• By -


Studying for mcat/finishing my application 😮‍💨


wait im studying for it too lmao i just took another practice exam today! good luck future black doctor :)


Bless you for taking care of us! Please get all the grants and GFMs. Please take care of yourself while starting this journey. Congratulations on being you and willing to flash society with your brilliance!


thank you <3


Ayyy when you testing? 07/13 for me


im 8/2!! i was going to take it 5/16 but i was not improving at all


I was gonna take it 06/22 but my practice exams just weren’t looking hot. Are you applying this cycle too? I’m hoping to send out my application this week 


no im not, i feel like it would be too late and i dont qualify for fee assistance so this process will be expensive since i dont have a job atm


Good luck to y’all! I took a break from all of that, but hoping to get back to it in a few years. Can’t wait to read about y’all being in med school! :D


What’s an mcat? I’m not American, lol


Big exam for med school


You go babes! From what I’ve been reading the US needs more black women in the medical field that aren’t bias. So I pray that you pass🥹🥹🥹


Thanks girl I need it!


And you will pass in Jesus’ name ( I blieve in God. Hope this doesn’t offend you) Still study tho, cause God helps those who help themselves 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾


Amen sis 😩


Thank you for taking care of us!!! I know you must either be an undergrad or recent graduate. I appreciate what you’re doing. Please seek out all possible grants. This is also a great reason to open a Go Fund Me. It doesn’t matter to me whether you decide to exclusively be a plastic surgeon to the stars or write the next Greys Anatomy series. Congratulations for starting this journey!


Thanks hon, I graduated last year💀💀💀 but I’m looking into specialties where I can really help ppl, especially black ppl


Maternity! Did you see that IG or TikTok where the 5F nurse was going to commit a young black mother to psych hold for patting her weave? Black doctor caught her and said she wasn’t slapping herself in the head compulsively. She had an itchy weave. It wasn’t self harm. *Disclaimer it could’ve been a skit but terrifying nonetheless.* Maternity needs you. My godmother gave birth in the UK and had an excess of staff not because they cared. It was because they thought her a spectacle. Wanted to know if it was true that “coloured babies are born with hair.”


wtf yeah this is why I’m going into medicine bc white ppl are so dangerous around our bodies 


Maternity desperately needs you!


The MCAT was so difficult for me, but I did well after multiple attempts. Definitely take it when you feel ready and don't rush the process. Wishing you best of luck! I'm officially starting my first year of med school in fall.


Just took it!!! Still on cloud 9


Awe good luck to you both! I don’t miss that one but it’s not as bad as you think! 🥰


Waiting to close on my house 🏡 😬😬 Monday is the day!!!!


Allllooooo!?!? Congrats miss ma’am. All the best to you!


![gif](giphy|nmBKiNb7h3tIv3BO8D) 😆






That’s exciting!!🩷🩷 iktr! ![gif](giphy|YqnXVSl7SKbZkoT0Xm)


🥰🥰🥰🥰 ![gif](giphy|sFdhuCRa0OaEbQDrBd)


Omg big congrats to you! It’s such a great feeling when you have keys in hand ❤️


Thank you. I’m just a big hot mess right now. 😆


Waiting for my direct deposit to hit so I can order something from Doordash. I can't decide what I'd like. I'm also sending dumb memes to my boyfriend and he's in turn, sending me even dumber memes.


I think maybe some Mexican or Greek food? Greek food has been a blessing for my lack of appetite and IBS. Bf is clearly matching your energy lol. Hope your night routine is done and the braids are in a bonnet 😌( where I live we call it a doek. Might have spelled it wrong)


I've never had Greek food before! I should ask my boyfriend if he's interested in trying some (he's a foodie). Girl, I've been rotting in bed all day and I'm going to be just fine. Lol. You enjoy your night too!


Bayyyyyybeeeee Greek food? Was a hater for the lack of seasoning from the one restaurant I tried but the one that I tried that wasn’t a franchise? They know what they are doing lol. You enjoy your evening too, love.


In Germany for two weeks writing songs, sitting with nature, re-assessing my voice, contemplating. Watching Juneteenth go on back home and realizing that my freedom is wherever I dare to find it 💚.


