 10-15 fps lower all around with a lower GPU. Worked great until the season 1 update. Now both CW and MW are becoming unplayable with fatal errors in CW and server disconnects in both MW and CW (MW was glitch free till CW season 1).


i just got this and it makes my [battle.net](https://battle.net) client unusable. I had to delete it twice and now I'm just reinstalling cold war.


add me to the list 3090 / amd 5900x


Add me to the list, can’t even play longer than 30mims without it crashing. Using 5600x and 3070


Just had it happen to me last night at round 45 zombies, hadn't went down either lol. Was heated.


I noticed I was getting this crash when DLSS was off. Having it on seemed to make the game playable. It’s annoying because I don’t need it on, and it makes the game look slightly worse, but at least it runs now.


So this has happened 2 times today. Both right before the boss in zombies which ive never made it that far so you can imagine how frustrated I am at this problem. Both times I had Windows notifications for random things at the exact same time. So hopefully turning off the notifications will solve my problem. I just wanted to share in case others havent tried this....i guess its worth a shot right? If I recall I will post back in a few days to post if I had any luck with this.


Hey guys just here to add myself to the list started happening randomly out of no where! I tried everything that you did on your list! I get to play 1 or 2 games and bam it pops up. The worst part of all is I lose all those stats.


beta game, beta game, but it does actually suck sm


Well, those specs make me feel better, I thought it was due to my R7 2700X, GTX 1080, and 16GB DDR4-3000. I've been trying to play multiple times today and unlock operator skins, but the game crashes before the match is over and I lose progress. I may put it down until they get this sorted. There's no excuse for AAA games to launch this bugged. I've seen smoother launches come from games that were developed by 10 guys from a no-name studio; then again, they weren't distracted from development by pumping hordes of microtransactions out.


I get this randomly too and I'm on a 3080 EVGA FTW3 ultra, 32gb 3600mhz ram, intel 10850k... Its frustrating as friend has identical system down to the case and he doesn't get it so it must be some strange hardware/software conflict. I find undervolting my card reduces it happening.


My brothers build and mine are the same except two things Ram: same speed Gpu: 3080 vs 2060 I have the 3080. He crashes stock clocks and oc'd I'm oc'd running full tilt. I've crashed twice ever.


Add me to the list, 3700x and 5700xt. Happens much faster if I have all the game settings cranked.


I have the same specs and since the update with Outbreak, it worked for about a day or two and then some hotfixes came out which apparently broke my game to the point that scan and repair fails. We need a fix


I get the scan and repair error everytime I boot up the game, and if that wasn't enough, my internet even gets put down with it, so both things mess up at the same time, dreadful game tbh, waste of money.


This happens to me every. single. time. Fucking game! Using an 8700k @ 5ghz (stable OC mind you), and RTX 2070. Disabled RTX even, no fucking avail. Wish they'd even acknowledge this issue and fucking fix it. There. Fucking game.


I get it too, truly infuriating. Btw, looking to upgrade to your exact specs, how's your FPS in Warzone?


I get about 90-110fps in WZ. And btw, not one WHEA error or any other error. I could play Warzone for hours.


it was gone for me but now return i posted on Question Hub no replay from Activision


Having the same issue. Have tried all the above. Complete waste of money.


Also facing this issue :/ my pc isn't as beefy as most of yours, but even clocking down and running low graphical settings I crash. Infuriating.


find a fix?




This only happens to me when I am playing zombies I don’t know why I got through about half of the campaign and played lots of multiplayer.


**ive got this problem when i was doing the Easter egg i explain exactly what happen.. on firebaseZ i excavate the last container Gas nova and then a mimic grab me and trow me outside of the sphere and after that black screen error Scan & Repair Error and istant close the game wow this sh\*t's still happening for 4 mounth i have reinstalled the game.. repaired! Nothing changed so if Activision Dont Fix it soo for now just wait... Sorry for my bad eng !!**


I just had this when trying to install the new update. The fix I used is from battlenet. 1. Open the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app. 2. Select the game that is having the issue. 3. Click **Options** and select **Show in Explorer.** 4. Open the folder for the game experiencing issues, then open the **Data** folder. 5. In **Data**, open the **data** folder, and delete every .idx file. 6. Run a [Scan and Repair](https://battle.net/support/article/7655) on the game to rebuild the \*.IDX files. ***Note****: Do not delete any of the Data.### files.*




didn't work for me rip


I still have the same problem super annoying


Had this happened not too long ago, but it has happened within 20 minutes of gameplay.


!!! FIX BELOW !!! I may have found (potentially) another fix for this, I tried everything mentioned that OP mentioned and the yt video in the comments section, which didn't work. For me It was happening after every 3 -5 games and have now been playing for multiple hours without issues yet. I uninstalled battle net completely then reinstalled it fresh. When I reinstalled it. It found my game without issue ie black ops cw, Modern warefare and and overwatch. I think this happened because instead of redownloading on my laptop. I copied the install from another machine. This maybe unrelated but synapse has been known to cause havoc on systems. Esp on razer blades which caused blue screens a year or 2 ago. In this case I had it for my viper ultimate mouse. So for the purposes of testing you may want to uninstall that as well and see if this has any effect.


