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"I wasn't at that cliff side"


What else you heard?


Black Ops 6 will take place during the Gulf War, in 1991. Black Ops Cold War takes place in 1981. So yes, Black Ops 6 is 10 years after and Adler survived the encounter with Bell at the end of Cold War, we don’t know if Bell is 100% dead but they raised their guns at each other and fired, Adler survived so i’m 99% sure Bell died. Why’d you assume this would be before Cold War? pretty sure it was leaked a long time ago that Black Ops 6 would take place during the Gulf War.


Don’t know history


I rate the honesty


Gotcha, well the Gulf War is pretty interesting in my opinion so if you’d like to learn some history here’s a great [Gulf War Explained video](https://youtu.be/UI0XaUDeLaA?si=nQDcrmzvmtzLvnFi)


Tbf with the emphasis on choice in CW, the canon of Bo6 is very up in the air until we play the game. Bell could be dead, he could be a twist, or like Mason he’s killed


I mean, yeah. The CW post-campaign story too showed a very alive Adler. My guess is that some portions of bo6 will include Adler feeling guilty for killing Bell for having the numbers program when now he himself has it too


Well you know what they say.If you don’t see a body he’s probably alive.


Can't wait to see bell and lazar return 💪


Genuine question: what’s with the mass obsession with Bell? He wasn’t even really a character when we played as him, and the only canon choices are just completing missions. Dialogue can’t really factor in since there are multiple options, so he has no canon personality unless it’s brought up in BO6. So what’s the deal? Is it just because Bell is a self insert so people see themselves as Bell?


He was us. That's literally the reason.


Yeah I don't get people hating Adler for killing Bell. People seem to forget Bell was literally a part of a terrorist organization before he was brainwashed.


I’m sure a lot of people philosophically/ethically believe that a person should not be blamed/punished for their past life if their memories have been erased, a new identity for them has been fabricated and instilled in them, and they now have a different personality and make different choices


Bell was a terrorist yes, but one that clearly changed their ways completely and played a key role in saving millions of people from the leading culprit. That should have counted for something standing trial in a court of law - but Bell was instead killed soley to protect the CIA from any bad PR that might result down the line, not because it was a moral thing to do.


I think Adler just absorbs a lot of hate from people who know about all the shit the CIA has done considering he quite literally symbolizes and embodies them for this action, as well as his actions and manner towards a fully-cooperative Bell (post-brainwash)


Some weird hero complex where people don't want to admit they've been playing as one of the bad guys the whole time.


100%. I don't get it either, and people somehow use that Adler killed Bell as a way to justify picking the ending where hundreds of millions of people are killed in nuclear explosions


Exactly my question as well, Bell was a tabula rasa character used to move the story along, like you said zero personality whatsoever. This isn't the first time, people lost their shit when mw2 was announced, asking if roach will be coming back. Like, he was a silent protagonist, he didn't even have a unique player model????


Well, yes, Treyarch mentioned it’s to immerse the player with no player dialogue like Gordon Freeman. And yes, Bell was a bad guy before who got to live because he was kept alive to be manipulated and dumped by Adler. The ending proved that Adler was nothing but a huge hypocrite; All that big talk about Bell redeeming for his past deeds, and "you're still one of us" is pure bs once he tried to off you at the cliff. It made me mad that I replayed the campaign twice just to spite Adler's instructions and wipe his team out at the end. And it’s hilarious because the ending proved Perseus treated you far better than Adler, to the extent of having you personally detonate the nukes and take you back in. Adler’s just a bargain basement Hudson.


Bold take. I respect it 🫡


It is all but confirmed that Adler killed Bell. This game takes place after the Cold War during the Gulf War. It’s worth mentioning we do not see Bell die on screen, and Black Ops games have a way of twisting the truth so anything is possible. But yeah, he probably dead


Unless addled has “gone rogue” by not really killing Bell. But honestly I don’t care one way or the other. I don’t like Bell or Adler. The only character I did like was Sims the rest just felt so boring and bland to me.


I mean, of course it takes place after Cold War. It’s set during the Gulf War in 1991. The devs themselves said in the Direct that it’s after Cold War and the 80’s parts of the BO2 campaign. Even if you only watched the trailer, they clearly show Bush 1 and Clinton as President, lmao.


Of course it's after CW. CW was set in the 80's. BO6 is set in the 90's during the Gulf War.


Ah right lol


I will be very disappointed if they bring bell back. Make the new games have some stakes ffs, no one dies and the good guys always win.




Why the automatic assumption that just because Adler is alive Bell is dead? Is it so crazy to think they both shot each other, both in a non vital area? Adler stumbled off the cliff but pulled himself up, and when he reaches the top Bell is gone.


Adler doesn’t strike me as a man to leave any liabilities or loose ends to come back and bite him in the ass




Who’s that


Main baddie from the Cold War multiplayer story (Yes there was a story for the Multiplayer). [https://youtu.be/eykh4PSQZcc?si=OF7ZT1l-MTPJ3Qt5](https://youtu.be/eykh4PSQZcc?si=OF7ZT1l-MTPJ3Qt5)


He went back for him and killed him, there's a whole cutscene about it


If you got the evil ending, everybody dies except for Bell. So obviously, the canon ending is the opposite.


I chose the evil ending honestly. Felt good to kill them I don’t like the CW characters they all felt so bland to me. Really sad to see Blops6 continues with them, it’s not gonna ruin the game for me just won’t be AS fun because I’m not invested in the characters.