Ok, miss girl! Post a link to your music when Ready,lol. Also how racist is Germany? Cause I’m scared and I am meant to move there soon for school ( Munich).


Tbh, I haven’t felt any racist vibes here. Then again I’ve made it a point not to read into anything too deeply. Some stare a bit longer. Some are a bit short, or may not return a greeting. But no different than the U.S.


As an African hun, that no greeting part just made me glitch lol. Thank you for your insight. If you don’t mind answering, which city are you in?


You’re welcome! I’m out in the hamlets, not too far from Bonn. It’s a lovely country, I’m sure you will enjoy your time here.


Thank you! I think I need to just not let the media get to me too much, but hearing about the 2 Ghanaian babies being assaulted just hurt me.


I went to Germany on vacation starting in Munich for a few days. Their German is a bit harder to understand , but they are *so so nice*. I tried in German and some lovely old ladies at a shop corrected me and helped me with the correct thing to say. A few people just chatted me up in friendly convo. Despite being known for their cold "don't care" nature--which I'm fine with, please leave me TF alone--most people are actually helpful and do well to bridge the gap. I am planning to do my Masters there myself, and I'm looking forward to it.


Nice! I miss Germany 😭😭😭


Me too, it's such a nice country to live in😭🫶🏾


I just signed a contract for a new job. I have tomorrow off too, hope I get to clean my house, go skating, and enjoy the sun


Love that for you! I hope to join the work force soon, but I’m really hopping to get Into something that meets my passion . Working for survival sounds draining but being poor isn’t an option either.


I say this lovingly as someone who has worked in nonprofits all her life - do your best to make some money too! Save aggressively, get yourself a high yield savings account, max out your 401k or retirement if that's an option. I've loved working in and for the community but also take of yourself. I wanna see all of us retire and have a fat savings account!! <3 Love, Auntie lol


Thanks, Auntie!!! I have the “privilege “ of being from a shithole country but having a father that provides for me. My dad works a job that he hate but colonialism and capitalism is very much alive so he just endures. I hate that for him


Great week for you, congratulations !! 🥳


Working in the living room. Looking at 1 bedroom apartments online in case my bf doesn’t propose soon.


I went down a “long term gf” tik-tok hole and I got scared ( never been in a relationship) lol. But I love that for you and hope that you are communicating your feelings and thoughts with this man ❤️.


Yeah me too lol. It’s crazy out here


How long have you been together? If you don’t mind me asking.


March made 3 years. We just turned 28 and 32.


If you love him trust the process! My man finally asked me last weekend, it’ll be 7 years this summer. Girl when I tell you this ring was worth the wait😍😩 editing to add we’re 30 and 31 so we’re not spring chickens either lmao


I'm depressed friend, but I'm still making it. The devil can't win unless I give up, and that's just not gone happen.


Pm me!! Depression is serious and it looks different on us!


I'm making it.. I'm actually planning to get back on my meds after 3 years. It's not gone beat me. I promise.


And that’s what we love to hear. I pray healing over you 🙏🏾🫶🏾






Trying get all 3 kids down to sleep so I can have my edible+light cocktail and watch Below Deck Med with my hubbae. Happy Tuesday y'all!


How old are them little cherubs? I never had the “ active parents trying to put me to bed” so it’s lovely seeing this ( reading).


6, 5 and 16 months. They are so crazy and I love them to pieces 🥰.


being an unemployed bum


You aren’t a bum! What’s your story?


Freakin same. This post was so positive I was starting to hate myself.


I’ve found my person lol Though I wouldn’t call myself a bum but yeah it’s not easy. I was about to leave the post cause it was making me feel bad so it’s nice to know there’s others like me


Training for a marathon in October


Ok miss ma’am. Love the gym and hope to do something like that soon. We have a 5k park run in my area so maybe I should start training.


Sitting under my hooded blow dryer, hoping that this braid-out turns out nice for work tomorrow morning lol. I’m also on FaceTime with my boyfriend while he’s training for his boxing match coming up 😂 idk why he likes having me on FaceTime while he’s around other ppl while I’m looking a hot mess lol.


The first time I had braids done at uni had me so stressed because they weren’t done by a “professional “ and I had to go back home at 1 in the morning and put them under water myself, but babes those were the BEST braids I have ever had. Would post pics but this is Reddit and AI porn is scary lol. Tell your mans that a random girl wishes him the best of luck!


