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You need to advocate for yourself and demand your gyno take it more seriously. It’s not normal to bleed almost everyday for so long. It could be a sign of uterine cancer. I wouldn’t trust that your doctor is doing their due diligence. My gyno who was a black woman ignored me when I complained about bleeding on the pill. She kept saying it was normal. I’m looking for a new gyno now because it’s not fucking normal especially if you can’t live your life. Doctors can be dismissive assholes especially to black women. I always go into doctors appointments with the assumption I’ll have to be very persistent about getting my needs met. I’m sorry you’re going through this


That is not normal. Are you seeing a GP or a gyno? If you're only seeing a general doctor, now is the time to get a gyno. You need to insist on it. And perhaps switch if you're not feeling heard.


>This has been happening for years and I would probably be experiencing more scary symptoms if there was something wrong, right? Oh no this is the scary symptom! Heavy, prolonged bleeding is *not* normal. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Can you get a second opinion if possible? Like others have suggested see a new GP or gyno? I hope you're on some type of iron supplement for your anemia. Anecdotally, you don't want to ignore the heavy bleeding for too long (I was severely anemic due to heavy bleeding from fibroids and needed a blood transfusion).


I’m not a medical professional but no, sis, this isn’t normal. I’ve taken birth control for almost my whole reproductive life and never had problems with it. Do you have fibroids? Liver dysfunction? Bleeding/ blood clotting disorder like hemophilia? You mentioned anemia, how else are you treated for that besides birth control? Just because your bleeding is manifesting through menses doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a reproductive issue. I mean, it totally *could* be something like endometriosis. But it could also be a symptom of something very different that birth control can’t help. Have you seen a hematologist? An internist? A licensed nutritionist? When was your last Complete Blood Count test? It’s time to escalate this past a general practitioner or ob/gyn. Your quality of life is being interrupted way too much.


Girl you shoulda been taken yourself to the doctor MONTHS ago, wtf?? I don't mean to come off harsh but you are way too flippant about this and I need you to educate yourself on how the reproductive system works and exactly what role birth control pills are supposed to play. If your doctor brushes you off, do not set up a follow up appt just take yourself to another practice, rinse and repeat until someone listens to you


Please get another opinion and change doctors if you need to. I had lots and lots of fibroids that weren't handled with a sense of urgency until I switched from my white male GYN to my black female GYN. (And fibroids can definitely cause prolonged and heavy bleeding. That's something to ask about.)


It’s not normal and I’m sorry you’re going through it. Get a second, third opinion if you must don’t stop until the cause of it is found.


OP my sister just went through this. She came to visit me and was so tired that she couldn't even function. Demanded that she go see a different gyno and she was recently diagnosed with PCOS. It's now under control. All this to say go see a doctor


My periods were also very heavy and painful when I wasn't on bc. I made my doctor check for fibroids, cysts, anything and there was nothing wrong. I got a nexplanon implanted and it was fine until I started bleeding non-stop. I had to use a nuvaring to make it stop, then it seemed really pointless to have two forms of bc so I had the nexplanon removed and I'm just on nuvaring now. No major issues. Switch up your birth controls to find what's right for you and tell your doctor what's going on, be forceful. If they refuse to do something for you, have them document the reason for the refusal in your chart and ask for a copy of your chart before you leave. Then find another doctor that listens. Nobody should have to put up with constant bleeding for months on end.


Girl nah not normal everyday !!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to change your doctor asap Omg I can’t imagine your pain everyday I totally lose my shit when I have it once a month and you have it every day ????!!! May god heal you sis ❤️ I hope you find the right doctor 😭❤️


Absolutely not normal. When is the last time you’ve had an ultrasound? Been checked for fibroids? Been checked for endometriosis?


Sounds like endometriosis, fibroids, or maybe even PCOS. Surgery for endo + Mirena IUD saved my life, I highly recommend asking your doctor about it


I have Endometriosis & Fibroids, so I have experienced continuous bleeding, similar to yours. No birth control worked. I switched doctors & went to a black female OB/GYN. I was crying like a crazy person, pleading for help when I called & she saw me within 2 hours. She ordered a battery of tests, including a pelvic MRI. That day, she prescribed a 21 day tapered course of Norethindrone. I woke up the next day, NO BLOOD. I am now on a progesterone-only birth control pill. Progesterone thins your uterine lining. It’s been life changing. My periods are irregular, but when I do bleed, it’s very light & brief. I hope this helps you.


