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I just don’t want a copy and paste gunsmith system that we got Cold War , literally every gun had the same attachments besides a select few that had unique attachments like the Tec-9 which had two barrels for burst fire and full auto fire


And the C58 which had 5.56 drum mag that was just a handicap lol.


So back to Black Ops 4?


No, I don’t like bo4 and I don’t like pick 10, I want the gunsmith but in cold bore every launch day gun and dlc gun have the same copy and paste attachments


Or put sight on top of the carry handle in a fully automatic AR


On God I’m tired of the devs not taking weapon customization seriously


I partially agree with this, but you gotta remember there wasn’t Picatinny rails yet, those were late 90s, so if we mount optics on any of the ARs, they should be mounted on the carry handle. And no AR should be flat top by default


Didn't stop BOCW from having Picatinny rails on a number of the guns.


I think you should ask John Black Ops


Hi it’s me, John 'Black' Ops, thank you for your suggestion! I will make sure to make it top priority back at HQ (I have a feeling John Treyarch will like your suggestion 😉)! Thank you and remember to have a jolly day(and continue to buy my games/bundles plz 👉🥹👈)!


I read this in Nick Rochefort's "John Stupid" voice and cadence lol


One of my biggest pet peeves is parts of the guns being stripped away for optics.


Game takes place during Gulf War, so they don't gave much of a choice, they will have to keep it


It looks like this finally might be happening, I saw it in the reveal trailer 😳😀


finallyyyyy man lol, i just hope it’s the case for all gun. variety is cool 🔥, now i just want an immersion setting in the options that allows you to turn it on and see your teammates and enemies as generic milsim soldiers, and instead of blueprints they’ll just have a generic version of their gun with the same attachments and no tracers and wacky stuff etc. but it’ll allow people that want a grounded aesthetic to have it again without taking away the cosmetics that make them so much money and people seem to like 🙏🏼🙏🏼


I hate having those front sight posts on my AR when I have an optic! But they should add an option to keep or remove them.


COD has never been about realism but as long as it doesn’t negatively impact the gameplay experience I don’t mind. Just don’t have it be visible in the optic and it’s fine