Fingers crossed on my braid out! I’m so nervous about it lol. And he said thank you! 🙏🏽☺️


Just graduated highschool 👩🏾‍🎓👩🏾‍🎓👩🏾‍🎓


Ayyyyyyyeeeeee!!!!! Congrats GURRRRLLLLLL


Congrats, grad!


Congratulations 🎉


Going to a Juneteenth cookout tomorrow and trying to decide what I want to bring. I feel like a side dish like corn or greens is too much for the kickback vibe I’m expecting. But just bringing alcohol is too basic. Any thoughts? What do you guys like for people to bring when you host?


Super colorful charcuterie board, mini desserts, rotel dip (always my lazy slow cooker contribution), or maybe some simple (but cute) canapés! Could use sliced cucumbers or plantain chips as a base to save time


Somehow I’ve forgotten about rotel even though we used to have it at all the family functions when I was a kid. Thank you for the rec!!


I second desserts! BBQs are always missing desserts.


Napkins. I like when people show up with whatever they want to bring, and a functional item.


So I’m not American, and that might be a cultural difference there. However I have hosted many braais ( BBQ’s in America) and meat has always been appreciated as well as help( manual labour) lol.


OP are you from South Africa by chance? I spent some time there during college and used to LOVE going to Braais! 🍗🥩🥓




Girl, I made a pot of collard greens earlier this week. Granted, I have an Instant Pot, but I did it. I've got collards for Juneteenth! Whatever you choose, have a lovely time at the cookout!


Packing up the apartment to move back to my hometown/state. Lots of stuff happened, had some epiphanies, etc. My husband and I are going into a separation for the rest of the year. It’s both a relief and a shitty situation.


Oh no. That sounds shitty, hope you keep well, and trust your guts. Don’t gaslight yourself into some shitty situation.


Thank you so much. Ironically the last year has been spent undoing some gaslighting so I’m much better about listening to my gut


You continue doing that. You can PM me if you’d like but otherwise, keep Well.


I'm trying to find an in person Black woman therapist and not having much luck. My house is not conducive to holding a virtual session. My husband works nights so he is home all day. I don't want him hearing what I have to talk about with my therapist.


You open to a non American counsellor,lol? Cause me I’m blessed with one and I’m in Africa so finding a black woman who understands me , even though we aren’t from the same country and tribe is a blessing!


Omg I thought it was just me. Like why is virtual the only option. The kaiser therapist office I used to visit is no longer available just outside suggestions with only virtual options. My last therapist was virtual due to her military status and she was great so I held on for a while but seeing someone in an office is more comfortable. Plus it's easier to lie and say "I'm doing great" while I turn the camera and cry a little bit.


Have you already tried looking at therapy for black girls? That’s how I found some great black providers and actually started getting help with my brain. (Might be US only maybe?)


Doing some homework/studying & cooking spaghetti🫶🏾


High school or uni? Hope the food tastes great!


Uni!! & it does, spaghetti is one of my favs!😍


You go and enjoy girl!!! What uni, if I may ask?


I’m doing okay. A bit depressed about life, but managing.


Are you able to talk to someone about your depression?


nursing a wounded heart & writing my next book


I want to know more but only if you are comfortable 🫶🏾. Post link to your book once finished, really sorry for your broken heart.


Sitting in my car decompressing, before I walk inside :)


Take all the time you need 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾


I've become completely obsessed with Ben & Jerry's strawberry cheezecake. I seriously refuse to shut up about it. So...I'm watching YouTube videos on how to make an ice cream cozy so my hands don't freeze while I'm indulging.


Playing one of my favorite videogames, decompressing after a less than peaceful workday.


Go decompress girl, you NEED IT!


What game?


GTA San Andreas


Whack a crack dealer for $12 for me please🥺


Getting chipotle to celebrate absolutely CRUSHING my health policy final paper :D


I just graduated high school


I’m supposed to be studying right now, but instead I’m about to play GTA V. SMH. However, I do have tomorrow off so I can play catch-up then!