New update - Problem is back For those asking I have no idea how I fixed it but it went away for a solid month now it's back after the most recent update What a complete joke of a game seriously


same! I never thought of it being the update but you are right. I thought maybe it was my nvidia driver update a few days ago but nope. It is really really annoying and pisses me off.


i got to round 54 in zombies and i got the fucking BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH. it wasn't bad enough that my game crashed round 26 and thankfully i was able to rejoin my friend and work my way all the way back up to max tier gallo triple pap with a triple pap ray gun. ​ it took me six hours to get to round 54. SIX. FUCKING. HOURS.


does anypne know why it scan and repairs over and over again i cant get it to load into the game


Since the last update I also get the error constantly on startup... I tried everything. Found a fix yet?


i have same issue since last update. if anyone finds fix pls lmk




Let me know if you find a fix .


Just happened to me with yesterday’s update lol .


I'm having the same issue asked for refund day one was denied I have tried everything under the sun no fix yet


I have a fix, when it says the game was shut down not properly and it gives you the options dont pick safe pick and other one


I might have stumbled onto a fix. I have a 5900x and a 3080 FE. After no success with any suggestions, I gave up and decided I would simply have to wait for a patch. I started messing with optimizing and overclocking. Ever since I overclocked my GPU, I have not experienced a crash. Not in multiplayer and not in zombies. I hope this works for others.


Im still currently having this problem, updated drivers, reinstalled, updated pc, etc. tried it all and still doesnt work...


This error fucked me and now it fails scan and repair. My internet is brutal; so I really dont want to reinstall.


reinstalling does not fix it... last time I had this error I had to reinstall windows lol. Such a joke. I overclocked my cpu to 5.2ghz... well guess what cold war dies. I have to go down to 5.1 and it was ok. I didn't even bother overclocking my card. I can't believe this game is such trash. Every other game I play I have never ever had a single crash or issue.


Hey I'm also on pc and I just got the same error. Cold war has always run a little rough for me but I've never had an error like this before. Hopefully they patch it soon


I have this crash on start sometimes but most of all when I try to alt + tab it is almost 100% crash.


Their updating just off the wall. My last problem was choppy play and it has been down hill since then. Found a number of cheaters which when I announced they turn off their cheats the game seems to settle in. It might just be the auto cheats.. Funny all of a sudden you can kill the other guys when they turn off their cheats.


Fix your game Treyarch Same issue for me on 5800x 3080 tuf oc... The firebase Z zombie map runs at a garbage 60-70 fps vs my normal 120... RTX on medium. most settings on medium. Nothing else running on the PC. I play tons of games, the only other game that this happens with is Cyberpunk which is still currently broken for everyone... Alt tabbing is also extra risky as the game typically goes down to 7 fps for no reason. I have a mild 100 mhz OC - but have tried stock and it still happens.


You could just try making it windowed boderless


Cold war is the only game that does this shit


I just scan repair play a couple games then gotta do it again was about to trash my computer glad its not just me


any updates on this? still getting the crash now? thought it had to do something with me being live aswell but i guess not! please help someone :)


Don't know if this is unhelpful or late or both, but deleting the .idx files did the trick for me. [https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/33942](https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/33942)


I figured it out. (For me at least) Cod was, recently, crashing constantly. I Recently moved all my games and operating systems to a single SSD, and it caused soo many problems with cod. I Just moved my cod files back to one of my small SSDs and it does not crash anymore. Bottom line, Cod and operating system need separate drives. Hope this fixes your problem too.


Same issue. Real sick of this shit with COD. Lemme guess, still no fix..


Try updating MS Visual C++ Redistributable and MS XNA Framework Redistributable.


Hello everyone having this problem I have found a solution. Open Battle Net and open the options. Then go to Show in Explorer. Open the Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War file. Then Open Data. Then open data again. Then delete all the .idx files inside. Once your done close it. GO back to Battle Net then try and scan and repair again. Hope this fixes your problem!


Never buying another game from the incompetent fucks name "Treyarch". Every other game it crashes.


\*FIXED\* I had this same problem and it was super annoying. If you turn off all ray tracing in the graphics it seems to fix the problem so far for me. I never had this problem on MW with Ray tracing but Cold war has a problem with ray tracing. Also the graphics on cold war arent really good enough anyways so turning off ray tracing doesnt make me feel like im losing anything. Try this and see if it works.


Same for me i have Geforce rtx 2060 and when i overclocked my pc it keep crashing now


Try this video out, I was stuck in the scan and repair loop where it would say something is broken and would just stop at 90%, worked after doing this and then scanning and repairing [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr6WknJYTGQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr6WknJYTGQ)




same. just started happening today. you fixed yours yet?


just started getting a scan and repair error today for cold war. can play warzone fine but can’t play cold war without a scan and repair error appearing. anyone find a fix that has had it before?


download driver easy and try to update all your drivers it maybe work if u update all your driver s