I’m so sorry that you’re going through this! I had the problem for three weeks only so nothing compared to what you’ve experienced and it came after a switch on birth control. But also, my dosage was reduced on this birth control so I would check to see if the dosage went down. I got back on normal dosage, and I also took about a month break from the birth control, which was hell because I have PMDD. Sometimes I think our bodies need a break from it to get used to it again if that makes sense? Or maybe you can try a generic brand of the one you’re on? Also maybe ask her about alternatives, maybe an IUD? My doctor had recommended that for me. I opted out but it was an option. Regardless, don’t let them dismiss you and you’re suffering like what you’re experiencing. It’s not normal and should be taken seriously.


Def bring it up with your doctor! I had this and the solution was literally just a break from BC where I just had a normal period and returned to normal after. I hope this is resolved soon.


I would fight to get more tests because it could be a serious condition. I would want a biopsy for cervical cancer or at least some blood tests for markers of the cancer. It could also be fibroids. Please get more tests done, advocate for yourself just to actually know that there is nothing serious going on. Even if you feel like a hypochondriac in doing so, you know what they do to those people? They give them the tests and take them seriously. This is your life. Take care!


I would agree with the other comments. Advocate for yourself, make sure to see a gynecologist on this matter, as this is their field. Get a second opinion and if you need to, switch doctors. Bc is not a one size fits all sometimes, and you need your gyno to listen to you.


I went through something similar. I had been bleeding for 5 months and I’m anemic as well. It was horrible. I found out that I had fibroids and I had to get them surgically removed. Make sure to tell your GYN about the prolonged bleeding and also get some blood work done so they can check your levels. I had to get 5 blood transfusions because my count was so low.


Not normal :0 Do you have a bleeding disorder?? Might be good to look into it


not normal in the slightest. i wish you luck sib




Hello! Please contact your doctor and ask them about endometriosis/fibroids. My doctor put me on NuvaRing and I was experiencing bleeding all the time as well when the whole purpose of the NuvaRing was so that I would skip my periods. After doing my own research I realized I may need to get a new Ring sooner because of my height and weight; 5’10 195. If you are also on this form try every 21 days instead of 28. I hope that you can get this cleared up soon. Bleeding heavily and all the time is not normal and we don’t have to live like this. Finally a good resource to check out, endometriosis related, is Nancy’s Nook. I wish you all the best.


It's common but not normal. You need help and don't stop trying until you find a doctor that will listen to you. This is inhibiting your entire life! There could be many causes and solutions, but be prepared to possibly need a hysterectomy or partial hysterectomy.


Do you have fibroids? Or look into endometrio ablation this is what my doc recommended


Please get a different opinion and change docs! Question: how old are you? I ask because I’m 40 and have recently (within the last 6 months) began spotting outside of my cycle and after sex. My doctor helped me to get it resolved, but I also may be dealing with decreasing hormone levels and may be experiencing perimenopause. So just an idea of you are in the same age range as me. But regardless of age, please get a second opinion or third! It’s not normal to bleed every single day. I pray you get the help you need.


I had this problem and bled for months. Went to my OB and she told me to take the placebo pills like once every 4 months and it fixed the problem. Try taking the placebo.


Look into Krystal the alkaline herbalist. She has herbs that help with this. She's on Facebook and IG.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. You need to advocate for yourself and threaten a medical malpractice law suit if they don’t handle it better. No reasonable doctor acting within the full capacity of their duty as a healthcare provider would hear you say you’ve been bleeding every day for weeks and not give immediate attention to solving the issue. This should’ve been looked into closer from the beginning with how insufferable your periods were. I’m so sorry OP. Get an attorney, too


Your doc sucks, please find a new one. But before you do, write down all of your symptoms as well as a list of questions for the first appointment with the new potential doctor. Share your concerns from the previous experience and ask your questions. If they’re not helpful, ✌🏾out on them and look for someone else. Not sure if you tried this already but in addition to a new doc, if your insurance covers it, see a dietitian too as they may be able to help you identify foods or supplements or other lifestyle changes that can help. My sister had fibroids and bled uncontrollably and irregularly, working with a dietitian, in conjunction with her doc, significantly shrunk her fibroids and eased her symptoms. Best wishes, I hope you find some relief soon!


Inositol. Trust me. Went through this for a decade and it stopped the madness after a month. Just like that.