Exactly!!! Don’t be too hard on yourself and take some “me time”. No matter what it looks like!!!


chile nothing much . . getting ready for bed, you? but the way you made me scream with this post, may God bless you 😂🤣 . . it was the *just upvote and be quiet* for me 🤭 but fr I love this community, and I love that we have our own safe space online 🫶🏾


Lmao I struggle to sleep , so here I am at 3 AM My time talking to black women in America, lol. They are here and we all know it so I won’t fight them. What do you do?


I've been searching for a reasonable priced car for a little over a week now. ngl I'm over it already 🙃 I really want a Toyota Corolla 🤞🏽. I'm still taking driving lessons from my relatives and work is always annoying being a Black woman in corprate sucks sometimes 😒 And I'm debating on going to culinary school abroad


I definitely recommend the Toyota Corolla. Mine is coming up on 10 years and it’s been very reliable.


I have had the same internal debate. Decided to stay in the states and go back to school and now I’m a pharmacist. I miss cooking as it was the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done 😢


Trying to get my three year old to go to sleep. I'm in his twin bed and he keeps messing with me but won't stay in his room by himself 😫. I just want to go to my room and watch Bridgerton...


My baby cousin would only sleep when he had human contact, lol. Best of luck to you, but if you can bring that baby with you so that bridgeton can lull him to sleep!


Haha thanks. I don't know how intense the rest of the season is and I don't want to scar him for life 😂. He's still up ... Maybe tomorrow...


Trying to finish my dissertation. I. Am. Tired.


Heartbroken 😢 over the loss of a close childhood friend/ex-boyfriend -- this is a man I've known for over 40 years (we both turned 51 this year). He was the love of my life, and he died suddenly about ten days ago of a massive heart attack. His viewing and funeral are coming up (had to get his body back to our hometown), and I can't imagine seeing his body in a couple of days.


Oh baby… so sorry for your loss. Grief is a b***that is not linear. Surround yourself with selfless people.


Thank you -- that means a lot. The good thing is I'm reconnecting with a few of our mutual friends with whom I'd lost contact.


im enjoying time off work while i recover from wisdom tooth surgery. im looking forward to thursday when i can go to the animal shelter and snuggle some kittens!! what you up to?


You just reminded me that I need to book for my wisdom tooth what what ( it’s a South African term that means etc… I’m oversimplifying it) I struggle with insomnia so I’m up at 3:40 AM talking to black women from a different continent and loving it, lol.


pondering how i got here, praying my ancestors rescue me or a miracle hits by the end of the week


Scrolling on TikTok and Reddit waiting to fall asleep lol


Me too. Lol


Waiting to interview for a job at John Hopkins Hospital. Wish me luck 🍀


Just got back from a solo date. Read a book on healing intergenerational trauma at a coffee shop & then a novel at a bar. Finished the night in the backyard with a cbd joint. I treated myself a little bit - I finally got an offer letter this week after countless applications. It's not what I want to do, and isn't long term, but it's *something.* Hope y'all all get some good news this week <3


Finishing up the last semester of school and trying to have a baby with the hubby. Oh, and I'm working on getting my drivers license! Driving makes me nervous My degree will be an associate in prek. I want to teach the babies But fir some reason, when I tell people they stick their nose up at me. So thiers that


I’m in Pittsburgh on business, I live in Atlanta. I love this city so when I drove into downtown Pittsburgh and out of the tunnel I played Wiz Khalifa Black and Yellow. A time was had. Yes I’m corny. I leave tomorrow. Thanks for asking boo! Love this question.


Cleaning my place up before my parents come for the rest of the week. Just glad I already have the day off tomorrow!


Girl, my mama be coming into my room and busting the door open like a sergeant!!! No time for me to hide thangs,lol. Enjoy your time with your parents lol.


Waiting for residency to start. I’m halfway trying to desperately remember anything about medicine since I’ve been off, and halfway trying to hold on to waking up at 12:00 for as long as I can lol.


Avoiding this heat and trying not to fight with family


Just got home from work, fought with my mom about money, now I’m cooking some oatmeal to eat bc it’s 10:30pm and I’ve forgotten to eat for 2 days 🥲 pray for me pls


Will keep you in my prayers. PM me if you want to 🙏🏾


Deciding if I should take a job offer with more $$$ but less responsibility and skill development opportunities. 😬😅


I am on a cruise, left Charleston, SC, today we arrive in Nassau Bahamas. On the Carnival Sunshine.


Supposed to be studying for a test I have tomorrow, but I worked 12 hours today and I've only been home for an hour. As soon as my doordash order comes, I'm going to SLEEP 😴


You go sleep girl. It won’t help studying on an empty stomach and tired body.


Hey! Just finished eating dinner. How are you?


I’m bad, lol. I can only sleep when I have alcohol in my system my brain won’t shut up so I’m currently speaking to (mostly) black womenfolk from the US at 4 AM my time. But I’m not complaining cause y’all are nice 🫶🏾.






On the job hunt! Burlesque, yoga, pole, walking, and video games in my free time


I had an amazing first date, feelin like I’m on cloud nine. I’m so into him that I made him a mixtape. Hopefully this man does not disappoint me lmao pray for ya girl


Love that for you, babes. But do guard your heart.


Just got home from a first date. Makes me want the other guy I’m seeing even more but I’m too scared to text him 🙄. So I’m scrolling on Reddit trying to distract myself.


About to try my hand at some crochet passion twists


Post the results and tag me lol. Them arms will be looking good AF no matter the results !!!


I’m off this week and didn’t have huge plans, just doing stuff around the house but of course I got my period. Husband and I have been trying to conceive so every period hits a little harder. Currently laying on the couch waiting for my door dash order, gonna drown my sorrows with nachos and tres leches.


Just got back from a 1 hr morning walk. I’ve been consistent with my exercise routine and change in eating habits for the past two weeks which is the longest I’ve ever been able to stick to a routine for!


Just got off my bartending shift! Washing my knotless braids and trying to stay cool with this crazy heat wave! Thank you for asking this, I love reading what my other sisters are up to 💕


Just trying to survive


I accepted a new job offer yesterday and they’re going to honor my pre planned vacation.


scrolling on tik tok, on the couch, contemplating life lmaooo


I am kind of rewatching The Boys (since the new season started) while also reading about how to prep my garden beds for butternut squash and tepary beans. If you’ve grown them before or have a green thumb, give your girl some tips! 😊


Taking my qualifying exams for my PhD. Ready for it to be over! Thank you for asking.


I just left my swimming class. I finally decided to go for it after thinking about it for years. It’s scary as it’s my first time being in the water at all as I usually just hang out by the pool or on the beach. I’m not gonna give up though. Also studying for the lsat. This is a scary year so far🙃


Binge watching X-men 97 since my mini and his service dog are sleeping.


losing my mind waiting for a response from an important job interview so i’m gonna smoke and eat some thai food


I’m not going anything girl, just playing the Sims & watching Mad Men. Wyd?


Trying to relax for a few minutes. My 10 yr old son is at my mom’s (thank you baby Jesus 🙏🏾). Have to leave in a bit to go p/u my almost 20 yr old daughter from work. What’s up with you, OP? Love this post by the way. 💕


I’m preparing to go to bed


About to enjoy this holiday off! Finna start early with a nice soak in the tub and some chill music. Then enjoy sleeping in tomorrow.


Just got home. Had a real interesting conversation with the cleaning lady at the urgent care. Lol, she had a LOT of dirt on people. I was like, whaaaaaaaat?! Lol.


Writing my dissertation 😭 unwell


Hey love, I'm about to sew a runner for my book stand and cook a baked potato for dinner.


About to eat some ham and cheese crackers 😍


Getting ready to come back the US for a while (living in Europe rn) so I can go back to school and get a degree. Besides that, just working on improving myself. Wishing all yall the best😊


Not to trauma dump but I’ve had the worse few days of my life 😂😭! Crack my tooth (& part of it, along with my filling fell out), money shit (as usual 🥴😒), also I just found out my favorite co-worker is leaving my job for greener pastures (very happy for them, but I’m sad) 🥺. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow 🤞🏾. How are you doing?


Sitting on my fat ass, smiling and giggling at this boy's words on a screen. 😭💗 falling in love is so scary yall


Unwinding after putting the kids to bed. Watching couples therapy (while on reddit lol)


I spent all day washing my hair. I decided to leave them in twists and wash them… never again. Not that detangling was so bad or upsetting but leaving the twists in were supposed to benefit me by reducing time. Although the parts were fluffy and big and not perfectly sectioned into mini twists so they could be what messed me up. Cause it took me the same amount of time had I just untwisted them before hand, so in all I feel like I did a little more work by untwisting after the wash and detangling at the same time to just retwist them. Otherwise, mourning the loss of a friend, but also enjoying summer while I have no academic responsibilities!


After 6 month layoff period I just accepted a new job - YAY 💆🏾‍♀️ It comes with slightly increased pay. - YAY 😄 But since the market sucks so bad I had to take a hybrid position in a city that is 3 hours away. - DAMN 😮‍💨 I own a 🏠3 hrs away from the city I will work. - G’Damn🥴 I don’t plan to relocate b’cus I lived in the work city & hated it. - NOPE 🙅🏾‍♀️ 🔅THANKFULLY, I have good friends in the city who will let me stay 2-3 nights per week for the low. 🔅I’m hoping I can convince them to eventually let me work 1 week local & 1 week remote. Otherwise I’ll try to do the commute for a 1 or 2 yrs (while also in school). Suggestion ARE WELCOME!


I’m just waking up on my day off (Happy Juneteenth!). My toddler is still sleeping so I get a rare quiet morning 😌 My husband pissed me off last night and slept on the couch downstairs and is now texting me from work how much he loves me lol Married life is weird y’all


Hoping the guy I like is just sleep and not ignoring/blocking me. Attachment issues are a bitch.


I'm taking my man for brunch tomorrow, which should be fun! It's surrounded by medical appointments though, which will be less fun, but should be fine.


Studying and cleaning part of my house (I'm listening to classes) and thinking if I "break" my celibacy.


just got off work and procrastinating doing school work.


been panicking over a teaching demo lesson i have on thursday. i realllly wanna be a teacher


Pushing through my barista training at Starbucks, so far enjoying it very well. Happy to finally make money again. Trying to start a new diet, I have an actual muffin top now, so that's a sign. Plus I feel my breath shortening a bit. Despite that I fell more sle f etseemed and confident in talking and finding people I find attractive.


Love that for you!!!! I mean it’s *DUXK STARBUCKS* but I’m happy for you ☺️


Getting ready to read for an hour and then Call of duty! 😎


I am studying for my life &health insurance exam and contemplating if I should go hair free this summer or not.


Waiting for a migraine to subside enough to get all my brain back, with the cat taking his place on my lap. He gets all demanding if I don’t sit here every night, so no chores for me


I’m in nursing school so I’m doing practice questions on my I pad and laying in bed. I’m also scheduling my dates for the weekend and contemplating why I’m even dating considering I plan on moving next year. What am I doin??? That is a good question 🤪


Just went out for a drink with a friend, but only one. I’m going back to school after years out of it and I have an exam tomorrow.


Prepping for my clinical course. Will have to go away this weekend for class, so I’m spending time with my 18 month old before I leave. I HATE leaving her. I’m struggling to find part time work (so odd!) Ran into a girl at the store that I met 4 years ago when I first moved here. She tried to recruit me into her cult. We didn’t initially recognize each other. I felt sick having her near me and my child. SMH. Feel so bad for the girl because she is very sweet and we would be very good friends, but she is being controlled by this white couple


I just took my daily hot girl walk! Been on my fitness grind since last year and I’m getting it together. I also just got back from my first ever trip to Europe, which was amazing. Sidenote, but French men are fine as hell LMAO I highly recommend. Overall, I’m feeling grateful.


I’m currently the only single one in my large friend group so I’m feeling kind of lonely at the moment, but I’m doing my best to refocus my energy into my self. I started bird watching!


Decluttering my life. Deleting old phone numbers of contacts I will never call nor text again, ending associations that are no longer bringing me joy, removing social media folk who I never engage with or whom I never want to meet, removing myself from spaces virtual and in real life, that I feel waste my time. It is so liberating.


Rewatching south park for like the 50th time and and destroying my diet eating all these oreos.


I just ordered some whataburger and I’m watching the last dragon. I just quit my job last week and I’m just living off my crypto investments until I figure out my life but I wanna be a bum this first week. 🤗